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iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


por Greg Towsley
nte los requerimientos organizacionales de
disminuir costos en la operacin para manten-
er mejor los presupuestos, minimizar los tiempos
muertos de los equipos es cada vez ms impor-
tante. Uno de los aspectos de la operacin libre de
problemas es la alineacin del equipo rotativo.
Todos los equipos con motor y que son impulsados,
deben tener la alineacin completa. No debera ser
una prctica estndar alinear solamente las bom-
bas de alta velocidad o de alta energa. TODAS las
bombas deben ser consideradas para la alineacin.
Para brindar un panorama general sobre la alin-
eacin, la discusin de este artculo aplica princi-
palmente para las bombas centrfugas horizon-
tales que estn operando en un servicio general y
manejadas por un motor separado a travs de un
acoplamiento fexible en una placa base comn.
Muchos de los trminos y tcnicas descritos se
pueden usar para otros tipos de bombas y equipos
rotativos, pero las instrucciones de instalacin y
operacin se deben seguir como lo indica el fabri-
La intencin es que este artculo se use slo como
manual. Antes de alinear cualquier equipo en servi-
cio, se deben llevar a cabo un amplio entrenamien-
to y prcticas.
La falta de alineacin, o un error en la alineacin,
es una condicin donde las lneas centrales girato-
rias de dos o ms ejes de maquinaria no estn en
lnea entre s. Esto no es fcil de detectar cuando
la maquinaria est en funcionamiento. El equipo
giratorio se alinea siguiendo una serie de pasos
detallados de pocas tcnicas de alineacin.
Se puede decir que el objetivo de la alineacin es
posicionar el equipo de modo que cualquier desvia-
cin de las lneas centro est por debajo de los crite-
rios requeridos o especifcados. Ms an, el objetivo
es minimizar los tiempos muertos y maximizar la
vida operativa del equipo rotativo.
Una mala alineacin en el equipo rotativo puede
tener muchas afectaciones sobre el equipo y sobre
todo el sistema. Como se puede ver en la Figura 1, a
mayor falta de alineacin, mayor ser la reduccin
del tiempo que el equipo puede trabajar de manera
continua sin fallar; a menor falta de alineacin,
habr ms tiempo entre fallas debidas a los efectos
de la falta de alineacin.
Algunas de las afectaciones de una mala alineacin
La vida del buje de la bomba y el motor se pueden
reducir por una desalineacin que provoca altas
temperaturas o fuga de aceite.
Aunque los fabricantes de acoplamientos fexi-
bles anuncian que su diseo puede compensar la
desalineacin, los sellos mecnicos pueden fallar
debido a que alineacin no se encuentra dentro
de las recomendaciones del fabricante de sellos.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


ShaII Iailure or breakage can occur iI Ihe equip-
menI is grossly misaligned.
Lxcessive misalignmenI can cause Ihe mosI
durable and besI-designed couplings Io wear
quickly or even Iail. Damage Io a coupling
inserI can be seen in %GESPC.
OIher componenIs wiIh inIernal clearances
wiIhin Ihe pump, such as impellers, wear rings,
and casings can wear premaIurely.
MisalignmenI may cause Ihe pump and driver
Io operaIe wiIh excessive or unusual noise.
vibraIion may also be observed due Io mis-
alignmenI. Rowever, Ihe vibraIion daIa musI
be careIully analyzed beIore Ihe blame is puI
on misalignmenI. MisalignmenI may sIill be
presenI buI noI seen in Ihe vibraIion daIa iI
Iorces oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI are acIing in
Ihe same direcIion Io dynamically balance Ihe
uniI during operaIion.
Some Iailures IhaI are iniIially aIIribuIed Io
physical seIup misalignmenI may acIually be
caused by oIher mechanical dehciencies. 8enI
shaIIs going unnoIiced can cause Ihe equipmenI
Io be misaligned.
Dehciencies in Ihe coupling componenIs, such
as a disIorIed hub, an eccenIric hub bore, or
an ouI-oI-square hub bore may also cause Ihe
equipmenI Io be misaligned. lI Ihe equipmenI is
noI aligned wiIh Ihe consideraIion oI Iempera-
Iure change, Ihe equipmenI may "grow" during
operaIion and become misaligned.
AlIhough Ihe equipmenI is Iypically aligned or
Ihe alignmenI is checked aI Ihe IacIory prior Io
shipmenI, proper hnal alignmenI is Ihe responsi-
biliIy oI Ihe insIaller and user oI Ihe uniI. 1hose
wiIh hnal responsibiliIy cannoI allow Ihe exible
coupling Io compensaIe Ior misalignmenI.
1he insIalling Iechnician or conIracIor should be
made aware oI and undersIand Ihe specihcaIion
and Ihe alignmenI goals beIore beginning Ihe
work. ln addiIion Io undersIanding Ihe align-
menI goals, Ihe insIallaIion insIrucIions Ior Ihe
pump, driver, and coupling should be reviewed.
La fecha puede romperse o fallar cuando la falta de
alineacin se aprecia a simple vista.
La falta de alineacin excesiva puede provocar que
los acoplamientos ms fexibles y mejor diseados
se desgasten o fallen rpidamente. En la Figura 2
se puede observar el dao en un inserto de aco-
Otros componentes con holguras internas dentro
de la bomba, como los impulsores, anillos de des-
gaste y carcasas pueden sufrir desgaste prematuro.
La falta de alineacin puede provocar que la bomba
y el motor operen con ruido excesivo o inusual.
La vibracin tambin puede observarse debido a
una mala alineacin. Sin embargo, los datos de
vibracin deben ser analizados cuidadosamente
antes de culpar a la falta de alineacin. La desali-
neacin puede estar presente pero no verse en los
datos de vibracin si alguna fuerza del equipo ro-
tatorio acta en la misma direccin para balancear
dinmicamente la unidad durante la operacin.
Algunas fallas que inicialmente se atribuyen a desa-
lineacin fsica realmente pueden ser causadas por
otras defciencias mecnicas. Flechas curvas inad-
vertidas pueden causar la desalineacin del equipo.
Otras causas de desalineacin en el equipo pueden
ser algunas defciencias en los componentes de
acoplamiento, como por ejemplo un ncleo distor-
sionado o un orifcio excntrico del ncleo o fuera de
escuadra del ncleo pueden provocar desalineacin
del equipo. Si el equipo es alineado sin considerar los
cambios de temperatura, el equipo puede crecer
durante la operacin y quedar desalineado.
Aunque el equipo tpicamente se alinea o la aline-
acin se verifca en la fbrica antes del envo, la aline-
acin correcta fnal es responsabilidad del instalador
y del usuario de la unidad. Los que tienen la respon-
sabilidad fnal no pueden permitir el acoplamiento
fexible para compensar la falta de alineacin.
El tcnico instalador o contratista deben conocer y
entender la especifcacin y los objetivos de aline-
acin antes de iniciar el trabajo. Adems de entender
los objetivos de la alineacin, tambin se deben re-
visar las instrucciones de instalacin para la bomba,
el motor y el acoplamiento.
Si la alineacin es realizada por contratistas con-
tratados, debe haber una clusula en su contrato que
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


lI using hired conIracIors Ior alignmenI, a clause
in Iheir conIracI may be considered IhaI requires
Ihem Io provide iniIial alignmenI daIa, soII IooI
condiIions, correcIions made Io Ihe equipmenI,
runouI oI Ihe equipmenI shaIIs, hnal alignmenI
daIa, and any moves made on equipmenI.
1he equipmenI user musI esIablish a specihca-
Iion Ior accepIable alignmenI IhaI will provide a
guideline Ior Ihose insIalling roIaIing equipmenI.
A charI, similar Io IhaI shown in %GESPC, can be
developed Io provide alignmenI guidelines.
1he specihcaIion musI include a dependable
and repeaIable process IhaI will insure a reli-
able insIallaIion. 1he alignmenI Iolerance IhaI
is included in Ihe specihcaIion should consider
Ihe shaII operaIing speed, shaII lengIh, and Ihe
severiIy oI Ihe insIalled service.
lncluded wiIhin Ihe procedure should be inIor-
maIion on documenIaIion. 1his documenIaIion
should include, aI a minimum, alignmenI Iorms
and diagrams oI Ihe beIore and aIIer alignmenI
daIa. 1his inIormaIion should be hled wiIh Ihe
equipmenI hle Ior IuIure reIerence.
An imporIanI parI oI alignmenI is having Ihe
proper Iraining and Ihe proper Iools. No maI-
Ier whaI meIhod oI alignmenI is used, Ihe dial
indicaIors and lasers do noI do Ihe alignmenI -
human beings do Ihe alignmenI.
WiIh proper exIensive Iraining and pracIice, and
Ihe correcI Iools Ior Ihe |ob, equipmenI align-
menI can Iake less Ihan 60 minuIes. 8ecause
oI Ihe criIicaliIy oI alignmenI Io roIaIing equip-
menI, an organizaIion should noI skimp on cosIs
oI Ihe necessary Iools and Iraining.
1here are a Iew basic Ierms used in alignmenI
IhaI should be reviewed. 1he specihc Ierms dis-
cussed in Ihis secIion are imporIanI Io a success-
Iul insIallaIion.
VeIccidad de kctacin {rpm}







