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Example 1

OD Solution:

A medium sized Lack of cooperation between units, increasing cost and low morale of the employees. Three days workshop away from usual routine. Training cum Recreational mode of activity. Entire work team to participate. Interview with team members before the start of workshop. Formulate groups to work on the common problems, figure out through interviews are: The Boss, Meeting, Administrative Service, Customer Relation, Long Term Goals. Groups are the mix of different designation/pay scale to discuss the solution and find the problem.

Misunderstanding and Tension between people has been worked out. More interaction between units. Since problems are addressed, employee morale has been raised. Desired Results appear on surface in 3 month time. Next Action Step to follow up and review the progress.

Implementation of OD Interventions

Strategic Intervention Change Management

Change process theory Tool for successful change

Knowledge Managements
Expert Registry Best Practices COP KMS

Techno-Structural Intervention
TQM Six Sigma HIO

Human Process Intervention

Team Building Activities Conflict Resolution MBO EI

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