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Stitch: Stitch is the unit of this sewing.

Every unit of a seam line formed by interloping, interloping or

interlacing of one or more threads is called stitch.

Seam: Seam is the join between two or more plies of pieces of material. Seams are usually formed by
sewing. Sewing is done by joining one or more threads or loops of threads with interloping, interloping or interlacing. When one loop of a thread is passed through another loop of same thread it is called interloping. When one loop of a thread passes through another loop of another thread it is called interloping. When one loop of a thread passes over another loop of another thread it is called interlacing. About 70 types of stitches are found using and from these types 18 to 20 types of stitches are mostly used in garments industries. All types of stitches are classified into 6 classes. They are 1. Stitch class-100 : Chain stitch 2. Stitch class-200 : Hand stitch 3. Stitch class-300 : Lock stitch 4. Stitch class-400 : Multi thread chain stitch 5. Stitch class-500 : Over edge/Edge neatening chain stitch 6. Stitch class-600 : Covering chain stitch

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