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Gynecology Report

Friday 15 March 2013


New Patients
1. Mrs. S P4A0, 47 yo Dx.Ovarian solid tumor malignancys suspect Tx. Admitted to ward CBC+ CA125 Suggest ward staff exam suggest tumor mass evacuation + FZ

2. Mrs. S, P4A0, 50 yo Dx.AUB (i) + Anemia (6.4) with IUD insitu Tx. Admited to ward General condition improvement blood tranf until Hb>10 g% Inform Consent tranexamic acid 500mg/8 hours mefenamic acid 3x500mg Suggest Ro.Abdomen with sondage

3. Mrs. Ari, G7P6A0, 34 yo 11 wga Dx.Incomplete Abortion Tx. Pro Curretage + ins IUD

Major Gynecology PLan

1.Mrs E P3A0 37 yo Dx.AUB L + Cyst Ovarii Tx. Histerektomi `Op: dr Mosjab Ass.dr didon Supervised : dr Glondong SpOG OK 1 first shift

Minor Gynecology


1. Mrs. Ari, G7P6A0, 34 yo 11 wga Dx.Incomplete Abortion Tx. Pro Curretage 2. Mrs P, P2A0, 48 yo Dx.AUB (L) Tx.Pro Diagnostic Curretage

Joint with other department

1. Mrs.Winarti P3A0 42 yo Dx. Uterine prolaps 3th grade.with intraabdominal tumor + combustio gr II r.cruris and pedis dextra prior laparotomy 3 years ago Tx. joint OP with Surgeon surgery plan Another theraphy from Surgeon Dx.Interna : intraabdomen tumor Uterine prolaps 3th grade Combustio gr Hipoalbumine

Tx.Interna : Bedrest Diet High kalori high protein Ranitidin ij 1 amp/12 hr Ij Ca Glukonas 1 amp/day Vit B Comp 1/day Dx.Surgeon . Intaabdominal tumor Uterine prolaps Tx. Surgeon. Pro Laparotomy Biopsi ( waiting for schedule)


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