Program C#

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using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.

Data; namespace Console_App { public class clsLinearSearch { public static void Main() { try { int[] SearchArray = new int[200]; Console.WriteLine("Program for sequential Search"); Console.WriteLine("Enter number of elements of searching array?"); int NumberCount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter integer searching array elements \n"); for (int i = 0; i < NumberCount; i++) { SearchArray[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } Console.WriteLine("Enter element to search:\n"); int NumbertoSearch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < NumberCount; i++) { if (SearchArray[i] == NumbertoSearch) { Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Congratulations: Element {0} found at location {1}\n", NumbertoSearch, i + 1); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } Console.WriteLine("Sorry: Search unsuccessful"); } catch (Exception ex) { //handle exception here } Console.ReadLine(); } } }

using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Data; namespace Console_App { public class clsLinearSearch { public static void Main() { try { int[] SearchArray = new int[200]; Console.WriteLine("Program for Linear Search"); Console.WriteLine("Enter number of elements of searching array?"); int NumberCount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter integer searching array elements \n"); for (int i = 0; i < NumberCount; i++) { SearchArray[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } Console.WriteLine("Enter element to search:\n"); int NumbertoSearch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < NumberCount; i++) { if (SearchArray[i] == NumbertoSearch) { Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Congratulations: Element {0} found at location {1}\n", NumbertoSearch, i + 1); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } Console.WriteLine("Sorry: Search unsuccessful"); } catch (Exception ex) { //handle exception here } Console.ReadLine(); } } }

using using using using

System; System.Collections.Generic; System.Linq; System.Text; namespace forgetCode { class Program { public static void Main() { int[] a = new int[100]; Console.WriteLine("Number of elements in the array ?"); string s = Console.ReadLine(); int x = Int32.Parse(s); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" Enter array elements "); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------"); for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { string s1 = Console.ReadLine(); a[i] = Int32.Parse(s1); } Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Enter Search element"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); string s3 = Console.ReadLine(); int x2 = Int32.Parse(s3); int low = 0; int high = x - 1; while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) / 2; if (x2 < a[mid]) high = mid - 1; else if (x2 > a[mid]) low = mid + 1; else if (x2 == a[mid]) { Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); Console.WriteLine("Search successful"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); Console.WriteLine("Element {0} found at location {1}\n", x2, mid + } } return;


} Console.WriteLine("Search unsuccessful"); } }

using using using using

System; System.Collections.Generic; System.Linq; System.Text;

namespace forgetCode { class Program { public static void Main() { int[] a = new int[100]; Console.WriteLine("Number of elements in the array ?"); string s = Console.ReadLine(); int x = Int32.Parse(s); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" Enter array elements "); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------"); for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { string s1 = Console.ReadLine(); a[i] = Int32.Parse(s1); } for ( int i = 0; i < x - 1; i++) { for ( int j = i + 1; j < x; j++) { if (a[i] > a[j]) { int temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; } } } Console.WriteLine("The sorted List is:"); for ( int i = 0; i < x; i++) Console.WriteLine("{0} \t", a[i]); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Enter Search element"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); string s3 = Console.ReadLine(); int x2 = Int32.Parse(s3); int low = 0; int high = x - 1; while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) / 2; if (x2 < a[mid]) high = mid - 1; else if (x2 > a[mid]) low = mid + 1;

} } }

} Console.WriteLine("Search unsuccessful");

else if (x2 == a[mid]) { Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); Console.WriteLine("Search successful"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); Console.WriteLine("Element {0} found at location {1}\n", x2, mid + 1); return; }

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