requiera que proporcionen datos iniciales de la alin-
eacin, condiciones de base desnivelada (pata coja),
correcciones realizadas al equipo, error de excentri-
cidad o descentramiento de las fechas del equipo,
datos de alineacin fnal y cualquier movimiento
hecho al equipo.
El usuario del equipo debe establecer especifca-
ciones para una alineacin aceptable que propor-
cione guas para los instaladores del equipo rotativo.
Se puede desarrollar una grfca, como la mostrada
en la Figura 3, que brinde pautas para la alineacin.
La especifcacin debe incluir un proceso confable
y repetible que asegure una instalacin confable.
La tolerancia de alineacin incluida en las especif-
caciones debe considerar la velocidad de operacin
de la fecha, su longitud y la severidad del servicio
En el procedimiento debe incluirse informacin y
documentacin. Esta documentacin, por lo menos
debe incluir formas de alineacin y diagramas de
los datos de antes y despus de la alineacin. Esta
informacin debe archivarse con la informacin del
equipo para referencia futura.
Una parte importante del alineamiento es tener el
entrenamiento adecuado y las herramientas ap-
ropiadas. Sin importar el mtodo de alineamiento
usado, los relojes indicadores y los lser no hacen la
alineacin, sta es realizada por seres humanos.
La alineacin de equipo se puede efectuar en menos
de 60 minutos, con amplia experiencia y prctica,
adems de las herramientas correctas para esta
labor. Por la importancia de la alineacin para el
equipo rotatorio, una organizacin no debe esca-
timar en costos para el entrenamiento y las herra-
mientas necesarias.
Existen algunos trminos bsicos usados para
alineacin que deben ser revisados. Los trminos es-
pecfcos discutidos en esta seccin son importantes
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Angular misalignmenI is Ihe Ierm used when
Iwo shaII cenIerlines are aI an angle Io each
oIher, as shown in %GESPC. Angular misalign-
menI can occur in Ihe horizonIal or verIical plane
oI Ihe shaIIs. A Iypical ob|ecIive is Io obIain
angular misalignmenI Io less Ihan 1.
When Ihe equipmenI shaII cenIerlines are paral-
%GESPC, iI is called parallel misalignmenI. 1his
Iype oI misalignmenI can also occur in Ihe hori-
zonIal or verIical plane.
lI is imporIanI Io noIe IhaI equipmenI shaIIs can
have angular and parallel misalignmenI simulIa-
neously. 8oIh musI be considered Ior a successIul
80l1 80UND
1he Ierm "bolI bound" is used Io describe a con-
diIion IhaI occurs during Ihe alignmenI process,
where Ihe driver or pump cannoI be moved any
IurIher. 1he besI meIhod Io resolve Ihis problem
is Io hll-weld Ihe exisIing bolI hole, redrill in Ihe
proper locaIion, and reIap. 1his problem can also
be resolved by removing Ihe problem equipmenI
and increasing Ihe diameIer oI Ihe mounIing
holes in Ihe IeeI.
Shim sIock or precuI shims are used Io raise
Ihe driver during Ihe alignmenI process. 1he
proper shimming oI Ihe driver should occur only
aIIer Ihe insIallaIion oI Ihe baseplaIe has been
hnalized and Ihe connecIion oI Ihe piping Io Ihe
pump is compleIed.
1ypical oI Ihe baseplaIe manuIacIurers, a mini-
mum oI 0.12S" shim under Ihe driver IeeI will
allow Ior proper alignmenI. AlIhough a mini-
mum is recommended, iI musI be noIed IhaI Ioo
many shims may make Ihe insIallaIion "springy".
A sIack oI Ihe same size oI shims, as shown in
%GESPC, should have hve or Iewer shims oI Ihe
same size. 1he precuI shims should be sized Io hI
Ihe bolI oI Ihe equipmenI IeeI. 1he sIack should
also have Ihe Ihinner pieces oI shim sandwiched
beIween Ihe Ihicker pieces.
1he use oI homemade carbon sIeel shim is noI
recommended. ln addiIion Io Ihe possibiliIy oI
rusIing, Ihe cuI carbon sIeel may have inconsis-
Iency in iIs Ihickness, Ihereby causing a soII IooI.
PrecuI shim oI 304 SIainless SIeel maIerial is
available. 1hese precuI shims usually have Ihe
Ihickness measured and Ihe exacI Ihickness is
eIched on Ihe shim. AlIhough Ihe Ihickness may
be marked on Ihe shim, Ihe Ihickness should be
double checked beIore insIallaIion.
para una instalacin exitosa.
Desalineacin angular es el trmino usado cuando
dos lneas centro de un eje estn en ngulo una
respecto a la otra, como se muestra en la Figura 4.
La desalineacin angular puede ocurrir en el plano
horizontal o vertical de los ejes. Un objetivo tpico
es obtener una desalineacin angular menor a 1.
Cuando las lneas centro de la fecha del equipo
son paralelas, pero estn desfasadas una de la otra,
como se muestra en la Figura 5, se llama desalin-
eacin paralela. Este tipo de desalineacin tambin
ocurren en el plano horizontal o vertical.
Es importante observar que los ejes del equipo
pueden tener desalineacin angular y paralela de
manera simultnea. Ambas deben considerarse
para una instalacin exitosa.
El trmino perno amarrado se usa para describir
una condicin que ocurre durante el proceso de
alineacin, donde el motor o la bomba no pueden
moverse ms. El mejor mtodo para resolver este
problema es llenar con soldadura el orifcio exis-
tente del perno, volver a perforar en la ubicacin
adecuada y volver a roscar. Este problema tambin
se puede resolver eliminando el equipo con prob-
lema e incrementando el dimetro de los orifcios
de montaje en los pies de apoyo.
Se usan cuas de stock o precortadas para levantar
el motor durante el proceso de alineacin. El acu-
ado correcto del motor deber ocurrir solamente
despus de haber terminado la instalacin de la
placa base y la conexin de la tubera de la bomba.
Tpico de los fabricantes de placas base, una cua
mnima de 0.125 bajo los pies del motor permitir
una alineacin apropiada. Aunque se recomienda
un mnimo, se debe observar que muchas cuas
pueden quitar la rigidez de la instalacin. Una pila
de cuas del mismo tamao, como se muestra en la
Figura 6, debe tener cinco o menos cuas. Las cuas
precortadas deben tener el tamao para ajustarse
al perno de los pies de apoyo del equipo. La pila
tambin debe tener las piezas ms delgadas de
cua colocadas entre las piezas ms gruesas.
No se recomienda el uso de cuas caseras de acero
al carbono. Adems de la posibilidad de oxidacin,
el corte del acero al carbn puede tener espesor
inconsistente por lo que podra presentarse una
base desnivelada.
Cuas precortadas de Acero Inoxidable 304 se
encuentran disponibles. Estas cuas precortadas
tienen el espesor medido y el espesor exacto est
grabado en la cua. Aunque el espesor est marca-
do en la cua, ste se debe revisar dos veces antes
Angular misalignmenI is Ihe Ierm used when
Iwo shaII cenIerlines are aI an angle Io each
oIher, as shown in %GESPC. Angular misalign-
menI can occur in Ihe horizonIal or verIical plane
oI Ihe shaIIs. A Iypical ob|ecIive is Io obIain
angular misalignmenI Io less Ihan 1.
When Ihe equipmenI shaII cenIerlines are paral-
%GESPC, iI is called parallel misalignmenI. 1his
Iype oI misalignmenI can also occur in Ihe hori-
zonIal or verIical plane.
lI is imporIanI Io noIe IhaI equipmenI shaIIs can
have angular and parallel misalignmenI simulIa-
neously. 8oIh musI be considered Ior a successIul
80l1 80UND
1he Ierm "bolI bound" is used Io describe a con-
diIion IhaI occurs during Ihe alignmenI process,
where Ihe driver or pump cannoI be moved any
IurIher. 1he besI meIhod Io resolve Ihis problem
is Io hll-weld Ihe exisIing bolI hole, redrill in Ihe
proper locaIion, and reIap. 1his problem can also
be resolved by removing Ihe problem equipmenI
and increasing Ihe diameIer oI Ihe mounIing
holes in Ihe IeeI.
Shim sIock or precuI shims are used Io raise
Ihe driver during Ihe alignmenI process. 1he
proper shimming oI Ihe driver should occur only
aIIer Ihe insIallaIion oI Ihe baseplaIe has been
hnalized and Ihe connecIion oI Ihe piping Io Ihe
pump is compleIed.
1ypical oI Ihe baseplaIe manuIacIurers, a mini-
mum oI 0.12S" shim under Ihe driver IeeI will
allow Ior proper alignmenI. AlIhough a mini-
mum is recommended, iI musI be noIed IhaI Ioo
many shims may make Ihe insIallaIion "springy".
A sIack oI Ihe same size oI shims, as shown in
%GESPC, should have hve or Iewer shims oI Ihe
same size. 1he precuI shims should be sized Io hI
Ihe bolI oI Ihe equipmenI IeeI. 1he sIack should
also have Ihe Ihinner pieces oI shim sandwiched
beIween Ihe Ihicker pieces.
1he use oI homemade carbon sIeel shim is noI
recommended. ln addiIion Io Ihe possibiliIy oI
rusIing, Ihe cuI carbon sIeel may have inconsis-
Iency in iIs Ihickness, Ihereby causing a soII IooI.
PrecuI shim oI 304 SIainless SIeel maIerial is
available. 1hese precuI shims usually have Ihe
Ihickness measured and Ihe exacI Ihickness is
eIched on Ihe shim. AlIhough Ihe Ihickness may
be marked on Ihe shim, Ihe Ihickness should be
double checked beIore insIallaIion.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


1hese precuIs shims may come in a convenienI
box IhaI conIains many sizes, as seen in %GESPC
. 8esides 304 sIainless sIeel, precuI shim is also
available in Mylar Ior pumps IhaI are in chlorine
or hydrochloric acid services.
lor proper use and insIallaIion oI Ihe shim, Ihe
mounIing pad and Ihe equipmenI IeeI musI
have a smooIh surIace, Iree oI burrs, and milled
aI. 1he shim is inserIed unIil conIacI is made
wiIh Ihe bolI, and Ihen moved back away Irom
bolI Io insure proper clearance.
S0f1 f001
SoII IooI is a condiIion IhaI occurs when one or
more equipmenI IeeI are noI hrmly on Ihe sole-
plaIe or baseplaIe. WiIh a soII IooI condiIion, Ihe
equipmenI will have a Iendency Io move during
operaIion. SoII IooI should be correcIed beIore
hnal alignmenI and operaIion.
lI is imporIanI Io idenIiIy Ihe Iype oI soII IooI con-
diIion IhaI is presenI. 1he meIhod Io correcI Ihe
soII IooI depends upon Ihe cause oI Ihe soII IooI.
Using Ihe wrong meIhod Io correcI Ihe soII IooI
may inIensiIy Ihe problem and make iI worse.
SoII IooI can iniIially be Iound using Ieeler
gauges. Prior Io IighIening Ihe equipmenI IeeI
down or shimming, Ieeler gauges should be used
Io measure Ihe gap under each corner oI Ihe
same IooI. 1he readings aI each locaIion under
each IooI will provide inIormaIion abouI Ihe Iype
oI soII IooI condiIion.
ParaIIeI Air Cap cr Shcrt fcct
1he mosI common soII IooI condiIion is a paral-
lel air gap, or shorI IooI. 1his condiIion is idenIi-
hed when Ihere is an equal gap aI all Iour corners
oI a IooI. A shorI IooI can occur when one leg oI
Ihe driver is Ioo shorI, when Ihe IooI mounIing
pad is noI in Ihe same plane as Ihe oIher(s), or
Ihe IooI has an inadequaIe amounI oI shim un-
der iI. lI Ihe alignmenI process has been sIarIed,
and an accuraIe or consisIenI alignmenI cannoI
be obIained, iI is likely IhaI Ihere is a soII IooI
condiIion presenI.
1o check Ior Ihe parallel air gap, seI up Ihe dial
indicaIor on a IooI and loosen mounIing bolI. lI
Ihe IooI moves more Ihan 0.002", or Ihe soII IooI
sIandard dehned by Ihe user, Ihe IooI is consid-
ered soII and needs Io be correcIed. 1his should
be done Ior all IeeI and documenIed.
1he Iollowing example is Iypical Ior correcIing
parallel air gap or shorI IooI. %GESPC shows a
view oI a moIor wiIh various parallel air gap
measuremenIs aI each IooI. lI should be as-
sumed IhaI Ihe gap shown is Ihe same under
each corner oI Ihe IooI.
de la instalacin.
Estas cuas precortadas vienen en una caja que
contiene muchos tamaos, como se observa en la
Figura 7. Adems del acero inoxidable 304, la cua
tambin se encuentra disponible en Mylar para
bombas en servicio con cloro o cido clorhdrico.
Para el uso e instalacin adecuada de la cua, la
base de montaje y los pies de apoyo del equipo,
deben tener un superfcie suave y caras planas sin
partculas. Se inserta la cua hasta que entre en
contacto con el perno, luego se mueve hacia atrs,
alejndose del perno para asegurar una separacin
La base desnivelada es cuando uno o ms pies de
apoyo del equipo no estn frmemente asentados
en la placa de asiento o placa base. Con una base
desnivelada, el equipo tender a moverse durante
la operacin. Se debe corregir esta condicin antes
de la alineacin fnal y la operacin.
Existen distintos tipos de base desnivelada. Es
importante distinguir qu tipo est presente. El m-
todo para corregir una base desnivelada depende
de su causa. Usar el mtodo equivocado para cor-
regirla puede intensifcar el problema y empeorarlo.
La base desnivelada se puede encontrar usando
un calibrador de espesores. Antes de apretar hacia
abajo los pies de apoyo del equipo o de acuar, se
debe usar el calibrador de espesores para medir el
espacio bajo cada esquina del mismo pie. Las lec-
turas de cada pie nos darn informacin acerca del
tipo de condicin de base desnivelada.
Espacio Paralelo de Aire o Pata Corta
La condicin ms comn de base desnivelada es un
espacio paralelo de aire o pata corta. Esta condicin
se identifca cuando existe un espacio igual en las
cuatro esquinas de un pie. Una pata corta puede
ocurrir cuando una pata del motor es muy corta,
cuando la base de montaje del pie no est en el
mismo plano que las dems o cuando el pie tiene
una cantidad incorrecta de cuas. Si el proceso de
alineacin se ha iniciado y no se puede obtener una
alineacin consistente o precisa, es probable que
est presente una condicin de base desnivelada.
Para revisar el espacio paralelo de aire, coloque
el indicador de reloj en un pie y afoje el perno de
montaje. Si el pie se mueve ms de 0.002, o del es-
tndar de base desnivelada defnido por el usuario,
se considera base desnivelada y necesita corregirse.
Esto se debe hacer en todos los pies y documen-
El siguiente ejemplo es tpico para corregir el espa-
cio paralelo de aire o pata corta. La Figura 8 muestra
una vista de un motor con diferentes mediciones
de los espacio paralelos de aire en cada pie. Se debe
1hese precuIs shims may come in a convenienI
box IhaI conIains many sizes, as seen in %GESPC
. 8esides 304 sIainless sIeel, precuI shim is also
available in Mylar Ior pumps IhaI are in chlorine
or hydrochloric acid services.
lor proper use and insIallaIion oI Ihe shim, Ihe
mounIing pad and Ihe equipmenI IeeI musI
have a smooIh surIace, Iree oI burrs, and milled
aI. 1he shim is inserIed unIil conIacI is made
wiIh Ihe bolI, and Ihen moved back away Irom
bolI Io insure proper clearance.
S0f1 f001
SoII IooI is a condiIion IhaI occurs when one or
more equipmenI IeeI are noI hrmly on Ihe sole-
plaIe or baseplaIe. WiIh a soII IooI condiIion, Ihe
equipmenI will have a Iendency Io move during
operaIion. SoII IooI should be correcIed beIore
hnal alignmenI and operaIion.
lI is imporIanI Io idenIiIy Ihe Iype oI soII IooI con-
diIion IhaI is presenI. 1he meIhod Io correcI Ihe
soII IooI depends upon Ihe cause oI Ihe soII IooI.
Using Ihe wrong meIhod Io correcI Ihe soII IooI
may inIensiIy Ihe problem and make iI worse.
SoII IooI can iniIially be Iound using Ieeler
gauges. Prior Io IighIening Ihe equipmenI IeeI
down or shimming, Ieeler gauges should be used
Io measure Ihe gap under each corner oI Ihe
same IooI. 1he readings aI each locaIion under
each IooI will provide inIormaIion abouI Ihe Iype
oI soII IooI condiIion.
ParaIIeI Air Cap cr Shcrt fcct
1he mosI common soII IooI condiIion is a paral-
lel air gap, or shorI IooI. 1his condiIion is idenIi-
hed when Ihere is an equal gap aI all Iour corners
oI a IooI. A shorI IooI can occur when one leg oI
Ihe driver is Ioo shorI, when Ihe IooI mounIing
pad is noI in Ihe same plane as Ihe oIher(s), or
Ihe IooI has an inadequaIe amounI oI shim un-
der iI. lI Ihe alignmenI process has been sIarIed,
and an accuraIe or consisIenI alignmenI cannoI
be obIained, iI is likely IhaI Ihere is a soII IooI
condiIion presenI.
1o check Ior Ihe parallel air gap, seI up Ihe dial
indicaIor on a IooI and loosen mounIing bolI. lI
Ihe IooI moves more Ihan 0.002", or Ihe soII IooI
sIandard dehned by Ihe user, Ihe IooI is consid-
ered soII and needs Io be correcIed. 1his should
be done Ior all IeeI and documenIed.
1he Iollowing example is Iypical Ior correcIing
parallel air gap or shorI IooI. %GESPC shows a
view oI a moIor wiIh various parallel air gap
measuremenIs aI each IooI. lI should be as-
sumed IhaI Ihe gap shown is Ihe same under
each corner oI Ihe IooI.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


