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ANNES WEDNESDAY 17th JULY Dear parents/carers, To consolidate our Beside the Seaside learning theme Year 2 will be visiting Lytham St. Annes on Wednesday 17th July 2013. We will be leaving school at 9.15am and returning at approximately 2.00pm. The children will need a packed lunch for the day, of which everything must be disposable. If any parents would like to come along as a helper, please inform a member of staff at the door at home time. (Any parent helpers must have a current CRB Certificate issued through our school). Please return the consent slip below with the full payment amount of 6.00 no later than FRIDAY 12th JULY. (cheques payable to Walton le Dale Primary School. A further letter will be sent home with additional details closer to the date. Many thanks Mrs. Noblett, Mrs. Southgate & Mrs. Sheard. . Childss name Class I confirm my child will be taking part in the Yr 2 trip to Lytham St. Annes on the 17 th July. I confirm there have been no changes to the Medical/Consent form completed earlier this year. I enclose 6.00 Signed..parent/carer

For OFFICE USE ONLY Childs Name .Class .. Received the sum of 6.00 (for Lytham St Annes Trip) with thanks..

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