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Language Analysis 1: Identifying intentionality using the 4 layers or meaning

Structure of the passage The text 1: What meaning was conveyed? Inferences and Secret English
John Jagamurra
John Jagamurra felt his mother become very tense, her fear flowing into himself. She held him tighter in her arms and cried, Who is coming to take him away? Where will they take him?

So What? Teaching implications Informing Writing workshops
Capital letter for proper noun

2: Why it was included?

3 and 4: How was the meaning created? Structure, word and language choices, grammar
Proper noun

Syllabus Link to outcomes and content

Authors intentionality
First name is very English and his surname aboriginalindicating that he is half aboriginal and half white emphasises that something scary is about to happen


felt his mother become very tense, her fear flowing into himself.

Shows that he is standing very close to his mother. A mother protects and provides safety and this is being threatened Reinforces the protective role of the mother and the safe comforting relationship between a mother and her son. Explains her fearful behavior as someone is going to take her child away from her and she doesnt know who this is. She knows that her son will be taken from her but not who will take him of why

metaphor the fear flowing from one person to another


RS.7 Learning about reading.

She held him tighter in her arms and cried

Who is coming to take him away?

imagery paint a picture of fear that the mother has about losing her son. The use of strong emotive words to indicate that all is not going to be ok further explain why she is so afraid

The use of the word tighter to describe how he is being held

Adverbial phrase.

Direct speech- she wants to clarify what will happen to her son.

Direct Speech

RS.7 Learning about reading.

Where will they take him?

This illustrates the mothers true confusion over what is going to happen to her child.

How she says it- and cried Direct speech

Direct speech

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