%GESP? kelcj lnJiroJcr rcn
0ispcsitivc que se 5ujeto o un lje
1o calculaIe Ihe amounI oI shim Io add Io com-
pensaIe Ior Ihe shorI IooI, Ihe sum oI Ihe smaller
gap values are subIracIed Irom Ihe sum oI Ihe
larger gap values.
1his amounI is divided by Iwo. Use 80 oI Ihe
quoIienI as Ihe amounI oI shim IhaI should be
added under each IooI Io remove Ihe parallel air
gap. 1he equaIion can be shown as.
Cua a agregar bajc Pie #1 y Pie #4
DlAl lNDlCA10kS
Dial indicaIors are used Io measure Ihe amounI
oI misalignmenI beIween Ihe equipmenI. A dial
indicaIor (liqure 9) can assisI in deIermining
alignmenI wiIhin 0.001". 1he dial indicaIors
come Irom Ihe manuIacIurer pre-calibraIed, and
musI be rechecked on a regular schedule.
ShaII alignmenI kiIs are available sIarIing aI ap-
proximaIely $600.00. 1hese kiIs will conIain Iwo
Shim, in Ihe amounI oI 0.014", should be added
under looI #1 and looI #4. kecheck by Iollowing
Ihe same procedures iniIially described.
8ent fcct
A benI IooI is a Iype oI soII IooI IhaI occurs when
Ihe boIIom oI IooI is noI coplanar, meaning IhaI
Ihe IooI slopes Irom one corner Io anoIher. 1he
besI way Io correcI benI IooI is Io remove Ihe
equipmenI and machine Ihe IooI, Ihe baseplaIe,
or possibly boIh.
lI Ihe correcIion musI be made in Ihe held, Ihen
Ihe shims used in alignmenI musI be sIepped Io
correcI Ihe slope. Depending upon Ihe size oI Ihe
IooI and Ihe amounI oI slope in Ihe benI IooI,
4-6 shims may be sIepped Io maIch Ihe slope oI
Ihe IooI. AddiIional modihcaIions Io shim may
have Io be made Ior Ihe proper slope.
lI rise oI IooI is Irom Ihe ouIside going in, all oI
Ihe equipmenI IeeI musI be machined coplanar.
1his Iype oI benI IooI cannoI be hxed in Ihe
held. Unless Ihe IeeI are machined, iI will always
deIorm when IighIened.
Squishy fcct
A squishy IooI occurs when dirI, grease, painI,
rusI, or oIher Ioreign maIerials are on Ihe shim,
Ihe base, or Ihe equipmenI IooI. 1he only soluIion
Io squishy IooI is Io clean Ihe parIs and maIerials.
+ esporic
} - {esporic
+ esporic
x 0.80
asumir que el espacio mostrado es el mismo bajo
cada esquina del pie.
Para calcular el tamao de la cua a agregar para
compensar la pata corta, la suma de los valores
ms pequeos de espacio se restan a la suma de los
valores ms grandes.
Esta cantidad se divide entre dos. Use el 80% del
cociente como la dimensin de cua que debe agre-
garse bajo cada pie para eliminar el espacio paralelo
de aire. La ecuacin queda as:
Se debe agregar una cua de 0.014 bajo el Pie #1
y el Pie#4. Vuelva a revisar siguiendo los mismos
procedimientos descritos inicialmente.
Base o Pie Doblado
Un pie inclinado es un tipo de base desnivelada
que ocurre cuando la base del pie no es coplanar,
es decir, el pie tiene un declive de una esquina a la
otra. La mejor manera de corregir un pie doblado es
retirar del equipo y la mquina el pie, la placa base o
posiblemente ambos.
Si la correccin debe hacerse en campo, entonces las
cuas usadas en la alineacin deben moverse para
corregir la inclinacin. Dependiendo del tamao del
pie y de la inclinacin del pie inclinado, se deben
colocar 4-6 cuas para igualar el declive del pie.
Pueden ser necesarias algunas modificaciones adi-
cionales para acuar adecuadamente la inclinacin.
Si la elevacin del pie es de afuera hacia adentro,
todos los pies de apoyo del equipo deben ser maqui-
nados en forma coplanar. Este tipo de pie inclinado
no puede fijarse en campo. A menos que se maquin-
en los pies de apoyo, siempre habr deformacin al
Base o Pie Fangoso
Un pie fangoso ocurre cuando en la cua, la base
o en el pie de apoyo del equipo hay grasa, pintura,
%GESP? kelcj lnJiroJcr rcn
0ispcsitivc que se 5ujeto o un lje
1o calculaIe Ihe amounI oI shim Io add Io com-
pensaIe Ior Ihe shorI IooI, Ihe sum oI Ihe smaller
gap values are subIracIed Irom Ihe sum oI Ihe
larger gap values.
1his amounI is divided by Iwo. Use 80 oI Ihe
quoIienI as Ihe amounI oI shim IhaI should be
added under each IooI Io remove Ihe parallel air
gap. 1he equaIion can be shown as.
Cua a agregar bajc Pie #1 y Pie #4
DlAl lNDlCA10kS
Dial indicaIors are used Io measure Ihe amounI
oI misalignmenI beIween Ihe equipmenI. A dial
indicaIor (liqure 9) can assisI in deIermining
alignmenI wiIhin 0.001". 1he dial indicaIors
come Irom Ihe manuIacIurer pre-calibraIed, and
musI be rechecked on a regular schedule.
ShaII alignmenI kiIs are available sIarIing aI ap-
proximaIely $600.00. 1hese kiIs will conIain Iwo
Shim, in Ihe amounI oI 0.014", should be added
under looI #1 and looI #4. kecheck by Iollowing
Ihe same procedures iniIially described.
8ent fcct
A benI IooI is a Iype oI soII IooI IhaI occurs when
Ihe boIIom oI IooI is noI coplanar, meaning IhaI
Ihe IooI slopes Irom one corner Io anoIher. 1he
besI way Io correcI benI IooI is Io remove Ihe
equipmenI and machine Ihe IooI, Ihe baseplaIe,
or possibly boIh.
lI Ihe correcIion musI be made in Ihe held, Ihen
Ihe shims used in alignmenI musI be sIepped Io
correcI Ihe slope. Depending upon Ihe size oI Ihe
IooI and Ihe amounI oI slope in Ihe benI IooI,
4-6 shims may be sIepped Io maIch Ihe slope oI
Ihe IooI. AddiIional modihcaIions Io shim may
have Io be made Ior Ihe proper slope.
lI rise oI IooI is Irom Ihe ouIside going in, all oI
Ihe equipmenI IeeI musI be machined coplanar.
1his Iype oI benI IooI cannoI be hxed in Ihe
held. Unless Ihe IeeI are machined, iI will always
deIorm when IighIened.
Squishy fcct
A squishy IooI occurs when dirI, grease, painI,
rusI, or oIher Ioreign maIerials are on Ihe shim,
Ihe base, or Ihe equipmenI IooI. 1he only soluIion
Io squishy IooI is Io clean Ihe parIs and maIerials.
+ esporic
} - {esporic
+ esporic
x 0.80
suciedad, xido u otros materiales extraos. La nica
solucin para el pie fangoso es limpiar las partes y
Los relojes indicadores se usan para medir la desa-
lineacin entre el equipo. Un reloj indicador (Figura
9) le ayuda a determinar la alineacin dentro de
0.001. Los relojes indicadores vienen precalibrados
del fabricante y deben volverse a revisar con un
programa regular.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


