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Eugen Costel Popescu

From Atlantis to the Geto-Dacian Calendar

Eugen Costel Popescu

From Atlantis to the Geto-Dacian Calendar

Cover 1: ATLAS to the left, SATURN to the right Cover 4: The two capitals of the Titans

Editorial Advisor: Emil CALOT Correction: Irina UNGUREANU DTP: Laurian TRONCU Translated by Ioana POSTELNICU

ISBN 978-606-8039-37-4

Eugen Costel Popescu

From Atlantis to the Geto-Dacian Calendar

Revised and enlarged edition



Theres nothing sweeter than a mans own country and his parents, even if hes living in a wealthy home, but in a foreign land away from those who gave him life.

Homer The Odyssey Book IX v 45-48

To my critics I say only this: everything is repeating because of my strong desire that every chapter has to be a whole. The Author

Motto....................................................................................................... 5 FOREWORD......................................................................................... 9 CLUUL ROMANIAN FOLK DANCE......................................43 ANCIENT TIMES RELIGION..........................................................50 GETAE RELIGION............................................................................75 GODS AND IMMORTALS DYNASTY.........................................97 GODS DYNASTY............................................................................107 IMMORTALS OR TITANS DYNASTY......................................122 SESOSTRIS WAR AGAINST IORGOVAN.................................157 ATLANTIS ACCORDING TO PLATO ..........................................168 THE ISLES LOCATION THE ISLAND OF ATLANTIS, CAPITAL OF THE ATLANTEANS...............................................183 THE GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES OF ATLANTIS........196 THE ISLAND OF ATLANTIS, RESIDENCE OF THE ATLANTEAN KINGS......................................................................204 (Profane explanation)........................................................................204 GETO-DACIANS TIME CALCULATION...................................209 II. TIME CALCULATION BY ADDING A DAY EVERY FOUR YEARS................................................................................................ 224

THE CALCULATION OF THE CONSTANT (3,1415).........226 CALCULATION (PI)....................................................................229 THE ESSENIAN CALENDAR........................................................231 ESSENNIS TIME CALCULATION..............................................233 THE FOURTH DIMENSION..........................................................235 THE LAWS OF ZALMOXIS...........................................................239 THE LAWS OF ZALMOXIS (II)....................................................248 THE CARDINAL NUMBERS SYMBOLOGY..............................251 THE CARDINAL NUMBERS ..........................................................254 THE MATHEMATICAL CALCULATION OF THE NUMBER ............................................................................................................. 257 THE LOST WORD...........................................................................259 Bibliography....................................................................................... 262


First of all, I would like to apologize to all those who disagree with my opinions in this book, volume which looks for truths in times long ago, times that follow the disappearance of the previous civilization, perhaps not the only civilization in the history of this earth. Those times long ago are nothing but the dawn of civilization as we know it. Rarely recorded in writing and forgotten nowadays, those days occurred 10.000-15.000 years ago and the actions of the people then have as heroes Uranus, Maya or Hera, Gaea, Saturn, Osiris, Ammon, Zeus-Ra, Latona, Trojan or Atlas, Zeus the Olympian and Sarmis or Hermes, the grandson of Atlas. Some of them were called gods in the Mediterranean Sea region (former mortals born on Earth), like Ra, Amon or Osiris, while others, even though accounted as immortals in the North (Europe and Northern Asia), reached through to the South (India, Northern Africa and Middle East), such as Uranus, Zeus, Hera, Bentis (Gaea), Cybele (Latona), Saturn (Bal, Seth) or Sarmis (Hermes). The immortals were Sons of the Earth or of Gaea and Sons of the Sky/Heaven or of Uranus, also called AN. Just to be clear, I assume the risk of repeating myself, as upsetting as it may be. The expression Sons of the Earth, wherever you may find it, is equivalent with the expression Sons of God, thus sons of a nameless divinity if we were to make the analogy with the prayer Our Father, where we admit God to be our father and each of us His son. This prayer comes from ancient times and still exists today.

This book contains chapters from different domains, domains which, in my opinion, are connected with the times long ago, with the history of this civilization. It is known that any civilization, having reached its pinnacle, is going to self-destruct and this self-destruction is generated by man either out of ignorance or as a consequence of the fact that science and the new experiments exceed the intellectual power of those who create them. The disappearance of a civilization due to cosmic issues is more rare and is caused either by fire or by water catastrophes or, in exceptional occasions, by gigantic meteors or other celestial bodies hitting the Earth. The Maya, in their collection of narratives Popol Vuh, which, according to some translations, means Book of the People, that is, text written in an accessible manner in order to be understood by the masses, talk about the number of the civilizations on Earth, at that time. It is important to note that they only talk only about the existing or previous civilizations, all forecasts regarding the following ones being excluded. It is stated here that, in the beginning, the Divinity created man out of wood and destroyed the civilization by fire (of course, being made of wood, it could only be destroyed by fire). In the following civilization, God created man out of clay and the world was destroyed by water. Finally, in the third civilization, man was created out of white and red corn grains. Here the story ends and we dont find out how this civilization can be destroyed. From this text results the fact that several civilizations existed on Earth, the last of which was destroyed by water, thus by a flood. In my opinion, the Atlanteans and possibly the Sarmatians, named after Sarmis or Hermes, the son of Hera or Maya, the oldest daughter of Atlas, kidnapped by Zeus the Olympian (the Immortal) because he was married to Europa and had three children with her: Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon (not to mix up with other similar names that turned up later on), when Maya succeeded Atlas to the throne, she also becoming a bazilee (the term bazileu means king over kings), and even the title of Io knew the existence of the American continent, and to prove this I bring the following arguments: a) the existence of the pyramids, built alike, b) the fact that the Aztecs, when they first spotted the Spanish, were shouting at them Maya, Maya, and the poor Spanish had no idea who Maya were, c)


the existence, in their tradition, of the Great White God, the Aztec king surrendered the throne to the Spanish, saying that he sat on it only temporarily, e) the existence of the possibility to get there (to todays America) and to this I bring as argument a quotation from Bib. 25, page 299: when Saturn, after his victory over Osiris, occupies the territories owned by the latter and penetrates India with the name of Indra, I quote: He is considered god of the war and of violent forces in general, therefore, god of the unleashed elements, of the heavenly fire, of the bolts of lightning and rolls of thunder, which are the attributes of Saturn, and, as it follows, he is the bearer of a miraculous bludgeon (similar with todays ATs) and of a fire-throwing weapon (Indras arrow) whose flames were compared (but not identified) with lightning bolts, in the old Sanskrit texts. From this last quotation, it is confirmed that they had fire arms (the fire-throwing weapons compared with lightning bolts) and I quote Indras arrow, the main and most feared weapon of the god, interpreted by many as simply a natural lightning, is, in fact, from a mythological point of view, much more complexe; its force of destruction by spraying everything ahead, the production of hurricanes during its flight, the fact that at the impact it produced a light equal to 10.000 suns and its feature to return by itself to its quiver afterwards make it unique. This quotation proves that Saturn, at that time, had airplanes (arrow which returns by itself to its quiver), missiles and even atomic bombs (the light of 10.000 sons). All these arguments prove the fact that people then had the science, technology and knowledge to reach and know not only America, but even the whole planet. Actually, in the Antiquity there was also a graphical representation in which Atlas was holding the whole Globe (Earth) on its shoulders. The Globe was round, as we know it today, and not as a saucer, as it is presented in Aristotles writings. And this is not all, Plinius says, (bib.12, page 940), I quote Uranus had also invented a sort of stones with spirit, named Baetulia, which he had made with great wisdom. Could these be the landmines or the remote control bombs? It is hard to say, but entirely possible. Other than this, there is another evidence, this time coming from Diodorus (bib. 9, page 59 and 34), I quote He (Busiris) also gave orders to be built four or five floors homes for the individuals. But who was Busiris? I quote The reign over those parts of Egipt located near


