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COMPOSITIONS 1. The advantages of being a famous person are fame and fortune and a happy life.

For example BILL GATES is one of the most famous men in the world making a fortune in the computer area. He is one of the richest men on this planet too. He lives a happy life and he can have anything he wants: a happy family and all the things money can buy and he is an important and respected member of society too. Avantajele de a fi o persoana faimoasa sunt faima, averea si viata fericita. De exemplu Bill Gates ete unul din cei mai faimosi oameni din lume si face avere din domeniul calculatoarelor. El este unul dintre cei mai bogati oameni de pe planeta. Traieste o viata fericita si poate avea orice-si doreste: o viat fericita si toate lucrurile pos sa le cumpere si este un membru important si respectat al societatii. 2. The disadvantages of being a famous person are: he or she has no private life because everybody is trying to find out more about that so the journalists are always looking for new good or bad things about them, he or she can have more enemies than friends in the professional area, they do not have time for their friends. The tragic case of Lady Diana is an example of how fame can be a disadvantage or even a tragic one. Dezavantajul de a fi o persoana faimoasa este: el sau ea nu are o viata privatapentru ca toti incearca sa descopere ceva in plus, jurnalistii cauta intotdeauna lucruri pozitive si negative despre ei, el sau ea poate avea mai multi dusmani decat prieteni in domeniul profesional, nu are timp pentru prieteni. Viata printesei Diana este un exemplu despre cum faima poate vi un dezavantaj sau un lucru tragic. 3. Keeping fit is one of major problems of our society. People do not have time for healthy food and there are many fat people. I keep myself fit by going to the gym once a week, eating healthy food, I do not smoke or drink and I spend my free time not in front of the computer but outside with my friends. Pastrarea formei este una din problemele majore ale societatii. Oamenii nu mai au timp pentru mancarea sanatoasa si de aceea sunt multi oameni obezi. Eu ma mentin in forma mergand la sala de doua ori pe saptamana, mancand mancare sanatoasa, nu fumez, nu beau si nu imi petrec timpul liber in fata calculatorului, ci afara cu prietenii. 4. My favorite free time activity is meeting my friends. When we meet we talk about hobbies, school, we have fun, we go out and we listen to music or go on trips. I think at this age we feel better together with people at the same age because we have a lot of things in common and we communicate very easy. Activitatea mea preferata in timpul libereste sa-mi intalnesc prietenii. Cand ne intalnim vorbim despre pasiuni, scoala, ne distram, iesim si ascultam muzica atunci cand mergem in excursii. Cred ca la aceasta varsta ne simtim mai bine cu oameni de aceeasi varsta pentru ca avem multe lucruri in comunsi comunicam foarte usor. 5. A life experience that taught me a positive lesson was my driving course. It was something that taught me to respect more traffic regulations and the other participants in traffic because those rules could make the difference between life and death. It taught me new responsibilities and offered me the possibility to use the car and to drive safely.

o experienta de viata care m-a invatat o lectie de viata pozitiva este cursul de conducere. A fost ceva care m-a invatat sa respect mai mult regulile de conducere si pe ceilalti soferi din trafic pentru ca aceste reguli pot face diferenta intre viata si moarte. M-a invata de fapt noi responsabilitati si mi-a oferit posibilitatea de a folosi o masinasi de a conduce prudent. 6. Television definitely influences everybodys life. It keeps me informed and connected with the entire world, it is a nice way to relax after a long day. The disadvantages are the fact that more and more people stay in front of it too many hours and they can also watch bad or violent programs that can influence their life. cu siguranta televiziunea influenteaza viata tuturor. Pe mine ma tin informat si conectat cu intreaga lume., este o metoda placuta de relaxare dupa o zi lunga. Dezavantajele sunt ca din ce in ce mai multi oameni stau in fata calculatorului prea multe ore si se uita la programe violente sau urate care le pot influenta viata. 7. I think it is better to watch the film than read the book because we do not have time for reading as living in the century of speed. More than that I think that films are more attractive than books and a famous film made after a book can be a good way of convincing people to read the book after seeing the film. Eu cred ca este mai bine sa privesc filmul decat sa citesc cartea pentru ca nu mai avem timp pentru citit in secolul vitezei. Mai mult, eu cred ca filmele sunt mai interesante decat cartileiar un film faimos poate fi o metoda buna de a convinge lumea sa citeasca cartea dupa ce au vazut filmul.. 8. Drug-addiction can be a threat today because more and more people are badly influenced by their companions to take drugs. Films are also a bad source of presenting this addiction to young people. There are a lot of examples of musicians, sport men or actors who died because of the overdoses or simply destroyed their life using drugs. Drugs kill every day or cause mental disturbances or illegal or criminal acts. There should be more strict laws against drugs. dependenta de droguri poate fi o amenintare astazi pentru ca din ce in ce mai multi oameni sunt influentati negativ de tovarasi sa consume droguri. Filmele sunt de asemenea o sursa proasta de prezentare a acestor dependente tinerilor. Exista multe exemple de muzicieni si sportivisi actori care au murit din cauza supradozelor sau si-au distrus viata datorita dependentei. Drogurile omoara zilnic sau produc boli mentale si acte criminale si ilegale. Ar trebui sa existe mai multe reguli mai stricte impotriva drogurilor. 9. The importance of school in educating the young generation is growing every year because school offers the basis of a young man future education and development. Today parents are very busy at work and most of them do not have time for the education of their children so school takes their role in education. For me school is very important and I really enjoy it. It offers me knowledge, good friends and it teaches me important things for my next adult life. Importanta scolii in educarea noii generatii creste in fiecare zi pentru ca scoala ofera baza educatiei si dezvoltarii in viitor a tinerilor. Parintii din ziua de azi sunt foarte ocupati si cei mai multi nu au timp pentru educatia copiilor asa ca scoala preia rolul parintilor in educatie. Pentru mine scoala este