(2) alignment frames, roller chain, two (2) dial indi-
cator assemblies with swivel joints and mounting
rods, tubing of varying lengths, instruction manu-
als, alignment worksheets, and a sturdy carrying
case with handle. This type of kit will handle the
vast majority of shaft alignment situations.
When initially getting ready to use a dial indica-
tor, make sure that it works properly and can
travel the full range of the indicator.
Upon installation of the indicators and at the
beginning of the process, note the direction that
the indicator travels. The indicator should be
adjusted to start at zero (0.000).
The indicator needle traveling clockwise is
considered positive, while counterclockwise is
considered negative travel.
During the alignment process and a full 360
sweep, the summation of the left and right side
readings should equal the summation of the top
and bottom readings.
In addition, the indicators should have read the
same reading (0.000) when it reaches the origi-
nal position.
Bar sag is a deection that occurs in the over-
hung indicator bar due to the bars weight and
the weight of the indicator. Because of the preci-
sion that is required for alignment, the bar sag
must be compensated for.
To determine the amount of bar sag, mount the
indicator on a pipe in same approach, distance,
etc. as it will be mounted on equipment shaft.
Next, zero the indicator on top. Then roll the dial
indicator 180, so that it is located at the bottom.
Read the indicator.
During the alignment process, this bar sag
amount must be included in your alignment
calculations. Instead of zero on the top of the dial
indicator, dial in the positive value of the bar sag
reading. During the alignment process, the dial
indicator should read zero when rolled to bottom.
There are a number of diferent tasks to com-
plete and check prior to doing the actual align-
ment. The preparation for alignment can be as
important as the alignment itself. Approximately
85% of the time spent in aligning equipment is
with preliminary checks, repositioning the equip-
ment and post alignment documentation. The
alignment basics and preliminary checks apply to
all alignment methods.
To insure accuracy and speed of the alignment,
the equipment should be aligned three times.
The rst time should be during the installation
process (preliminary).
Next, the equipment should be nal aligned after
it is piped and before the start up of the equip-
ment. Finally, the alignment should be checked
when the equipment is hot, after running for a
Safety of personnel is important during any part
of the alignment process. The rst step is to
lock out and tag all driver controls and isolation
valves. Other safety regulations required at the
installation site must be followed.
As people are doing the alignment of the critical
equipment, it is imperative to make sure that
they have the proper training to complete preci-
sion alignment.
A properly trained technician in the fundamen-
tals of alignment will not only provide a quality
alignment, but also should do it in a timely fash-
ion, exceed the recommended standards, and do
it right the rst time.
The tools used in alignment are also important. If
using dial indicators to align, calibrated indica-
tors are required with the additional equipment
used to hold the indicators in place. Laser align-
ment kits are typically complete with all the
necessary alignment diagnostic equipment.
Los kits de alineacin de fecha se encuentran
disponibles a partir de $600.00 aprox. Estos kits con-
tienen dos (2) armazones para alineacin, cadena de
rodillos, dos (2) relojes indicadores con articulaciones
giratorias y varillas de montaje, tubera de diversas
longitudes, manuales instructivos, hojas de clculo
de alineacin y un resistente estuche con asa. Este
tipo de kit manejar la gran mayora de situaciones
para alinear la fecha.
Cuando inicialmente se est listo para usar un reloj
indicador, asegrese que funciona adecuadamente
y que puede desplazarse por el rango completo del
Em la instalacin de los indicadores y al inicio del
proceso, observe la direccin en que se desplaza el in-
dicador. El indicador se debe ajustar en cero (0.000).
El desplazamiento de la aguja del indicador hacia la
derecha se considera positivo, mientras que si lo hace
en contra de las manecillas del reloj, se considera
Durante el proceso de alineacin y un movimiento
completo de 360, la suma de las lecturas del lado
izquierdo y derecho deben igualar a la suma de las
lecturas de la parte superior e inferior.
Adems, los indicadores debern hacer la misma
lectura de (0.000) cuando se alcance la posicin
La fexin de barra es una desviacin que ocurre en
la varilla indicadora protuberante, por el peso de la
varilla y el peso del indicador. Debido a la precisin
requerida para la alineacin, la fexin de la barra o
varilla debe ser compensada.
Para determinar la fexin de la barra, monte el
indicador en un tubo en el mismo acercamiento, dis-
tancia, etc. que si estuviera montado en la fecha del
equipo. A continuacin, ponga en cero el indicador en
la parte superior. Luego gire 180 el reloj indicador, de
modo que quede ubicado en la parte inferior. Lea el
Durante el proceso de alineacin, este valor de fex-
in de la barra se debe incluir en los clculos para la
alineacin. En lugar de cero en la parte superior del
reloj indicador, marque el valor positivo de la lectura
de fexin de la barra. Durante el proceso de alinea-
cin, el reloj indicador debe mostrar cero cuando se
gire hacia abajo.
Antes de llevar a cabo la alineacin existen difer-
entes tareas y revisiones que se deben realizar. La
preparacin para la alineacin puede ser tan impor-
tante como la alineacin misma. Alrededor del 85%
del tiempo empleado en el equipo de alineacin
es con revisiones preliminares, reposicionando
el equipo y con la documentacin despus de la
alineacin. Los fundamentos de alineacin y la revi-
siones preliminares aplican para todos los mtodos
de alineacin.
Para asegurar precisin y velocidad en la alineacin,
el equipo se debe alinear tres veces. La primera vez
debe ser durante el proceso de instalacin (prelimi-
Despus, el equipo debe ser alineado luego de
poner la tubera y antes del arranque. Finalmente,
se debe revisar la alineacin cuando el equipo est
caliente, despus de un rato de estar funcionando.
Es importante la seguridad del personal durante
todo el proceso de alineacin. El primer paso es el
cierre y etiquetado de todos los controles del motor
y de las vlvulas de aislamiento. Tambin se deben
seguir otras regulaciones de seguridad requeridas
en el sitio de la instalacin.
Conforme la gente efecta la alineacin del equipo
crtico, es imperativo asegurarse que tienen el en-
trenamiento necesario para realizar una alineacin
Un tcnico entrenado adecuadamente en los
fundamentos de alineacin no slo lograr una
alineacin de calidad, sino que lo har oportuna-
mente, exceder los estndares recomendados y lo
har correctamente la primera vez.
Tambin son importantes las herramientas usadas
en la alineacin. Si se usan relojes indicadores para
alinear, se requiere que estos se encuentren cali-
brados adems de contar con el equipo adicional
usado para mantener en su sitio los indicadores.
Los kits de alineacin lser generalmente vienen
completos con todo el equipo necesario para el
diagnstico de la alineacin.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Las herramientas adicionales de alineacin incluyen
un borde recto, calibrador de espesores y un verifca-
dor cnico. Naturalmente que tambin se requieren
herramientas necesarias para afojar y apretar pernos,
limpiar partes y mover equipo.
Tambin se debe revisar la informacin acerca del
equipo antes de iniciar la alineacin. Esto incluye las
recomendaciones de los fabricantes, lo mismo que
informacin tcnica sobre el equipo que haya sido
tomada previamente.
Se deben hacer la revisiones preliminares del equipo,
incluyendo patas cojas, esfuerzos en la tubera y
condiciones del equipo para asegurar que estos fac-
tores no provocarn que el equipo quede desalineado.
Se deben tomar mediciones de las posiciones de la
fecha. Se debe revisar que no haya descentramiento
en el eje del motor ni en la fecha de la bomba. El
descentramiento de la fecha de la bomba no debe
exceder de 0.002 T.I.R (Lectura Total del Indicador).
La luz de los orifcios para pernos en los pies de apoyo
del equipo debe ser adecuada para permitir el movi-
miento en el mismo.
Los esfuerzos en las tuberas pueden tener tanto o
mayor afectacin que las patas cojas en la desalin-
eacin. Al instalar la tubera en un sistema, sta debe
empezar en las conexiones de la bomba y tenderse
alejndose de la bomba. Los esfuerzos en la tubera
en una bomba pueden evitar que esta ltima quede
bien alineada. Este problema se puede prevenir du-
rante la construccin original.
Se debe hacer una revisin preliminar de la alinea-
cin antes de poner el grout para asegurar que se
puede obtener la alineacin. Esto se puede hacer
durante la fabricacin o en el sitio de instalacin. Los
pies de apoyo del equipo no deben tener impurezas
ni rebabas u xido. Confrme que el motor se puede
ajustar bajndolo o movindolo de lado a lado. Esta
revisin se debe hacer con el equipo a temperatura
ambiente. Tambin debe desconectarse la bomba de
toda la tubera durante esta revisin preliminar de la
La bomba y el motor se deben instalar sobre una
buena placa base con un adecuado cimiento. La
alineacin fnal se debe terminar slo despus que el
grout haya secado durante la instalacin de la uni-
dad. Esto es para asegurar que no han ocurrido cam-
bios durante el proceso de la colocacin del grout.
Entonces deben instalarse la bomba y los ncleos
de acoplamiento del motor con el espacio adecuado
segn las instrucciones de instalacin del fabricante
del acoplamiento.
Cada fecha debe girar libremente con los ncleos insta-
lados en la fecha. Confrme que los dimetros exterior
y de la cara de los ncleos del acoplamiento embonan y
son concntricos con los orifcios del acoplamiento.
Los acoplamientos tipo separador se alinean con el
elemento separador eliminado del acoplamiento. Los
acoplamientos tipo engranaje se alinean con los mis-
mos mtodos de alineacin, excepto que las cubiertas
del acoplamiento deben moverse hacia atrs fuera del
alcance del trabajo de alineacin.
Se debe realizar una revisin preliminar de la med-
icin angular del espacio de acoplamiento con un cali-
brador de espesores, con un verifcador cnico u otra
herramienta. En lugar del calibrador de espesores, se
puede medir la distancia entre ncleos.
El espacio libre que se est confrmando se muestra
en la Figura 10. Para esta revisin preliminar, no gire
cada fecha. Se debe hacer la revisin a intervalos de
90 en cuatro lugares, generalmente a 0, 90, 180
y 270. Si es posible, ajuste la alineacin del equipo
hasta llegar a 0.002 T.I.R. o menos, en las cuatro
A continuacin, sigue la revisin preliminar de la alin-
eacin paralela. Se puede usar un borde recto para
revisar el descentramiento paralelo como se muestra
en la Figura 10. De nuevo, no gire cada flecha, y revise
la alineacin paralela en cuatro lugares a intervalos
de 90. Revise primero la alineacinen el eje horizon-
tal y luego en el eje vertical.
Durante la alineacin preliminar o fnal, siempre vuelva
a revisar la alineacin despus de cualquier cambio. El
movimiento en una direccin puede alterar la alin-
eacin y modifcaciones realizadas en la otra direccin.
El descentramiento paralelo se debe volver a revisar
si se hace cualquier ajuste a la alineacin angular. La
alineacin angular se debe volver a revisar despus de
realizar cualquier ajuste a la alineacin paralela.
Despus de terminar la alineacin preliminar, se
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Ihe shaII separaIion beIween Ihe equipmenI
is greaIer Ihan S0 oI Ihe ouIside diameIer in
which Ihe dial indicaIors conIacI Ihe coupling
hub rim. A summary oI each oI Ihese meIhods is
described below.
1he kim and lace alignmenI meIhod is Iypically
used when iI is noI possible Io roIaIe boIh shaIIs
or iI Ihere are space limiIaIions.
A disadvanIage oI Ihis meIhod is IhaI Ihe dial
indicaIors are running on Ihe surIace oI Ihe
coupling hub. 1he hub may have aws, such as
surIace deIecIs or eccenIriciIy IhaI may make
1he goal Ior kim and lace alignmenI is 0.002"
1.l. k. or less when Ihe pump and driver are aI
operaIing IemperaIure.
1he verIical piping sIress should be relieved nexI.
Make any modihcaIions Io relieve Ihe horizonIal
or verIical sIresses in sIages. 1he sIresses are only
parIially relieved Ihe hrsI Iime. AddiIional modi-
hcaIions should Iollow.
1he hnal alignmenI oI Ihe equipmenI is done
aIIer Ihe grouI is seI, Ihe piping is in place, and Ihe
baseplaIe bolIs IighIened Io Ihe IoundaIion.
AlIhough Ihe coupling insIallaIion insIrucIions may
allow Ior greaIer misalignmenI, Ihe alignmenI
should be wiIhin 0.004" in all direcIions, or as re-
quired by Ihe manuIacIurer or user specihcaIion.
MeIhods Ior hnal alignmenI include kim and
lace, keverse Dial lndicaIor, and Laser. 1he kim
and lace meIhod can be used wiIh Ihe simplesI
oI insIallaIions.
lI is recommended IhaI Ihe keverse Dial lndica-
Ior or Laser AlignmenI meIhods be used when
kevisin de AIineacin AnguIar
kevisin de AIineacin ParaIeIa
puede conectar la tubera, canalizacin, etc. Se debe
eliminar cualquier esfuerzo encontrado en las con-
exiones de la tubera. Primero se deben liberar las
tensiones horizontales de la tubera. Esto se logra
simplemente afojando todos los pernos en las bridas
de la bomba y buscar movimiento. Haga los ajustes a
la tubera y a los soportes conforme sea necesario.
A continuacin, se deben liberar los esfuerzos verti-
cales. Haga modifcaciones para liberar los esfuerzos
horizontales o verticales en etapas. La primera vez
los esfuerzos slo son parcialmente relevados, deben
seguir modifcaciones adicionales.
La alineacin fnal del equipo se realiza despus de
la colocacin del grout, ya que la tubera est en su
sitio y los pernos de la placa base estn apretados en
los cimientos.
Aunque la instrucciones de instalacin del acopla-
miento pueden permitir una desalineacin mayor, la
alineacin debe estar dentro del rango de 0.004 en
todas direcciones, o como lo requiera el fabricante o la
especifcacin del usuario.
Los mtodos para la alineacin fnal incluyen el de
Borde y Cara, Reloj Indicador Invertido y Lser. El
mtodo de Borde y Cara se puede usar con las instala-
ciones ms sencillas.
Se recomienda usar los mtodos de Reloj Indicador
Invertido o el Lser cuando la separacin de la fecha
entre el equipo sea mayor al 50% del dimetro exteri-
or en el que los indicadores Relojes Indicadores entren
en contacto con el borde del ncleo del acoplamiento.
A continuacin se describe un resumen de cada uno
de estos mtodos.
El mtodo de alineacin de Borde y Cara se usa tpica-
mente cuando no es posible girar ambas fechas o si
hay limitaciones de espacio.
Una desventaja de este mtodo es que los relojes
indicadores estn funcionando en la superfcie del
ncleo de acoplamiento. El ncleo puede tener im-
perfecciones, por ejemplo defectos en la superfcie o
excentricidad que hacen ms difcil la alineacin.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