Fenicia and the sea, Osiris gave to Busiris and the city, I quote, Busiris is said to have been the founder of the city which the Egyptians call Diopolis. There are some clarifications to be made here: the city of Diopolis the city of gods cannot be Thebes, as Diodorus suggests, because Thebes was founded a lot later, by Hermes, so this city can only be Ilion, the city of the gods, also known as Tebaida, Thebes or Deva near Mount Ida, the place where the kings and afterwards the gods resided, followers of Zeus-Ra in that time in Crete (Idaia), the city where the final battle between Atlas (Trojan) and Zeus, son of Kronos, was given, during the Trojan War and not the war in Troy, like Homer lets us understand, although there are many similar reasons. However, it is important to outline that, if even the houses from the outskirts had to have minimum four or five floors, we are certainly talking about a rather developed civilization, perhaps even more so than the one today. Moreover, they were even aware of our solar system and the nine planets, considered then nine heavens (the atmosphere of the planet) and nine hells (the lands that comprise the planets), as well as the fact that the Earth is the third planet from our solar system, according to the quotation from page 300 (bib. 25) Tridivapati Lord of the third heaven, which is the ultimate heaven. The occurrence of a great flood is noted by all the older people, flood which is, in essence, similar with what we call Noahs Flood. These inscriptions exactly, at different people, concerning the same event, certify its existence. In the history of mankind, according to my knowledge, three floods took place: Noahs flood, the flood in the time of Ogyges and the flood during the time of Deucalion. I remind you that Deucalion was the son of Prometheus, contemporary with Atlas, Hera, Zeus, Horus and Athena and, apparently, king as his father in the region that we call today the Middle East. This flood occurred after the city collapsed, the capital of the Atlantheans, Atlantis, of the mountain or, more precisely, the hill where it was built, this city so searched for today, and not the island or the continent of Atlantis, where the straits Bosphorus and Dardanelles were formed as a result of earthquakes, and the water that covered the entire plain where Europe lies today, named Ocean, passed over to the Mediterranean, flooding the low


grounds around this sea. This flood affected only the populations around the Mediterranean Sea and Europe, from an island, the island of Atlantis or the continent Atlantis, in a few decades gained its current form. This is confirmed by Diodorus of Sicily in Book V, chapter XLVII, I quote the inhabitants of Samothrace tell that, even before the great flood (during the time of Deucalion) which caused sufferance to the other nations, they had a giant debacle which started with the decline of soil surrounding rocks Cyan and then of the one surrounding the Strait Hellespont. Because, until then, Pontus Euxinus had been only a lake; however, because of the rivers which flowed into this lake, its waters began to swallow so much that they ended by invading Hellespont, thereby flooding a good part of the coastline of Asia. Given this, the island of Atlantis is no longer an island, and in the conception of future generations it was believed that it had a faith similar to any island that sank in the sea. Do not mistake the island of Atlantis, the capital of Atlantis, a mountain surrounded by three ditches of water, which was unsuitable called and island and indeed collapsed because of some earthquakes, and the island Atlantis or the continent bearing the same name, which is none other than Europe today. I should mention that what we call today the Sarmatic Sea was a great stretch of water which existed in the south of todays Romania and which has had several names after the names of kings who lived in this part of the world, kings who have reigned over the whole white race in those olden days. During Uranuss time, it was called Ocean, or, more precisely, the Coin of The Ocean, and king Uranus was also called Oceanos, during Saturns time, also called Poseidon, it was Poseidons Sea, during Atlass or Trojans time it was the Atlantic Sea and during Sarmiss or Hermess time it was called the Sarmatic Sea, name which we still use today. There is no known data about the Ogygess flood or, better said, I have no knowledge about that, however, there are numerous documents on Noahs flood, the biggest flood in the history of mankind, and the heroes have different names according to which nation the documents come from, but they all follow the same idea, namely that, during this flood, which is said to have covered almost the entire surface of the Earth, many people disappeared and there are hints that it may have been an entire civilization.


A similar text, almost identical to the one described in the Bible as being Noahs flood, was found at the Sumerians on two different tablets, one dated from the time of Gilgamesh, where the hero is king Utanapitim who arrived by boat on the mountain Nisir, and the other one having king Ziusudra as hero, text that appears to be the oldest. In both Sumerian stories, the gods AN and Enlil save the lives of kings, their families and all the living creatures and plants, but, most importantly, the duration of the flood is 7 days in both texts (bibl. 2 pages 239-241). This 7 days duration confirms my hypothesis on the cause of the production of this flood, which I will set forth. The cause which generated this debacle is not stated in any text; the only thing that is stated is the Divine Will and yet, the key to understand what led to the production of this flood is in the following text all the streams of the deep sea have spread (quotation from the Bible, chapter 7, verse 11, page 17, 1994 edition). This excerpt reveals the mystery which led to the production of this cataclysm on a global scale, the way it occurred, the land surface that was affected, because I think that not all the dry surface was catastrophically damaged, remaining areas where there may have still existed life and the people may have been less affected by the flood and from this the inhabitants from the mountains benefited, especially if they were far away from the oceans. This also results from the Sumerian tablets, the Lists of kings from Lars and Nippur, where there is the quotation. Then, the Flood arrived and afterwards there came to rule the kings of the people in the mountains (Bibl. 2, p. 255) and indeed this happens, power goes to the kings of the North, the kings of the boreal hemisphere, as it will be presented in the paper. Firstly, I turn to a passage from the Astronomy and Astronautics Dictionary, page 214 (Bibl. 7), which says that, because of the attraction of the Sun and Moon, tides occur, I quote: the tides of the Earths crust have a smaller amplitude of the order of several dm than the tides of the planetary ocean, materialized by the increasing (flow) and decreasing (reflux) of the waters level by up to 10-20 m (more pronounced in narrow bays, straits and river estuaries): in the closed seas, the tides are practically negligible (i.e. the variations of the Mediterranean Sea dont exceed several


dm.), and further the Moon produces a tide effect twice as big as this (the Sun) due to its proximity to Earth. By this quote I want to certify an already acknowledged aspect, namely that the relation between celestial bodies and their effects on water, but for water to come to the Earths surface it is mandatory that a celestial body passes near Earth, either of a big size or a relatively big size, but closer to the planets surface, celestial body which might create giant waves, hundreds of meters or even kilometers high, waves which would drive along the sand from the seabeds and deposit it on the soil, thus creating the existent deserts on Earth. In my opinion, the celestial body which passed near Earth and generated this big flood cannot be other than the planet Venus. It is known that Venus is the heavenly body that appeared last in our solar system (the last planet). Nobody knows when it appeared, nor the road it followed (its trajectory) to its existent position, and there are also differing opinions as to when it appeared. Only a celestial body such as this one could have caused such important changes and have had such a big influence on Earth. I consider that the existing deserts have come to be as a consequence of its passing and influence over our planet. The bigger the water surface around them, the larger the deserts are. It appears that planet Venus trajectory in relation to Earth was from Nord-West to South-East and the consequences of its passing by were many, some of which would be: The sand from the oceans covered possibly fertile land surfaces, creating todays deserts. If the water from the depths had come to the surface, the water from the bottom of the oceans as well, associated with the volcanic eruptions from the oceans, could have carried the sand, rising it to the surface. In the passing of the water over the lower grounds, situated near the Earths seas and oceans, the sand was deposited there, resulting the deserts we know today, which, in that time, did not have as big a surface as today, but they were taller and because of the meteorological phenomena (the wind), the desert surface grew bigger and, on some areas, the sand is no more. This phenomenon resembles a tsunami, but does not have the same characteristics.


