Assignment 5 2a Jake

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Summer zc

MCAL: 8lomlmetlc Leslgn
ln Lesson .z you ure leurnlng why und how to ldentlfy deslgn functlons. Recull thut most
deslgners sturt wlth vEA1 they wunt to deslgn, whlch tukes the form of u noun (e.g. u
chulr). ln thls usslgnment you wlll ructlce ldentlfylng whut u deslgn ls lntended to LC
(e.g. rovlde u luce to relux? correctly osltlon the user? hel kee orgunlze u grou of
lndlvlduuls?) und then ldentlfy otentlul buslc functlons (comfort? cushlon? culm?
osltlon? seurute? dlrect? orlent? orgunlze?). 1here muy be muny osslble functlons for u
glven deslgn.

. llll out the tuble.
u. ldentlfy ut leust two LCs und ut leust three osslble lUNC1lCNS. (Cne
exumle ls rovlded.)
z. Suve wlth your nume und usslgnment number und ost to the veek Llscusslon

)1-,15,5"-*"&78" 9:;$<=7;>"
ve need seutlng for the
new oeru house.
x lee utrons comfortuble for
u to hours
x Provlde euch erson wlth
udequute slght und sound
from the stuge
x Provlde euch erson wlth
udequute ersonul suce
x cushlon
x suort
x orlent
x revent sound, llght
x recelve sound, llght
x seurute
x rotect
Cur lutos ure too nolsy.

Cur roducts ure reully
exenslve to shl.

- Reduce noise from cooling
- Insulate noisy components
- Reduce number of moving
- Reduce power consumption
and the heat that creates.
- Insulate
- Prevent Sound
- Move Air in
- Rotate
- Move Air out
- Damper Vibrations
- Reduce Turbulence
- Products should wiegh less
- Products should have a
smaller volume
- Distribution and assembling
factories should be located
closer to customers.
- Make it printable at home
- minimize size
- optimize volume
- informationalize design
- decentralize production
- lighten
Jake Hvistendahl
Biomimetic Design
Assignment 5.2a
July 4th, 2013
?" #$%&'""()*+)+,-)."&,/)01"
Summer zc

Cur lustlc wuter bottles
ure leuklng contumlnunts
lnto the wuter.

ve huve u lurge
orgunlzutlon thut belleves ln
colluborutlon und
trunsurency, but we ure
overwhelmed wlth lnternul

Peole love the
erformunce of our cell
hones, but dont llke
huvlng to churge them so

More und more eole
seem to huve ullergles und
sensltlvltles, lncludlng to
the dyes we huve been
uslng ln our fubrlcs.

ve wunt to drumutlcully
reduce the welght of our

ve need to rovlde
hyglenlc surfuces, but ure
concerned ubout uslng

- Use benign manfacturing
- Contain Water for long
- Prevent leakage
- Allow easy access to
- Should not contain harmful
- Contain Liquid
- Prevent Structural Failure
- Protect from gasses
- Protect from chemicals
- Use organic compounds
- Physically break down
through biotic process
- Develop organization wide
- Allow data access to outside
- Create better and more
efcient lines of
- Interconnect
- Cross boundaries
- Increase Diversity
- Distribute Information
- Store Information
- Organize via Directory
- Process signals
- Increase battery life and
reduce enrgy consumption
- Hold a charge for 72 hours
with standard use
- Recharge quickly and with
minimal heat convertion
- Harvest free energy
- Capture Energy
- Store Energy
- Prevent Energy Loss
- Minimize Energy Use
- Increase Efciency
- Produce colors without
dying fabrics
- Use properties of material to
create colors
- Create Hypo-allergenic
- Insulate the wearer
- Reect Light
- Absorb Light
- Modify Shape
- Protect from wind
- Protect from rain
- Signal light
- Use Organic Compounds
- Decrease material wieght
- Replace heavy metals with
other lighter structural
- Decrease engine size
- Protect in crashes
- Protect passengers
- Move people
- Increase fuel economy
- Manage Impacts
- Modify Shape
- Move on Solids
- Surfaces that microbes
cannot stick too.
- Prevent microbial colony
- Easily cleanable with water
based cleaners
- Modify Shape
- Modify Structure
- Protect from microbes
- Prevent adhesion
- Distribute Solids and
@" #$%&'""()*+)+,-)."&,/)01"
Summer zc

ve need u wuy to rovlde
houslng to eole dlsluced
by nuturul dlsusters.

Cur unlverslty ls too slloed!

- Portable housing that is
modular and multifunctional
- Prtects occupants from
environmental factors
- Offers basic services
- Easily replicatable and easy
to build / install
-Protect from biotic and
abiotic factors
- Inatable / distribute
- Modular
- Manage Compression
- Assemble Easily
- Increase communication
between diverse departments
- Support multifaceted and
interdisciplinary degrees
- Increase cooperation and
collaboration between
- Cooperate between
different species
- Cooperate within an
- Coordinate activities
- Dstribute infomation
- Cross boundaries

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