UPCAT Reviewer Practice Test 4 PDF

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If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

1. What would you get if you multiply 5 3  3 2 by 3 3  5 2 ? (A) 15 (B) 15  16 6 (C) 45  16 6

(D) 45

2. The sides of a right triangle are denoted as the largest side of the triangle? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5

x , x  1 and x  2 , What is
(D) 6

3.  5 x  3 e 18 and 7 x  1 (A) 3 (B) 1

64 . Which of these could not be x?

(C) 0 (D) 9

4. The hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is 12 cm. How long is each leg of the triangle? (A) 4 3 (B) 12 2 (C) 8 3 (D) 6 2

5. A letter is chosen at random from the word superstar. What is the probability that a letter is a vowel? (A) 2 3 (B) 13 (C) 19 (D) 1 6

If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

6. The measures of the sides of a triangle are 10, 13 and 13 cm, how far is the shortest side to the opposite vertex? (A) 11 cm (B) 12 cm (C) 12.5 cm (D) 13 cm

7. Karachi is west of Manila by what time is it in Karachi? (A) 8:00 am (B) 10:00 am

60 O longitude. When it is 12 noon in Manila,

(C) 2:00 pm (D) 4:00 pm

8. If 12 

x ! 9.3 , what is the value of 12  x ?


(A) 21.3






9. A circle centered at Q with a radius of 7 overlaps a square as shown in the

22 picture. What is the area of the shaded region? Use T ! 7

(A) 10.5

(B) 38.5

C) 27

(D) 49

If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

10. Simplify: 3 x y 2 xy  2 xy 5  x
2 2
3 2 2 (A) 4 x y  10 xy

(C) 7 x 3 y 2  10 xy 2 (D) 8 x 3 y 2  7 xy 2

(B) 8 x y  10 xy

11. What term must be added to (A) 81 y


9 2 x  30 xy to make it perfect square trinomial? 4

(C) 100 y




64 y

2 3 2 2 12. What is the greatest common factor for 8 a b , 12 a 3 b 2 c and 20a bc ?

(A) 120 a b

3 4

4a 2 b

(C) 4 a b c

(D) 120 a b c

13. How much is (A) 192


? (C) 128 (D) 160

(B) 64

14. Find the roots of the equation: x  3 x ! 0


(A) 0 and 3

(B) 3 and -3

(C) 3 and  3 (D) 0 and -3

If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

15. For what real values of y is the expression y 2  y  2 undefined? (A) -1 and 2 (B) 1 and 4 (C) -2 and -4 (D) 1 and -2

y2  y  4

16. Which of the following is true regarding the two lines whose equations are shown to the right?
2 x  y  1 ! 0  2x  y  1 ! 0

(A) The lines are parallel (B) The lines are perpendicular (C) The lines intersect at a point on the y-axis (D) The lines coincide

17. What number should be removed from the list 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, , 97, 99 so that the average of the remaining numbers is 59? (A) 17 (B) 37 (C) 69 (D) 85

18. Simplify:

2 2 x 2 x y x y   2 2 2 x  y 2 x  y x  y x  y

4 xy (A) 2 x  y2


x y 2

4x (C) 2 x  y2


x y 2

If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

19. A store sells calamansi at 8 for P2.00. If it changes the price to 10 calamansi for P3.00, what is the percent increase in price per calamansi? (A) 20% (B) 25% (C) 33 13 % (D) 40%

20. The minute hand of a clock has made sixteen complete revolutions since noon, what angle does the minute hand make with the hour hand? (A) 60


150 Q

(C) 90

(D) 120

1. What is the important animal hormone responsible for the control of glucose levels in the blood? (A) thyroxine (B) cortisol (C) prostaglandin (D) insulin 2. A 1,000-kilogram car traveling with a velocity of +20. meters per second decelerates uniformly at -5.0 meters per second2 until it comes to rest. What is the total distance the car travels as it decelerates to rest (A) 10 m (B) 20 m (C) 40 m (D) 80 m

If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

3. What yellowish-orange compound belonging to the vitamin B complex is used to treat pernicious anemia? It is synthesized in the intestinal bacteria and occurs in green plants, fresh fruit, liver and yeast. Its formula is C19 H 19 N 7 O6 . (A) riboflavin (B) cobalamin (C) inositol (D) folic acid