The sand from the former ocean, coming from the water from the current plains of Europe, formed the Gobi desert. Its position compared to the ocean then (Oceanos, in the ancient writings) gives the travelling direction to planet Venus (its trajectory). The fact that the water inside the Earths crust emerged at the surface, warm or hot water, water which increased the quantity of precipitation and instead of which cold water penetrated, especially if this happened in a cold time of the year, thus causing the earths mantle to cool, according to the quotation in the Bible, thus all the streams of the deep sea have spread, all this has generated: a) the cooling of the Earths poles and, maybe, of the entire planet; b) by cooling the Earths crust, it grew bigger, thus causing earthquakes and probably volcanic eruptions which can lead to the geographical modification of the planet, more or less important; c) according to the location and size of the desserts, we can approximate both the location of the areas covered with water (seas and oceans), and the trajectory and possibly the distance from Earth of planet Venus, especially due to the fact that in the Sumerian writings its effect over the Earth lasted 7 days; d) the areas where there could have been survivors, areas either unreached by the water or less affected by Venuss trajectory, especially mountain areas or remote ones; e) it is clear that, had it been a developed civilization at that time, that was destroyed, after centuries and millennia from its disappearance, the population reached primitivism. Personally, I believe that this civilizations destruction took place 15-16.000 years ago. However, there is no evidence to specify an exact date and this number I presented is no other than a supposition. At the same time, I believe that the peak of primitivism was reached between 800 and 1.200 B.C. after this period following the revival, the dawn of civilization today, which we consider as such, but it has deep roots in primitivism. Now lets analyze the word ark of the expression Noahs Ark. It is known that this word is not used for boat and wasnt in use in the Antiquity


and this lets us believe that it might have had another meaning, even though the Sumerians used the word ship in their writings. I stat from the premise that the significance of the expression wouldnt be Noahs Ark, but Noahs Country or Noahs Arg because, in the olden days, the word Ar would mean land, and even today it is a unit of measurement for the land (1 ar = 100 square meters), and Arg or Arga was how the country was called (see Diodorus), and Uranuss or Saturns country etc. was Arga or Argolida or, according to the Greeks, Argos. In this situation, the flood affected everything but a mountain territory and this territory was Noahs country, which remains still populated and it would explain why Plato tells about an ancient city, 1.000 years older than the first Egyptian city (23e Timaios). I find that its impossible o get from the Aegean or the Mediteranean Sea to Mountain Ararat because of a blockage in the mountains and then it would have been more logical for Noah to travel on the so-called Ocean, that is the actual plain area of Europe, where there was water because there was no Bosphorus Strait and where the water level was 200-400 m higher than the one in the Mediterranean. Thirdly, considering the ships size (from the data known today), there could not have fitted in it all the animals and the plants which exist today. It is said that Noah took on his Ark only living beings, and if the water had covered all the surface of the Earth and this for a fairly long period of time, then it cant be explained the existence of plants on Earth, which proves that not all the Earths surface was covered with water. Another explanation of the word Ark, as a Romanian term, besides the word arc, it is found in the (bib. 5, page 13), I quote ark: 1 foundation, basis; 2 protection, support. In this case, the mountain was both the foundation and the support, mountain which offered protection, but the same things (the protection and support) could also be offered by the Divinity. It can be said that the Divinity created the mountain which offered Noah and his people protection and support in order to be saved by the effects of the flood. I do not exclude the possibility that the Carpathian Mountains are Noahs Ark or Arg, that populated territory saved by the will of the Divinity from the great flood, since the Carpathian range of


mountains form an arc and justify the word choice. This civilization, or, better said, rest of civilization, which remained in Europe. Evidence of an earlier civilization are many and others will appear in time, but the most brilliant proof, possibly the treasure of the previous civilization, can be found in Gditea Muscelului, at Sarmisegetuza, in the Ortie Mountains. There are several groups of stone formations represented there, which for an uninformed man would seem a childs game, but in the formation called The Great Round Sanctuary time can be calculated with a precision that cant be found anyware else in the world and which exceeds the time calculation formulas existinting today (see the chapter about time calculation), a simple calculation, accurate and easy to remember, based on the number , the moment of appearance of the companion of star Sirius, called the Star of the Dog by the Caldeans and which had the symbol 292. Time was calculated for a period of 25 or 50 years, corrected after 500 years with a day, period which corresponded to the appearance of the Phoenix bird, bird which died and was reborn from its own ashes, and I quote: Little bird with the ability to burn periodically and regenerate from its own ashes (Bib. 25, page 553). It is the appearance of this bird, and its revival once every 500 years, that certifies the existence of this means to calculate time, its age, as well as the fact that it is the only representation on Earth which follows these laws and logic of time, then the accuracy of the calculation for a period of millions of years and even the name of Sarmisegetuza, name composed of Sarmis (Hermes, Armis, Ianus), king and a bazileu (king over kings) who also owned the title of IO (only master), the son of Hera (Maya, Ilia = goddess) and Zeus, but Zeus, the Olympian (Immortal), the nephew of Atlas, se = the son of the earth and the sky and getuza = kin of the Getae, not to mention that the year 5508, Christs birth year, is the biggest number in time calculation, calendar which no one can take credit for with evidence, and, after all that was said above, we can unmistakably assume it was a Getae calendar. The calculation of the number resulted from time calculation, was looked for and could not be completed, even though it was known the value and use for 2-3 millennia, from the Sumerians until Archimedes. The number found was close to the real value, but not exactly the same.


Today, man has not yet passed the influence barrier of Earth, its sphere of influence, and beyond it, where there is no life or death, where the matter-energy ration is in balance, then and there in Cosmos the life of a human being, even if it could be transported, would suffer significant modifications at chromosomal level, especially at the memory chromosomes, changes that would generate other attitudes of the human being when it reached other planets. In this situation, its more likely that the man became a monkey than the other was around, as it was believed and it still is. In this case, its no longer possible to revert to intelligible forms of life regardless the climatic, alimentary or life conditions on the given planet. Just like a chromosome or an allele deplete their functionality, making it possible for the cancer cells to form, because the cancer cell is produced by the human organism and is, at first, normal, but at some point stops in a certain development stage and not only does it become useless to the body (does not fulfill the purpose for which it has been created), but it also inevitably leads to the loss of life. The collapse of a civilization slowly leads to primitivism, when the technology and knowledge are lost, and all that is left behind is the material and written evidence, when not even the shape or the size of that civilization are known. The writing of both letters and numbers knows a multitude of shapes and graphical representations and does not make the subject of this paper. I only remind the fact that the first writing was (according to the ancient people), the Boustrophedon writing, writing similar to plowing a field, that is, from left to right on the first line and the other way around on the following and so on and so forth. The writing has two forms: the syllabic and the consonantal writing. There were countries that had several types of writing, such as Egypt, which had the Hieroglyphic, Hieratic and Demotic, or popular, writings. The spoken language, I quote and there was everywhere on Earth only one language and speech, says Moses first book (Bib. 12, page 1056), and the same author, page 1057, quotes Quintilian, who says: the barbarian speaking characters (the old Latin) were the following: letters or syllables were added or removed from the Latin words, or, in other cases, letters where changed among them or they were displaced, and he


