Daughter Returns Father and Daughter Forbidden Love Erotic Story

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Daughter Returns 2T Author: Tom White Editor: Shannon E. Publication Date: 09.

2011 Years had gone by since John had seen her and now he lived alone, content with h is solitude. He had his leisure time, spent at his new PC and its connections to the wide world. For some time he had been logging on to a site that featured st ories, well-told stories involving fantasies. Of course, the authors would not w ant to live these out in reality, but the imagination coupled with the good writ ing was a genuine turn-on. John became an author. About every two weeks he would send in a new story. Most stories featured his favorite fantasy, which involved her -- his lovely daughter whom he had not seen now for quite a few years. Some how, he didn't know how, he had come to placing her centrally in his stories, so many of which involved a father who loved his daughter in a way that is defined as forbidden. John also found several sites that had excellent images of people engaged in sex acts, including some advertised as "teens." Lovely, pert breasts , long legs, erotic stiletto shoes ... sometimes it was not the overt sex but th e sheer glory of seeing such a delightful body on display with the perky smile o r the alluring glance. She became part of that too, his daughter Laura. She took on a new appearance with each picture, but remained always connected to him by the taboo fantasy. He purchased a software program that allowed him to insert te xt into the pictures. He named the pictures too. "Daughter_spread.jpg" would be a title for an image of a teen sitting on a bathroom counter, her legs spread, s howing her moist cunt while she aroused herself by pinching her nipples. "Daught er_wants.jpg" would label a picture of a girl in ecstatic dreamland, her finger probing herself, her eyes closed, but her face in rapture. John would think of L aura doing that and then insert a thought-bubble on the picture: "Oh, Dad, I nee d your prick!" But one day all this changed. The phone rang and it was she. She' d had a terrible fight with her boyfriend and wanted "out." She wanted to return home for a while, to come back to this city, after being away for nearly a deca de and not really staying in touch. She was feeling down but he gave her boost w hen he welcomed her back, to stay with him as long as she needed to get her life back in order. And so, a few days later, when the doorbell rang, he knew that i t would her: Laura, a daughter he had not seen in almost ten years. Laura nervou sly rang the bell. She felt bad about not staying in touch, but she had develope d a strange feeling and could not explain it. Every time she had thought about w riting or calling, thinking of her Dad living alone and wondering about her, she had somehow been unable to follow through. Well, she thought, let's face it, I know why. Laura blushed as the quickly racing thought ran through her while she waited for her Dad to come to the door to welcome her. She remembered how she us ed to watch them, Mom and Dad, while they didn't even know she had a way to peek ing. The bedroom door would be slightly ajar, after midnight, when they thought she was sound asleep on some weekend night. She would hear them first, the whisp ered hot words, then she would rise and tiptoe to their bedroom door. "Oh, baby, yes, suck!" she would hear.

Giving the door a slight push, she would see the outline of their bodies in the dark, her eyes fully adjusted to the lack of light. "Oh, lover, yes, fuck me now , fuck me!" Her Mom's words would create a shiver down her spine, and then goose bumps along her entire body while she became wet, the liquid slowly dribbling d own one leg and accumulating on the rug. "Yes, yes," her mother would cry, "fuck me forever, don't stop, lover." She would see her father's muscled body in acti on, his long hard organ moving slowly all the way out, the tip of the head tickl ing the mother-cunt-lips and then probing slowly back in, then deeply submerged in her Mom's wide-open gushing cunt. Laura would finger herself as she watched D ad making love to her Mom, moving her finger over her labia, tweaking her clitor is, probing her wet opening. "I'm coming, lover, coming, yes, fuck, fuck, fuck!" And Laura would come too. And, now, as the door swung open, Laura knew that her forbidden fantasy had been the underlying reason why she had not stayed in cont act: she feared what would happen. Only the disaster of the last few days, of th e final break with her boyfriend, had driven her to return. John opened the door with some trepidation. It had been so long! There she was! An incredible sight was there before his eyes. A young woman with a flashing smile, long brown hair and eyes to match. The loveliest face he had ever seen, bar none! And her body.. .he felt guilty but excited at the sight of her attractive bosom and her long le gs. When she flashed her smile and then came to hug him, John swooned in genuine delight. Laura! Laura felt herself