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Jessa Maureen M. Carolino 2012-59026 PI 100 1. Do a film sequence treatment of Rizal.

Who/What Where Jose Rizal, Spanish friars, Spain, Philippines Father Gomez, Father Burgos, Father Zamora

Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Spanish Friars, Crisostomo Ibarra

Spain, Philippines

Propagandists, Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. Del Pilar,

Madrid, Spain

Scene Description - Rizal wrote his two novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. - The Spanish friars threatened the Filipinos about Hell. - The three martyr priests, Father Gomez, Burgos and Zamora, was punished and killed by the Spaniards. - Rizal and Del Pilar discussed Rizals novels and how the Spaniards would react to it. - Rizals novels were printed and given to the Spaniards and the Filipinos. - The Spanish Friars were angry about the novels and burned all copies. - Rizal was arrested by the Spaniards, and a scene where Ibarra was also being arrested was shown. - The Filipino propagandists in Spain had a meeting about electing a group leader. - Rizal and Del Pilar had a confrontation on whether to publicize their newspaper, La Solidaridad. Rizal was with it while Del Pilar was against it. - Rizal decided to go back to the Philippines and build a new group of Filipinos who are willing to express their feelings about the cruelty of

Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Josephine Bracken, GovernorGeneral Blanco, Filipino Farmers

Manila, Philippines

Jose Rizal, Spanish Friars, Governor-General Polavieja, Officer Taviel


Jose Rizal, Paciano, Leonor Rivera

Spain, Philippines

Jose Rizal, Officer Taviel, Simon


the Spaniards. - Jose Rizal formed a new group, La Liga Filipina. - Rizal met Bonifacio in the formation of La Liga. - Before Rizal was captured and thrown to Dapitan, he met Josephine Bracken and fell in love with her. - In Rizals cell in Dapitan, he was confronted by GovernorGeneral Blanco. Blanco told him to behave and he might be spared by the Spaniards. Rizal did not listen and decided to stay locked-up in Dapitan. - A scene from Rizals novel, Noli Me Tangere, was shown where farmers were forced out of their homes and killed by Spaniards. - The Spanish friars appointed Polavieja as the new Governor-General after Blanco failed to convince Rizal to stop publishing his novels and newspapers. - Taviel visited Rizal in his cell and talked about Christmas and their family. - Rizal reminisced the moments he was in Spain when he read his brother Pacianos letter. - Paciano told Rizal about the Spaniards forcing them out of their homes in Calamba. - Rizal also received a letter from his past lover, Leonor Rivera, about her arranged marriage with an American. - Taviel confronted Rizal about how Ibarra changed into a

Jose Rizal, Officer Taviel, Josephine Bracken, Spanish Jury


Jose Rizal, Rizals family


Jose Rizal, Simon


Jose Rizal, Officer Taviel, Josephine Bracken, Rizals family, Spaniards


fearless and dangerous character who is Simon. He reminded Rizal that he is slowly becoming Simon which he should not become. - A scene from El Filibusterismo where a bomb in a house filled with Spaniards failed to explode and Simon was killed was shown. - A trial was set for Rizals case. Josephine Bracken attended, along with her mother. Officer Taviel defends him and tells the jury that Rizal isnt against Spain, but just wanted to have reformation. - Rizal defended himself in front of the jury and told them he wanted the Filipinos to have a good education. - Rizal and Taviel received a letter about Rizals execution. - Rizals family visited him. In this last meeting with his family, he gave them his last wishes and assurance that he will be alright. - Rizal met Simon. Simon tells him to change the story and that he should spare him in his novel El Filibusterismo. - Simon convinced Rizal that the bomb should explode and that the Spaniards cruelty must end. - Rizal wrote again for the last time and changed Simons fate. - Rizal walked to his death. His family prayed for him. Josephine Bracken attended

Andres Bonifacio, Katipuneros, Paciano


Rizals execution. - Rizal: It is done! - Rizal was shot dead but his head was spared as his last wish. - After Rizals death, Bonifacio and his Katipuneros started a revolution to continue Rizals dream of freedom for the Filipinos.

2. Did the movie inspire you? Why or why not? It inspired me to become a better Filipino. Rizals life was full of love and sacrifice for his country. He offered his life for his countrymen, which every Filipino should do as well. We must respect our heroes and our country, for a lot of our early Filipino brothers and sisters offered their life for our freedom today. Though a movie full of failure, sadness, loneliness and cruelty may not be very inspirational if you think about it, but Rizals life is an exception for it was love that was stretched all throughout the movie. 3. If you were given a chance to revise the script, give a one page suggestion or revision of the movie, Rizal. If I was given a chance to revise the movie, I would decide to start the movie from when Rizal was a child. This part of his life was when he started to show great intellect; writing poems and short stories for his siblings and classmates. I would also want to show Rizals life whe n he was in school, so that the audience would know why Rizal wanted reformation for the Filipinos. It was a bit difficult to catch-up when the movie kept on jumping from one event to another, and it was harder when a scene from the past was added between two scenes from the present. It would have been better if the movie was made in the correct sequence of Rizals life, starting from his childhood until his execution. It would have affected the audience more, and they would understand Rizals mission as well. And since it is Rizals life, it would be better to include stories from his love life, especially his relationship with Leonor Rivera because she had a great influence in Rizals life.

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