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RESPIRATION Definition : a process in breaking of glucose ( food ) with the presence of oxygen to produce energy / oxidation of food process.

During respiration, humans obtain oxygen which at the same time remove carbon dioxide and water vapour through the respiratory system. Oxygen is obtains through breathing. HUMAN BREATHING MECHANISM


FUNCTION Air entering from the nostrils is led to the nasal cavity An airway through which respiratory air travels. The rings of cartilage within its walls keep the trachea open. Passage divided from trachea [ singular = bronchus, plural = bronchi ] A narrow tube inside the lungs that branches off the main air passages bronchi Place where exchange of gases take place To protect the lungs and help in breathing mechanism A respiratory organ

INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES Antagonistic muscles that help the movement of rib cage for breathing mechanism DIAPHRAGM A muscular membrane that separates the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity BREATHING MECHANISM INHALATION = a process when air is force into the lungs External intercostal muscle contract, while internal intercostal muscle relax Moves upwards and outwards Contract and become flat Volume increase Decrease Air from outside enters the lungs EXHALATION = a process when air is force out of the lungs External intercostal muscle relax, while internal intercostal muscle contract Move downwards and inwards Relax and become dome shape Volume decrease Increase Air is force out of the lungs

Intercostal muscle Rib cage Diaphragm Thoracic cavity Air pressure in the lung Air movement

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