melting. She hugged her Dad and pressed hers elf against him. The man-smell overwhelmed her, nobody was as strong and elegant as her Dad was! Nobody would ever substitute for him as the one...but what was she thinking! Impossible! Better leave now! No, no, it will be alright, get cont rol, girl! John and Laura spent the evening in quiet talk as they sat in the liv ing room, recalling old times in the family. She inquired about his work, and he admitted that he was not as active as earlier. He taught only one seminar each term, so that most of the time he was at home. Still, he maintained contact with the field and it gave him an excuse to get out of the house. The next day was h is teaching day and he left early. Laura was catching up on some sleep and he le ft before she even awoke. At mid-morning, fully twenty miles from home and commi tted to the seminar coming up in a few minutes, he suddenly remembered something . He had forgotten to secure his files on the computer! Actually, he didn't even know how to do it, but had thought of it the other night, then forgot to search the net for some clues as to what to do to make sure that his "private" files w ere closed to others. Now he bit his lip as he thought of Laura in the house. Sh e might wander around, see his PC and sit down to play a game, surf the net, or whatever. She might see the directory labeled "private." What a jerk, he thought , the least I could have done was rename the directory. the name was an invitati on to the curious mind of his alert daughter! Oh God! What if she finds the stor ies? And the pictures! Oh, God, what he had inserted as text, the thought-bubble s! He felt a sense of enormous shame. His daughter would despise him, maybe call for help to have him put away somewhere! Maybe she would walk out immediately. Yes, he thought, that's what will happen. She will see that stuff and pack her b ags and leave a father who entertained such thoughts, kept such files, wrote suc h stories! He wanted to cancel the seminar and go back but...no, can't do that. Maybe she won't even notice the PC. After all, nowadays they were practically ho usehold appliances, she wouldn't be especially interested. Yes, it will be OK. L aura finished her breakfast and felt warn and happy. Home, at last, and with her father. She so admired his intelligence, his grasp of so many things in the wor ld. The conversation last night had been interesting. She felt reassured: she ha d been able to simply sit and talk with her Dad without any of the special taboo feelings she had been worried about. The problem is solved, she thought. All it took was a little real life. She got up and sauntered around, moving into his d en. It had been years since she had been it and much had changed. There had been no computer on the desktop then. Hmm, let's see what he's got. Wow, this is a h igh-powered baby, she thought as she checked out the system. Her work was with c omputers and she easily found the specifications and moved around checking out w hat her Dad had been up to. Probably doing some writing, a project of some sort. Yes, there was a file, "Book draft" and she spent some time within that directo

ry, reading a coupe of draft chapters. Not bad. Hmm, Dad has a Photodex program, so he must be using images in his work

these days. She double-clicked on it and after the program opened, she checked a few directories. There was one called "private" that had a subdirectory, "pictu res," and when it displayed she took a deep breath and stared at the file names. She double-clicked on the first one, "daughter_dreams.jpg." A beautiful girl wa s using a vacuum cleaner, which would have been no big deal, but she was totally nude except for high-heeled shoes. Her eyes were sort of dreamily looking at th e ceiling and somebody had inserted a thought-bubble, having her dreamily thinki ng, "Hmm, Dad, I wish..." What was she wishing? Laura exited and opened the next image. The same girl was now bent over and staring into the camera, the words i nserted now were "Oh, Dad, will you please?" Please what? Laura trembled. What w as all this about? She skipped several files and then opened one. The girl was n ow open wide and a man had his cock poised at her moist cunt and she was saying, according to the inserted text, "Oh, Dad, yes, fuck me!" Laura nearly fell out of her chair. "Dad, fuck me!" My God, she thought, Dad's having fantasies about. ..men and their daughters! Fathers who...She tried several other files and saw t he hot sex action with the accompanying words. "Oh, Dad, yes, let me suck!" "Bab y, suck Daddy!" "Oh, yes, Daddy-lover, lick me!" When she opened a last file, sh e almost fainted. A young girl was bent over, her ass high in the air and an old er man's cock was inserted partway into her anus. "Oh, Dad, yes, yes, fuck my as s!" Laura felt the wetness below. It was too much. She stripped off her clothes and sat back down, one hand on her cunt while the other manipulated the mouse. O h, God, it's incredible! Dad has a thing about young women, and not just young w