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SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Reviewing Mechanics Essay Scoring Rubric:

Focus The student presents a clear thesis statement; including a main claim and reasons to support the claim The presentation of the essay is logical with regards to the organization within paragraph logic, the introduction, body, and conclusion The paper is written legibly and 1-2 pages in length. The paper provides adequate supporting details. These do not have to be research based. The paper leaves the reader feeling resolute. The students voice, tone, person, and point of view is established. Criteria Not Met No thesis statement. Criteria Partially Met This may be missing components, bland, or unclear. Competent organization. Criteria Met Thought provoking and thorough thesis.


Missing all the components of essay logic.

Appropriate and effective organization.

Less than 1 page.

Only 1 page or more than 2. Assertions are made but not supported. The conclusion is thin and trite. Language is functional, redundant, vague; adequate but not precise. May demonstrate some problems with focus on the objective. Grammar & Mechanics are acceptable, but may contain flaws.

Meets the page count. Convincing supporting evidence. The reader is resolved. Language is expressive, engaging, honest, precise, strong imagery. Perfectly accomplishes the objectives of the assignment. Thought provoking. Perfect or near perfect mechanics, spelling, and punctuation.


Details are left unsupported.

The paper trails off. Lacks rhythm and awkward sentence structure.



The student establishes the context of the topic for the paper.

Weak grasp of the objective.

Grammar & Mechanics

The student demonstrates proper use of grammar and mechanics.

Grammar & Mechanics require considerable improvement.


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