foarte importanta si ma bucur de ea. Imi ofera cunostinte, prieteni, ma invata lucruri importante pentru viata mea de asdult. 10.My favorite season is SUMMER. It is the season of our great holiday. The weather is fine and sunny and I can spend more time outside than usual. I can go swimming in the sea or in the lakes, I can travel more than in the rest of the year or I can do a lot of sport activities. Summer is also the season for my parents holiday and we can spend more time together, too. Anotimpul meu preferat este vara. Este anotimpul vacantei noastre mari. Vremea este frumoasa si insoritasi pot petrece mai mult timp afara decat de obicei. Post sa merg sa inot la mare asu in lacuri, pot calatori mai mult decat in restul anului si pot sa fac multe activitati legate de sport. Vara este de asemenea sezonul in care parintii mei au vacanta si putem de asemenea sa petrecem mai mult timp impreuna de asemena. 11.A person I consider a role model for me is my father. He is my best friend since I was a child and he is always there when I need him. He is a loving husband for my mother, a caring son for his parents, a great friend and colleague for his friends and co-workers and a great father for me. He always helps people and offers good advice and I consider him a good role model for my future adult life. o persoana pe care o consider model de urmat este tatal meu. El este cel mai bun prieten al meu din copilariesi este intoteauna langa minecand am nevoie de el. Este un sot iubitor pentru mama mea un fiu grijului fata de parintii lui, un bun prieten si coleg si un tata grozav pentru mine. Ajuta intotdeauna oamenii si da sfaturi bune iar eu il consider un bun model pentru viata mea ca adult. 12.Today smoking is a real threat to our life. More and more people smoke putting in danger their own life and the life of the people they live with. Even people who do not smoke can get cancer because of the passive smoking. Smokers live a shorter life and they can get cancer or heart attacks easier. The company of smoking friends can turn a non-smoker into an addicted smoker, too. It is great that smoking is more and more restricted in public areas. Astazi fumatul esteo problema reala. Din ce in ce mai multi oameni fumeaza punand in pericol propria viata cat si pe a altora care traiesc langa ei. Chiar si oamenii care nu fumeaza pot face cancer datorita fumatului pasiv. Fumatorii traiesc mai putin decat nefumatorii si potface mai usor cancer sau infarct. Compania unuiprieten care fumeaza poate transforma un nefumator in fumator , de asemenea. Este foarte bine ca fumatul este din ce in ce mai interzis in spetiile publice. 13.Computer or the mobile phone? This is a good question because nobody today can live without them. In my case I would choose the computer because it is easy to use even it is not easy to handle. I am very good at computers too. Computers soft can stay on the market longer than the mobiles so I can have time to use them for a while without any problems. Mobiles are small but easy to lose and must be charged from time to time or there are areas where we do not have signal. Calculator sau telefon mobil? Aceasta este o intrebare buna pentru ca asta zi putem trai fara acestea. In cazul meu, as alege calculatorul pentru ca este usor de folosit desi este mai freu de manevrat. De