omen, about...daughters! Oh, Christ, I'm hot, hot. Dad, fuck me! Love me! Suck m y breasts! I always wanted you! Give it me. Yes, in the mouth, in the cunt. She increased the speed of her finger fucking and closed her eyes. Yes, there too, D ad, there, let me bend over for you the way you want it, like in the picture...p ut it in, Dad, yes, yes, I'm hot, fuck my ass, Daddy, please! Her entire body we nt into a rhapsody of lust, hot taboo lust. Her father, her Dad, fucking her! Do ing what no man had ever done before, with her, with his daughter! Oh, lover-Dad , yes, yes, I'm coming again, oh, oh, oh... After a warm fantasy-drenched bath, Laura had lunch and took a nap, her mind an electric zone of hot messages flowin g across it and sending hot signals to her moist vagina. In mid-afternoon, she a rose and returned to the den. That "private" directory contained more than image s. "Stories" was a subdirectory she had noticed and now began to check out. She was reading the story called "Father and Daughter Hot Nights" when suddenly she heard his steps behind her. She turned. His face was white and she thought he wo uld collapse. "Laura, oh baby, I'm...oh baby, I'm so sorry," he nearly wept as h e saw that she reading one of his hot incestuous stories about father-daughter l oving. Laura whispered, "It's OK, Dad, I know it's only fantasy. It's OK." She s aid nothing about how hot the story had made her feel, how her wetness, even now , was staining her panties, how her breasts were tingling, her heart beating eve r so rapidly, her face flushed. She closed the program and got up, giving him a little peck on the cheek, saying "It's OK, I won't look at them again, they were marked private and I was wrong. I should not have...So it's OK, Dad, don't worr y." She left the den. But the situation changed. As they were finishing dinner, John moved to take his plate to the kitchen. Then, when he returned, he stood be hind her as she sat and toyed with the last bits of the food on her plate. His f ingers moved through her hair, then he let them move across her neck. She wore a light blouse with buttons in front. John could see the cleavage as his fingers traced a path along her neck and then a shoulder, under the blouse. It became ti ght and with the other hand he unbuttoned the upper blouse button, then the next , and then, still moving gently across her neck and shoulder with the fingers of his other hand, still another button. Now, with both hands, he massaged her nec k and shoulders, moving the blouse down, now past her bra. His fingers traced a path along toward her uplifted breasts, feeling the smooth skin and seeing the g oose bumps arising. Laura closed her eyes and let it happen. Dad, she thought, o h Dad, do you realize what you are doing to me! John continued his gentle upperbreast massage with one hand while he now probed her mouth with a finger of the other hand. He pushed in and then out. She glanced up at him. "Suck it, darling, " he whispered. He initiated a rhythmic in-and-out motion of the finger as she b

athed it with saliva. "Hmm,

yes, Laura-baby, suck Daddy, suck!" He whispered the hot message to her as he le t his other hand reach within her breast and gently rub her nipple. Laura shiver ed with sexual excitement, sucking on his finger, feeling it probing her mouth, in and out, in and out, simulating the taboo act. Now he abruptly shifted and sa t back in his chair, "Now the reverse," he whispered. She stood and came behind him and massaged his neck and, then, pushing his shirt away, his shoulders. Then she reached down and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, one button at a time with on hand while the other reached down to massage his chest. Then, continuing the ero tic rubbing, now at his belly as she reached down, her hand moved to his lips. S he ran a finger across his lips and then he opened for her. "Suck me, Daddy, suc k Laura," she whispered as her finger began and in-and-out motion and her Dad su cked it deep into his mouth, bathing it in saliva. "Hmm, Dad, you do like to suc k your baby, don't you?" She asked in a trembling voice. His body seemed to be i n some sort of convulsion, shaking with inhibited sexual frenzy. Goose bumps app eared all over his arms. She moved in front of him. He opened her blouse and kis sed her breasts, licking each in turn. He looked into her eyes as he pushed her skirt down and off. "Sit on me, sweetheart, sit on your Daddy," he whispered urg ently and as he did so, he pulled down his trousers. She sat on his lap, their b odies joined now: her warm moist center rubbing on his erection, each covered by the flimsy cloth of underwear. "Wait, darling, it's better without these," he w hispered as he pulled off his briefs. "Rub back and forth, baby, yes," he moaned as Laura sat on his hard naked organ. Laura felt herself go into a swoon. Daddy ! Oh yes, this is what I always wanted, to make love with my father. If he only knew how many times I thought of him! How many times he fucked me in my dreams! Oh, Dad, lover, she thought, I love the feel of your wonderful prick! But