continues often did the theaters or circus crowds use the barbarian language in their exclamations and these things happened in Rome. Cicero calls the popular language, spoken in the homes of the Roman citizens, barbaries domestica (Brutus, s. 74). As one may observe, the whole Europe would speak the popular Latin in those days. It is said that, in the old days, before the battle, the Getae would go to the Danube and, after they would bathe and wash in the water there, they were ready to go to battle. They were born to be immortal; they were not frightened by death, life was difficult as far as they were concerned, because they had to avoid the temptation to sin in order for their soul to go to Heaven. The washing of the sins is a very old custom, still used in India, custom which today has a different interpretation, for instance, the baptism. For the Getae, bathing in the Danube was a tradition, particularly because the Danube was then considered to be sacred, it was the Styx, and their country was on high land, closer to Heaven, and, beyond the Danube, in the Carpathian Mountains, there was Parnassus, the resting and observation place of the Immortals and even of the gods, gods that came from the South, especially from the Greeks area, and in the beginning, the Romans area also. In the past, no man and no army had the courage to go across the water which separated the Rams Country from the Arameans (tara ramilor, aramilor) Country (the Balkan Peninsula). Many millennia later, the first one who did it was Sesostris the Ist, pharaoh of Egypt, between 1962-1928 B.C., pharaoh from the XIIth Dynasty between 1964-1962 B.C., who, along with his army, fought in the Balkans and was defeated by the Getae led by Iovan Iorgovan, in reality his name was IO-Ban, the Ban Iorgu, helped by Novac, Balaban (The Ban of Bala, the leader of Bala) and Radovan (the Ban Radu) of Craiova, if we were to believe Diodorus of Sicily and the Romanian oral tradition. It seems like Sesostris wanted to restore the empire of Saturn, Seth in their tradition, after he had conquered Libya (the North of Africa), the current Middle East, India, todays Afghanistan, the North of Asia, the East of Europe up to the Don, Asia Minor and then entered the Balkans, reaching the Iron Gates. The ancients say that the Styx was a water that flowed into the ocean on the right side. Styx flowed to the right and the ocean was to the left. As a personal opinion, I believe that the Styx was the portion between the


Tethys Sea and the Sarmatic Sea. If that was the case, no mortal had the courage to pass it, it being accessible only to immortals and gods. The ancient Greeks write about Heracles and the Heraclids, but these words are composed from Hera and cleos. Hera is the daughter of Atlas (Neptun), and cleos means glory. This were the case, the Heraclids cant be other than the priests of Hera, and also the followers of Hera, or, perhaps, the Getae kings who followed Hera. The phrase the return of the Heraclids to Greece in 1260 B.C. according to some, and 1150 B.C. according to others, can only be understood by the fact that the kings or the priests of Hera had returned on the territories they held previously or before the war of Sesostris, war which depopulated the Balkan Peninsula, territories that were formerly owned by the Atlanteans and afterwards the Sarmatians represented by the Heraclides, but there is no mention about Heracles before Hera, maybe only Hercules. Many have made the mistake to consider the Dacians name comes from daoi, daai, which means wolf, and the origin of which is in Asia Minor. They all had Homer as teacher, who divides the Geto-Scythian world, thus the Sarmatians, into Achaeans who were residents of the Black Sea coastal line, word which comes from aha = water and daai or daoi, the inhabitants from north of the Danube (Doriens) and from the Caspian Sea to the Black Forrest Mountains, name which became (or already was) danai, and then dani, but the word dan comes from de An = Dan, thus the people of the heaven, because at that time Europe was a high land, and the mountains almost touched the sky, today cosmos. It is time to make clear that the noun Dacian comes from the word dorian, tag (tag-dag-dac), word preserved until today as duke (duce). Tag or dac meant, in the beginning, general, then fighter, soldier. The words fight and fighter come from the word wolf. Then, as today, the young people participated on fights, today on wars. Another version of the word Dac would be the following. It is known that the people who carried the name Ahei or Achei (e.g. Achilles) were the ones who lived around a water source and it is also known that the origin of the name Dan comes from De-An, where An is the sky and the people, Danii, were called Sons of the Heaven. Similar conclusions can be drawn from the origin of the name Dac. If the water was called Acha or Aka, then the people around it were called De-Achi or De-


Aki, so Dachi or Daki, therefore Daci (the plural daci is the Romanian version for Dacians). Same with the name of Baba Dachia or Dochia (a character in the Romanian folk stories). A third version would be that, after the death of Boerebista, his kingdom was divided in four parts, one of which was led by Deceneus, whom Jordanes calls Dokius filius Caeli (bibl. 12, page 867). This last quotation confirms the Dacians existence in the time of Deceneus, thing that is possible, but hard to believe. Because the Dacians have a history of many millennia. The Dacians were the inhabitants of the Sea Tethys and the sons of Gaea and the Getae lived in the West of the Ocean, and were sons of Uranus or An. But, according to their name, they were also the sons of Gaea. Even in the beginning of our era (Ist century), 1300 years apart from the fall of Troy, Dion Chrysostomos divided the dacian society into young men, whom he called wolves, and old men, whom he called bears. It is true that the Dacians had clothing made of wolf skin, because on the land they lived in there were plenty of forests, full of wolves which, especially in winter, used to attack the human settlements and this type of garments were easily procured, but the wolf skins had also a different significance for them, because during the battle they were considered a second weapon, given the fact that in any cavalry facing the horses were scared by the wolf smell and, in this case, the adversary had to take care of two things at the same time, to guide his horse and to fight, thus creating an advantage to the Dacian or Geto-Dacian fighter. A proof of the Dacians clothing is Trajans Column. The flag the Dacians used in the battle was decorated with a creature having a wolfs head, the symbol of the young worriers, and a snakes body, formed of several segments, the number of which is equal to the number of Davelor (cities) which participated to the fight. Even today, an army which marches, even in the lowlands, does it meandering, resembling a snake, and a numerous army has the aspect of a dragon, this having been the name of the military commander of such army, thing that has been preserved in the popular tradition and songs. The wolf is the symbol of Saturn, Seb, Mars, and then Zalmoxis, and nowadays Saint Elijahs (Ilie, in Romanian). they were the fighters of Saturn or the messengers of Zalmoxis and, thus, the war was considered just given to Saturn and holy given to Zalmoxis. Moreover, the last star from the constellation Ursa Major is called the Star


of the Wolf, the star of Saturn, and, in the popular tradition, the Polar Star, and the last star from the Ursa Minor is considered the Axel of the World or the Column of the Sly, star around which the other stars rotate and whose position in the territory of the Titans should indicate where the capital of the kingdom is located, the first or the second capital. Another problem that created confusion is related to the seven daughters of Atlas (Trojan, Neptune), who were called muses, fairies, iele or Pleiades. In the popular tradition, it is still celebrated the feast of Snziene (Romanian fairies), word which in Romanian signifies they are the fairies (in Romanian, sunt znele), and the fact that, after the summer solstice, the fairies withdraw, because the victory of evil begins, of the darkness over the light and the good, due to the fact that the light of the day decreases and the darkness of the night increases, and the first who withdraws is, in the Romanian tradition, the fairy Ana, the oldest daughter of Atlas, also called in the manuscripts Hera or Maya or Snziana, name which comes from An = the sky, and the noun Ana is nothing but the equivalent of the phrase daughter of the sky. According to the popular sayings, in some nights, the iele are dancing (fairies, muses), and in different regions of the country it is said that this is the time when scary things happen if you happen to pass by there, which is not true. This is based on the events from the olden days, when, during the reign of Atlas, his daughters used to bathe and were, of course, guarded, and if t anybody approached that area, they were killed. You see how an aspect of reality is transformed into a myth which suffers further modifications, in time, like all myths. Another similar myth, also based on the truth and that was changed in time is the myth of the woman who emerged from the seas foam. Long ago, the Earth was called Gaea, Glia, Tethys, and a part of it was covered by water; Europe was, by then, a big stretch of under water land. From the moment the earthquake and inundations described by Plato occurred, in Timaios and Critias, with reference to Atlantis, and the Bosphorus Strait formed, then the water began to withdraw from Europe and the Earth (Gaea = the woman) emerged from the water, of course, at first from the foam of the sea, because this foam is found near the shore and it is there where the land comes out of the water. After that, in time, the


