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Energy flow in an ecosystem

Study of energy flow through an ecosystem- ecological energetics Energy is ultimately derived from sun. 1-5% of the radiant energy is captured by the green plants. The captured energy is converted into chemical energy and flow through the ecosystem

It is the rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem. Its unit is KJ/m2/y. Productivity of autotrophs- primary productivity. Productivity of heterotrophs- secondary productivity

Gross primary production (GPP) The rate at which green plants capture and store a given amount of chemical energy as biomass in a given length of time. Net primary production (NPP) It is the net useful chemical energy. It represent the biomass that is available for consumption by heterotrophic organisms. NPP= GPP- respiration by plants

Biomass Biological material derived from living or recently living organisms. It is the mass of living biological organisms in a given area or ecosystem at a given time. (Kg/hectare) Secondary production Formation of heterotrophic biomass through time. It is the energy used to make new animal biomass.

The fate of light energy that reaches the green leaf

Energy flow through an ecosystem

Transfer of energy from producers to consumers

A part of the energy is lost as it pass from one trophic level to the next. Only 10% is stored to make new biomass. Remaining 90% of the energy is lost during the transfer.

Reasons for the loss of energy

Some parts of the plant material will not get eaten by herbivores. Energy lost in faeces. Here much of the cellulose passes through the faeces. This loss is greater in herbivores as their diet contain a high percentage of plant fibres. Energy lost in urine (chemical energy -urea). It is greater in carnivores because of protein rich diet. Energy lost during respiration by using the assimilated food. It is greater in carnivores as they have more muscular activities.

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