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Rachel Eagon


Document 1:
1. The democratic and republican parties are at odds about slavery in the U.S.
2. No, neither of the parties seem willing to compromise.

Document 2:
1. Brown advocated secession because he's saying the North is gaining power, and that if they
can't have slavery there, they'll secede from the nation.
2.So many non-slaveholders supported secession because they were afraid of losing their land to give to
the freed slaves, and especially, they didn't want emancipation; so they would then all have equal rights.

Document 3:
1.This newspaper is saying that Lincoln and the Republican party are major threats to disunion by saying
if he were elected as President, there'd be abolition of slavery, and then there would be a risk of the South
losing their land, so then they would secede.

Document 4:
1.Most of Lincoln's support came from the Northern Republican part of the U.S.
2.There's a a complete split in voting between the North and South because of many issues; the South are
all voting for the Democratic candidates, while the North are all voting for the Republican candidates.
Document 5:
1.The major factors that were about to split the union are that the North and South are basically opposites
and they can't accept that fact: the North wants abolition and emancipation while the South wants slavery.
There is suffrage on both sides of the union, and most reasons why the 2 sides disagree on everything
usually all adds up to the abolition of slavery, which then turns into the repealing of the Missouri
Document 6:
1.South Carolina's reason for seceding from the Union is that everything was leading to the abolition of
slavery, and they want slavery and aren't willing to give that up so they know there's a risk of losing a lot
of what they have. For example, their land they would lose because the government is giving land to the
freed slaves that lost everything at war.
Document 7:
1.Davis said the reason that caused the South to secede is that it wasn't just the election that was the cause,
that just added to everything else and finally made them break down and collapse, and so they seceded.
2.“Raids of organized bodies” basically mean there's a lot of organized armies planning on raiding the

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