%GESP? Arreqlc Jel lnJiroJcr Je 8crJe y Coro
ouIside diameIer (rim) oI Ihe driver coupling hub
and an angular reading aI Ihe coupling hub Iace,
and will use Ihese readings Io maIhemaIically or
graphically ad|usI Ihe driver Io Ihe required loca-
Iion Ior alignmenI.
liqure 11 provides a view oI Ihe seI up oI Ihe kim
and lace MeIhod. 1he indicaIor bar can also be
mounIed on Ihe pump shaII iI room allows.
liqure 12 shows Ihe dimensions and readings
IhaI are required Ior alignmenI using Ihe kim
and lace MeIhod. lollowing are dehniIions used
wiIh Ihe kim and lace MeIhod.
%GESP? MetcJc Je 8crJe y Coro - 0istriburin
AllCNMN1 GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 10
NcIee de
deI Meter
lndIcader de tuadrante - 8erde
deI NcIee de AcepIamIente
lndIcader de
tuadrante - tara deI
NcIee de AcepIamIente
NcIee de
de Ia 8emba
lectura 1ctaI deI lndicadcr {keIcj}
D = Dimetrc de Carrera deI keIcj lndicadcr en
Ia Cara deI NcIec de AccpIamientc
A = Dimensin HcrizcntaI deI keIcj
lndicadcr a Ia 8ase xtericr deI Mctcr
k = 7lk de 8erde deI NcIee
de AcepIamIente de Ia
f = 7lk de tara deI NcIee
de AcepIamIente de Ia 8emba
8ase lntericr deI Mctcr
deI Mctcr
8 = Dimensin HcrizcntaI deI keIcj
lndicadcr a Ia 8ase lntericr deI Mctcr
I mcvimientc izquierdc c derechc deI
mctcr se indica mirandc Ia
bcmbaJmctcr desde eI Iadc deI mctcr
El objetivo de la alineacinde Borde y Cara es 0.002
T.I.R. o menos cuando la bomba y el motor estn a la
temperatura de operacin.
Este mtodo obtendr una lectura de descentramiento
en el dimetro exterior (borde) de ncleo de aco-
plamiento del motor y una lectura angular en la cara
del ncleo de acoplamiento y usar estas lecturas para
ajustar el motor matemtica o grfcamente para la
ubicacin requerida para la alineacin.
La Figura 11 muestra una vista del arreglo del Mtodo de
Borde y Cara. La barra indicadora tambin puede mon-
tarse en la fecha de la bomba si el espacio lo permite.
La Figura 12 muestra las dimensiones y lecturas que se
requieren para la alineacin usando el Mtodo de Borde
y Cara. A continuacin se encuentran defniciones usa-
das con el Mtodo de Borde y Cara.
%GESP? Arreqlc Jel lnJiroJcr Je 8crJe y Coro
ouIside diameIer (rim) oI Ihe driver coupling hub
and an angular reading aI Ihe coupling hub Iace,
and will use Ihese readings Io maIhemaIically or
graphically ad|usI Ihe driver Io Ihe required loca-
Iion Ior alignmenI.
liqure 11 provides a view oI Ihe seI up oI Ihe kim
and lace MeIhod. 1he indicaIor bar can also be
mounIed on Ihe pump shaII iI room allows.
liqure 12 shows Ihe dimensions and readings
IhaI are required Ior alignmenI using Ihe kim
and lace MeIhod. lollowing are dehniIions used
wiIh Ihe kim and lace MeIhod.
%GESP? MetcJc Je 8crJe y Coro - 0istriburin
AllCNMN1 GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 10
NcIee de
deI Meter
lndIcader de tuadrante - 8erde
deI NcIee de AcepIamIente
lndIcader de
tuadrante - tara deI
NcIee de AcepIamIente
NcIee de
de Ia 8emba
lectura 1ctaI deI lndicadcr {keIcj}
D = Dimetrc de Carrera deI keIcj lndicadcr en
Ia Cara deI NcIec de AccpIamientc
A = Dimensin HcrizcntaI deI keIcj
lndicadcr a Ia 8ase xtericr deI Mctcr
k = 7lk de 8erde deI NcIee
de AcepIamIente de Ia
f = 7lk de tara deI NcIee
de AcepIamIente de Ia 8emba
8ase lntericr deI Mctcr
deI Mctcr
8 = Dimensin HcrizcntaI deI keIcj
lndicadcr a Ia 8ase lntericr deI Mctcr
I mcvimientc izquierdc c derechc deI
mctcr se indica mirandc Ia
bcmbaJmctcr desde eI Iadc deI mctcr
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


l x 8
MovimienIo l8 = - k
l x A
MovimienIo O8 = - k
l8 8ase inIerior (hacia la bomba) del moIor
08 8ase exIerior (en senIido opuesIo a la
bomba) del moIor
A DisIancia horizonIal desde el relo|
indicador a la lnea cenIro del perno
para la base exIerna del moIor
D DiameIro de carrera del relo| indicador
en la cara del ncleo de acoplamienIo
de la bomba
1lk LxcenIricidad 1oIal lndicada
f 1lk de la cara del ncleo del
acoplamienIo de la bomba
k 1lk del borde del ncleo de
acoplamienIo de la bomba
1wo Iormulas are used in deIermining Ihe
movemenI required oI Ihe driver. LquaIions 2
and 3 dehne Ihe ad|usImenIs needed Ior Ihe
inboard (l8) and ouIboard (O8) driver locaIions.
1hese Iormulas will be used Ior horizonIal
movemenI, using Ihe horizonIal dial indicaIor
readings, and Ior Ihe verIical movemenI, using
Ihe verIical dial indicaIor readings.
When considering horizonIal movemenI oI Ihe
driver, Ihe movemenI Io Ihe leII or righI is based
on Ihe view Irom behind Ihe driver, looking
Iowards Ihe pump.
lollowing is Ihe procedure Io align equipmenI
uIilizing Ihe kim and lace MeIhod.
1. LliminaIe SoII looI
a. DeIermine iI a soII IooI condiIion
is presenI. lollow Ihe procedures Io
remove Ihe soII IooI condiIion iI iI
2. Conhrm 8ar Sag
3. Align Driver Irom LeII Io kighI
a. SeI up Ihe dial indicaIors as shown in
b. kecord measuremenIs "A", "8" and "D"
as shown in %GESPC.
c. "Zero" Ihe rim and Ihe Iace dial
indicaIors Io 0.000" aI Ihe 9 o'clock
posiIion oI Ihe couplings, as viewed
Irom Ihe moIor end. keIerence Ihe dial
indicaIor diagram in %GESPC.
d. koIaIe Ihe indicaIors on Ihe driver
shaII 180 unIil Ihey are in Ihe 3 o'clock
i. NoIe Ihe direcIion oI Ihe movemenI
oI Ihe needles on Ihe indicaIors.
ii. Clockwise movemenI oI Ihe needle
is considered posiIive (+).
iii. CounIerclockwise movemenI oI Ihe
needle is considered (-).
e. DeIermine Ihe amounI oI horizonIal
movemenI oI Ihe l8 and O8 oI Ihe driver
i. Make ad|usImenIs Io Ihe readings
wiIh respecI Io Ihe 8ar Sag.
ii. UIilize $OS?RGML and $OS?RGML
Io deIermine Ihe amounI oI
AllCNMN1 GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 11
DisIancia horizonIal desde el relo|
indicador a la lnea de cenIro del perno
para la base inIerna del moIor
Se usan dos frmulas para determinar los movi-
mientos requeridos del motor. Las ecuaciones 2 y 3
defnen los ajustes necesarios para las ubicaciones
interna (IB) y externa (OB) del motor. Estas frmu-
las se usarn para movimiento horizontal, usando
las lecturas del reloj indicador horizontal, y para el
movimiento vertical, usando las lecturas del reloj
indicador vertical.
Al considerar el movimiento horizontal del motor,
el movimiento hacia la izquierda o derecha se basa
en la vista desde atrs del motor, viendo hacia la
A continuacin se detalla el procedimiento para
alinear equipos usando el Mtodo de Borde y Cara.
Eliminar las Bases Desniveladas 1.
a. Determinar si est presente la condicin de
base desnivelada. Siga los procedimientos
para eliminar la condicin de base desnive-
lada, si existe.
Confrmar Flexin de Barra 2.
Alinear el Motor de Izquierda a Derecha 3.
a. Montar los relojes indicadores como se
muestra en la Figura 11.
b. Registrar las mediciones A, B y D como
se muestra en la Figura 12.
c. Ajustar a Cero los relojes indicadores de
borde y cara en 0.000 en la posicin de las
9 horas de los acoplamientos, como se ve
desde el motor. Consulte el diagrama del
reloj indicador en la Figura 13.
d. Gire 180 los indicadores en el eje del mo-
tor hasta que estn en la posicin de las 3
i. Observe la direccin del movimiento de
las agujas en los indicadores.
ii. El movimiento de la aguja a favor de
las manecillas se considera positivo (+).
iii. El movimiento de la aguja en contra de
las manecillas se considera negativo (-).
e. Determine el movimiento IB y OB del mo-
tor en sentido horizontal.
i. Haga ajustes a las lecturas con respec-
to a la Flexin de Barra.
ii. Utilice la Ecuacin 2 y 3 para determi-
nar la cantidad de movimiento
iii. Un valor positivo (+) de IB
requiere que el motor se
l x 8
MovimienIo l8 = - k
l x A
MovimienIo O8 = - k
l8 8ase inIerior (hacia la bomba) del moIor
08 8ase exIerior (en senIido opuesIo a la
bomba) del moIor
A DisIancia horizonIal desde el relo|
indicador a la lnea cenIro del perno
para la base exIerna del moIor
D DiameIro de carrera del relo| indicador
en la cara del ncleo de acoplamienIo
de la bomba
1lk LxcenIricidad 1oIal lndicada
f 1lk de la cara del ncleo del
acoplamienIo de la bomba
k 1lk del borde del ncleo de
acoplamienIo de la bomba
1wo Iormulas are used in deIermining Ihe
movemenI required oI Ihe driver. LquaIions 2
and 3 dehne Ihe ad|usImenIs needed Ior Ihe
inboard (l8) and ouIboard (O8) driver locaIions.
1hese Iormulas will be used Ior horizonIal
movemenI, using Ihe horizonIal dial indicaIor
readings, and Ior Ihe verIical movemenI, using
Ihe verIical dial indicaIor readings.
When considering horizonIal movemenI oI Ihe
driver, Ihe movemenI Io Ihe leII or righI is based
on Ihe view Irom behind Ihe driver, looking
Iowards Ihe pump.
lollowing is Ihe procedure Io align equipmenI
uIilizing Ihe kim and lace MeIhod.
1. LliminaIe SoII looI
a. DeIermine iI a soII IooI condiIion
is presenI. lollow Ihe procedures Io
remove Ihe soII IooI condiIion iI iI
2. Conhrm 8ar Sag
3. Align Driver Irom LeII Io kighI
a. SeI up Ihe dial indicaIors as shown in
b. kecord measuremenIs "A", "8" and "D"
as shown in %GESPC.
c. "Zero" Ihe rim and Ihe Iace dial
indicaIors Io 0.000" aI Ihe 9 o'clock
posiIion oI Ihe couplings, as viewed
Irom Ihe moIor end. keIerence Ihe dial
indicaIor diagram in %GESPC.
d. koIaIe Ihe indicaIors on Ihe driver
shaII 180 unIil Ihey are in Ihe 3 o'clock
i. NoIe Ihe direcIion oI Ihe movemenI
oI Ihe needles on Ihe indicaIors.
ii. Clockwise movemenI oI Ihe needle
is considered posiIive (+).
iii. CounIerclockwise movemenI oI Ihe
needle is considered (-).
e. DeIermine Ihe amounI oI horizonIal
movemenI oI Ihe l8 and O8 oI Ihe driver
i. Make ad|usImenIs Io Ihe readings
wiIh respecI Io Ihe 8ar Sag.
ii. UIilize $OS?RGML and $OS?RGML
Io deIermine Ihe amounI oI
AllCNMN1 GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 11
DisIancia horizonIal desde el relo|
indicador a la lnea de cenIro del perno
para la base inIerna del moIor
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Mcvimientc HcrizcntaI
deI Mctcr
Pcsitivc {+} = lzquierda
Negativc {-} = Derecha A = 26
8 = I6
D = 4
Mcvimientc VerticaI
deI Mctcr
{Agregar c Quitar Cua}
Pcsitivc {+} = Agregar
Negativc {-} = Quitar
l8 = lntericr
08 = xtericr
AllCNMN1 GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | !2
lC1UkAS Dl 80kD
lzquierda Derecha
lectura1ctaI deI lndicadcr {keIcj}
D= Dimetrc de Carrera deI keIcj lndicadcr
en Ia Cara deI NcIec de AccpIamientc
A= Dimensin HcrizcntaI deI keIcj
lndicadcr a Ia 8ase xtericr deI Mctcr
k =7lk de 8erde deI NcIee
de AcepIamIente de Ia
f =7lk de tara deI NcIee
de AcepIamIente de Ia 8emba
8ase lntericr deI Mctcr
deI Mctcr
8 = Dimensin HcrizcntaI deI keIcj
lndicadcr a Ia 8ase lntericr deI Mctcr
I mcvimientc izquierdc c derechc deI
mctcr se indica mirandc Ia
bcmbaJmctcr desde eI Iadc deI mctcr
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iii. A positive (+) value of the IB

