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Ibne Kalim

)Feb 16 (2 days ago

>Hashim Khan <
)Feb 16 (2 days ago
Ibne Kalim
)Feb 16 (2 days ago


Feb 16 (2 days ago)
Dear Ibne Kalim ,
Hope u r fine .
This articl of Mr Hashim Khan, I think that it was sent to u just because u are an assistant editor of a reputed
Magazine and thus have an upper hand, but your comment reflects otherwise .
I feel sorry to say that your unsolicited comment was just a knee jerk expression nd reaction of sophistication
and thus utterly unjustifiable too .
Please note that as an assistant editor u 've some unquoted responsibilties too so your esteemed profession
demands u to keep ur opinions very polite, rational, calculative and reserved. You have complete right to
agree or diasgree but its expression should not be impolite. This is the main guide line of serious journalism .
I 've red the article from start to end and cldnt find anything that defends ur opinion .
Please dn't mind and T'Care .
Regards .
A. H. S. Laisee

>Hashim Khan <

. ..
. .
. above average .

Ibne Kalim


very polite, rational, calculative and reserved




Dear A H S Laisi sahab A/A.
Hope u are fine. I m overwhelmed. Jazakallah.
I don't believe in giving clarifications and all that a criticism demands. I write the way I like. I don't
write for normal readers. Normals are normals. I write purely for me and then for "abnormal readers
". I mean for those who are above average. Ghalib and Iqbal are abstruse for those who are well
read and more enlightened leave the normal readers aside. In my opinion to simplify a word means
to kill it so I m against simplification. Thanks again for bearing the wordly burden of "tilism-e
Best regards
M.Hashim Khan

Ibne Kalim
)Feb 16 (2 days ago
to me

Average Long Lasting

>Hashim Khan <

)Feb 16 (2 days ago
to AH
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)AM (3 hours ago 1:11 to Ibne, me


>Hashim Khan <
)AM (2 hours ago 1::1

to A, Ibne
. .


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" "
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