Tethys Sea from the Pannonian Plain and the Sarmatic Sea disappeared, remaining only the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Caspian Sea. It is also acknowledged that the Earths crust increases with 1 mm every 10-12 years due to the matter brought from outer space by the solar wind. The solar wind has in its composition 70% protons, 20% alpha particles and 10% photons, that is 90% material component (bib.1, page 167). The material component is divided in the atmosphere into mesons, kaons etc., producing the energy the plants need to grow and develop, and, thereby, the energy transforms into matter once more, matter which gets deposited on the ground, contributing to the thickening of the Earths crust. Given this, if we want to find traces of the civilization 10.000-15.000 years ago, we shouldnt look deeper that 10-15 meters, provided that the meteorological factors have not increased or decreased the distance to them. There were many discussions about Saturns sacred mountain, part of the researchers saying it is Mountain Godeanu, also named Coganion, others considering Bucegi. The explanation of the term Cogaion or Coganion would be the following: in ancient Greek, aion means sacred and eternal, while Cog or Kog can be Gog, and there are many pieces of information on Gog or Magog. From Gog, the name Gogu comes, and if we were to consider the Sumerian term Gu-gu, a bridge to its understanding may be created. Mountain Godeanu has still a peak called Gugu, name which many think comes from Gyges, the brother of Saturn, and then Zalmoxis, who was also the great priest of Saturns kingdom and one of the giants. The name of the Mountain Godeanu itself can derive from Gog-deAn. Everybody is right, but the timing is different, so that until the water withdrew from Europe the name was Godeanu. Before Godeanu or Kogaion, the Titans (Getae) sacred mountain, was a sacred mountain, the Bucegi Mountains, especially Peak Omu, was the Mountain of Uranus. This certifies that the first sacred mountain of the Titans was in the Bucegi Mountains, Peak Omu. To the Getae ancestors, the Titans and afterwards the Atlanteans, the AN meant the Sky, today the Cosmos, eternity, time and today the an (it means year in Romanian) is a time measurement. If the Titans found out about this, they would probably laugh or maybe just smile, because our civilization measures the unmeasurable. Einstein made


the same mistake, mixing up eternity with time, and time was mistaken, in its turn, with the energy in the theory of relativity. Replace time with energy and then all is clear and can be easily understood. Even after this change, Mountain Godeanu was for many millennia considered a sacred mountain, mostly known for its peak, Gugu. From Gugu comes the name of the people who lived there, Gugani, people among whom kings of the Dacians were born, like Decebal, Deceneus, Duras, Durpaneus, Scorilo etc. the name Gugu has an equivalent in Sumerian under the form of gu-gu, which means royal herder who entered a cave where, finding a dead body, took his ring off the finger and, putting it on its own finger, he realized that, by turning it from one side to the other, he became invisible, quotation from bib. 25, page 247. Analyzing this text, we notice that the royal herder is the great priest and his talisman (the ring) gives him the possibility to pass from the earthly world to the heavenly world, to be an angel or a saint and even more, to raise an individual to the Heaven, after he was dead, and this procedure was reversible, which proves that, after the earthly death, life was continued in Heaven, thing that was only possible on Mountain Gugu. This was the proof that Mountain Godeanu was a holy mountain, a magical one, a mountain that, only by its name, which still exists today, was known and respected all over Saturns kingdom, which stretched from the West of Japan to the Atlantic and from East of India, Libya, to the Atlantic Ocean, and was named then Saturns Holy Mountain, mountain which is mentioned also by Plato as Poseidons Mountain, name given to Saturn by Pelasgians, mountain that is found also in the description of Atlantis, in Critias. The name Gugu found in the Sumerian writings is, in fact, Gyges, the son of Uranus and Gaea (bib. 25, page 247) and the brother of Saturn, who was the Great Priest in Saturns kingdom. It was badly interpreted that the Giants were tall people, huge in stature, when, in fact, they were the high prelates, the high priests, giants in their faith in those days. The fact that the Giants were associated with the snake is not at all surprising because the snake was the symbol of wisdom. I want to remind you of Hermes caduceus, the symbol of the wise man and the prophet. Beyond the Styx, to the North, it was the country of the Immortal, the Getae, the country of the Blachi, the northern peoples country, the


Parnasus and the Elysian Fields and further to the north, beyond a mountain, there was Tartarus. According to the Greeks, in order to pass the Styx, after death, one had to pay Charon, the ferryman. As simple as that. One could not have passed the Styx in the lifetime, in order to be able to do that, one had to be dead. If one had tried to do it while still alive, one had died for certain. For the ones in the south, only the soul could pass it. On the other side, there were the Getae, the immortal and that is why the Getae were accounted as such (by their geographical position and their religion). This ancient belief is still kept today in the expression the soul passes to the other side, undefined notion, because it doesnt specify if the other side is a territory, the cosmos or an underground place. The water of the Styx is described by Homer in the Iliad, the Book XIV, verses 266-268, as, I quote: Then swear it to me by the dread waters of the river Styx/ Lay one hand on the bounteous earth, and the other on the sheen of the sea. From this excerpt, we find out that the Styx goes from the sea into the Ocean, on the right side and a portion flows beside the shore. Given this, the Styx is nothing else than the stream of water connecting the Tethys Sea (the Pannonian Plain) to the Ocean, or, precisely, the Sarmatic Sea, thus, the route of the Old Danube, MoravaTimoc. Therefore, Parng was Parnassus, the dwelling place of the gods, the immortals and the heroes and on both sides of Parnassus there were the Elysian Plains or Elatia, or, according to the Goths, Walhalla, and further on, the Prioria or Pieria Plain. This was confirmed by the Iliad of Homer, the Book XIV, verses 220-225, but with a modification, by replacing Olympus with Parnassus, because Olympus came much later, out of the Greeks personal ego to create their own Parnassus. The word Olympus itself means immortal. Hera darted down from the summits of Olympus. She passed over Pieria and fair Elatia, And went on and on till she came to the snowy ranges of the Thracian, good horsemen, Over whose topmost crests she sped without ever setting foot to ground.


