Unit 4 Description of Objects: General Objective

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A2003/UNIT 4/1


General Objective To read and understand descriptions of objects and to give accurate descriptions of objects.


Objectives you will be able to :

By the end of this module,

a) describe various geometrical shapes and the terms used to measure them b) draw accurately the shapes and objects according to their descriptions and measurements. c) differentiate objects according to their size and measurement d) describe what the components of an object are made of e) identify the connection between parts of an object. f) describe size and measurements of objects using adjectives, comparatives and superlatives.

A2003/UNIT 4/2 INPUT Read the following text and fill in the blanks. 1. Hi , my name is circle. The circumference goes round my body. The diameter cuts me into halves. Any line from the center to the circumference is the radius. Shape A B C O-


C 2.

Rectangle is my name I am made up of 4 sides My width tells you how wide I am and My length tells you how long I am. Shape A B Hello, I am a square I am made up of 4 equal sides. Shape A -

B 3. A 4cm 4. 5 cm A 7 cm

B 5.


Hello everybody, I am a cuboid on a weighing machine with a face of a hexagon. 6 cm Tell me my dimension : Shape A: Shape B: Height : Width : Length : Weight :


A2003/UNIT 4/3 I am a cylinder with a cone on my head . I can hold 88 cm 3 of water. Thus my cubic capacity is ______ Shape A Shape B Height :



: Circle, rectangle, square, cuboid, hexagon, cylinder and cone are nouns. To describe these nouns, we use the adjectival form of the noun.

ACTIVITY 1 A. Draw the following objects according to the descriptions given. 1. This nut has a shape of a hexagon. It is a hexagonal nut.

2. The steel pipe has a shape of a cylinder. This is a cylindrical pipe.

3. There is a table with a face shaped like a triangle. This table has a triangular face. On top of this table is a cone-shaped hat. It is a conical hat with a circular ring tied to the tip of the cone. Under the table is a piece of brick in the shape of a rectangle. The brick is rectangular.

A2003/UNIT 4/4 B. When the object does not have any recognized geometric shape but it has a shape that looks like a well-known object or a letter of the alphabet, you may describe it in the following ways. Use the same sentence structure in the example given to describe the objects that follow. Example An S-shaped wrench A wrench shaped like an S


A half-moon stake

2. An L-shaped try square


A C-shaped cramp

A2003/UNIT 4/5 4. A square corner joint

5. A mushroom-shaped spike


A knife-edge file

ACTIVITY 2 : LISTENING For tapescript refer to Appendix 4.1 Your lecturer is going to play a cassette of instructions for you to follow. Listen to the text and then draw the diagram in the box below as required.


A2003/UNIT 4/6 Look at the table. Describe the bolts or screws to your friend and let him/her guess the answer. Example: (a) Student Z: This bolt is 42 mm long and has a diameter of 6mm. Student Y: Bolt A Bolt A Bolt B Bolt C Bolt D Screw E Screw F Screw G Screw H ACTIVITY 4 Read the following text. Length 42mm 40 mm 42 mm 42 mm 35 mm 36 mm 37 mm 38 mm Diameter 6 mm 6.5 mm 7 mm 7.5 mm 5 mm 5 mm 5.5.mm 5.8 mm

A car consists of many kinds of metal. Let us assume that it weighs in all about 1,000 kg. Of that 1,000 kg there is 140 kg of cast iron for the cylinder block, gearbox, etc. Things like door handles and carburetor contain zinc which makes up 15 kg of the total weight. Then youve got 10 kg of copper for pipes in the radiator and cables, 15 kg of aluminium, mostly in the pistons, and 5 kg of lead in the battery. Then finally, there is an enormous 700 kg of steel. Glass, rubber and plastics which are non-metal constitute a further 100 or so kilograms to the total. But is that all really necessary? It is alarming that all these metals and some of them are quite rare are being used at a frightening speed. Lets have a look at this bumper. As you notice, its shiny as a result of being covered in chromium. But its not made of chromium. Its made of steel. The chromium is used to provide the shine and makes it look nice. Now that would be bad enough. But, you see, chromium wont stick to steel, but it will stick to nickel; so under the chromium there is a layer of nickel. Unfortunately, nickel wont stick to steel either. Copper will, however; so there has to be a layer of copper to bind the nickel and the steel. So, the bumper comprises a sandwich of three rare metals. And what happens when it gets scratched or dented? We probably just throw it away or send it to the scrapyard.
Adapted from Hutchinson and Waters Interface pg 52