the cl oth interfered and now she arose and pulled down her panties. "Baby," he said in alarm, "we can't do it. Don't..." "Shhh, Dad," she whispered, "I know, we'll ju st make out. Be brave, don't try to enter me." "Oh Laura, baby," the father crie d out as their bodies now met without any medium of interference. She rubbed her hot cunt against her father's monster organ, while he sucked her lovely breasts . "Oh, Dad, Dad," she cried, now whispering into his hot ear, "I've dreamed of h is all these years. I've always wanted you, the way a daughter is not supposed t o. Oh, Dad...." John felt a glow of relief. It was not just him. She too had bee n obsessed with the idea of father and daughter making love. He licked her shoul ders, her breasts, and her belly as he felt the mounting urgency of orgasm as La ura, his beautiful daughter, rubbed her luscious cunt across his heated organ. " I'm going to come, darling," he whispered. "Yes, Dad, yes, me too, oh lover-Dadd y, come, come," Laura cried. They fell into each other's arms, exhausted, but sa tisfied for the moment... John awoke with a start. Something had happened that w as very significant to his life, he knew that, amid the morning haziness of arri ving again in the obdurate reality of a warm morning, his legs stretched out on his pillow-soft bed. Something great...or...something terrible? He thought for a moment. Yes, Laura. Laura was here in the house. And yesterday...last night...w ait, it would take a moment to get it straight, as to what had really happened. She had called. Broke up with her boyfriend. Yes, that was it. Came over soon af ter, to spend time while trying to get her life back in order. Then there had be en an evening of warm, family reminiscence. The next day, yesterday...oh no! He had been gone for the day, left her alone and she had found his private files on the computer in his den. Oh, no! The sinking feeling when he had returned, find ing here there, her face flushed with anger as she examined his images, his stor ies, all

dealing with...She had looked so disturbed, he had thought he would die. All the blood had seemed to drain out of him and all he had been able to do was apologi ze. She had seemed understanding, but he surmised that he had deeply disappointe d her. But, then...wait, there had been more...Or had there been? Suddenly, he r ecalled his dream. In the dream they had just finished dinner. He had approached her from behind as she sat there, when he returned from bringing a dish to the kitchen. He had let his hands caress her neck, her shoulders. He had opened her blouse, button by button, then reached down and tweaked her nipples, held her br easts and then leaned over to kiss her. What a dream! She had reciprocated, as h e had shifted to his own seat. Laura, in this dream recollected vividly now, had unbuttoned his shirt, caressed his chest with her loving hands, then bent her h ead to kiss him. Now he felt himself starting to grow hard. Yes, now he recalled exactly what then had happened in that wild dream! She had sat on his lap, they had made genital contact without actually...without penetration. He had come. H e felt the stickiness in his shorts. He'd had wet dream! So that was the reason for the strange feeling that something awful and yet something wonderful had hap pened. The awful had been real, the wonderful had been a dream! John bit his lip in agonized selfcriticism. He had hurt his relationship to the only person who now mattered to him. After Mary had left him, five years ago, he had tried to re ach out to Laura but failed for some reason and the long silence between them co ntinued until she had made that call. A decade of seeming indifference; then the wonder of father and daughter getting together again and on the best of terms.. .until she had discovered "his secret life," the lonely virtual existence in cyb erspace. There he could download explicit images and invent erotic fantasies to match them. There he could make virtual love as he once actually did with Mary. There he could let go...let his incestuous fantasy run wild on the mindless scre en. John sighed and arose. Whatever had happened, life had to gone on, somehow. He showered and shaved and then made some coffee, wondering how he and Laura wou ld continue to live here together after her discovery of his incestuous fantasy life. Laura felt the light of the morning sun directly on her as her eyes blinke d open. Morning at home! Away from that character she once thought she might mar ry, free at last of that increasingly menacing ex-boyfriend. Safe back home with father. Father! Suddenly she recalled the predicament. She had trespassed on he r father's privacy, butted-in on his own fantasy-life, something that was none o f her business. She had had no right to let her own perverted fantasies take con trol, making it impossible for to stop searching his files, staring at the lurid images of father-daughter love-making, reading the arousing stories about daugh ters who wanted and finally had their fathers in bed! She recalled that she had been