asemenea, ma pricep la calculatoare. Programele de calculator pot ramane pe piata mai mult decat telefoanele asa ca am timp sa le folosesc pentru o vreme fara probleme. Telefoanele sunt mici si usor de pierdutsi trebuie incarcate periodic sau mai sunt si zone unde acestea nu au semnal. 14.I do not think that children should have the same jobs as their parents except if they want to. Today there are a lot more possibilities when you take a job and you can change it at any time. For example my parents are working in the oil and gas field and I am interested in archeology. Parents can offer guidance but we must take the final decision. Nu cred ca si copiii trebuie sa aiba acelasi loc de munca precum parintii, decat daca vor asta. Astazi excista multe posibilitati de angajare si poti sa iti schimbi locul de muncaoricand. De exemplu parintii mei lucreaza in domeniul petrolier iar eu sunt interesat de arheologie. Parintii pot oferi indicatii dar noi trebuie sa luam aceasta decizie finala. 15.A great present for my birthday would bea new modern car. I am to go to university and I would like to be independent from the transport point of view. I would like to travel around the country with my friends or to have a quick mean of transport at all times. My dream car is a Ford or a Renault. Un cadou minunat pentru ziua mea ar fi o masina moderna. Voi merge la facultate si mi-ar placea sa fiu independent din punct de vedere al transportului. Mi-ar placea sa calatoresc in jurul tarii cu prietenii mei si in caelasitimpsa amun mijloc rapid de transport oricand. Masina mea d vs este un FORD sau unRENAULT. 16.My last party was the graduation party and it was a party to remember. I went to Busteni with all my colleagues and our class teachers to celebrate the graduation of high school. Everybody had elegant clothes and the music and food were great. We had fun and the party ended late in the night, we took photos and everybody was very happy. 17.Turning eighteen is a great time for any adolescent. You become more responsible for your acts, we leave home for the first time to go to university and we can get our driving licence. The first part of our education is over and now we are considered adults, we can vote and be more responsible for the political aspects of our society. I think turning 18 is also a time for taking life decisions and having fun at the same time. Implinirea varstei de 18 ani este o ocazie minunata pentru orice adolescent. Devii mai responsabil pentru faptele tale, pleci pentru prima data de acesa, la universitate, iti poti lua permisul de conducere. Prima parte a educatiei noaste este incheiata si sunem considerati adulti, putem vota, si suntemmai responsabili pentru aspectele politice ale societatii. Cred ca implinirea varstei de 18 ani este varsta pentru luarea deciziilor si al distractiei in acelasi timp. 18.Julia Roberts is a famous, talented American actress whom I admire very much. She is a very beautiful woman and she worked hard to become a successful actress. She studied theatre in New York and worked at the same time. She comes form a modest family and she has one brother and one sister who work in the film industry too. She became famous acting in PRETTY WOMAN and THE PELICAN BAY. She won an Oscar for the film ERIN BRONCKOVICH. She is a model mother for her two children and she is married with a cameraman.

Julia Roberts ete o actrita americana faimoasa si talentata pe care o admir foarte tare. Ea este o femeie foarte frumoasa si a muncit foarte mult sa devina o actrita de succes. Ea a studiat teatrul in New york in timp ce lucra. Ea vine dintr-o familie modesta si are un frate si o sora care lucreaza de asemenea in industria filmului. A devenit faimoasa jucand in filmele PRETTY WOMAN si GOLFUL PELICANULUI. A castigat un Oscar pentru Filmul Erin Bronckovich. Ea este o mama modelpentru cei doi copii ai ei si este casatorita cu un cameramen. 19.My room is medium large and everything in it has my favourite colors: cream and brown. There is a brown corner desk near the window with a computer and a TV on it. There is a chair near the desk and one person bed. There are some shelves and a lot of books and CD-s too. The carpet is soft and it has a modern design. The walls are painted in cream and the curtains are cream too. I like to tidy up my room every week too. Camera mea este una medie si tot ce cuprinde are culorile mele preferate: crem si maro. Am acolo un bitou maro pe colt langa fereasta, pe carese afla televizorul si calculatorul. Langa birou se afla un scaun si un pat pentru o persoana. Am cateva rafturi cu multe carti si CD-uri, de asemena. Covorul este moale si are un design modern. Peretii sunt vopsiti cu crem iar perdelele sunt de asemenea crem. Imi place sa ma relaxez in camera mea. 20.At the weekends I usually like to meet my friends. We go out in town, go to the disco or to parties. We like to have a pizza together or go to the mountains and have a picnic. We sometimes go to the park and play tennis or football. Depending of the season we like climbing up the mountains or going swimming, too. In weekend imi place sa ma va dcu prietenii de obicei. Mergem in oras, mergemla discoteca sau la perteceri. Ne place sa iesim la pizza sau la munte sa facem un picnic. Uneori mergemin parc si jucam tenis sau fotbal. In functie de sezon ne place sa facem alpinism sau inot. 21.I would like to visit the United States of America one day. I would like to see the Statue of Liberty, the skyscrapers in New York, to visit the Grand Canyon on horseback, to go to Washington to see the White House, to have fun and relax in Florida and to make new friends or to go to Texas and visit Dallas. I would like to eat a real hotdog and go to a Superbowl match and I would like to see the daily life of the Americans. Mi-ar placea sa vizitez Statele Unite ale Americii candva. Mi-ar placea sa vad statuia libertatii, zgarie-norii din New York, sa vizitez Marele Canion in saua unui cal, sa merg la Washington sa vad Casa Alba sa ma distrez si sa ma relaxez in Florida sa imi fac noi prieteni sau sa merg in Texad si sa vizitez Dallas-ul. Mi-ar placea sa mananc un hotdog autentic si sa merg la un meci de Superbowl si mi-ar placea sa observ viata de zi cu zi a americanilor. 22.One of my favourite buildings in Pitesti is Euromall because it is a huge mall and all the important shops are in there. It is situated downtown Pitesti. It is a modern building made up of two old buildings OMNIA and PITESTI GALLERIES. There is a modern glass passage between the two buildings and there is a two leveled car parking behind it. Una din cladirile mele preferate in Pitesti este Euromall pentru ca este un mall foarte mare si toate magazinele importante sunt acolo. Acesta este situat la periferia Pitestiului. Este o cladire moderna

