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Fishing Mounts

Plumbed for coarse fishing

Depending on fishing conditions, we must adopt appropriate leaded on the body line. A - Regular Current, weights are evenly distributed Current B-violent, seals are grouped very low on the line C - Current tub, leaded was phased down, so as to keep the line up in the tub D - shallow slow current, an olive grove concentrates all the weight of the leaded, it is just held in place by one or two Greylag (very small weights), it can quickly get the bait to the bottom, this type of leaded allows for example to avoid the bleak surface and down quickly at roach bait. E-deep slow current, leaded is decreasing downwards, allowing the passage of the bait before the shot
pellets coarse fishing Sh op pin g Pu rch as e eq uip me nt Gif t Ide as DV D Vid eo (vo d) Bo ok s Se e mo re ite ms Dy na mit e Bai ts MI X STI CK DY

04.07.2013 15:56:20

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