Build Your Sustainable Villa

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Build your sustainable villa


Estidama, which means sustainability in Arabic, is our vision of living more

responsibly and in keeping with our unique environment and culture. This
concept requires that we reconsider the way we design and construct all
our living spaces including homes, offices, hotels, industries and townships,
and how we manage the use of resources in our day to day lives.



As a homeowner your choice of location, design and construction material

for your residence plays an important role in achieving Estidama.

Read on to find how you can help build a better world

for the future and the best home for your family.

Building a sustainable home

The path to a healthy
lifestyle, healthy Emirate
The current housing demands in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi already use a
substantial percentage of energy and water resources. If housing units
continue to be built on existing standards we could run out of these crucial
resources very soon.
But building a sustainable home is not only a healthier, more comfortable
and environmentally friendly choice, it is also a wise investment for you,
your family and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.



Insulating levels

Enjoying the sunshine,

in the shade
A much neglected aspect of comfortable living in an extremely hot climate is the right insulation and keeping the
sun out of your home before it heats it up. This can help reduce the strain on your air conditioner, reduce your
energy bill, while providing you with a healthier, quieter and more comfortable way to stay cool, indoors.

Smart ways to keep the heat away:

Ensure the insulating level of your roof is at least R-5*
Ensure the insulating level of your wall is at least R-3*
Increase the insulation levels of your roof and wall
Plant low water consuming trees around the perimeter of
your home which will reduce the impact of unwanted heat
while not using excessive water
Add window awnings
Install pergolas and shade sails wherever possible to
shade the building and you
For wall exteriors, use sheet insulation and light
coloured paint

* R = the value which indicates the

speed at which heat moves through
the wall or roof. The higher the
number, the slower the transfer, the
better the insulation.

Tip: The right size

Big is not always better. A well
designed house offers the right
amount of privacy and family
time, and minimises cleaning,
the need for extensive cooling,
and the amount of material to
construct or furnish.


= R *





Heat & light control


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Celebrate the great

outdoors, indoors
Windows and doors



A few alterations can help

bring the great outdoors
indoors. Try some of these
suggestions to make your
home a lot more delightful to
live in.

The main entry point for heat and light are windows and doors.
Control the amount of heat and light with the right materials and the
right designs
Select windows and doors that are double glazed and use smart glass
set in thermal break frames
Examine all frames (windows, doors, air conditioner, exhaust fans, etc.),
and seal all gaps with a high quality seal to reduce the hot air that enters
the house
Plan for the right balance of windows and wall space to allow just
the right amount of daylight to enter, reduce the need for electric
lighting, and create a spacious look all without excessive heat gain

Smart air conditioning

Air conditioning
During moderate climatic conditions, turn off air conditioning and
open windows to allow cross ventilation
Install high quality and quiet ceiling fans which can be used in
the shoulder months, before and after summer heat

Clean air conditioner filters every 1-3 months to ensure their
efficiency and prevent the circulation of indoor air pollutants

A residential scale heat exchange system is another effective
way to stay cool. Using air with less natural humidity prevents
the build-up of undesirable moisture and pollutants

For additional cooling choose a hard finish for flooring (cooler than
carpets and plaster board) and solid rendering for walls and ceilings
Install smart controls for air conditioners, which can be programmed
to set room temperature according to the time of day and automatically
switch off when a room is empty

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The right construction materials

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( )VOCs

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For clean air


Install exhaust fans that

exhaust to the outside, help
remove moist air and also
prevent outside air from
entering when switched off.

Keep carpeting to a bare minimum to keep dust and allergens in check

Add vapour barriers during wall construction and install windows,
plumbing and air conditioning with care to prevent moisture entry
and build-up which cause mould and mildew to grow
Choose materials and products (paints, glue, upholstery, carpets,
furniture) with zero or low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to
control the level of toxic gasses indoors
Ensure all material and products are zero or low-formaldehyde
)(a carcinogen

Durable and recycled materials

Celebrate the great outdoors, indoors
Simple living, high thinking
Purchase a house near alternative transportation routes and within
walking distance to educational, health, leisure, commercial and
shopping facilities


Consume less, repair more, throw away less, and recycle what you can

Buy eco-friendly products (such as cleaners and furnishings) to

encourage toxic free manufacturing processes and a clean environment

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Choose insecticides, fertilizers and cleaning products that are non-toxic

Look for third party eco-labels for guidance on which products to buy
Buy products with durable/recycled material and local repair facilities to
save on the money, time and the ecological burden of buying new

Tip: Choose wood wisely

Reduce dependability on electricity

Super energy efficient

Replace all incandescent and halogen lighting with compact fluorescent
lighting (CFL) or LED fixtures
Buy electrical appliances with energy efficient rating from accredited
systems like Energy Star, a joint US/EU/Australian Star Rating system
Set-up solar hot water panels on the roof for free water heating!
Set-up Photovoltaic panels for household electricity to reduce demand
and dependability on the power grid

Wood, while not used

extensively in Abu Dhabi
homes, can add up to a
considerable amount if you
consider all that goes into
flooring, frames and furniture.
So look for third party
certification on any wood
you purchase to ensure it is
legally sourced and has not
been taken from sensitive
forests and other significant
ecosystems. These systems
are the lungs of the world
and help preserve soil,
rivers and many endangered





Healthy habits
Save water
Save the planet
Most of the water used in Abu
Dhabi comes from desalinisation
plants. These plants use a process
which leaves a deep environmental
impact - extracting water from the
Gulf, boiling it using oil and natural
gas which increases air pollution,
and in the end creates considerable
amounts of unwanted salt.
So, when you save water, you save
much more.

Good for you

Good for the planet

Tips to save water:

Install low volume or
dual flush toilets
Install low flow
showerheads and faucets
Buy water efficient
dishwashers and washing
Minimise the use of turf grass
and lawns
Plant trees with minimal
water needs
Use drip irrigation (preferably
sub-surface) and a timed
controller with wind and
moisture sensors
Water at night when
evaporation is at its lowest
Use reflective pool covers
to reduce evaporation from
pools and keep them cool

Where and how food is grown

has a significant impact on our
environment. Not only does locally or
regionally grown food have a smaller
carbon footprint, it is also fresher,
healthier and helps support regional
economies. Necessary food items
that cannot be found locally should
be chosen from sources that are
supplied by sea freight and certified
organic produce to encourage food
producers and suppliers that have a
smaller carbon footprint.







Increase the diversity of plant species

Create your signature ecosystem

Increasing the diversity of plant and animal species in our environment is
the best way to guarantee the long term quality of human life. The diversity
of species ensures mutual interaction and benefit while also creating a rich
and varied ecosystem. Connecting gardens in the neighbourhood creates
a network living system where a variety of plants, small animals, and
underground species can co-exist and eventually bring the entire surrounding
neighbourhood to life.

Tips for your garden:

Choose plants that agree
with the regions climate
Avoid ornamental or exotic
plants that need large
amounts of water or tend
to escape and become
invasive and long term

Provide appropriate shade

and irrigation techniques
wherever necessary

Grow trees that bear fruits

and nuts, provide shade
and visual interest, and
readily available food

Consider living roofs

and deck top gardens
to increase the diversity
of plant life, when nonpotable water is available
for their irrigation



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