Sara Lee Case Analysis

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BLL October 30, 2008 Sara Lee Corporation

Sara Lee retrenched seven of its business units in 2006 in order to focus its resources on its more profitable industries. The companys goal is to boost its sales lines by at least 2 percent and increase its profit margin to 12% by 2010. By developing three competitive capabilities in each of its remaining business units, Sara Lee looks to improve its net profits within the next few years. Divested Businesses Analysis Sara Lee divested seven of its units, including: direct sales, U.S. retail coffee, European apparel, European snacks, and U.S. and European meats. The company followed a strategy which allowed it to increase its corporate profits, since most of its business units it retrenched were unprofitable. By 2006, five business units had negative net profit margins and negative operating margins. Four of those units had negative margins of more than 10%, with different units seeing steady or sharp declines in revenues in profits since 2004. The only two profitable units were the direct selling unit and the European snack lines. These two lines were seeing declining revenues and operating margins, except in 2006, when both lines increased their margins. Divesting the snack business was a correct decision, since it was only producing net profits of $3 million, which would not help the business to increase its shareholders wealth. Plus, the company received a $70 million after-tax gain, more than 22 times the current net profit. Selling its direct sales business was not a good decision, since it was still drawing a 27% profit margin and income of $54 million. The business compliments

its current household and body care line within Sara Lee International. The unit exposed the company to other markets, while it could have allowed the company to find potentials for its other products in those markets. Though the direct selling line was still profitable for the company, Sara Lee received a net gain which was 4 times the units current profits. After divesting these seven units, Sara Lee gained $440 million, a $700 million increase from its total losses in 2006. Sara Lees decision to spin-off Hanesbrands is questionable. This sector of Sara Lee did not correlate with its other North American business, which were concentrated in the food industry. The sector, however, did correlate with the businesses included in Sara Lee International, which would have allowed the additional distribution of apparel to foreign markets. The primary products offered are not innovative products, but provide a solid base of revenues for the company. Though revenues, gross margins and operating margins have been flat, Hanesbrands saw an increase of more than $100 million in net income after 2005. Returns on assets have fallen 5% since 2004 and return on equity was cut in half during the same period. Debt-to-equity ratios have been around .5 since 2004, showing that Hanesbrands had been capable of keeping its debts low compared to the amount of equity it had on hand. After the spin-off of Hanesbrands, the business acquired significant debt in order to remain a standalone business. Though the company was able to pay off $100 million in long-term debt, the significant amounts of debt left over may hinder its ability to turn solid profits in the future. Sara Lee should have retained this business, allowing it to expand in foreign markets it already had a presence in while bringing in revenues which could be used to accelerate other businesses.

Retrenchment Strategy Evaluation After Sara Lees retrenchment, the company was able to focus on its food & beverage, foodservice and international businesses. Sara Lees key objectives for its remaining businesses were to focus on customer needs and operating excellence, while creating a strong brand through wide innovations and competitive pricing. The company successfully utilizes its retail meats, selling similar meats to its foodservice customers. Its meats have seen increases in sales and operating income, while efficiently taking advantage of innovations within grocery items. These innovations boosted sales more than $100 million, even when its core products sales were flat. The company holds a 20% market share in a growing industry of almost $10 billion. Sara Lee is the market leader in retail breads in North America, while closely trailing Kraft within the meat sector. Fresh bread sales jumped more than $600 million within 3 years, due to the leverage Sara Lee had with grocery stores to increase shelf space for its products. Sara Lee provided innovative breads for its customers, while dominating the breakfast bread market. While holding a 14% market share in a $100 billion industry, Sara Lee is positioned to increase its profits significantly in this segment. The company was unable to produce significant sales in its frozen desserts or its coffeemakers, leaving the segment to rely on baked breads. Sara Lee misread the market for dessert items, and was known to provide poorly made coffee pods. The foodservice sector provides Sara Lee the ability to use its meats in restaurants and fast-food dining centers. Sara Lee has generated strong market shares within this sector, though its strong share in baked goods is in a segment

