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Course & Lesson Planning

Heba Fathelbab Fall, 2010


I) Designing your semester plan Steps

1. List skills to be covered.

2. Decide what order to introduce them

3. How much time do you have? 4. Deadlines? 5. Activities to be done weekly? 6. Outline general week-by-week plan 7. Fill in your detailed semester calendar

Activity 1:

In pairs, list all the skills to be covered, under a skill that you will both be teaching. Compare with another pair. In groups, arrange a logical sequence to introduce these skills Draft a general plan for the first month Begin filling in the detailed calendar

II) Designing a good lesson

A) First lesson ideas

1. Welcome students

Introduce yourself (establish credibility) Establish rapport

2. Discuss syllabus with students

Identify the value and importance of the subject. Communicate the goals and learning outcomes to the Ss Be firmer in the beg. & communicate your approach & expectations
3. Have students write expectations for the course 4. Ice-breaker/ get-to-know-you activities 5. Course/Class rules

B) Tips for designing a good lesson

1. Identify your goal 2. Write 2-3 good, measurable objectives 3. Think about stages and sequencing
pre-activity main activity post-activity

B) Tips for designing a good lesson

4. Look for materials
5. Remember to balance:
teacher and student talk whole class/group/individual work active/calm activities

6. Build activities from easier to more challenging 7. Draft a skeletal outline

III) Writing the actual lesson plan

1. Goals 2. Objectives

3. Procedures
Time / Steps / Interaction 4. Materials 5. Assessment 6. Homework 7. Reflection

Activity 2

In pairs, begin to design your second lesson.

What's your main goal/skill of focus?

Draft 2-3 objectives. Evaluate another pairs objectives.


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