A Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi Version of The "Vidui"

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A REB ZALMAN SCHACHTER-SHALOMI VERSION OF THE "VIDUI" Ribono Shel Olam, I hereby forgive Whoever has hurt me,

And Whoever has done me any wrong; Whether it was Deliberately or by accident, Whether it was Done by word or by deed, In this incarnation Or in previous ones. May no one, Be punished on my account. May it be Your will, O L~rd my G~d, G~d of my parents, That I sin no more, That I do not revert to my old ways, That I do not anger You any more with my actions, That I do not do that which is evil in Your sight. Wipe away the sins That I have committed, With Your great compassion, But not through Sickness or suffering. May these words Of my mouth, And the prayers That are in my heart, Be acceptable before You, O L~rd, My Rock and my Redeemer. God, You made me. From before I was born, You took me through my life. You supported me. You were there with me when I wasn't there with You. There were times I was sick and You healed me. There were times I was in despair and You gave me hope. There were times when I felt betrayed that I could still turn to You.

It was a wonderful life. I loved and I was loved. I sang, I heard music, I saw flowers, I saw sunrises and sunsets. Even in places when I was alone, You, in my heart, helped me turn loneliness into precious solitude. I look back over the panorama of my life; what a wonderful privilege this was! I still have some concerns for people in the family, For the world, for the planet. I put them in Your Blessed Hands. I trust that whatever in the Web of Life that needed me to be there Is now completed. I thank You for taking the burden from me, And I thank You for keeping me in the Light. As I let go, and let go, and let go... and let go. (with permission of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)

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