Complete the table below with information from the reading text. The first one has been done for you.

A2003/UNIT 4/7

Parts of the car

Gear box Battery Door handles Radiator pipes Bumper Pistons

What is it made of ?
Cast iron

ACTIVITY 5 Below is a cross-section of a bumper of a car. Label the layers of metal being used.

1. 2. 3 4.


To break down a piece of equipment or tool into its component parts, we use the following verbs to describe it. is made up of is made from is composed of a and b comprises


F a and b ACTIVITY 6 Use one of the following expressions involves to complete the statements below. Each can be used more than once.
is/are made up comprise(s) contain(s) is/are made

A2003/UNIT 4/8

1. Concrete ____________________ from cement, aggregate and water. 2. The bumper of a car ______________________ chromium and steel. 3. The tyre of a car ______________________ of rubber. 4. Portable generators ____________________ of two main parts; an engine and an alternator. 5. The English Language Society _____________________ all fifth formers. 6. Carbonated soft drinks _____________________ carbon dioxide.


Read the sentences that follow after this picture below.

1. The square is suspended from the hexagon. 2. The hexagon is connected to the cylinder by the line. 3. The triangle is attached to the cylinder. 4. A rubber tubing is fitted over one side of the cylinder.

A2003/UNIT 4/9

5. The circle is detached from the hexagon.

ACTIVITY 7 1) Select a suitable phrase from the table below to match with the pictures given. is fixed to is sealed in is secured to /by is pivoted on is linked to /by a) is suspended from is connected to / by is attached to /by is supported on /by is nailed into


b) _____________



d) _______________

A2003/UNIT 4/10

e) f)





h) ___________________



A2003/UNIT 4/11



ACTIVITY 8 Match sentence parts in Column A with those in Column B to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you. Column A The car is The television The switch The modem The documents The fan

Column B are sealed in the envelop. is fixed to the wall. is suspended from the ceiling. is supported by a jack. is linked to the computer. is connected to an aerial.

ACTIVITY 9 Read the following advertisement.

A2003/UNIT 4/12 Figure 4.1

A. Read the following statements. Decide whether each is TRUE or FALSE based on the advertisement Figure 4.1.

A2003/UNIT 4/13

1. The size does not reflect its storage capacity. 2. The height of the camera is 20 mm

_____________ _____________

3. The camera can be compacted as a result of arranging the lens in a straight line._____ 4. It takes only 1.8 seconds to press Power on. _______________

5. The camera has more than one recording function. _______________ 6. Certain parts of the camera is made from metal. ________________

B. Find words in the advertisements that has the same meaning as the following: 1.thinnest 2.famous 3.curves 4.sticking out 5.important development


A2003/UNIT 4/14

Look at the advertisements again . You may find the following words : A B Higher More less Slimmest Smallest Lightest nearest

The above words are adjectives describing the camera. But they are of 2 different forms i.e the comparative and superlative. Column A is the comparative while Column B is the superlative form.

ACTIVITY 10 Complete the table below : Adjective Comparative Superlative Slimmest Smallest Lightest nearest

Higher More less Do you notice that the same comparative and superlative form has a different pattern ? What are the differences ?