or OB
requires the driver to be
moved to the left, as looking toward
the pump from behind the driver.
iv. A negative (-) value of the IB

or OB
requires the driver to
be moved to the right, as looking
toward the pump from behind the
f. Make adjustments to the driver. Tighten
all motor bolts using a torque wrench.
The same torque on all mounting bolts
reduces the inuence of deformities in
the motor feet.
4. Align Driver Vertically
a. The dial indicators should still be set up
as shown in Figure 11.
b. Zero the rim and the face dial
indicators to 0.000 at the 12 oclock
position of the couplings, as viewed
from the motor end. Reference the dial
indicator diagram in Figure 13.
c. Rotate the indicators on the driver
shaft 180 until they are in the 6 oclock
i. Note the direction of the movement
of the needles on the indicators.
ii. Clockwise movement of the needle
is considered positive (+).
iii. Counterclockwise movement of the
needle is considered (-).
d. Determine the amount of vertical
movement of the IB and OB of the driver
i. Make adjustments to the readings
with respect to the Bar Sag.
ii. Utilize Equation 2 and Equation
3 to determine the amount of
iii. A positive (+) value of the IB

or OB
requires the driver to be
raised, utilizing additional shims as
iv. A negative (-) value of the IB

or OB
requires the driver
to be lowered, by removing the
unnecessary shims as required.
e. Make adjustments to the driver. Tighten
all motor bolts using a torque wrench.
The same torque on all mounting bolts
reduces the inuence of deformities in
the motor feet.
5. Recheck the horizontal alignment to insure
that all alignments are acceptable.
6. Document the nal readings on an
alignment form or data sheet, and le
The Reverse Dial Indicator method of alignment
is the most common type of alignment, and is
recommended for most all installations.
The reverse dial indicator method uses the
relative measurement of the centerlines of two
opposing shafts. This method acquires two
indicator readings across the coupling.
These readings are used to mathematically or
graphically assist in determining the required
adjustments and shimming for each foot of the
driver, or moveable unit.
Measurements will be taken in the horizontal
and vertical planes of the shafts. The indicators
will be set up in a similar fashion as shown in
Figure 14.
One indicator is mounted on each shaft and
mounted 180 opposite each other. When
reading the indicators, it is important to watch
the direction from zero that the needle travels.
Travel to the right, or greater than zero (0), is
considered positive (+). Travel of the needle to the
left, or less than zero, is considered negative(-).
As graphing is one method in determining the
alignment of the equipment in the Reverse
Dial Indicator method, it is important to have
consistency between the installation, pictures
and the graph paper.
mueva hacia la izquierda, viendo hacia
la bomba desde atrs del motor.
iv. Un valor negativo (-) de IB
u OB-
requiere que el motor se mueva
hacia la derecha, viendo hacia la bomba
desde atrs del motor.
f. Haga ajustes al motor. Apriete todos los
pernos del motor con una llave de torsin.
La misma torsin en todos los pernos de
montaje reduce la infuencia de deforma-
ciones en la base del motor.
Alinear Verticalmente el Motor 4.
a. Los relojes indicadores todava deben estar
montados como se muestra en la Figura 11.
b. Ajustar a Cero los relojes indicadores de
borde y cara en 0.000 en la posicin de las
12 hrs. de los acoplamientos, como se ve
desde el motor. Consulte el diagrama del
reloj indicador en la Figura 13.
c. Gire 180 los indicadores en el eje del motor
hasta que estn en la posicin de las 6 hrs.
i. Observe la direccin del movimiento de
las agujas en los indicadores.
ii. El movimiento de la aguja a favor de las
manecillas se considera positivo (+).
iii. El movimiento de la aguja en contra de
las manecillas se considera negativo (-).
d. Determine el movimiento IB y OB del motor
en sentido vertical.
i. Haga ajustes a las lecturas con respecto
a la Flexin de Barra.
ii. Utilice la Ecuacin 2 y 3 para determinar
la cantidad de movimiento
iii. Un valor positivo (+) de IB
u OB
requiere que el motor se eleve, utilizan-
do cuas adicionales, como se requiera.
iv. Un valor negativo (-) de IB
u OB
requiere bajar el motor, eliminando
las cuas innecesarias conforme se
e. Haga ajustes al motor. Apriete todos los
pernos del motor con una llave de torsin.
La misma torsin en todos los pernos de
montaje reduce la infuencia de deforma-
ciones en la base del motor.
Vuelva a revisar la alineacin horizontal para 5.
asegurar que son aceptables todas las alin-
Documente las lecturas fnales en una forma 6.
para la alineacin o en una hoja de datos y
archvela adecuadamente.
El mtodo de alineacin por Reloj Indicador es el
ms comn y se recomienda para casi todas las
El mtodo por reloj indicador invertido utiliza la
medicin relativa de las lneas centro de dos ejes
opuestos. Este mtodo obtiene dos lecturas del
indicador en el acoplamiento.
Estas lecturas se usan para ayudar a determinar
matemtica o grfcamente los ajustes y las cuas
necesarios para cada base de apoyo del motor o
unidad mvil.
Las mediciones se tomarn en los planos horizon-
tal y vertical de los ejes. Los indicadores se acomo-
darn como se indica en la Figura 14.
Un indicador se monta en cada eje opuestos entre
s 180. Al leer los indicadores, es importante
observar la direccin desde cero en la que viaja
la aguja.
Si viaja hacia la derecha, o mayor que cero (0), se
considera positivo (+). Si viaja hacia la izquierda, o
menor que cero, se considera negativo (-).
Como la graficacin es un mtodo para determi-
nar la alineacin del equipo en el mtodo de Reloj
Indicador, es importante la consistencia entre la
instalacin, fotos y el papel cuadriculado.
Para este artculo, la unidad mvil (motor) se con-
sidera que est al lado derecho de la instalacin,
fotos y papel cuadriculado.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


lor Ihis arIicle, Ihe moveable (driver) uniI
is considered Io be on Ihe righI side oI Ihe
insIallaIion, picIures and graph paper.
Plain graph paper can be used Ior ploIIing Ihe
inIormaIion. A worksheeI, as shown in +MKYVI,
|LecIura de Unidad LsIacionaria + LecIura de Unidad Mvilj
m(inclinacin por pulg.) =
Cambio en 8ase l8
= |m x (A + 8)j + (LecIura de Unidad LsIacionaria)
= |m x (A + 8 + C)j + (LecIura de Unidad Mvil)
can be seI up Io show Ihe insIallaIion and allow
Ior graphing Ihe soluIion.
1he slope meIhod is used Io deIermine Ihe
required ad|usImenI. 1he Ihree equaIions below
are used in Ihe calculaIions oI Ihe ad|usImenIs.
'$")()/ GkUNDlOS2#$/++-<
Cambio en 8ase O8
Se puede usar papel milimtrico sencillo para plas-
mar la informacin. Una hoja de trabajo, como se
muestra en la Figura 15, se puede poner para mostrar
la instalacin y calcular la solucin grfca.
Se usa el mtodo de pendiente o inclinacin para
determinar el ajuste necesario. Se usan las tres ecua-
ciones de abajo en el clculo de los ajustes.
lor Ihis arIicle, Ihe moveable (driver) uniI
is considered Io be on Ihe righI side oI Ihe
insIallaIion, picIures and graph paper.
Plain graph paper can be used Ior ploIIing Ihe
inIormaIion. A worksheeI, as shown in +MKYVI,
|LecIura de Unidad LsIacionaria + LecIura de Unidad Mvilj
m(inclinacin por pulg.) =
Cambio en 8ase l8
= |m x (A + 8)j + (LecIura de Unidad LsIacionaria)
= |m x (A + 8 + C)j + (LecIura de Unidad Mvil)
can be seI up Io show Ihe insIallaIion and allow
Ior graphing Ihe soluIion.
1he slope meIhod is used Io deIermine Ihe
required ad|usImenI. 1he Ihree equaIions below
are used in Ihe calculaIions oI Ihe ad|usImenIs.
'$")()/ GkUNDlOS2#$/++-<
Cambio en 8ase O8
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


kVkS DlAl lNDlCA10k AllCNMN1
lollowing is Ihe procedure Io align equipmenI
uIilizing Ihe keverse Dial lndicaIor MeIhod. NoIe
IhaI some sIeps are idenIical Io Ihe kim and lace
I. LliminaIe SoII looI
a. DeIermine iI a soII IooI condiIion is
presenI. lollow Ihe procedures Io remove
Ihe soII IooI condiIion iI iI exisIs.
2. Conhrm 8ar Sag
HcrizcntaI VerticaI - Si el cambio RorizonIal es negaIivo, mover a la lZQUlLkDA
lrenIe Mvil -0.00S 0.0II - Si el cambio RorizonIal es posiIivo, mover a la DLkLCRA
- Si el cambio verIical es negaIivo, QUl1Ak cuas
Lspalda Mvil -0.007 0.02S - Si el cambio verIical es posiIivo, AGkLGAk cuas
3. Align Driver Irom LeII Io kighI (horizonIal)
a. SeI up Ihe dial indicaIors as shown in
b. kecord measuremenIs "A", "8" and "C"
as shown in +MKYVI.
c. Using graph paper wiIh square grids,
uIilize Ihe widIh oI a square as I inch,
and locaIe Ihe dial indicaIor locaIions
and moveable IeeI on Ihe shaII line
AllCNMN1 GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | !5
UNl0A0 S7Atl0NAklA
UNl0A0 M0VlL
de Cuadrante
de Cuadrante
lor Ihis arIicle, Ihe moveable (driver) uniI
is considered Io be on Ihe righI side oI Ihe
insIallaIion, picIures and graph paper.
Plain graph paper can be used Ior ploIIing Ihe
inIormaIion. A worksheeI, as shown in +MKYVI,
|LecIura de Unidad LsIacionaria + LecIura de Unidad Mvilj
m(inclinacin por pulg.) =
Cambio en 8ase l8
= |m x (A + 8)j + (LecIura de Unidad LsIacionaria)
= |m x (A + 8 + C)j + (LecIura de Unidad Mvil)
can be seI up Io show Ihe insIallaIion and allow
Ior graphing Ihe soluIion.
1he slope meIhod is used Io deIermine Ihe
required ad|usImenI. 1he Ihree equaIions below
are used in Ihe calculaIions oI Ihe ad|usImenIs.
'$")()/ GkUNDlOS2#$/++-<
Cambio en 8ase O8
A continuacin se describe el procedimiento para
alinear equipo usando el Mtodo de Reloj Indicador
Invertido. Ntese que algunos pasos son idnticos al
Mtodo de Borde y Cara.
Eliminar las Bases Desniveladas 1.
a. Determinar si est presente la condicin de
base desnivelada. Siga los procedimientos
para eliminar la condicin de base desnive-
lada, si existe.
Confrmar Flexin de Barra 2.
Alinear el Motor de Izquierda a Derecha (hori- 3.
a. Montar los relojes indicadores como se
muestra en la Figura 16.
b. Registrar las mediciones A, B y C como
se muestra en la Figura 16.
c. Usar papel cuadriculado, utilizando el an-
cho de cuadrcula de 1 pulgada, y localizar
las ubicaciones del reloj indicador y por
consiguiente de la base mvil en la lnea
del eje.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