reading a truly exciting such story written by her own father! when he had arrived back home and entered the den to find her there at his computer. She won dered now if her flushed face, her entirely aroused body, had communicated itsel f to him. Or did he think she was angry with him? In any case, he had gone total ly white and apologized profusely for...for what? She had put him in a terrible position by entering his dream life, his fantasies, where her presence, as real, was unwelcome. How would she had felt had he somehow entered her brain, as in s ome fantastic voyage, to decode her neural network to find there all those secre t guilty but deeply exciting thoughts about... about having sex with him! As if triggered by the thought, her brain sent out shock waves of erotic messages. Yes , Dad, make love to me! I'm waiting for you, here in bed. Come to me. Take off m y nightgown. Laura removed it and now, for further self-stimulation, whispered h er words aloud, closing her eyes while murmuring the erotic message to the phant om presence of her handsome father. "Oh, Dad, we shouldn't, we can't. Oh, your l ips, your kiss! My mouth is open for you, Dad. Your tongue is a wonder now down there...that's it, there!"

Laura spread her legs and gently touched her clitoris, letting her finger move o ver it lovingly. "Oh, Dad, your tongue! Now, turn, that's it, let me make love t o you with my mouth. I'm sucking you Dad! Like I always wanted to when I was you nger. Like I saw Mom suck you!" Laura moved one hand up her belly to her breasts , then her mouth, inserting her thumb and moving it back and forth, sucking it, while probing her pussy with her other hand. "Oh, Dad, yes, now fuck me! Do it, Dad, fuck Laura! Fuck your daughter just the way you always wanted to, the way y ou've dreaming about it, the way you've been writing about it! Fuck me!" A momen t later, Laura turned and went on her knees. She reached back and inserted a fin ger into her wet moist pussy and then probed her anus with it. She repeated this while whispering the hot taboo words about the sex act she had never experience d. "Yes," she whispered, "now there, Dad. I'm a virgin there. I've been saving i t for you. Like in that picture on your screen, Dad, let me have it...slowly, sl owly..." Gradually, her anus adjusted to the penetration and her heated mind wen t into overdrive with pictures of her father-lover behind her, his potent organ poised at the gateway and then pushing forward. "Oh, yes, Dad, fuck me that way! Put it in deep. So hot! So hot! Don't stop! Oh, Dad, my lover, yes!" An orgasmi c surge swept through her heated body and she collapsed, nude on the sweaty shee ts. For a while, she simply enjoyed the afterglow, but then her thoughts returne d to reality. Laura sighed. Maybe she should leave soon. Cut short this stay. Ye s, that would be best. For now, though, daily life had to continue. She arose an d showered. She found herself spending more time at the mirror than usual, more time at little feminine chores she often did peremptorily but now lingered over. After completing her dressing, she popped her head into the kitchen where John was sitting at the table, sipping his coffee. "I'm off, Dad, see you later," she called out, avoiding his eyes. "Oh, yes...huh, Laura, when will you be back?" " Probably not until later this evening. I have a long day of interviews with vari ous guys about a possible job in the area, including a dinner with one of them. So... take care!" John watched her leave and felt a little relief. For now, at l east, the problem was put on hold. He sauntered into his den and sat at the comp uter. Laura had looked so attractive this morning. That blouse...some of the but tons were open. Beautiful cleavage...oh, no, John, get hold of yourself! John ta pped the keyboard to awaken his computer from its electronic sleep and then, har dly thinking, called up his file of images. There was an image of a young woman whose cleavage...Yes, there...He studied the image, his hand falling to his lap, where his robe now opened. His cock grew hard and he fondled it. Laura's breast s. He had kissed them in his wet dream. Now he could suck them, in his virtual w orld. He closed his eyes. Laura, Laura, yes, I love your breasts! As in his drea m last night, she now climbed on his erect cock, enveloping it with her inner he at. Knowing he was alone, John let go, letting his voice rise up and echo in the empty house. "Yes, Laura, we're fucking! This is what I always wanted. Did you want it too baby? Here it is, take your Dad's hard prick into you! Fuck me, love r-Laura-baby, fuck your loving Dad!" His mind reeled with the image of his daugh ter on his lap, now naked and hot, fucking up and down on his erection while he licked and sucked her heaving breasts. He threw off his robe and spread his legs and repeatedly doused his cock with saliva until its slippery texture simulated the hot cavern he so longed to actually enter. "Oh, Laura baby, yes, yes, we're fucking, fucking!" John hurriedly grabbed for some tissues and came into them.

