Bathurst State Electorate Council of The ALP Media Statement

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Australian Labor Party Bathurst State Electorate Council

President: Dale Turner Secretary-Treasurer: Paul Haysom PO Box 437 Bathurst NSW 2795

LOCAL LABOR WELCOMES REFORMS AS A GOOD START FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lithgow 5 July 2013 President of Labor's Bathurst State Electorate Council (SEC), Dale Turner, today welcomed federal executive intervention into the NSW ALP saying it bore out commitments to reform made by NSW Opposition Leader John Robertson who visited Lithgow on the weekend. The announcement by the Prime Minister of federal intervention into the NSW Branch of the ALP is welcome news to Party members and supporters across the state. John Robertson visited Lithgow to meet members on Sunday June 30 and this action by Mr Rudd backs Robbo's long standing agenda of reform. An agenda he reinforced at that meeting. The replacement of the discredited, factionally controlled internal Party disputes tribunals with an independent judiciary is long overdue as is the promise of rank-and-file election of 50% of the state executive, Mr Turner said Mr Turner also welcomed to prohibition on property developers being endorsed as ALP candidates for public office. For too long spivs and vested commercial interests have been allowed to use both major political parties for their financial gain and I welcome this important reform to the NSW Party rules, Mr Turner added. Mr Turner went to to say that these reforms can only be a starting point. The renewal of NSW Labor and of progressive politics in general cannot be allowed to stop here. It's vital that a thorough root and branch examination of the NSW ALP be carried out to ensure the Party prospers into the future, Mr Turner concluded.

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