d. "Zero" Ihe rim and Ihe Iace dial
indicaIors Io 0.000" aI Ihe 9 o'clock
posiIion oI Ihe couplings, as viewed
Irom Ihe moIor end. keIerence Ihe dial
indicaIor diagram in liqure 15.
e. koIaIe Ihe indicaIors on Ihe driver
shaII 180 unIil Ihey are in Ihe 3 o'clock
i. NoIe Ihe direcIion oI Ihe movemenI
oI Ihe needles on Ihe indicaIors.
ii. Clockwise movemenI oI Ihe needle
is considered posiIive (+).
iii. CounIerclockwise movemenI oI Ihe
needle is considered (-).
I. DeIermine Ihe amounI oI horizonIal
movemenI oI Ihe l8 and O8 oI Ihe driver.
i. UIilizing Ihe keverse Dial lndicaIor
graph, mark Ihe poinIs IhaI are halI
@>LI8Arreqlc Je lnJiroJcr rcn CuoJronte lnvertiJc
Ihe indicaIor readings under Iheir
posiIions. A verIical square should
be considered 0.001".
ii. Draw a line connecIing Ihese Iwo
poinIs, and exIending Io a poinI
below or above Ihe moveable IeeI
iii. 1he graph will show how much Ihe
IeeI will be required Io move, based
on a verIical square being considered
iv. 1he graphed poinIs below Ihe shaII
posiIion (+) will require Ihe IeeI Io
be moved Io Ihe righI.
v. 1he graphed poinIs above Ihe shaII
posiIion (-) will require Ihe IeeI Io be
moved Io Ihe leII.
AllCNMN1 GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 16
d. Ajustar a Cero los relojes indicadores en
la posicin de las 9 hrs. de los acoplamien-
tos, como se ve desde el motor. Consulte el
diagrama del reloj indicador en la Figura 15.
e. Gire 180 los indicadores en el eje del mo-
tor hasta que estn en la posicin de las 3
i. Observe la direccin del movimiento de
las agujas en los indicadores.
ii. El movimiento de la aguja a favor de
las manecillas se considera positivo (+).
iii. El movimiento de la aguja en contra de
las manecillas se considera negativo (-).
f. Determine el movimiento IB y OB del mo-
tor en sentido horizontal.
i. Utilizando la grfca del Reloj Indica-
dor Invertido, marque con puntos la
mitad de las lecturas del indicador en
sus posiciones. Se debe considerar un
cuadro vertical como 0.001.
ii. Dibuje una lnea que conecte estos dos
puntos, y se extiende a un punto abajo
o arriba de las posiciones de la base
mvil (Punto B y C).
iii. La grfca mostrar cunto ser necesa-
rio mover la base de apoyo, basndose
en 0.001 por cada cuadro vertical.
iv. Los puntos grafcados abajo de la
posicin (+) del eje requerirn que la
base se mueva hacia la derecha.
v. Los puntos grafcados arriba de la
posicin (-) del eje requerirn que la
base se mueva hacia la izquierda.
g. Haga los ajustes al motor. Apriete todos los
pernos del motor con una llave de torsin.
La misma torsin en todos los pernos de
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


g. Make adjustments to the driver. Tighten
all motor bolts using a torque wrench.
The same torque on all mounting bolts
reduces the inuence of deformities in
the motor feet.
4. Align Driver Vertically
a. The dial indicators should still be set up
as shown in Figure 16.
b. Zero the rim and the face dial
indicators to 0.000 at the 12 oclock
position of the couplings, as viewed
from the motor end. Reference the dial
indicator diagram in Figure 15.
c. Rotate the indicators on the driver
shaft 180 until they are in the 6 oclock
i. Note the direction of the movement
of the needles on the indicators.
ii. Clockwise movement of the needle
is considered positive (+).
iii. Counterclockwise movement of the
needle is considered (-).
d. Determine the amount of vertical
movement of the IB and OB of the
driver. Note that Equations 4, 5, and 6
are used in calculating the slope and the
required shim removal or addition. The
steps are similar to those for horizontal
i. Utilizing the Reverse Dial Indicator
graph, mark the points that are half
the indicator readings under their
positions. A vertical square should
be considered 0.001.
ii. Draw a line connecting these two
points, and extending to a point
below or above the moveable feet
iii. The graph will show how much
the feet will be required to move,
based on the a vertical square being
considered 0.001.
iv. The graphed points below the shaft
position (+) will require shim to be
v. The graphed points above the shaft
position (-) will require shim to be
e. Make adjustments to the driver. Tighten
all motor bolts using a torque wrench.
The same torque on all mounting bolts
reduces the inuence of deformities in
the motor feet.
5. Recheck the horizontal alignment to insure
that all alignments are acceptable.
6. Document the nal readings on an
alignment form or data sheet, and le
The laser alignment method is considered a
precision-based performance technique that
provides a faster, more accurate way to align
It is ideal for alignment of equipment over long
distances, and it is less prone for user error. Because
of the range of technology between various
manufacturers, the steps for laser alignment are
not discussed in detail in this article.
The laser alignment equipment consists of a
transducer system. Figure 17provides a view of a
montaje reduce la infuencia de deforma-
ciones en la base del motor.
Alinear Verticalmente el Motor 4.
a. Los relojes indicadores todava deben estar
montados como se muestra en la Figura 16.
b. Ajustar a Cero los relojes indicadores en
la posicin de las 12 hrs. de los acoplamien-
tos, como se ve desde el motor. Consulte el
diagrama del reloj indicador en la Figura 15.
c. Gire 180 los indicadores en el eje del motor
hasta que estn en la posicin de las 6 hrs.
i. Observe la direccin del movimiento de
las agujas en los indicadores.
ii. El movimiento de la aguja a favor de las
manecillas se considera positivo (+).
iii. El movimiento de la aguja en contra de
las manecillas se considera negativo (-).
d. Determine el movimiento vertical IB y OB
del motor. Observe que las Ecuaciones 4, 5
y 6 se usan para calcular la pendiente as
como la adicin o remocin de cuas. Los
pasos son similares a los del movimiento
i. Usando la grfca del Reloj Indica-
dor Invertido, marque con puntos la
mitad de las lecturas del indicador en
sus posiciones. Se debe considerar un
cuadro vertical como 0.001.
ii. Dibuje una lnea conectando estos dos
puntos, y extendindose a un punto
abajo o arriba de las posiciones de la
base mvil.
iii. La grfca mostrar cunto ser nece-
sario mover la base de apoyo, basn-
dose en 0.001 por cada cuadro vertical.
iv. Los puntos grafcados abajo de la
posicin (+) del eje requerirn que se
agreguen cuas.
v. Los puntos grafcados arriba de la
posicin (-) del eje requerirn que se
quiten cuas.
g. Haga los ajustes al motor. Apriete todos los
pernos del motor con una llave de torsin.
La misma torsin en todos los pernos de
montaje reduce la infuencia de deforma-
ciones en la base del motor.
Vuelva a revisar la alineacin horizontal para 5.
asegurar que son aceptables todas las alin-
Documente las lecturas fnales en un for- 6.
mato para alineacin o en una hoja de datos y
archvela adecuadamente.
El mtodo de alineacin lser se considera una tc-
nica con resultados precisos que brinda una forma
ms rpida y exacta de alinear equipos.
Es ideal para alineacin de equipo en distancias
largas y menos propenso a error por parte del
usuario. Por la gama de tecnologa entre distintos
fabricantes, los pasos para la alineacin lser no se
discuten detalladamente en este artculo.
El equipo de alineacin lser consta de un sistema
transductor. En la Figura 17 se muestra un sistema
de alineacin lser instalado en una bomba y motor
elctrico. El sistema contiene un diodo lser y un
sensor de posicin en un soporte de montaje.
El diodo emite un rayo lser intermitente, no peli-
groso que es dirigido al soporte opuesto. El soporte
opuesto contiene un prisma que redirige el rayo
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


laser alignment system installed on a pump and
electric motor. The system contains a laser diode
and position sensor on one mounting bracket.
The diode emits a pulsating, non-hazardous,
laser beam that is directed at the opposite
bracket. The opposite bracket contains a prism
that redirects the laser beam back to the position
sensor. Like other shaft alignment techniques,
the shafts are rotated to determine the vertical
and horizontal readings for angular and parallel
The shaft positions and readings are automatically
provided to a small computer. The computer then
calculates the relative movement required at the
feet of the moveable machine. Figure 18 provides a
view of the diagnostic computer.
A major advantage of the use of laser alignment
is the precise measurement of misalignment.
Laser alignment can detect misalignment to
0.00004. In addition, with the use of laser
alignment, bar sag concerns are eliminated.
However, there are drawbacks and limitations
to the laser alignment method. Laser alignment
equipment typically costs more than $10,000.
Service companies or those companies with
many pumps or large pumps are the primary
buyers of laser alignment equipment.
The environment in which the laser alignment
equipment is used is also a limitation. The
atmospheric temperature must be between
32 and 131 Fahrenheit for the use of laser
alignment. The environment must also be free of
steam, dust, or air currents.
These detractors will prevent the reading of the
laser beam properly. However, it is possible to
use a plastic pipe to shield the beam from the
steam, dust, or air currents.
After the equipment has been aligned, some
additional tasks and checks should be performed.
t Make sure that each shaft turns freely with the
coupling hubs installed.
t The safety equipment should be removed and
the equipment energized.
t The driver should be bumped to check for
proper rotation.
t Reinstall the safety precautions and complete
the assembly of the coupling per the
installation instructions.
t Rotate the coupled shafts to ensure they turn
t Install the coupling guards per OSHA or
applicable requirements.
t The safety equipment should be removed and
the equipment energized.
Once the pump is ready to operate, the pump
and piping that has been drained should be
lled. As the pump and the system piping is
lled, observe for any piping distortion due to
improperly supported piping. Poorly supported
piping may cause misalignment.
After the piping is installed, the pump unit
is operated under normal conditions and is
thoroughly warm, stop the pump unit to recheck
alignment while it is warm. This also ensures
that there is no additional pipe strain.
lser de regreso a la posicin del sensor. Al igual que
otras tcnicas de alineacin de ejes, estos se giran
para determinar las lecturas vertical y horizontal
para desalineacin angular y paralela.
Las lecturas y posiciones del eje se proporcionan
automticamente a una pequea computadora.
Entonces la computadora calcula el movimiento
relativo necesario para la base de la mquina mvil.
La Figura 18 muestra una vista de la computadora
de diagnstico.
Una gran ventaja del uso de la alineacin lser, es la
medicin exacta de desalineacin. La alineacin ls-
er puede detectar una desalineacin de 0.00004.
Adems, con el uso de la alineacin lser, se elimi-
nan las preocupaciones por la fexin de la barra.
Sin embargo, existen inconvenientes y limitaciones
para el mtodo de alineacin lser. El equipo de
alineacin lser generalmente cuesta ms de
$10,000. Las compaas de servicio o las que tienen
muchas bombas o bombas grandes, son los compra-
dores principales de equipo de alineacin lser.
El ambiente en el que se usa el equipo de alinea-
cin lser tambin constituye una limitacin. La
temperatura atmosfrica debe estar entre 0 y 55 C
para el uso de la alineacin lser. El ambiente tam-
bin debe estar libre de vapor, polvo o corrientes de
Estos detractores evitarn una buen lectura del rayo
lser. Sin embargo, es posible usar un tubo plstico
para proteger el rayo del vapor, polvo o corrientes de
Despus de alinear el equipo, se deben realizar
algunas tareas y revisiones adicionales.
Asegurarse que todos los ejes girar libremente
con los ncleos de acoplamientos instalados.
Debe retirarse el equipo de seguridad y energi-
zar el equipo.
Hacer un intento de arranque para revisar que
el motor gire adecuadamente.
Reinstale las precauciones de seguridad y ter-
mine el ensamble del acoplamiento segn las
instrucciones de instalacin.
Gire los ejes acoplados para asegurar que giran
Instale los guardacoples segn los requerimien-
tos de OSHA (Administracin de salud y seguri-
dad ocupacional) o los que apliquen.
Debe retirarse el equipo de seguridad y energi-
zar el equipo.
Una vez que la bomba est lista para operar, deben
llenarse la bomba y la tubera que ha sido drenada.
Conforme se vaya llenando la bomba y la tubera
del sistema, observe cualquier deformacin de la
tubera debida a soporte inapropiado. La tubera
mal soportada puede causar desalineacin.
Despus de instalar la tubera, la unidad de bombeo
se opera bajo condiciones normales y ya que est
caliente, detenga la unidad de bombeo para volver
a revisar la alineacin mientras est caliente. Esto
tambin asegura que no hay tensin adicional en la
Si se requiere alineacin adicional de ms de 0.002
en la condicin de tubo libre, se deber corregir la
tensin adicional en la tubera. En otro artculo se
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


