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Renewable and Non-renewable energy

Renewable Energy Definition Is energy that can be replenished when used up. Such sources are always available. Solar energy, Wind energy, Biomass energy, Geothermal energy and Water. Most of resources are fairly non-polluting and available locally. Have continuous supply. Non-renewable energy Is the sources cannot be replenished used up. Such sources are not always available. Petroleum, Nuclear reactor, Natural Gas, Coal, Charcoal, Cause pollution and global warming. Limited supply only


Advantage and Disadvantage

Renewable energy is better than non-rewable energy. Because it:

Cannot be used up Creates less or no pollution. Solar energy

Solar energy comes directly from the sun. Solar energy is used to heat water in homes and to produce electrical energy. Wind Energy

Wind is moving air. It has kinetic energy. Windmills transform this energy into electrical energy. Biomass energy

Biomass energy is obtained from plants and animals waste materials. The burning of biomass fuels releases heat energy and generates electrical energy. water

Energy in water is used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power stations. Non-renewable energy resources

Fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas are burnt to produce heat energy for cooking and moving vehicles and machines. These fuels also be used to generate electricity. Nuclear energy is generated in nuclear reactors. Nuclear energy is used to generate electrical energy and power submarines, ships and satellites. Radioactive.

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