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MENU A Assorted Canape * Tom Yam Gong * Australian Beef Black Pepper * Fish With Thai Sauce * Spagety Bolognaise * Five Vegetables With Onyster Sauce * Steam Rice * Es Marem
MENU B Assorted Canape * Soto Bandung * Lasagna * Fried Noodle With Egg ( Special ) *
Seafood with black bean sauce *

Steam Rice * Sambal Goreng Jipang dengan Rambak * Es Lche nata Decoco

MENU C Assorted Canape * Bakmi Jowo * Japanese Beef Katsu * Fish With Lemon Sauce * * Pok Coy * Steam Rice * Assorted Dessert

MENU D Assorted Canape *

Szechuan Sweet ed Sour Soup *

Rendang * Javanese Noodle With Special Chef *

Grilled Fish Rica Rica Sauce *

Korean Style Glass Noodle

Mix Vegetables With Chinese Style * Steam Rice * Es Buah

MENU D Assorted canape * Soup Kacang Merah * Gulai Sapi Semarang * Prawn Ball Ala Kintu Style * Fried Noodle With Chinese Style *
Vegetables Au Gratin * Steam Rice * Es Parut mentimun

MENU E Assorted Canape * Sausage & Vegetabels Soup * Australian Beef Yakiniku * Fish Tempura * Glass Noddle With Egg * Lodeh Komplit + Tempe Bacem * Steam Rice * Aneka Jajanan pasar


Menu A Lumpia Kue Serabi Kacang Rebus Coffee & Tea Menu B Tahu Bakso Kue Jentik Manis Keripik Talas Coffee & Tea Menu C Nagasari Risoles Keripik Singkong Coffee & Tea Menu D Opera Cake Lemper Ayam Kacang Pesto Coffee & Tea Menu E Kue Dadar Gulung Prawn Meat balls Keripik Pisang Mineral water Cup Menu F Apple Pie Tahu Bakso Kletikan Coffee & Tea Menu G

Naga Sari bandung Sosis Solo Kacang Rebus Coffee & Tea Menu H Beef Kroket Eclair Kacang Goreng Coffee & Tea

Menu I Lumpia Semarang Brownis Kacang Bawang Coffee & Tea Menu J Chicken Wing Red Velvet Kacang Presto Coffee & Tea

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