When she came to Athos she went on over the waves of the sea Till she reached Lemnos, the city of noble Thoas. The island Lemnos is near Mountain Athos. If we look on the map, Hera (Maya, the daughter of Trojan or Atlas), in order to pass over the Thracian mountains, the tall and snowy ranges, Parnassus or, in this translation Olympus, no other than the Parng or Bucegi Mountains, was forced to pass through todays Muntenia or Oltenia, probably Pieria or Elatia. Elatia is the same as the Elysian Fields (Cmpiile Elizee, in Romanian) because the letter Z with a coma was read , and, in this case, the word which results is Elazia, which in a plural form becomes the Elysian Fields (Cmpiile Elizee) and Pieria becomes Prioria later. One thing is clear, Homer did not describe the Trojan war. He wrote about the war in Troy, while the Trojan war was in Crete and the city of Troy was in Asia Minor, events that happened many millannia ago and he just changed the names of the heroes. It is true that there are many similarities, among which the fact that both fights were led against the Egyptians (the Hittites were in Asia Minor the spearhead of the Egyptians after 1964 B.C.) and, secondly, Hera (Maya), the daughter of Atlas (Trojan), was kidnapped by Zeus (the Olympian) even though he was married to Europa and had three children: Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon. The fact that Zeus was married to Europa is confirmed (Bib. 20, page 152) and I quote It is said that Kronos, the titan, was dethroned by his youngest son, the one the Greeks call Zeus; a temple was erected in a forest of cypresses in Knosos in the honor of Kronos wife, Rhea; the young gods companions, called cureti, had danced with their weapons around his cradle and had taken care of his education. Finally, Zeus, once king of the Island of Crete, had entrusted his wife, Europa, and son, Minos, to king Asterion or Asterios, son of King Tectamos, of the Pelasgians. This quotation confirms the fact that the name of Zeus was given at a later time, after his death, he having another name, and the name of Zeus came from the Cretans and not from the Greeks, because the Greek people appeared much later, after millennia, and furthermore, the king Asterion is no other than Hyperion, the husband of the bazilee (king over kings) Latona, after the death of her husband Saturn, as well as the fact that during the Trojan wars (two of them), between Trojan and Zeus, Horus and


Myrina, then Athena, Saturn was dead. This quotation also confirms that the supposition that Hera was kidnapped, having a child afterwards, Hermes (Sarmis), event which could have triggered a war, as well as the fact that Hera (Maya, the daughter of Atlas) was called in Crete the Virgin with a child. The same author, at page 154, says, I quote They knew that the titans were worshipped in Cilicia, that Sarpedon, Minoss brother, had an homonym in Licia and, at page 239, I quote The women in Crete would come to pray here in front of some calcareous concretions in the form of a mother with a baby in her arms. The same kind of idol can be found in Hermes cave and of Maya at Melidoni (Mylopotamos) and in cave Vigla from Keratokampos (Viannou). Sacrifices were made to the goddess, big bowls filled, apparently, with milk and honey. Even more so, from the same author (bib. 20, page 242) we find that, before the depression on Ida (Crete Island), at the altitude of 1.534 m, which before it belonged to Zeus (it is indirectly confirmed that Zeus was a mortal) and his Nymphs, there was the shrine of the Lady of the Mountain and her Divine Child that was only accessible from May to October. And in this quotation a reference is made to Maya and Sarmis (Hera ans Hermes), moreover, the cult began in the month of May, the month of Maia, Hera being one of the seven Pleiades, the oldest of the seven daughters of Atlas (Trojan), kidnapped by Zeus the Olympian, and one of the most serious reasons which triggered the second war between Trojan and Zeus was that this kidnapping was against the nature and the existing laws at that time. It can even be said that this kidnapping wanted to wanted to prove the world then that king Zeus was powerful enough to do as he pleased, that he could break any law. After the war, Zeus being dead, this can also explain why Zeuss sons were the judges of the dead, according to some Greeks, just like the case of the Egyptian Anubis, son of Osiris, and the two hyperborean virgins, Opis and Arge, reminded the Greeks of the old ways written on brass tablets, at Delos, where its described, in fact, the Cretans belief in life after death, and maybe of the Greeks as well. We have two stretches of water, the Ocean and the Tethys Sea, separated by mountains, as well as two husbands, Oceanos and Tethys, or Uranus and Titania (Gaea, Glia) and a city called Severin, mentioned in the Diploma of the Ioanites from 1247, Zeurino, name which comes from the


God (Zeu in Romanian) Uranus and probably his capital. I quote: The Banat of Severin, Zeurino land, as it is mentioned in the Diploma of the Ioanites, included the south of Banat today and the west of Oltenia (Mehedini county) with Turnu Severin (Bibl. 14, page 16). According to this diploma, the country of Uranus covered the current counties CaraSeverin and Mehedini, or more precisely the hills and mountains of these counties, the area between the former seas Tethys and Sarmatic, which we call Danube and which was at first on the route Morava-Timoc, and, according to others, the route Milanovac-Timoc, and after the flood from the time of Deucalion (mentioned by Plato in Timaios and Critias), the Danube had the actuial course that formed by the breaking of the natural dam from the Iron Gates. On this new course of the Danube is the place where there was an island upstream of the Cazane, which collapsed, and was called by Plato the Island of Atlantis (not the continent Atlantis) and which was also the capital of the kingdom of Saturn (Poseidon), afterwards, the one of Trojan (Atlas), and today the Ostrov Moldova Veche, or, according to others, Ogradina. It can be easily prooved that the city Zeurino is the same with Severin, because, as it is known, the letters Z and S were indistinct and the letter V was read U, and we can give as exemple the Etruscan writing or we can just notice the writing on some old buildings where the word Justitia is written Jvustitia. In this case, the word Zeurin becomes Severin. With is evidence it is confirmed that the city Severin is the first city mentioned in writing in Europe and maybe in the world, if we were to consider that king Uranus reigned 10-12.000 years ago. I do not deny that after the withdrawal of the water of the Sarmatic Sea, the former capital of Uranus, situated somewhere in the hills or in the mountains, possibly where it is now the citadel Oreva, was moved to an area where there was probably a port called Ocean and where there was a tower, the tower of Uranus (God= Sever) and where now lyes the city Severin. Another name that disappeared in the mist of time is Deva. Deva, in Sanscrite, means god, divinity. The city of worship of the Egyptians was Thebes and later on another Thebes appeared in Beotia. As we already stated, the letters T and D were indistinct and even nowadays we witness the same phenomenon, for instance, at the Egyptian city written by some


Dendera and by others Tentera or Theo-Deo. It appears that Deva was prior to Thebes, as institutions of worship, if we were to consider Diodorus (Book I, chapter XV, page 33, quotation that will be recurrent), I quote, it is said that Osiris and his companions founded Thebaida, a city with 100 gates, in Egypt, also called by the people Herapolis, after the name of the gods mother, the followers calling it Diospolis and some of them Thebes. As it can be noticed from the quotation, the city of Thebes was founded by Sarmis (Hermes, Armis, Ianus) and was named, in the beginning, after his mother, Hera (Maya), who everybody called Ilia (goddess) and this confirms what Plato says (Timaios 23d), I quote your city is 1000 years older that ours (the Egyptians), and by this it is indirectly confirmed the existence and antiquity of the citadel Deva, having the same religious attributions as Thebes. Deva, like the majority of the Grditi, is situated at a difference of level of 200 m from the Black Sea (the nordic sea) and this was once more confirmed by Plato (Critias 118a), I quote The entire land, it is said, was much above the sea level and its shores were very abrupt (this figgures, because at that time there were only the hills and the mountains from todays Europe). Theoreticly, we can go farther by reading from the right to the left the name of the Egyptian city of worship, of the city Abydos, when Abyd becomes Diva, thus Deva. The religion of the Getae had an important characteristic, their belief that there is life after death and, therefore, they are immortal, they live in Heaven or in the Elysian Fields and the heroes of the Getae go to Parnasus, side by side with the gods of the south, and participate to the divine banquets, the imortality banquets, and, according to the Goths, in Walhalla. Lets get things straight, for them, death is not what we think of it, for them deah was like a change of home, they continued to live in a place without worries or troubles, they did not die, but kept on living elsewhere. In a way, death was for them a positive thing and that is why they would happily die in battle. Today still, when somebody dies, we say he lives in Heaven. What is there to be done, it is genetic or, perhaps, the memory chromosome is to be blamed. This is why they would call themselves immortal, they were condamned to live eternally because they were the sons of the Divinity and, later on, the sons of God, named by the ancient the sons


