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Running Head: LESSON PLAN 1

EDUC 630 Lesson Plan 1 Leigh Anne Langston Liberty University

LESSON PLAN 1 Technology Grade 3 National Standards NT.K-12.1 Basic Operations and Concepts

1. Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. 2. Students are proficient in the use of technology. (, 2013) State Standards - Virginia: C/T 3-5.2 - Identify and use available technologies to complete specific tasks. A. Identify the specific uses for various types of technology and digital resources. 1. Create and present a multimedia presentation. 2. Capture and edit a digital image. 3. Demonstrate the ability to choose appropriate resources when completing assignments in various content areas. B. Use content-specific tools, software, and simulations to complete projects. Use tools in various content areas as directed by the teacher. (, 2013) Objective Students will be able to research and identify available technologies to complete an audio/visual presentation in order to develop a 5-10 slide electronic storybook/multimedia presentation. Materials Needed

LESSON PLAN 1 1. Computers for in-school use loaded with presentation software, specifically PowerPoint 2010. 2. Access to digital images for insertion into presentation.

3. Internet access to view video explaining how to develop an eStorybook presentation and for instructional integrity and section challenges for assessment. 4. Webcam and microphone for audio/video insertion into presentation. Diversity In order for each student to become familiar with presentation software, each needs to experience it with hands-on, working knowledge. Instructional considerations have been made in order to accommodate many different types of learners. The use of instructional websites helps learners who are gifted to be self-sufficient and work ahead with minimal distractions while slower students are able to take their time and review sections until mastery is obtained. By viewing the lesson online at, the visual and auditory learners become engaged with the lesson. Because the computers are accessed during the school day, all students, regardless the diversities caused by cultural/social/economic matters, will be able to work with computers during school hours and if necessary, afterschool times may be arranged as well to accommodate for students needs. Technology Inclusion The lesson is to teach the basic operations and concepts of technology, specifically Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 presentation software. Also used in this lesson plan are digital photos or clip art to be used within the presentation. The use of the Internet and teacher directed websites will be utilized in teaching the use of the presentation software.

LESSON PLAN 1 Procedures

The lesson plan for an introduction to use basic PowerPoint 2010 will require at least two and a half to three weeks. The first day of teaching PowerPoint 2010 will be an overview of the potential of the software. Each day will build upon the previous days instruction. Direct instruction will occur more on the beginning days with more guided practice occurring mid-way through the 2 weeks with independent practice occurring at the end of the 3 weeks. Introduction to PowerPoint 2010 - Day 2 - will begin with showing students how to open a new presentation, add a slide, become familiar with the ribbon, adding text and changing the theme. Day 3 will build upon Day 2 with the student opening a presentation, inserting images and clip art, as well as, set the transitions of the slides. Concluding day 3 will be the student saving his/her work. Day 4 is a practice and assessment day and on Day 5, students will view a teacher-created video on creating an eStorybook. Days 6 and 7 will allow students to continue mastering the concepts already learned while adding inserting audio and video, animations and effects. Because this lesson allows for a 3 day break for a holiday, upon returning to class, a review of PowerPoint 2010 will be conducted. The last 4 days of the lesson will be spent on the students development of an eStorybook as well as turning in the final eStorybook project. Evaluation/Assessment 1. Students will demonstrate skills during daily classwork to be completed, as well as, section assessments administered through the teacher approved website.

LESSON PLAN 1 2. Student will successfully prepare an electronic storybook with PowerPoint 2010 consisting of the completion of a 5-10 slide eStorybook and multimedia presentation. 3. Teacher observation and class participation. Risk Analysis The risks of this lesson are fully dependent on the accessibility to the computers at

school, Internet access and software availability. Logistical issues will arise if computers are not accessible and general instruction issues will arise if students miss class. Accommodations may be made in advance for additional instruction time as needed after school. Prior planning on the instructors part will be to reserve the computer lab for the designated class time and any after school instruction. There are 3 days worked into the plan for re-teaching or extra practice, if necessary. Resources (2013, March 31). Retrieved from (2013, March 31). Retrieved from (2013). (2013).

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