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Make 9 cupcakes Honeycomb Cake ( (Recipe adapted from : Ingredients : A.

Syrup 35g water 100g sugar

140g hot water B. 50g Unsalted butter (melted) 2 Eggs (about 100 - 105g) 20g Honey 120g Condensed milk 90g Cake flour / Low protein flour (sifted) 3g Baking soda / Soda bicarbonate Method : 1. Caramelized sugar and water over low heat in a saucepan until it is golden brown. Stir at all time.


Add the hot water to the caramel. Caution! The hot caramel will splash when water is added. Continue to heat until syrup is homogeneous. Set aside to let cool. 3. In a mixing bowl, lightly beat the melted butter and egg with hand whisk, one egg at a time. 4. 5. 6. Add honey and condensed milk, mix well. Pour the sifted flour and baking soda, mix well. Add cooled syrup into batter and stir well to combine.


Leave the batter aside at least 45 minutes. Important! This enables the baking soda to react before baking. 8. Pour batter into a greased cake pan or cupcakes liner (fill batter 70% full). 9. Preheat oven at 180c and bake for 25-30 minutes until skewer inserted to centre of cake comes out clean. (Bake for 40 minutes)

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