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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = = = = = = = one /un/ two /tu/ three /zri/ four /for/ five /fiv/ six /siks/ seven 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 = = = = = = =

(Nmeros cardinales)

30 = thirty /zrti o zri/ 40 = forty /frti o fri/ 50 = fifty 60 = sixty 70 = seventy 80 = eighty 90 = ninety 100 = one hundred /un 8 = eight /it/ 18 = eighteen /eitn/ jondred/ 1000 = one thousand /un 9 = nine /nin/ 19 = nineteen /naintn/ zusand/ 20 = twenty /tunti o 1000000 = one million /un 10 = ten tuni/ milion/ OBSERVE: La primera serie (1 al 10) es la bsica. La segunda (11 al 19) y los nmeros de 10 en 10, conservan rasgos de la raz del nmero del cual derivan en la primera serie (aparecen subrayados). El sufijo o terminacin -teen suma 10, ejemplo: fourteen (4+10=14); pero el sufijo o terminacin -ty multiplica 10, ejemplo: forty (4x10=40) For the rest of the numbers you just do combinations. Look at the examples and then go on: 21 = twenty-one 46 = forty-six 71 = seventy-one 22 = twenty-two 47 = forty-seven 72 = seventy-two 23 = twenty-three 48 = forty-eight 73 = seventy-three 24 = twenty- four 49 = forty-nine 74 = seventy-four 25 =twenty-five 50 = fifty 75 = seventy-five 26 = twenty- six 51 = fifty-one 76 = seventy-six 27 = twenty-seven 52 = fifty-two 77 = seventy-seven 28 = twenty-eight 53 = fifty-three 78 = seventy-eight 29 = twenty-nine 54 = fifty-four 79 = seventy-nine 30 =thirty 55 = fifty-five 88 =eighty- eight 31 =thirty-one 56 = fifty-six 200 = two hundreds 32 = thirty-two 57 = fifty-seven 300 =three hundreds 33 = thirty-three 58 = fifty-eight 400 = four hundreds 34 = thirty-four 59 = fifty-nine 500 = five hundreds 35 = thirty-five 60 = sixty 101 = one hundred one 36 = thirty-six 61 = sixty-one 102 = one hundred and two 37 = thirty-seven 62 = sixty-two 615 = six hundreds fifteen 38 = thirty-eight 63 = sixty-three 745 = seven hundreds forty five 39 = thirty-nine 64 = sixty-four 888 =eight hundred eighty- eight 40 = forty 65 = sixty-five 974 =nine hundred seventy four 41 = forty-one 66 = sixty-six 2000 = two thousands 42 = forty-two 67 = sixty-seven 1233 = one thousand two hundreds

eleven /ilven/ twelve /tulv/ thirteen /zertn/ fourteen /fortn/ fifteen /fiftn/ sixteen /sikstn/ seventeen /seventn/

43 = forty-three 44 = forty-four 45 = forty-five

68 = sixty-eight 69 = sixty-nine 70 = seventy

thirty three 3578 =three thousand five hundreds seventy eight

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