A2003/UNIT 4/15 Compare these tools. Make sentences about them using the information and the adjectives given in the table below. 5mm



300g 150mmm 120mm

$5 B


Example : Screwdriver A is longer than screwdriver B. 1.long 2. wide 3. short 4. heavy 4. 5. 6. 7. light expensive narrow cheap

_______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

A2003/UNIT 4/16

Task Role-play Ali intends to buy a computer but his father is going to pay for it. Ali prefers to buy a notebook but his father wants him to buy a desktop instead. Compares the features of a notebook and a desktop. Talk about their: speed, memory, capacity, size, weight, warranty etc. You can use adjectives from the box below. Choose a partner and write out the dialogue. Then act out the conversation. You are to submit the written dialogue to your English Language lecturer. Fast slow powerful high/low quality noisy quiet cheap expensive difficult reliable adaptable easy simple

A2003/UNIT 4/17


A.1.Shape circle A- radius B- Diameter C Circumference O Centre 2. Shape-rectangle A- width B- length 3. Shape square A = 4 cm 4.Shape A cuboid Shape B hexagon Height = 6 m Width = 5 cm Length = 7 cm Weight = 5 kg 5. Shape A cone Shape B cylinder Cubic capacity is 88 cm3 Height = 7 cm B.1. a stake shaped like a half-moon 2. a try square shaped like an L 3. a cramp shaped like a C 4. a corner joint shaped like a square 5. a spike shaped like a mushroom 6. a file shaped like a knife edge

A2003/UNIT 4/18 Activity 1

Activity 2





Activity 3 1. This bolt is 40mm long and has a diameter of 6.5mm. Ans: Bolt B 2. This bolt is 42mm long and has a diameter of 7.0mm. Ans: Bolt C 3. This bolt is 42mm long and has a diameter of 7.5mm. Ans: Bolt D

A2003/UNIT 4/19 4. 5. 6. 7. This bolt is 35mm long and has a diameter of 5.0mm. This bolt is 36mm long and has a diameter of 5.0mm. This bolt is 37mm long and has a diameter of 5.5mm. This bolt is 38mm long and has a diameter of 6.8mm. Ans: Screw E Ans: Screw F Ans: Screw G Ans: Screw H

Activity 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lead zinc copper chromium, steel, nickel, copper aluminium

Activity 5 1. 2. 3. 4. chromium nickel copper steel

Activity 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. is made contains is made up are made up comprises contain

Activity 7 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) is pivoted on is attached to/by is suspended from is supported on/by is attached to is sealed in is connected to/by is fixed to is nailed into is secured to/by

Activity 8 1.The television is connected to an aerial.

A2003/UNIT 4/20 2.The switch is fixed to the wall. 3.The documents are sealed in the envelope. 4.The modem is linked to the computer. 5. The fan is suspended from the ceiling. Activity 9 A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE

B. 1. slimmest 2. renowned 3. bends 4. protruding 5. breakthrough Activity 10 Adjective slim small light near high much little/few Activity 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Screwdriver A has a wider blade than screwdriver B. Screwdriver A is heavier than screwdriver B. Screwdriver A is more expensive than screwdriver B. Screwdriver B is shorter than screwdriver A. Screwdriver B is lighter than screwdriver A. Screwdriver B has a narrower blade than screwdriver A. Screwdriver B is cheaper than screwdriver A. Comparative slimmer smaller lighter nearer higher more less Superlative slimmest smallest lightest nearest highest most least


A2003/UNIT 4/21

Self-assessment 1 Describe the following objects using the measurements and the words given. Example : (A telephone booth ; rectangular ; body wood ; windows glass )


This is a rectangular telephone booth. The body of the telephone booth is made of wood and the windows are made of glass. The height is 3m. The width is 1m and the length is 1.5m.



1. ( A safe ; square ; steel )



80 cm

2. ( A ring ; band circular, gold )

A2003/UNIT 4/22


3. (A cabinet ; rectangular ; steel )




4. (A beam ; I-shaped ; steel )




5. ( A float ; duck-shaped ; plastic )

A2003/UNIT 4/23



Self-assessment 2 You are given several objects. Using words from the list below, make sentences about the object. Example : The lighter is covered with a plastic casing.

painted filled insulated argon 1.

fixed fitted

head 1.