of the sky, and they were also also a part of the Lords army, reminded also by Christ. It is known that the Getae, by oath, were forbidden to leave anything written, they were relying only on the numbers and the circle as only logic of all there is on Earth and in the cosmos. Everything material can be calculated in numbers, the matter, its shape and essence. The circle, however, is the origin of matter, of life, of movement and energy, because the circle is formed from the center of the circle, which represents matter, and its circumference, representing the energy. Thus, the circumference of the circle can condense itself to a point and then the energy turns into matter and, from a point (the center of the circle), a circumference can be created, this matter being transformed into energy once more, but the circle also has a different meaning, it is life and movement, it is continuity, the opposites which are succeeding without annihilating themselves, it is, in a word, the eternity and the infinite and thus the cosmic laws. Personaly, I was curious to know what was left of the wisdom of the Getae after all these centuries, and that is why I turned to Paracelsus, who lived in the XVIth century (1493-1541), because he lived among the Tatars, 1513-1521, after which he went to Constantinople and from here to Germany, travelling through the countries situated along the Danube (Bibl. 24, page 8). The fact is that, in what was left of his writings, there are Asian, Egyptian, Greek, but also Getic influences. In my opinion, the Getic influences are found in many terminologies used by Paracelsus, and I give some of them as examples: the term AKcs (used frequently as acas), I quote, page 35 an Eastern term. A living and primordial substance, corresponding to the conception of a certain form of the cosmic ether which fills the solar system. All that is visible is, so to speak, a condensed ACASA (the term means home in Romanian), which becomes visible by transforming its supra-ethereal (?) state in a concentrated and tangible form. This is why everything in nature can be decomposed or not in acas and made invisible by changing the attraction force which held the atoms together. But the atoms that once formed a shape have the tendency to irrupt together in order to reach the former state and to produce the same shape, that is why a shape can be destroyed and then reproduced using the same law.


This tendency remains valable for the shape which is conserved in astral light. In this quotation, even though explained in a modern and materialistic way, is the Getae conception about immortality. It is about the living substance (life) and the primordial one (spirit), which can take a decomposing shape, but still keeps its memory in the cosmic ether and in a solar system. Apparently, this partially explains the Getae belief in immortality and the fact that, by dying, the simply considered changing their living place. In the following, there are three quotations connected among each other. I quote ANYODEI = Spiritual life; the subjective state in which enters the superior essence of the soul after death, after loosing its more dense parts in the Kama-loka. It corresponds to the idea of Devachan. 2. KAMA-LOKA = The place of the desire; the area of the earthly soul (the third and fourth principle) not necessarily situated at the surface of the Earth there where the astral remainders of the deceased rot and decompose. In this area, the impure souls of the ones deceased live on, until their wistful bodies suffer a second death; after they disintegrate, the passing to superior principles occurs. 3 DEVACHAN (possibly Deva ca AN) = a subjective state of happiness at the level of the highest principles of the soul, after the death of the body has occurred (see Anyodei). It corresponds to the idea of Heaven, where each and every individual monad lives in a world it created itself by its own thoughts and where the result of its own spiritual ideation appears to it in a substantial and objective form. I believe it is a misinterpretation, because it cannot be a spiritual ideation and an objective and substantial form. In summary, the soul, after leaving the prison of the body, goes to Heaven, where IT CONTINUES TO LIVE IN A DIFFERENT WORLD, objectively, and that only happens to the pure souls, because the less pure ones suffer a second death, after the earthly death, a death of the soul and, thus, an eternal one. This is confirmed by the name given to the Getae as sons of the Heaven/sky and sons of the Earth (Gaea). To the Getae, the soul was not washed by sins, like in India, it was not purified by the fire in Hell (Hades), like at the Greeks or today, the Christians, in their belief, Zalmoxis (Saturn, Elijah, the apostle named Ilie in Romanian), when the soul was dirty with sins, it was unmercifully condemned to eternal death.


This was the Getic belief, which lasted for centuries (XVIth century) and still exists today, though modified, in the Orthodox religion, and this is how it can be explained why Romania is the only country in the world which does not have a precise date when it became Christian because, to a great extent, its current religious beliefs are nothing but a continuation of the old ones. This is also confirmed by Papus (Bib. 16, page 254), I quote The Indian Brahmans know well that Europe has had a Mesiah twenty centuries ago and this quotation confirms the idea that the Virgin Mary died near Ephesus, Seluk today, on the way home, and this home was supposed to be at north of Ephesus, possibly in Europe (if the Brahmans are right), and Romania is considered a holy nation, protected by God, fact which, in my opinion, is also confirmed by the history, given that nations that were strong once, today no longer represent anything because they have attacked Romania at some point. Mark my words. Lets enumerate them. The Egyptians, who attacked the people in the Balkans during the time of Osiris and Sesostris the Ist, Darius, the king of Persia, in 513 B.C., the Roman Empire, the Huns, the Mongols, the Tatars, the Ottoman Empire, the Hapsburgs and others that may follow, cannot oppose the will of God. It is and has been a death sentence of their power. Papus continues, page 258, I quote He went to conquer India (Ram), found, at that time, under Black peoples domination and, further, I quote from the Brahman teaching, Because there was a time when the banks of Ganges were inhabited by Ethiopians. When one says Ram, one means from the country of the Rams, such as when one says Egyptian or Greek, person that can only be from Egypt or Greece. The only definite proof of the passage of Sesostris I are the mummies from Tarim, when part of the people who accompanied him either left his army or strayed from it. If Ram is the same person as Rama, then things become clear. Rama, the hero of Ramayana, one of Vishnus reincarnations, the one who vanquishes the demons from Lanka Island (Ceylon), especially Ravana, the one who kidnapped Sita, Ramas wife, victory obtained with the same weapons as Indras (Saturn), (bib. 25, page 598), I quote Rama then took an arrow which Brahma once made for Indra. In its empennage, the arrow had the wind closed, in its tip it had the fire and the sun; in its nodes, Brahma had set the terrifying gods. It had the face of death. From this excerpt, we


deduce what weapons were used in the Trojan war, as well as the fact that the civilization of the Titans was far more developed than ours. Given this, Ram or Rama cannot be other than a companion of Prometheus, the one who reconquered India after Trojans war (Atlas) with Zeus, the second war, which this time ended with the victory of Atlas and the death of Zeus and Horus. Ram (Rama) was a king in India, possibly after Menes, who was one of the sons of Saturn. Ram was married to Sita, the daughter of Atlas and sister of Hera, one of the Atlanteans or Pleiades. After the victory of Zeus and Horus in the first Trojan war against Atlas, Ram is removed from the throne by Horus and replaced with Ravana and Horus brings in India the so-called black population Dasa, the ruling social section, population which is driven away by Ram after his victory over Ravana and his banishing to Ceylon. Ram participates at the Trojan war and after the victory of Trojan (Atlas) over Zeus and Horus in the second war, he becomes once again king in India. The resemblances are striking: if in the Trojan war Maya (Hera) was kidnapped, here Sita is the one being kidnapped and afterwards she returns to Glia (Geia, Titaia), her mother, just as Hera. It appears that Sita really existed because there are traces of her existence in Homers Iliad, Book XIV verse 271, under the name of Pasitea. About the Iron Gates it was much written in the Antiquity, either under the name of the Iron Gates or the Caucasian Gates, and their geographical position is known, but it is more important what Plinius tells us (Bib. 12, page 397), I quote Hercules arrived to these parts and, because here the mountains were close together on both parts, he cut off the range, opened the gorge and let the open sea flow in. in the memory of his expedition and of his everlasting deeds, the natives named the two mountains which form this gorge the Columns of Hercules. If Plinius is right, then, before the coming of Hercules, it could have been possible to pass through the area now known as Cazane, there being a lake between the Iron Gates and Cazane which collected the water from the mountains, especially the water coming from Cerna. Herculess doing created two things; firstly, it created the Columns of Hercules (the mountains around Cazanele Mari) and secondly it made that the water coming from what we previously called a lake communicate to Tethys Sea,


