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Camila Toledo. ESL / EFL TEACHER.

July 2nd, 2013


PART 1: AT THE END OF THE LESSON, STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO EXPRESS IDEAS ABOUT HAPPINESS USING COMPARATIVES ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. STUDENTS WILL BE ALSO ABLE TO APLLY COLLECTED INFORMATION ABOUT READING COMPREHENSION. LASTLY, STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE SCHWA SOUND. COMPARATIVES: When we talk about two things, we can compare them, we can see if they are the same or different. E.g.: Maria is bigger than Carlos. *Form: 1.- One syllable adjective and adverbs add: ER/ e.g.: Fast / Faster 2.- Adjectives ending in Y, change the y to I and add ER e.g.: Dry / Drier 3.-Adjectives ending in e, add R eg.g: nice / nicer. 4.- Two or more syllable adjective and adverbs (that end in ly) write more + adjective/Adverb. e.g._ important / more important quickly / more quickly5.- Irregular adjectives: Good / better Bad/worse much, many / more / well/ better/ badly/bad. SCHWA The most common sound in English. It is a weak, unstressed sound and it occurs in many words. It is often the sound in grammar words such as articles and prepositions. The phonemic symbol for this sound is .

PART 2: AT THE END OF THE LESSON STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO SHARE EXPRESS IDEAS ABOUT SCIENCE USING COMPARATIVES. STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE WORD FORMATION BY SUING SUFFIXES. STUDENTS WILL BE ALSO ABLE TO APLLY INFORMATION COLLECTED IN READING COMPREHENSION. COMPARATIVES (A BIT, MUCH, ASAS) Less + adjective: ti mean not as much. E.g.: Diet coke is less disgusting than normal coke. (NOT) as + adjective + as: to make comparisons. E.g.: Its not as bad as you think. A + adjective + as: Tos ay two things are the same. E.g.: Its a bit more difficult than that. A bit or much: To modify comparative adjectives and adverbs. E.g.: She runs much faster than him. SUFFIXES: Letter or group of setter attached to the end of a word to form a new word or to alter the grammatical function of the original word. Common Suffixes Noun Suffixes

Camila Toledo. ESL / EFL TEACHER.

Suffix -acy -al -ance, -ence -dom -er, -or -ism -ist -ity, -ty -ment -ness -ship -sion, -tion Meaning state or quality act or process of state or quality of place or state of being one who doctrine, belief one who quality of condition of state of being position held state of being Verb Suffixes -ate -en -ify, -fy -ize, -ise become become make or become become Adjective Suffixes -able, -ible -al -esque -ful -ic, -ical -ious, -ous -ish -ive -less -y capable of being pertaining to reminiscent of notable for pertaining to characterized by having the quality of having the nature of without characterized by edible, presentable regional picturesque fanciful musical, mythic nutritious, portentous fiendish creative endless sleazy eradicate enlighten terrify civilize Example privacy refusal maintenance, eminence freedom, kingdom trainer, protector communism chemist veracity argument heaviness fellowship concession, transition

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