A2003/UNIT 4/24

plastic 3.

red 4.




Self-assessment 3

A2003/UNIT 4/25 Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box below. rotated between passes across cylindrical used for consists of

The wood turning lathe is one of the most important machines used in a carpentry shop. It is (1)__________________ turning parts. Parts manufactured by this machine are (2)____________________, spherical and tapered in shape. A wood working lathe (3)____________________ a robust cast iron body, main motor, cone pulley system, spindle, tool post, head stock, live and dead centers and a speed control device. On a wood working lathe, a wooden piece is (4) _____________________ two centers and a sharp edged tool is held in the tool post. As workpieces rotate the cutting tool (5) ____________________ it and removes the extra material thus providing it the desired shape.


Self-assessment 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative form of the words given in the brackets. ENGINE Petrol engine and the diesel engine are the two most common types of engine for land vehicles. Diesel engines are usually (1)______________ (large) and (2) ______________(heavy) than petrol engines. This makes them (3)________________ (expensive) and unsuitable for cars and motorcycles. hand, diesel Cars and motorcycles use petrol engines because they are use (6) _________________(little) fuel and last (7) (4)________________ (cheap) and they usually go (5) _______________ (fast). On the other engines _________________(long) than petrol engines.

A2003/UNIT 4/26 Due to the advance in technology, some land vehicles use electric-powered engine. They are the (8)_________________(clean) and (9) _______________ (quiet) of the three types of engine. They are the (10) _____________________ (safe) because there is the (11) ___________________ (less) danger of these engines catching fire. Electric-powered engines are the (12)_______________(environmental friendly) of all the three engines.




A2003/UNIT 4/27 Answer Key for Self-assessment Activities Self-assessment 1 1. This is a square safe. It is made of steel. The height is 80cm. The width is 80cm and the length is 80cm. 2. This is a ring. The band of the ring is circular in shape. It is made of gold. The diameter of the band is 25mm. 3. This is a rectangular cabinet. It is made of steel. The height is 1.6m. The length is 0.8m and the width is 0.6m. 4. This is an I-shaped beam. It is made of steel. The height is 3m. The width is 4m and the length is 6m. 5. This is a duck-shaped float. It is made of plastic. It has a diameter of 0.3m.

Self-assessment 2 1. The bulb is filled with argon. 2. The head of the hammer is fixed to the handle. 3. The wire is insulated with plastic. 4. The wall is painted in red. 5. The nut is fitted into the bolt. Self-assessment 3 1. used for 2.cylindrical Self-assessment 4 1. larger 3. more expensive 5. faster 7.longer 9. quietest 11. least 3. consists of 4. rotated between 5.passes across

2. heavier 4. cheaper 6. less 8. cleanest 10 safest 12. environmental friendliest


A2003/UNIT 4/28

SCORE 30 - 37 22 - 29 14 - 21 0 - 13

REMARKS Well done ! Move on to the next unit. Good. Be more careful while answering. Please go through your mistakes. Pay attention to your weaker areas. Please go through the unit again or see your lecturer.


A2003/UNIT 4/29 TAPESCRIPT For Unit 4 DESCRITION OF OBJECTS (Activity 2) Your sister likes to draw logos. One evening she said to you, Could you help me ? Theres a simple logo I want to draw for a competition. I cant seem to draw it right. First you must draw a diamond. All the four sides are equal. Make them 5 cm each. Then, draw a triangle at the right-hand end. Be sure to connect it to the diamond. Two of the sides are 5 cm each, while the other side can be longer, about 7 cm. Do the same to the left-hand end of the diamond. The triangle on the left-hand side should also have two equal sides of 5 cm each, while the other side is longer.

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