If additional alignment is required of more
than 0.002 from the pipe free condition, the
additional piping strain should be corrected.
Additional discussion on piping installation can
be found in another article.
For high energy and petroleum pumps, the pump
and driver feet are drilled and doweled at two
locations, near the thrust bearing end, after
the nal alignment is complete and meets the
Documentation of the alignment is important to
the installation and operation of the equipment.
Make a record of the nal alignment tolerance on
an alignment form or data sheet. This should be
placed in the equipments history le. This pro-
vides not only proof of nal condition, but allows
a starting point and historical data for the future.
For work done in the future, this information will
allow for the alignment to be done quicker and
smoother, saving set up time. In will also provide a
basis to allow for measurement of operational time.
Reporting or recording sheets can be developed
to include information on soft feet, pipe
stress and strain, coupling and shaft runouts,
installation conditions such as bolts being found
loose, and specifying the initial, desired, and nal
alignment information.
The sheet should also provide a location for
identication of the persons completing the work
to be documented. This places responsibility
of quality work on individuals, and provides
learning opportunities if a failure occurs.
Reported data allows for troubleshooting and
root cause analysis of equipment failures. The
data can be used to compare the as discovered
condition and the as completed condition. This
can be particularly useful for equipment with
chronic abnormal behavior.
Another useful tool for recording data are digital
photos. Pictures of the shaft, coupling, base, and
foundation conditions can be stored. These could
be used in the future during set up to determine
any special needs or how the installation was left.
Although alignment should not be scheduled to
be rechecked with the frequency of preventative
maintenance procedures, it should be rechecked
when observations are made in regards to
the settling of the base, foundation, or soils,
changing of the piping system, process changes,
or seasonal temperature changes.
For a new installation, the alignment should be
scheduled to be rechecked 3-6 months after the
initial installation and alignment.
Abnormally high temperatures can afect the align-
ment of a pump and its driver. These temperature
changes can be caused by friction in the bearings or
change that occurs with a process liquid.
The thermal growth can occur on pumps in a
hot service, such as in the petroleum industry or
power plants. When the pump is the equipment
in the hot operation, the pump is set and aligned
lower than the driver. This is called cold setting.
This will allow for the thermal growth.
The pump manufacturer will typically have a chart
available to assist in the proper alignment. The
manufacturers recommendations should always
be followed for the exact piece of equipment.
If the driver is the high temperature equipment,
such as with a steam turbine, the driver shaft
should be set lower than the pump shaft to com-
pensate for vertical expansion of that equipment.
After the equipment reaches normal operating
temperatures, alignment should be veried.
For services located in process plants, alignment
of vertical pumps must be considered. This is
especially true if the driver thrust bearing carries
the load of the driver and the pump.
Because of the importance of the driver thrust
bearing in this pump and driver conguration,
accurate radial and angular alignment between
driver and the pump is essential.
As part of the precision alignment process of
vertical pumps, the driver shaft runout and
concentricity with the mounting t must be
pueden encontrar discusiones adicionales sobre la
instalacin de la tubera.
Para bombas para petrleo y de alta energa,
despusde terminar la alineacin fnal y de cump-
lir con las especifcaciones, la bomba y la base del
motor se perforan y se unen mediante pasadores en
dos ubicaciones, cerca del extremo del cojinete de
Es importante la documentacin de la alineacin
para la instalacin y operacin del equipo. Registre
la tolerancia de la alineacin fnal en la forma o en
la hoja de datos sobre la alineacin. Esto se debe
colocar en el archivo histrico del equipo. Esto no
solamente proporciona una prueba de la condicin
fnal, sino que tambin brinda un punto de arranque
y datos histricos para el futuro.
Para el trabajo futuro, esta informacin permitir
realizar la alineacin ms rpida y fcilmente, ahor-
rando tiempo de preparacin. Tambin constituir la
base que permita la medicin del tiempo de oper-
Se pueden desarrollar hojas de registro o de reporte
para incluir informacin sobre bases desniveladas,
esfuerzos y tensiones en la tubera, descentramiento
de ejes y acoplamientos, condiciones de instalacin
(p. ej. los pernos que se encontraron fojos) y la infor-
macin de alineacin inicial, deseada y fnal.
La hoja tambin debe tener espacio para identifcar
las personas que realizaron el trabajo. Con esto se
puede identifcar a las personas con la responsabili-
dad sobre la calidad en el trabajo y nos brinda opor-
tunidades de aprendizaje si ocurriera alguna falla.
Los datos reportados permiten la resolucin de
problemas y el anlisis sobre las causas de falla en
los equipos. Los datos se pueden usar para comparar
las condiciones entre como se descubri y como se
termin. Esto es particularmente til para equipos
con comportamiento anormal crnico.
Otra herramienta til para registrar datos son las
fotos digitales. Se pueden almacenar fotos de las
condiciones del eje, acoplamiento, base y cimientos.
stas se podran usar a futuro durante la preparacin
para determinar necesidades especiales o cmo se
dej la instalacin.
Aunque la alineacin no debe programarse para volv-
er a revisarse con la frecuencia de los procedimien-
tos de mantenimiento preventivo, se debe volver a
revisar cuando se hagan observaciones en relacin
con el asentamiento de la base, cimientos o suelos,
cambio del sistema de tubera, cambios de proceso o
cambios estacionales de temperatura.
En las instalaciones nuevas, la alineacin se debe
programar para revisin de 3 a 6 meses despus de la
instalacin y alineacin inicial.
Las temperaturas anormalmente altas pueden
afectar la alineacin de una bomba y su motor. Estos
cambios de temperatura pueden ser causados por
friccin en los cojinetes o cambio que ocurre con un
lquido del proceso.
La expansin trmica puede ocurrir en las bombas
cuando se realizan trabajos con calor, como por ejem-
plo en la industria petrolera en las plantas de en-
erga. Cuando la bomba es el equipo caliente en la
operacin, la bomba se ajusta y alinea ms abajo que
el motor. Esto se llama ajuste en fro. Esto permitir
la expansin trmica.
Generalmente el fabricante de bombas tendr una
grfca disponible que ayude para una alineacin ap-
ropiada. Las recomendaciones del fabricante deben
seguirse siempre para la pieza exacta del equipo.
Si el motor es el equipo en altas temperaturas, como
en una turbina de vapor, el eje del motor se debe
ajustar ms abajo que la fecha de la bomba para
compensar la expansin vertical de ese equipo. Se
debe verifcar la alineacin despus que el equipo
alcance las temperaturas normales de operacin.
Se debe considerar la alineacin de bombas verti-
cales en servicios ubicados en plantas de procesos.
Esto aplica especialmente si el cojinete de empuje
del motor lleva la carga del motor y de la bomba.
Por la importancia del cojinete de empuje del motor
en esta bomba y por la confguracin del motor, es
esencial la alineacin angular y radial precisa entre el
motor y la bomba.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Como parte de la precisin del proceso de alineacin
en las bombas verticales, se debe revisar la concen-
tricidad y el descentramiento del eje del motor con el
ajuste de montaje. Esto siempre se debe hacer antes
de ensamblar o reensamblar el motor en la bomba.
Como regla general, la industria de proceso recomien-
da que el descentramiento del eje y la concentricidad
del ajuste de montaje deben ser de 0.002 de de-
scentramiento total del indicador (T.I.R.) por pie de
dimetro de ajuste de ranura de soporte del motor.
Adems la cara de montaje debe estar perpendicular
al eje y con 0.002 de T.I.R. por pie de dimetro de
ajuste de ranura.
El descentramiento del eje del motor no debe exceder
de 0.002 T.I.R. 0.001 T.I.R. por pulgada de dimetro
de eje, el que sea mayor. Para motor de eje slido, el
juego axial del eje no debe exceder de 0.010 T.I.R., y
se recomienda 0.005 T.I.R. si la bomba tiene un sello
Estos requerimientos pueden ser ms rigurosos que
los de la National Electrical Manufacturers Associa-
tion (NEMA) [1], pero son esenciales para motores de
eje slido y velocidades de motor de 2 polos. Las toler-
ancias tpicas de NEMA son aceptables para turbinas
de pozos profundos y rpm de 4 polos o velocidades
ms bajas.
Algunos fabricantes y modelos no usan ajuste de ra-
nura entre la bomba y el motor, pero alinean el eje del
motor a la caja de carga de la bomba. El uso de esta
prctica tambin es aceptable si el ajuste de ranura
no es concntrico con el eje.
Durante la alineacin vertical fnal, el motor debe
tener 0.0005 por pulgada de orifcio para la caja de
carga para bombas con sellos mecnicos, y 0.001 por
pulgada de orifcio para la caja de carga para bombas
Para motores grandes, es necesario el uso de tornillos
de elevacin para mover el motor.
Hay ocasiones que se instalan ms de dos piezas en
tren para servicio. Un ejemplo sera una bomba,
reductor de engranajes y un motor. La alineacin de
un tren puede ser ms demandante debido a una
variable adicional.
Es importante entender el equipo involucrado.
Como se mencion anteriormente, se deben revisar
los manuales de instalacin y operacin de todo
el equipo del tren. Se debe desarrollar un proce-
dimiento consistente que proporcione una secuencia
de alineacin que se use cada vez que el equipo es
Una gua usada en la industria es la fjacin de la
pieza central del equipo, generalmente la caja de
engranajes y mover el otro equipo, en otras palabras,
empezar en el centro y moverse hacia afuera. Se
deben tomar lecturas aproximadas para asegurar
que ninguna parte del equipo queden unidas por
Si el equipo est unido con tornillos, la posicin de
todo el equipo se debe grafcar para determinar la
posicin ptima. Esta tcnica es aceptable si todava
no se ha instalado la tubera. Si la tubera ya est
instalada y fja, entonces se debe tomar cuidados
adicionales para asegurar que la tensin de la tubera
no se pone sobre la bomba.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1.
(NEMA), 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847,
Rosslyn, VA 22209;
Figuras 2, 6, 7, 9, 17 y 18:
Diagnostic Solutions, LLC.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Ser responsable es nuesIro IundamenIo
Pensar hacia adelanIe lo hace posible
La innovacin es la esencia
L-C8S-WP-01 kev. 06]10
GkUNDlOS Pumps CorporaIion
17100 WesI 118Ih 1errace
OlaIhe, KS 66061
1el. (913) 227-3400
lax. (913) 227-3S00
GkUNDlOS Canada lnc.
2941 8righIon koad
Oakville, OnIario
L6R 6C9
1el. (90S) 829-9S33
lax. (90S) 829-9S12
8ombas GkUNDlOS de Mxico S.A. de C.v.
8oulevard 1LC No. 1S
Parque lndusIrial SIiva AeropuerIo
C.P. 66600 Apodaca, N.L. Mexico
1el. (81) 8144 4000
lax. (81) 8144-4010
PACO Pumps - NaIional ReadquarIers
GrundIos C8S lnc.
902 Koomey koad
8rookshire, 1X 77423
1el. (800) 9SS-S847
lax. (800) 94S-4777

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