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Relax Relax.


Technique 1 Lie on the floor on your back 2 Cover yourself with a blanket and make sure your are warm 3 Place a heated wheat bag under the small of your back and /or the back of your neck 4 Legs are straight 5 Arms rest by your side, palms face up to the ceiling 6 If the back hurts relax in surrender pose 7 Connect with your breath 8 Start by making yourself yawn 5 times 9 Inhale expand the stomach 10 Exhale contract the stomach and feel the spine lengthen 11 Tighten and release each part of your body 12 Release each part of your body into the floor on an exhaling breath 13 As your mind wanders bring the focus back to your breath 14 Take time to observe how your body feels 15 Let the face be soft 16 Stay for approximately 5 minutes or more Back to Reality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Slowly deepen the breath Start to slowly open the eyes and look around the room Begin to wiggle the fingers and the toes Take a big yawn Stretch the arms over the head and stretch the whole body Hug knees to chest Carefully roll over onto one side, curl into a ball Stay for 5 breaths Carefully come up to standing

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