4.The reaction 2H 2 O N p 2H 2 O g  O 2 g is forced to occur by use of an externally applied electric current. This procedure is called (A) neutralization (B) esterification (C) electrolysis (D) hydrolysis

5. A student calculated the percent by mass of water in a sample of BaCl 2 y 2H 2 O to be 16.4% but the accepted value is 14.8%. What was the students percent error?
14.8 v 100 % 16.4


16.4 v 100 % 14.8


1. 6 v 100 % 14.8


14.8 v 100 % 1. 6

6. The symmetrical structure of the CH 4 molecule is due to the fact that the four single bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms are directed toward the corners of a (A) triangle (B) tetrahedron (C) square (D) rectangle

If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

7. The data below gives the mean radius of orbit (R) and the period (T) of some planets orbiting the Sun Planet Mercury Venus Earth Mass Mean Radius of Orbit (R) (x 106 kilometers) 58 108 150 228 Orbital Period (T) (days) 88 225 365 687

Which ratio is constant for these planets? (A)


R2 (B) T

R2 (C) 2 T

R3 (D) 2 T

8. The absolute index of refraction for a substance is 2.0 for light having a wavelength of 5.9 v 10 7 meter. In this substance, what is the critical angle for light incident on a boundary with air?
Q (A) 30

(B) 45

(C) 60


90 Q

9. What do you call a substance consisting of two or more distinct types of particles which can be separated by mechanical or physical means? (A) alloy (B) pure substance (C) compound (D) mixture

10. How much work is done on a downhill skier by an average braking force of 9.8 v 10 2 newtons to stop her in a distance of 10. meters? (A) 1.0 v 10 1 J (B) 9.8 v 101 J (C) 1.0 v 10 3 J (D) 9.8 v 10 3 J

If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

11. What is the absence of measurable electrical resistance in certain substances at temperature close to zero degrees Kelvin? (A) resistivity (B) conductivity (C) malleability (D) superconductivity

12. What do you call the phylum of marine and freshwater invertebrates which live permanently attached to rocks and other surfaces? Its body is hollow and consists of an aggregation of millions of single-celled organisms. (A) Mollusca (B) Echinodermata (C) Porifera (D) Nematoda

13. What do you call a liquid with high content of nitrogen, antibodies and vitamins secreted from mammary glands just after giving birth, and prior to the flow of proper milk? (A) milk (B) colostrum (C) nestogen (D) sweat

14. What do you call the reactions in which the hydrogen ion of an acid and the hydroxide ion of a base unite to form water? (A) hydrolysis (B) decomposition (C) displacement (D) neutralization

15. What term to the part of the nitrogen cycle where nitrogen compounds are formed by certain bacteria from the free nitrogen in the air (A) Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen (B) Denitrification (C) Nitrate leaching from soil (D) Release of NH4 by decomposition

If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

16. Which lustrous, white metal conducts heat and electricity most easily and is highly valued for ornamental and industrial use? (A) cadmium (B) tin (C) bismuth (D) silver

17. Which two metals make-up brass? (A) copper and nickel (B) iron and zinc (C) copper and zinc (D) zinc and nickel

18. Which of the following statements about food chains and energy flow through ecosystems is FALSE? a. A single organism can feed at several trophic levels. b. Detritivores feed at all trophic levels except the producer level. c. The lower the trophic level at which an organism feeds, the more energy available. d. Food webs include two or more food chains. 19. When a doctor gives you an antibiotic when you are sick, he/she always tells you to keep taking the antibiotic until it is all finished. The reason he/she tells you this is because: a. it is wasteful not to finish all the antibiotic. b. viruses require high doses of antibiotics to kill them. c. allowing the more antibiotic-tolerant bacteria to survive may encourage a population of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to evolve. d. a long period of antibiotic use is required to prevent secondary virus infection. 20. nder a light microscope, tiny dots can be seen in the cytoplasm of living plant and animal cells. These are likely to be: a. chloroplasts b. ribosomes c. mitochondria d. nuclei


If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.

Answer Key
MATH ANSWER KEY 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 D 5 B 6 7 8 9 10 B A B A B 11 12 13 14 15 C B B A D 16 17 18 19 20 C A C A D


6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15


16 17 18 19 20


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to download PCAT Reviewer Practice Test 1-3

If you have questions or homework in Math (from elementary to college level) send to us at reviewermath@yahoo.com. Do let us know the deadline of your assignment. Well try our best to submit the solution on time through your e-mail address.


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