Industry-Academe Linkage Alumni and Placement (Ialap)

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IALAP Form 7



Title Page

PROJECT STATUS REPORT (NO.) For the Period (Beginning Date - End Date) (TERM 2 - SY)

Submitted by: (First name, Middle Initial, Surname) (Degree Program & Internship Program) (Section) (Student Number)

Total Number of Workdays Total Number of Days Present Total Number of Days Absent

: : :

Body I. Detailed Description of Project (in paragraph form)

A. Objective: [Objectives of the project.] B. Requirements: [Logistics to include skill sets needed to accomplish the project.] C. Project Timeline: [Gantt Chart representation of the project assigned to you.] D. Tasks: [Tasks accomplished or currently working at. Other tasks occasionally assigned to you.]

II. Skills Used (in paragraph form) [Technical Skills (Hardware/Software) applied to accomplish tasks.] III. Skills Learned (in paragraph form) [Knowledge or skills gained after accomplishing tasks.] IV. Comments and Suggestions (in paragraph form)
E. Comments [About work and problems, the internship site and its people, other factors the influence internship during the period specified.] F. Suggestions

[Suggestions to the school for program improvement purposes, e.g. new programming language learned at the site not introduced in school]. Interns Name & Signature Supervisors Signature Name & Date Date

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