formata din doua cladiri vechi OMNIA si GALERIILE PITESTIULUI. Acolo exista un pasaj modern de sticla intre cele doua cladiri si acolo se afla o parcare pe doua etaje. 23.I agree that music is very important in everybodys life. All the people listen to it and there is a special song or type of music for everyone and for all occasions. Music makes life more enjoyable and it is very relaxing, too. I love pop music and my favourite musician at the moment is NELLY FURTADO. Sunt de acord ca muzica este foarte importanta in viata oricui. Toata lumea asculta muzica si exista un cantec special sau un gen de muzica pentru fiecare si pentru fiecare ocazie. Muzica face viata mai frumoasa si este de asemena foarte relaxanta. Mie imi place muzica pop iar cantareata mea preferata in acest moment este Nelly Furtado. 25.ABOUT MYSELF. I was born in a loving and caring family and I am the only child. My family offered me all their affection, time, good education and advice and I felt that they loved me very much, too. They gave me the possibility to have a great childhood and adolescence and I know that I can count on my family at any time. They taught me the good manners and taught me to appreciate and help other people. Despre mine. M-am nascut intr-o familie iubitoare si grijulie si sunt singurul copil. Familia mea mi-a oferit intreaga afectiune, tot timpul, o educatie buna si sfaturi si am simtit ca ma iubesc foarte mult. Mi-au oferit posibilitatea de a avea o copilarie si o adolescenta grozava si stiu ca pot conta pe familia mea oricand. M-au invatat manierele, sa apreciez si sa ajut alti oameni. 26.Today the INTERNET is an important part of our life. The positive aspects of the Internet are : searching for information, playing games, listening to music, watching films, keeping in touch with friends or making new friends, writing projects for school, designing projects, making folders for a photo gallery and so on. A great positive example of using the Internet is the fact that I could find all the information I needed for the graduation exam and that helped me to prepare better. Astazi internetul este o parte importanta din viata noastra. Aspectele pozitive ale internetului sunt: cautarea de informatii, jocurile, ascultatul muzicii, privitul filmelor, pastrarea legaturii cu prietenii si legarea de noi prietenii, scrierea de proiecte pentru scoala, crearea de proiecte, dosare pentru galerii foto si asa mai departe. Un exemplu pozitiv grozav este faptul ca as putea sa gasesc tot ceea ce am nevoie pentru examenul de absolvire si m-ar ajuta sa ma pregatesc mai bine. 27.My dearest family tradition is the celebration of Christmas. All the members of my family get together at my grandparentss house and it is the only time of the year when we can see everybody. We prepare the Christmas meal and we all help to decorate the Christmas tree. We talk about all the things that happened over the year and we have fun and exchange gifts and enjoy the company of all the members of our family. cea mai draga traditie mie este celebrarea Craciunlui. Toata familia mea se aduna in casa bunicilor si este singura data din an cand ne putem vedea toti. Preparam masa de Craciun iar apoi toti ajutam la decorarea bradului. Vorbim desre toate lucrurile care s-au intamplat de-a lungul anului si ne distram schimbam cadouri si ne bucuram de compania membrilor intregii familii.