Abruptly his mind switched back to reality. Wiping himself, he thought again of how this could possibly play itself out. He had shamed himself before her. She d idn't even want to be in the same house with him. Hadn't she made some quick exc use to be gone the entire day? What a hopeless fool he was! Late that evening, J ohn paced the living room floor. It was fairly late. He had waited for quite a w hile, then readied himself for bed, stripping down to only his shorts. But then he had thrown on his robe and come down to the living room. Now he wondered wher e she was. She should be coming home soon. But maybe ...maybe there really was a dinner with a "guy," who might or might not be a man. If a man, then, maybe the re would be more than the dinner. Maybe his daughter Laura was at this moment in the hot embrace of some mature executive type, platinum credit-card and all, ta king her to the most exclusive restaurant with the best wine list, the classiest service, the dimmest lights! He would ply her with liquor, promise her an impor tant position, with details to be worked out...at his place! Laura in his arms n ow. Laura bending down, opening his fly, reaching in...bending further...going d own! Laura sucking hard cock! Laura moving into position, taking it...in her cun t! Turning, taking it in the ass! Hell on earth, what was he thinking! John turn ed on the TV to try to deflect his mind from the seemingly relentless sex-orient ed path it wanted to take. Maybe a cable TV movie. He flipped the remote control a bit to search the list of movies. Then he heard the door. He had given her a key the other day and now he heard it turn the lock. "Hi, Dad, I'm back!" Her vo ice was full of good cheer, John noted, as if nothing had happened between them. "Great, hi there! I hope you had a good day in terms of the job-hunting?" "Not bad, but not settled yet. Planning to watch a movie? Maybe I'll join you, but fi rst a quick shower. Back in a jiffy." He watched her proceed upstairs, noting he r shapely long legs and high heels. What a beauty! And so effervescent! He imagi ned himself just behind her as she climbed the stairs, thinking of himself in th e third person, watching himself in his mind. He pauses. He lifts her skirt, mov es his hands along her thighs, then works his tongue along her leg upwards, upwa rds as she bends to accept his homage to her lovely ass! He pulls down her panti es and she spreads her legs for his mouth. His tongue finds her hairy moist cent er and probes it, in and out... Almost in desperation, John tried to turn his mi nd back to the notion of watching a movie. He found one that was about to begin. Not a major one, apparently, since he did not recognize the names of the actors in the brief on-screen description of an R-rated thriller. Just before the cred its came on, he was looking up toward the stairs where Laura was coming down and did not notice the further information on screen: N for nudity and SSC for "str ong sexual content." John was feasting his eyes on his beautiful daughter, who w as trotting downstairs in a white bathrobe after her quick shower. She stretched out on the couch near his own easy chair, and as she did so he saw that the rob e was loose, allowing him a brief and heart-thumping glimpse of cleavage and nea rly bare thighs. Beneath that robe was a damp and totally naked lovely body! "So , what's on, Dad? Anything good?" "Huh? Oh, just a thriller of some sort, I don' t know anything about it really, but it's the only movie that starts right about now." "Okay, great, I'm prepared to be thrilled! Thrill me!" She laughed at her play on words and they settled in to watch the opening of the film. The musical score matched the seductive movements of a female on screen. The young woman wa s dressing, starting from scratch. Against a dim background, the close-in camera view focussed on her legs as she put on her panties, then her stockings, then h er very high-heeled shoes. As she did so, the woman bent and her natural breasts came into view, nicely shaped and large-nippled. The camera examined them as it traced the curvaceous lines of her lovely body.

