Anonymous Patriot Letter To Mario Apuzzo, Esq

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America Uber Alles!!! To: Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

185 Gatzmer Ave Jamesburg NJ 08831 June 4, 2013

Dear Mr. Apuzzo, How are you? Fine I hope. I am an anonymous American patriot who has found out THE REAL STORY about how the words natural born citizen got into our U.S. Constitution!!! OH, I just bet you are going to be sooo happy! Anyway, here is how it happened! There was this French person named Donatien Alphonse Franois. Lets just call him Don for now. He was a member of French Royalty. Plus, and get this, he used to hang out and party a lot with Benjamin Franklin and some other wild Americans!!! They used to get drunk together, and drive their buggies around and knock over street lamps and fun stuff like that. Of course this kind of rowdy behavior landed him in jail, because France had no DUI lawyers at all. He finally put all his problems behind him and was released from the inpatient alcohol rehab program at Charenton in 1790, after the new Constituent Assembly passed the first Cachet and Release Program. That same year, he was elected to the National Convention, where he represented people with piques. One of these piques was restricting office to natural born citizens, those who had two citizen parents, like he had learned from Ben Franklin! On December 5, 1793, he was removed from his posts, accused of "moderatism" and imprisoned for almost a year. He was released after the overthrow and execution of Robespierre had effectively ended the Reign of Terror. In 1796, now all but destitute, he had to sell his ruined castle in Lacoste and took to translating French books into English. One of these books was Emer de Vattels Law of Nations! This is how the phrase natural born citizen got into the Law of Nations, and then the United States Constitution! From Ben Franklin to Don to Vattel and back to us!!! Yes!!! Emer de Vattels definition came from English Common Law!!! Who woulda thunk??? Anyway, I hope this helps you out a whole lot!!! Anonymous Patriot

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