which is growing very slowly. Its beverage profits are strong, where the segment is growing at 5%. Sara Lee is currently holding a modest position within the meats segment, which is growing at 5% as well. The company can grab more market share within this segment with its innovative packaged meats, which have helped to reduce customers labor costs. While providing low-calorie desserts to its customers, Sara Lee has met the needs of its customers and captured a larger market share. Sara Lee Internationals products consist of beverage, bakery and household and body care brands. Most of the divisions sales are made in Western Europe, where another portion is amassed in Asia and Australia. The division is working to successfully integrate its businesses by adding continuous improvement programs. This investment should help to increase its sales within these markets. SLI has a 9 percent market share of retail coffee, making it the second largest in the world. Its sales are surpass $1.7 billion, while introducing the best selling coffee product in Europe. Since the continent has strong demands for specialty coffees, Sara Lee remodeled its best selling coffee pots to serve cappuccino and espresso drinks. The bakery line for the company has not been as successful throughout Europe. Consumers prefer fresh-baked bread; however, Sara Lee can only provide packaged bread. Though packaged bread only makes up 12% of the bread market, it is expected to increase to 25% by 2015. Sara Lees bread has been successful in Spain, though, where it dominates the country with a 54 percent market share. SLI is currently not in an attractive market, but if packaged breads sales improve, SLI may be able to capture a large market share.

Sara Lee International has positioned itself in growing segments and stalling unrelated segments within its household and body care product lines. This segment diverts away from Sara Lees core food items businesses. SLI holds the number one brand of shoe polish, Kiwi, which amasses a global market share of 63%. Its shoe polish accounts for almost 16% of the units sales. Though SLI has the leading shower brand, the market is slowly growing at 1%. This prevents the company from taking advantage of potential revenues within the market. SLI holds a 28% market share of insecticide brands, focusing its future growth in Asia. The company looks to continue innovating products to capture significant market share within that market. Though SLI has the third largest brand of air fresheners in Europe, the market has decline by more than 1%. The division has managed to amass market share of 25% in several Western European country, where it is positioned to grab market share with its innovative Ambi Pur 3volution. Sara Lee has successfully revamped its business strategy, focusing on innovative products and meeting customer demand. Its lineup of businesses allows it to grow in several markets, though some segments of its businesses may not prove to be as successful. The company has segments in unrelated industries, such as its household line in SLI. The rest of the company has focused on food items, diverting its attention from its strong points. After the company restructured itself, net income, revenue and assets declined significantly. The positive aspects financially of the restructuring was that sales per employee increased by $60,000, while inventory turned over 3 additional times. In order to grow its revenues and profits, Sara Lee will need to focus on its key performing businesses. Business Units Strengths and Ability to Increase Value

Sara Lee has positioned itself with strong food products which make the company successful in both the retail and foodservice industry. The company can utilize its strong growing meats in its food service business, saving costs within the company while building strong relationships with other businesses. Sara Lees thick-sliced bread is very popular in supermarkets, which has captured a strong market share while producing strong sales for the North American Retail Bread segment. Its desserts are not fairing as well, with sales approximated to decrease over the next several years. The desserts, however, hold a fair market share in the foodservice business, allowing Sara Lee to cater healthier options to fast-food customers. Sara Lee International has captured strong market share within Western Europe, utilizing the sales from its coffee pods. The Senseo coffee pods are the second best selling coffee product in Europe, generating $25 billion in sales for SLI. SLI has taken advantage of the growing hot and cold coffee drink industry, innovating products that will allow it to grow market share within this segment. Bimbo, SLIs number one brand of bread in Spain, should be able to take advantage of the some of the growing packaged bread sales, though private label brands are preferred. Bimbo may not be able to continue its sales within the International Bakery segment due to the switch to private brands in the future. The companys household brands are overshadowed by Kiwi, which generates almost $300 million in sales. Sanex is a cash cow for this segment, with significant market share held in a slow-growing industry. The company should be able to continue generating its constant sales of $280 million. Though SLI has other insecticide and household brands, it diverts quickly from the companys core line of businesses. Its other products generate large sales for the company, but stray