John moved uncomfortably in his seat. One of those kinds of thrillers! He liked them, he had to admit it. He enjoyed the sex scenes. Except that now, if these w ere coming up, he would be watching them with Laura, his own Laura who knew of h is secret fantasies. It was awkward, to say the least. Laura watched the sexy mo vements of the woman on screen, with some dismay. Oh, no, what did I get myself into here? I can't very well get up and leave! Dad must be embarrassed, after ye sterday. He'll think that I think that he arranged this to try to seduce me! But they're only fantasies. He doesn't really want to make love to me! And I don't want him to. I don't. Laura stretched out a little more on the couch and her rob e fell open even more so that one entire leg was now bare. I'm not going to be a stupid little girl and cover myself! That would only tell him that I'm thinking about...No, I'll let that robe be. It doesn't mean a thing. John's pulse quicke ned. That leg! Such a curve! Such an apparent smoothness! Made for caressing! He could go on his knees, gently kiss her toes first. Toe 1. Hmm. Toe 2. Now a lit tle licking. Toe 3. A little nibbling. Toe 4. Lick, lick, nibble, nibble. Now th e big one, made for sucking! Hmm! Then up the ankle, kissing but also with a han d moving along the smooth calf, then the incredibly smooth lovely thigh...Damn i t, what am I thinking! John turned his attention back to the film. At last some sort of talk and action was occurring, but he found it difficult to concentrate. The sexy woman of the opening scene seemed to now be a bit frightened about som ething. She was calling someone on the phone. A detective. Somebody to watch ove r her, to protect her from some sort of threat. Cut to the next scene, as the de tective arrives. Quite a handsome, mature man. Older than the woman, but not too old. She's interested. They talk of the threat, but the body-language promises incipient contact of an intimate kind. John peeked at Laura and noticed that she had not moved to cover her bare leg. And in the upper area, her robe seemed to have opened a little further. Through the opening, he saw a soft alluring breast , a sweet nipple. Oh, Laura, baby, what you do to your Dad! Laura felt warm. The film was not without interest but the living room had some sort of electricity in the air. It created heat. Her body was hot. She reached into her robe. She fi ngered a nipple, tweaking it, then caressed her breast. In the film, the intimat e moment had arrived as the detective moved closer. Then his client was in his a rms, her eyes filled with lust, her bosom heaving, her faced flushed. "It's been a long time," she whispered into the ear of the detective who pressed his body against hers, "too long!" "You need me" the detective murmured comfortingly whil e his hands worked at the buttons of her blouse and as his tongue leapt into her ear. "I need somebody to protect. And I need...what you've got to give!" With t hat, the woman pushed off the detective's jacket, then his shirt was literally t orn from his body, buttons flying away. Her lips found his chest and she kissed and licked her way down, falling to her knees to unbuckle his belt, then pull do wn his trousers. The camera shifted, examining her bare back and watching her he ad as it bobbed. The detective looked toward the ceiling, closed his eyes and op ened his mouth, sighing in pleasure. John felt hot. Laura's legs, her cleavage! And the steamy film with the young woman and the mature man now in sexual embrac e. The multiple threads of eroticism formed an exciting pattern of stimulation. His cock became hard. He felt a sudden glow of added pleasure by reflecting on t he voyeuristic aspect of it all. Watching the lovers on screen...watching Laura. ..and also watching Laura watch the lovers on screen. He discovered that the hea dy mix of erotic ingredients was given a kind of extra dash of spice through the element of voyeurism. Watching Laura was wonderful! Laura became very wet. Her hand fondled her breast as her eyes focussed on the screen. Going down on him! T he woman was making love to her older lover! The man could be her father! Such a handsome father! Oh, wild, wild! Laura's movement caused the other leg to come free of the robe. She found the thought of it exciting. The film became a incest story in her imagination as she fed it with an internal voice! She sucking her Dad's cock! Dad is watching the woman make love to her father! And Dad is also w atching me! He dreams of making love to me. Dreams of my going down on him, like in the movie. Maybe, right now, he's thinking of it that way. Saying to himself : Laura, baby, yes, make love to my cock! Oh, yes, Dad! But her inner heated wor ds were unsaid.

