A To Z of Meditation

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A to Z of Meditation! After telling what yoga is (the cessation of the modifications of mind: 1.

2) Patanjali immediately goes on to describe the fruit of the yoga: Then the Seer (drashta a) abides in his own essential nature (svarupa) (1.3). The Gita captures this all more succinctly in half a verse: tmasastha mana ktv na kicid

api cintayet (6.25): Having established the mind in the Self (cp. Patanjali: drashtaa kaa svarupa mein sthita hona-1.3), thinks of nothing else whatsoever (cp. Patanjali: chitta-vritti nirodha-1.2). yas tv tmaratir eva syd tmatpta ca mnava tmany eva ca satuas tasya krya na vidyate 3.17
'But the person who is delighted in the Atman ( ), satisfied in the Atman, and finds joy in the

Atman alone, he or she has no obligatory duty to perform.' Two more verses from chapter 2 of the Gita seal the deal, so to speak:

prajahti yad kmn sarvn prtha manogatn tmany evtman tua sthitaprajas tadocyate 2.55 vihya kmn ya sarvn pum carati nispha nirmamo nirahakra sa ntim adhigacchhati 2.71
When one completely casts away, O Partha, all the desires of the mind, satisfied in the Self alone by the Self, then he or she is said to be one of steady wisdom. (2.55)

A person who has given up all desires for sense gratification, who lives free from desires, who has given up all [false] sense of I and minehe alone can attain real peace. For more precise instructions, one may also refer to the Gita 5.27, and 6.11--6.14. pranttm vigatabhr brahmacrivrate sthita mana sayamya maccitto yukta sta matpara 6.14
Firm in the vow of complete chastity and fearlessness, keeping oneself perfectly calm and with the mind held in restraint and fixed on Me, the vigilant yogi should sit absorbed in Me. Sits absorbed in Me (Paramatman) is the path and the goal. The rest is mere mental gymnasticspouring from the empty into the empty.

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