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Academic Year/Semester____________ Branch/Class _____________

Name of Faculty: ______________ Subject Taught: ________________________________

Please give your opinion about the Faculty by putting tick () mark in the appropriate column against each question. 1. Poor 3. Fair 4. Good Questionnaire A. Curriculum Development 1) Availability of text books/reference books in Library 2) Availability of Facilities in laboratory to cover the syllabus 3) Course content B. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. C. 9. 10. Class and Time Management Does the teacher begin and end the class in time? Does the teacher create a learning environment* in the class? Is the teacher able to generate interest in the class? Does the teacher spend time to clear the doubts? Did the teacher complete the syllabus with uniform pace? Knowledge Sharing Does the teacher come prepared for the class? Does the teacher share advanced/additional relevant knowledge in the class? 11. Does the teacher give practical examples and case studies? 12. Does the teacher use available resources** for learning? Does the teacher use teaching aids for better learning? D. Relationship 14. Is the teacher able to get along well with students? 15. Does the teacher make the class interactive? 16. Does the teacher encourage the students to come for personal discussions? 17. Is the teacher helpful outside the class? 18. Would you like to have this teacher to handle subjects in future? F. Effectiveness 19. Does the teacher communicate clearly and effectively? 20. Does the teacher employ new teaching techniques in the class? 21. Does the teacher advise and motivate the students for enhanced development of skills? 22. Does the teacher maintain clarity and precision of both verbal and written communications? 23. Does the teacher return the valued answer scripts of periodical tests in time? 2. Average 1 5. Very Good 2 3 4 5


* Disciplined, Silent and Friendly:

** Demo models, Charts, etc.

If any other comments:__________________________________________________________________

Form No.AC19


Effective Date: 04.07.2011

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