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Tech DEGREE EXAMINATIONS-2013 SECOND SEMESTER/II ME (CSE) MODEL EXAMINATION SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT TIME: 3 Hours Date: PART-A (Answer all the questions) 1. Define the transformation ideas of Big League model? 2. Describe atleast one scenario where a) RAD Model would be applicable and not the waterfall model b) Waterfall model is preferable to all other models 3. Define the characteristics of a process? 4. State any two advantages of adopting S-CMM and P-CMM? 5. Define Metrics with PDCA cycle? 6. Define configuration management, Configuration and configuration item? 7. What would be the impact of not having the infrastructure groups present in a project kick-off meeting? 8. What are the pitfalls to be watch out during SQAS role? 9. What is WBS and its need? 10. List out the metrics for project closure? (10x2=20) Maximum: 100 Marks

PART-B (Answer all the questions)


11. (a) What are the different phases of product life cycle? Explain with relevant examples. (16) (or) (b) Explain briefly about the following models with pros and cons. i. Waterfall Model ii. Prototype Model iii. RAD Model iv. Spiral Model 12. (a) Explain the 20-clauses of ISO-9001 model

(16) (16)

(or) (b) Define KPA. Explain SEI CMM framework in detail. 13. (a) Explain the various steps that constitute SCM. (or) (b) i. Distinguish quality control and quality assurance ii. Explain the components of Risk Management Cycle with a neat sketch 14. (a) i. Explain the activities during project initiation in detail. ii. Write short notes on the components of project planning and tracking process. (or) (b) i. Describe in detail about an effective closure process. ii. Explain the issues that are involved during project closure. 15. (a) Describe in detail about the dimensions of requirement gathering process (or) (b) i. Explain in detail about the attributes of design and development phases. ii. Write short notes on various activities of software testing. (4) (12) (8) (8) (8) (8) (16) (8) (8) (16) (16)

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