ELP Gg1 The Gambia - A Country Study

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Humanities - Extended Learning Programme

Abbeyfield School

ELP/Gg1: The Gambia – A country study

What do I need to complete?

You will produce a comprehensive study of The Gambia, an LEDC in West Africa. You
should use the internet, resources from the Learning Centre, Travel Agents brochures
and your initiative to complete the sections listed below on A4 paper.


 Front Cover
 Map showing location within Africa with description. Plus a map focusing on the
country itself
 Climate data and graph showing rainfall and temperature. Together with some
analysis of the climate information
 History of the country
 Things to see and do
 Natural environment (Plants and animals)
 Places to stay on holiday
 Bibliography

Wherever possible you should use a variety of presentation techniques, including

maps, pictures, tables and graphs.

Assessment Criteria:

Level Description
3 Basic descriptions. Some missing information.
4 Descriptions that are detailed. Majority of the elements required have been
5 All elements of the task are complete. Descriptions are detailed with some
explanations offered. Maps are basic and the graphs chosen are
appropriate to the task.
6 All elements of the task are complete. Descriptions are detailed with good
explanations. Maps are well drawn and graphs completed accurately. Some
pictures have been used to illustrate points made. Initiative is evident in
work produced
7 All elements of the task are complete to a high standard. Descriptions are
very detailed with detailed explanations. Maps are well drawn and graphs
completed accurately. Pictures have been used to illustrate points made.
There is some analysis of information evident with evidence used from a
variety of sources.
8 An exceptional piece of work that completes all of the tasks to an excellent
standard with clear evidence of extended research and commitment to
producing high quality work. Descriptions, explanations, analysis and
evaluation are completed to a very high standard
Created by D. Drake

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