away from the companys main focus. The insecticide brands do have the largest market share, and are positioned to overtake the rapidly-growing Asian market. Its air fresheners are in a declining market, which may prevent its 3volution from generating large sales to improve value for the company. Profitability and Divestiture Sara Lee has developed many of its brands within North America and internationally, developing healthy operating profits in several of its brands. Sara Lee International has seen high operating profit margins, currently at almost 13%. This is a decrease from 15.7% in 2005, due to the 3% margin declines in its beverage and household & body care units. Its bakery business saw declines of only 1%, mainly due to the decline of the packaged bread market in Europe. SLIs coffee sold to restaurants and cafs make up 10% of the market, providing an opportunity for the company to further expand and increase its $2.4 billion sales. Sara Lees foodservice business has seen declining operating margins since 2005. Though sales have increased $100 million, margins are down 2% since 2005. The sales of bakery items have declined to restaurants, while beverages make up almost 30% of overall sales. The company should be taking advantage of its situation, as more Americans are eating away from home. Meat products sold in North American grocery outlets have increased by $100 million. This increase has propelled margins up 2%, with new innovations in prepared meals and promotions helping to spur growth. Bakery revenues remain stagnant, as revenues have not changed, but reduced costs have created a small margin of 0.5%. Stale growth in Sara Lees bakery items has prevented growth within the business, while single-service coffeemakers have hurt growth. Overall

operating profits for Sara Lee Food & Beverage are increasing before significant items, with profits increasing by $70 million. Sara Lees divestment of its seven brands, excluding Hanesbrands, has allowed the company to prosper in the future. Most of its brands had significantly negative profit and operating margins, while being unrelated to most of the companys other products. Sara Lee should have kept its direct sales business and European snacks line, which have produced favorable operating margins over 14% in 2006. The companys direct sales line provided the company the opportunity to expand its international household products to other regions and increase sales. Its European snacks complemented its international beverage and bakery lines, though it did not account for a significant amount of sales. Sara Lee did not divest its North American and foodservice bakery lines, which have been unprofitable for the company for several years. Though some innovations have been made, bakery sales will continue to slide as Americans eat healthier foods. The company could have sold its dessert lines, while keeping its bread lines, which have significant market share. Recommendations Sara Lee has several positions that it can take that can strategically grow its profitability. The company currently has limited margins on its bakery line, especially from its dessert items. Since Sara Lee has significant market share with its packaged bread in North America, the company should eliminate its dessert sales and the sale of single-serving coffeemakers. Growth in this segment is very slow, and is not growing within the foodservice industry either. By selling off its

dessert brands, Sara Lee can invest the profits of the sale into other innovations in its other business units. Sara Lee International should expand its household and body care brands into the United States. Its air freshener brands hold significant market share in Europe, which could be utilized in North America. The market for cleaning products and air fresheners is strong in the United States. Sara Lees innovations would be very successful in the growing market across the Atlantic. The company can also sell more of its insecticides in developing nations, where few treatments are available to prevent bacteria. Nations in Africa are still growing, and could utilize the insecticides to improve farming practices within the continent. Beverage products sold by Sara Lee International produce almost 50% of all profits. These beverages could be sold to local retail business, similar to what is done with Sara Lee Foodservice. The company has already begun selling beverages in retail operations, and with the current contacts and knowledge of the foodservice industry, profits could easily be managed. This strategy allows Sara Lee to develop larger profits by selling its teas and coffees within local businesses throughout Europe. If Sara Lee follows these strategies, the company will be able to amass profits similar to what it had before its divestures.

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