As if by telepathy, a message scrolled out on John's inner screen: that man in t he movie could be me! She's young enough to be his daughter. Hmm, yes, daughter sucking Dad's prick! Laura watching a Daddy and his daughter making love! I'm th e man, Laura-baby, come suck! But, like Laura, he remained mute, if breathing ha rd. John studied Laura's bare legs and now he also had an even more exciting vie w: his daughter's bare breasts were almost totally on display! She was fondling herself! Oh, Laura, baby, watching you is great! Oh, baby, Dad wants to watch yo u. Go ahead, baby, do it, do it! Watch the daughter on screen as she sucks her D ad! Think about going down on me, baby! Laura's eyes shifted to her father's tal l muscular body, noting the rising organ and the heated look in his eyes. Let's face it, she thought, I want him to see me! I was kidding myself before, pretend ing about the leg, about the nipple, about all of it! I want him to see me. I wa nt Dad to see my body! Laura closed her eyes and let her hand fall toward her ow n warm wet center. Again, her inner excited voice took control. Yes! Dad watchin g! The woman sucking her Dad! Fantastic! Now, as she let her eyes return to the screen, Laura saw the pair in deep sexual embrace, two bare bodies moving in uni son as or, as if a father was fucking his daughter! Laura swooned. She spread he r legs even wider and probed her hot center. Oh, Dad, yes, watch me as I let go! I'm being fucked! Laura panted, saying nothing aloud, enjoying the taboo moment in which father watched daughter give herself pleasure as both watched the imag ined incestuous scene on film. Laura glanced toward him again. Did Dad know what she was thinking? No, of course not. The secret erotic joy of fantasy-incest, o f just letting go in one's mind, not aloud, not for real, only letting go there in one's ultimate privacy, that meant nobody else could know. He had no idea of her secret desires. John felt himself enter another world governed only by the p leasure principle. And pleasure passed over into ecstasy. His daughter in a sexu al frenzy! Laura finger-fucking herself! Laura letting me see it! Opening her ro be. Her wonderful glorious incredible breasts! Oh, Laura, baby, yes, yes! But Jo hn said nothing aloud, as he opened his own robe now and brought out to full vie w his engorged large cock. He applied saliva to it and, watching Laura all the w hile, began to slowly jerk-off. His inner conversation played with idea of it. O h, yes, Laura baby, Daddy is thinking about fucking you, loverbaby-daughter. Rem ember how Dad used to fuck your Mom? Remember how you watched? How Mom asked for more, how she couldn't get enough of hard-man-husband-father-Dad-cock in her cu nt, her mouth remember? John's inner voice brought him to the very edge of total loss of control as he pumped his now massively erect organ. Laura panted, then whimpered as she saw with inflamed excitement that her father was masturbating r ight there, beside her! His cock was enormous! A lovely head, so...appetizing! O h, Dad, if only...oh, yes, if only I could...suck! The way Mom used to suck! I u sed to watch as she made love to your cock in the dim light. Licking, sucking. L aura suddenly went out of control. She stood and quickly threw off the robe, the n threw herself back down on the couch. She spread her legs in total abandon, on e on the floor, the other high up on the couch itself. Her hands worked on her l abia, found her clitoris and rubbed it with ferocity. Then her previously only i nner voice broke free. "Oh, Dad, yes, get undressed, I want to see you too!" she cried out aloud to her startled father. John threw off his robe. "Oh, baby, you know I dream of fucking you, but we can't, we won't!" His mind was a whirlpool in which a flow of sensations and desires flooded his brain and raced rapidly th rough his entire body. The world was incredible! Such a thing, this thing that w as happening! His daughter! Wanting her father! Taboo! Fantastic! Wrong! Wonderf ul! He pulled down his shorts. Laura felt herself move into another plane of bei ng. There was only the hot incessant heat of her innermost moist center. Demandi ng. Wanting. Needing. She felt herself become an open living fire, consuming the final taboo.

Laura looked up at her father and their eyes locked. "Come to me, Dad. Come." Jo hn fell toward her, a moth to the flame. To Your Lusty Sexual Enjoyment, Shannon E. * Penthouse Magazine * Adult Webcams * Danni Magazine 1TU U1T 1TU U1T 1TU U1T The End

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