28.Having a pet is great but there are a lot of responsibilities too. I have a Burmese cat called Micheline and all the members of my family look after it. We offer her cat food, we take it to the vet regularly and we play with it. It is a very loved cat and we like to keep it clean, healthy and happy. We offer it our love and it offers us a lot of love too. Sa ai un animal de companie este grozav dar sunt foarte multe responsabilitati, de asemenea. Eu am o pisica birmaneza numita Micheline si toti membri familiei o ingrijesc. Ii oferim mancare de pisici, o ducem la veterinar in mod regulat si nejucam cu ea. Este o pisica fooarte iubita si ne place sa o pastram curata, sanatoasa si hericita. Noi ii oferim dragostea noastra si ea ne ofera dragostea ei. 29.The happiest day in my life will be the day after the end of the last graduation exam. I hope that all my friends and colleagues will graduate. We want to have a great party to celebrate the event and to plan our future summer holiday in details. We will make new plans for university and relax a little after twelve years of school non-stop. Cea mai fericita zi din viata mea va fi ziua ultimului examen de dupa absolvire. Sper ca toti colegii mei vor absolvi. Vrem sa facem o pertecere mare pentru a sarbatori evenimentulsi pentru a planuivacanta de vara in detaliu. Vom face planuri noi pentru universitate si ne vom relaxa dupa 12 ani de scoala fara intrerupere. 30.I do not think that mobile phones should not be allowed in school. There should be school rules to restrict the use of the mobile phone during the classes but not during the breaks or after classes. Students can use the mobile phones to talk to their parents to say they are O.K. and tell them where they are and they can ask for help in case they needed. eu nu cred ca telefoanele mobile ar trebui interzise in scoala. Ar trebui sa fie reguli in scoala stricte legate de folosirea telefoanelor mobile in timpul orelor dar nu si in timpul pauzelor sau dupa ore. Elevii pot folosi telefoanele mobile pentru a discuta cu parintii pentru a le spune ca sunt bine, unde sunt sau sa ceara ajutor daca au nevoie. 31.I do not think that cars should be banned from the city center because the city center is the most important part of any city and people need to get from one place to another in a short period of time. The solution against jams an pollution can be the building of more car parks and to offer the drivers more than one traffic possibility in order to avoid the city center. Nu cred ca masinilor le-ar trebui interzis accesul in centrul orasului pentru ca centrul este cea mai importanta parte a orasului si oamenii au nevoie sa ajunga dintr-un loc in altul in perioade scurte de timp. Solutia impotriva ambuteiajelor si poluarii ar puteafi construirea mai multor parcari si realizarea mai multor trasee spre centru pentru soferi. 32.I do not agree that GOOD MANNERS SEEM OUT OF FASHION NOWADAYS. Any educated person must learn and respect the good manners in society and in their families. Living together is difficult if the good manners are not present and we can see that every day at school, in the street and even at home. RESPECT ME TO RESPECT YOU is something that everybody must do. The good manners still exist for most of the people but some young

people consider them out of fashion and have no respect for anything or for anyboby. For example not all the students always respect their teachers or their own parents. Eu nu cred ca bunele maniere s-au demodat in prezent. Orice persoana educata trebue sa invete si sa respecte atat in familie cat si in societate bunele maniere. Este dificil sa traiesti langa alti oameni daca bunele manierenu sunt respectate si asta este vizibil in fiecare zi la scoala, pe starda sau chiar si acasa. RESPESTA_MA CA SA TE RESPECT SI EU!- este sfatul pe care toti trebuie sa il urmam. Bunele purtari inca mai exista pentru majoritatea oamenilor dar unii tineri le considera demodate si nu au rspect pentru nimeni si nimic. De exemplu nu toti elevii isi respecta familia sau profesorii. 33.I agree to the idea that uniforms shouldnt be compulsory. Students today have their own taste in choosing their clothes either for school or their casual clothes. I think that students can respect some limits of good taste for their school clothes avoiding strong colours, too much makeup or jewelries. For example we had an uniform at the beginning of high school but nobody liked it and we came to school with our personal clothes. And it was O.K. Sunt de acord cu ideea ca uniformele nu ar trebui sa fie obligatorii. Elevii din ziua de azi au gusturi proprii in ceea ce priveste hainele de scoala dar si hainele obisnuite. Cred ca elevii pot respecta limitele bunului gust in ceea ce priveste hainele de dcoala, evitand hainele stridente, machiajul exagerat sau bijuteriile. De exemplu am avut uniforma la inceputul anului scolar dan nu ne-a placut asa ca toti am venit la scoala in hainele personale.

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