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Chapter 3 Problem Solving Methods

Engineers Solve Problems

Problem solving is a powerful human activity. Computers are useful tools in problem solving, but it is the human who actually solves the problem. It is impossible to teach specific facts that will always lead to a solution.
The ability to solve problem comes from doing it.

Many things must pull together to solve a problem.

Problem Solving

Problem solving is a combination of experience, knowledge, process, and art Design process is a series of logical steps that when followed produce an optimal solution given time and resources as two constraints

Problem Solving; cont

A problem is a situation, quantitative or otherwise, that confronts an individual or group of individuals, that requires resolution, and for which the individual sees no apparent path to the solution.

Problem Solving; cont

Problem solving is a process, an activity whereby a best value is determined for an unknown, subject to a specific set of conditions. It is a means by which an individual uses previously acquired knowledge, skills and understanding to satisfy the demands of an unfamiliar situation.

What skills must be used when solving a problem?

Knowledge Motivation Experience Communication Skills Learning Skills Group Skills

Problem Analysis

A distinguishing characteristic of a qualified engineer is the ability to solve technical problems; both art and science

Science; knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc Art; proper judgment, experience, common sense, and know-how; to know when and how rigorously science should be applied and whether the resulting answer reasonably satisfies the original problem is an art

Techniques for Error Free Problem Solving

Always draw a picture of the physical situation,if possible. State any assumptions made. Indicate all given properties on the diagram with their units. Convert units to a given unit system. Label unknown quantities with a question mark.

Techniques for Error Free Problem Solving

From the text, write the main equation which contains the unknown quantity. Or derive the desire algebraic equation by solving integral or differential equations. Algebraically manipulate the equation to isolate the desired quantity.

Techniques for Error Free Problem Solving

Write subordinate equations for the unknown quantities in the main equation. Indent to indicate that the equation is subordinate. It may be necessary to go through several levels of subordinate equations before all the quantities in the main equation are known. Once all algebraic manipulations and substitutions are made, insert numerical values with their units.

Techniques for Error Free Problem Solving

Insure that all units cancel. Check one last time for sign error. Compute the answer. Clearly mark the final answer. Indicate units! Insure that the final answer makes physical sense! Insure that all questions have been answered.

Skills used in Implementing Problem Solving Strategies

Analysis Use logic to:
Identify the system to be analyzed Identify the objective Identify relationships Divide the system into parts

Skills used in Implementing Problem Solving Strategies

Synthesis Use creativity to:
Develop ideas via brainstorming Evaluate the ideas by analysis when enough ideas have been generated

Skills used in Implementing Problem Solving Strategies

Decision Making Use logic to
compare the various ideas and select the best one(s)

Generalization - Going from the specific to the broad use abstraction to: Aid in analysis, synthesis, and decision making

3.1 Types of Problems

Research Problems Knowledge Problems Troubleshooting Problems Mathematics Problems Resource Problems Social Problems Design Problems

Types of Problems; cont

Research Problems
A hypothesis be proven or disproved Example; CFC may destroy the earths ozone layer is a hypothesis. Design an experiment that either proves or disproves the hypothesis

Types of Problems; cont

Knowledge Problems

When a person encounters a situation that he doesnt understand Example; A chemical engineer noticed that the chemical plant produces more product when it rains Further study showed that heat exchanger cooled by rain increasing product

Types of Problems; cont

Troubleshooting Problems

When equipment or software behaves in unexpected or improper ways Example During vibration test of an aluminum beam, the amplitude of the response is higher at all exciting frequencies Troubleshooting shows that 60 cps of AC current was close to the natural frequency of the beam

Types of Problems; cont

Troubleshooting Problems; cont e.g. an electronic amplifier has a loud hum when it is in a room with fluorescent lights.

Types of Problems; cont

Mathematics Problems

Describe physical phenomena with mathematical models Engineers can unleash the extraordinary power of mathematics, with the rigorously proven theorems and algorithms Example; Isaac Newtons sine square law can be applied to hypersonic flow
e.g. find x such that 4x + 5 = 0.

Types of Problems; cont

Resource Problems
There is never enough time, money, or equipment to accomplish the task Engineers who can get the job done in spite of resource limitations are highly prized and awarded e.g. how will we get the money to build our new factory?

Types of Problems; cont

Social Problems
For example, if a factory is relocated to where there is shortage of skilled worker, engineers should set up training program for employees e.g. how can we improve education?

Types of Problems; cont

Design Problems
Require creativity, teamwork, and broad knowledge Example; design a new car Economy car? SUV? Design goal and parameters

Team Exercise
If you have enough money to buy a car, what kind of car do you like to buy? If you are a car design engineer, identify design goal and design parameters from your teams preference

Team Exercise

Well Posed Design Problem: Design a new car that can:

1. Go from 0 - 60 mph in 6 seconds 2. Gets 50 miles/gal 3. Costs less than $10,000 to the consumer 4. Does not exceed government pollution standards 5. Appeals to aesthetic tastes

Team Exercise

1. Identify Problem e.g. we need to build a new car since we are losing market share 2. Synthesis (integrating parts to for a whole) e.g. we can combine an aerodynamic body with a fuel efficient engine to make a new car with very high fuel efficiency

Team Exercise
3. Analysis

identify relationships, distinguish fact from opinion, detect logic information, make conclusions from evidence, select relevant information, TRANSLATE REAL-WORLD PROBLEM INTO MATHEMATICAL MODEL e.g. compare the drag of different body types and determine if engine can fit under the hood

Team Exercise
4. Application (identify the pertinent information) e.g. What force is required to allow the car to go 60 mph knowing the car has a 30ft2 projected area and a 0.35 drag coefficient based on wind tunnel data?

