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Countries and Nationalities

1- Put the words in order to form questions and then answer them.
a- is she Where from?
b- his Whats nationality?
c-they from Are Brazil?
d- Keira Knightley Is Portuguese?
e- Jennifer Aniston is from Where?
f- you Are from Russia?
g- you from Where are?

Teacher: Sofia Costabella

Countries and Nationalities

Teacher: Sofia Costabella

2- Write the negative of the sentences a, b and g from the previous exercise.
a- _____________________________________________________
b- _____________________________________________________
g- _____________________________________________________

3- Complete.
a- Jamie is from China. He is ________________________________.
b- Her nationality is Polish. She ______________________________.
c- Tom and Pat arent Russian. They arent _____________________.
d- My cousin isnt from Mexico. He isnt _______________________.
e- We are _______ Italy. We _______________________________.
f- Jean Paul is ________ France. _____________________________.
4- Write Yes/No questions. Answer them.
a- Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt / British? ---- The USA.
Ex: Are Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt British?

No, they arent. They are American.

b- Laura Pausini / Scottish? / ----Italy.
c- My friend and I / Germany?------ Ireland.
d- Your brother and his girlfriend / Hungarian?----- Turkey.
e- Mr. Grant / Ireland -----England.

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