Team Exercise

5. Comprehension (use the data and explicit theory to solve the problem)

F = 1/2 Cd A V2 F=force Cd=drag coef. =air density A=protected frontal area V=speed

Difficulties in Problem Solving

Most common difficulty: failure to use known information. To avoid this problem: Write the problem in primitive form and sketch an accurate picture of the setup (where

Transform the primitive statements to simpler language. Translate verbal problems to more abstract mathematical statement(s) and figures, diagrams, charts, etc.

General Problem Solving Method

Define and understand problem 1. Sketch the problem 2. Gather information 3. Generate and evaluate potential solutions
Use applicable theories and assumptions

4. Refine and implement solution 5. Verify and test solution

Define and Understand

Understand what is being asked Describe input/output (I/O)
what are you given

what are you trying to find


Sketch the problem

Gather Information
Collect necessary data List relevant equations/theories State all assumptions

Generate Solution Methods

Apply theories and assumptions. Typically, there is more than one approach to solving a problem Work problem by hand using the potential solution methods
Break problem into parts; scale it down; etc.
e.g., if the problem was to calculate the average of 1000 numbers, work the problem by hand using, say, 10 numbers, in order to establish a method

Refine and Implement

Evaluate solution methods.
accuracy ease of implementation etc.

Implement best solution.

Verify and Test

Compare solution to the problem statement
Is this what you were looking for? Does your answer make sense?

Clearly identify the solution

Sketch if appropriate


Dont stop at getting an answer!!
Think about whether the answer makes physical sense.
you are the instructor and you have to turn in final grades. In your haste, you calculate the average of Susies grades (100, 70, 90) to be 78 and give Susie a C...

Getting It Right

The problem solving process may be an iterative process.

If at first you dont succeed (i.e., the algorithm test fails), try again

The more thorough you are at each step of the problem solving process, the more likely you are to get it right the first time!!

Team Exercise
Given: A student is in a stationary hotair balloon that is momentarily fixed at 1325 ft above a piece of land. This pilot looks down 60o (from horizontal) and turns laterally 360o.
Note: 1 acre = 43,560 ft2

Team Exercise; cont

Required: a) Sketch the problem b) How many acres of land are contained by the cone created by her line of site? c) How high would the balloon be if, using the same procedure, an area four times greater is encompassed?

Creative Problem Solving

The nine dots shown are arranged in equally spaced rows and columns. Connect all nine points with four straight lines without lifting the pencil from the paper and without retracing any line.

Individual Exercise (3 minutes)

Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving

If you enjoy solving puzzles, you will enjoy engineering Crick and Watson figured DNA when they were young Engineers create from nature what did not exist before In this creative process, the engineer marshals skills in mathematics, materials, and other engineering discipline and from these resources create a new solution for a human need

Creative Problem Solving

Engineering is not dull or stifling; send people to moon, communication from battlefield, etc Creative artists spent many years perfecting their skills Engineers need patience, practice, and gaining problem-solving techniques by training

Self-Questions for Problem Solving

How important is the answer to a given problem? Would a rough, preliminary estimate be satisfactory or high degree accuracy demanded? How much time do you have and what resources are at your disposal?

Data available or should be collected, equipments and personnel, etc

Self-Questions for Problem Solving

What about the theory you intend to use? Can you use it now or must learn to use it? Is it state of the art? Can you make assumptions that simplify without sacrificing needed accuracy? Are other assumptions valid and applicable? Optimize time and resources vs reliability

Engineering Method

2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Recognize and understand the problem (most difficult part) Accumulate data and verify accuracy Select the appropriate theory or principles Make necessary assumptions Solve the problem Verify and check results

Engineering Method

Perfect solutions to real problems do not exist. Simplify the problem to solve it; steady state, rigid body, adiabatic, isentropic, static etc To solve a problem, use mathematical model; direct methods, trial-and-error, graphic methods, etc.

Problem Presentation

Problem statement Diagram Theory Assumptions Solution steps Identify results and verify accuracy

Standards of Problem Presentation

Engineers should have ability to present information with great clarity in a neat, careful manner Poor engineering documents can be legal problems in courts Follow standard forms such as shown in the textbooks

Team Assignment

Page 141 Problem 3.20


Algorithm: a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing an end (Webster) Algorithms can be described by

Pseudocode Flowcharts


English-like description of each step of algorithm Not computer code Example - take out trash barrels
while there are more barrels take barrel to street return to garage end


Graphical description of algorithm Standard symbols used for specific operations

Input/Output Start/Stop Branch Test Process Step

Process Flow

Flowchart Example
Define the problem Read input Begin

Ask for more input yes

Can I solve this? yes Solve the problem

no What do I need to know?

Can I solve this? no

Output results


Top Down Design

State problem clearly Sketch problem Describe input/output (I/O) Work problem by hand Algorithm: pseudocode or flowchart

Decomposition - break problem into steps Stepwise refinement - solve each step

Test the algorithm/check your work!!

Example (Team exercise, 15 min)

State problem clearly:

Given ax2 + bx + c = 0, find x.

Describe I/O:

Input: a, b, c Output: x

Example (cont.)

Hand example:

a=1, b=4, c=4 equation? (See Chapter 6, Mathematics Supplement) x=?

Example (cont.)

Algorithm development

write an algorithm in pseudocode to take any set of coefficients (i.e., a, b, c) and give the value of x for each set a,b,c = 1,4,4 a,b,c = 1,1,-6 a,b,c = 1,0,1 other good test cases?

Test your algorithm

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