and thus this water upstream from the Iron Gates flowed into the Tethys Sea (which was open) after it washed the exterior canal of the city Atlantis, the capital of the Atlanteans. This work of Hercules (Heracles) would correspond to what Plato says, that the Atlanteans made a 50 stages canal from the Island Atlantis, where laid the capital of Atlas, to the sea, and the sea cant be other than Tethys Sea,, namely the portion of the Danube between the Iron Gates and Bazia, and the distance (if we were to accept their calculations) would correspond to the entrance area of the Danube to Bazia. Thus, it is confirmed the existence of the Atlantis on the current course of the Danube, possibly upstream the Cazane. The same author quotes Herodotus, who says (page 402) The Greeks who lived near Pontus Euxinus had positive knowledge abouth the Columns of Hercules, which were situated, according to them, outside Pontus Euxinus, near the big river called Oceanos (the Danube), and at page 404, I quote Hercules, states Apollodorus, after his arrival near Oceanos (the Sarmatic Sea), where the Island Erythia lays, the former AdaKaleh, also called Cerne or Ruava, builds two columns in the mountains, one in front of the other, as monuments of his journey. Moreover, Dionysius Periegetes says that these Columns of Hercules were consecrated first to Saturn, the god, who represented the great divinity of the endless sky (Bib. 12, page 239). And this author indirectly confirms that Saturn is Zalmoxis and, in addition to this, Plato says that near the citadel of Atlantis there was Saturns (Poseidons) mountain, because the Columns of Hercules are on both sides of the Danubes Clisura, then these columns are nothing else than the mountains from Saturns kingdom, mountains which resulted in two columns by the digging of the canal in 50 stages, the Columns of Hercules. Saturns mountain was Godeanu, like Uranuss mountains were Bucegi, with their Peak Omu, even though the Greeks called the sky Uranus. Further along, at page 294, there is the following passage, I quote Even from the second century of the Christian era, the grammarian Apollodorus from Athens had established, based on older texts, that the great mountain of Atlas, which sustained the northern pole of the sky, was found, not in Libya or in the North-West of Africa, but in the country of the Hyperboreans, a vast population of pelasgians from the north of Thrace or of the lower Ister. From this excerpt we find out


that the mountains Atlas (not the mountain Atlas) are no other than the southern Carpathians, knowing the fact that Atlas followed Saturn on the throne and his kingdom had the same capital, the island Atlantis and the mountains of Atlas were also called the Axis of the World (Axis mundi) or the Getic Pole, mountains which spread from the water of the Danube to the water of Buzu and where the Parnassus was situated as well, the sacred mountain of the Titans, Giants, Atlanteans and Getae or, in some treatises, the resting place of the Immortals and Gods. Trojan (Atlas) has made another road along the Danube, road which made the connection between the Iron Gates and the capital of the Atlanteans, road that, millennia later, was rebuilt by Trajan, the emperor of Rome. Homer tells us that the Titans were the protoparents of the gods and of the distinguished people (Bib. 12, page 711), and, further along, at page 716, he tells about a fight of the Dacians at south of the Danube with the emperor Augustus, where Horatio glorifies the emperor, the second winner of the Titans, and Ovid, in his Fasti (a six-book of Latin poems), writes about the trophies taken by the Giants. Pindar says that among the Hyperboreans the gods were born and Diodorus of Sicily, in the IIIrd Book, chapter 56, states the Atlanteans, who live in fertile regions on the shores of the Ocean, they pretend that the cradle of the gods is their country. Even more so, (Bib. 12, page 344), I quote On a vessel fragment discovered in Apulia, Atlas, the ruler of the blessed nation of the Hyperboreans, where not only the fruits, but also the branches of the trees were made of gold, is portrayed sitting on the throne. Naturally, if we took under consideration only the previous quotations, who still believes that Atlantis sank (the continent of Atlantis that was, indeed, an island)? Only the island of Atlantis sank, that mountain from a range of mountains, surrounded by water, and called island, where there was the city of Poseidon (Saturn), and then Atlas (Trojan, Neptun), a mountain or, more precisely, a hill that collapsed after the earthquakes and the floods described by Plato, especially that in the Christian era, at its beginning, after millennia, the Roman Empire thought the Dacians were the followers of the Titans and Giants and the inhabitants of the former island (continent) of Atlantis.


It is said that the name of the river Olt would come from Alutus, but aluta meant in that time washed gold. In reality, the word Olt comes from Olb = white, particularly if we have Olbia or the White Citadel, and the Greeks from Olbia called it Leuce, and afterwards the word Olb becomes Olt. If Mure was the black water, the death water, and Olt was the living water, then the space between Mure and Olt was a sacred space, a divine space, and near to them both we found Parnassus. What is interesting is the word Vrancea (today we have a county by this name), word which comes from the olden days, because, like I said, the letter V in writing was read U (thing already known) and then the word VRAN becomes URAN, which is, in fact, the first king from the dinasty of the immortals and the father of the titans. More difficult to explain is the second part of the word. If it were only ce then it might have been the equivalent of se, which meant immortal, or perhaps even sea, which in translation would be the sea. But in this situation we have two options; either the Immortal Uranus, or the sea of Uranus, but the Sea of Uranus was then called ocean (the water from the current plain of Europe) and Oceanos is the names the greek gave Uranus, which does not exclude the second option. I reckon that from those times as well the name of baba Dochia and Vrncioaia comes from, the Romanian folk character with 9 sheepskin coats. In our solar system there are 9 planets and the people then considered that each planet had a sky and a land. The expression still exists today, being in the ninth sky/heaven, even though, in the beginning (before the flood), there were 7 skies and 7 hells (lands), because planet Venus did not yet enter in our solar system. Then the religious institutions had 7 and then 9 levels, conception which lingered later on see the Babel Tower. I insist in my conviction that the religious institutions from that time were frustums of cones on square basis, even though in the books they appear as frustums of pyramids with 7 to 9 steps, which represent the number of skies the respective pyramid represents. The fact that baba Dochia had 9 sheepskin coats can represent the 9 skies or perhaps the 9 steps to initiation, in order to reach heaven or to be among the saints, because the mountain then was compared to a religious institution and it was believed that the peak of the mountain reached the


sky and in this manner a communication was made (a direct connection) to the Divinity, and, like any other institution, even from nowadays, in order to reach perfection, one had to cover some steps. It is not known who baba Dochia was, or maybe baba Dachia, but it is known that Gaea was called the old one, the equivalent today to old being baba, in Romanian. The same epithets Isis had, the wife of Osiris and the sister of Latona, in Egypt. Saturn was also called Seb and, apparently, from this, the Egyptians called him Seth. All the Sebe denominations are nothing but remainders of Saturns presence on these lands. The same thing with the names of the places which begin with Il, Ila or Ilia, wrongly interpreted by the ones in the south, especially the Greeks, as being names of gods, when, in fact, it is just one of the names Saturn had, name which lasted until nowadays as Ilie. Take the word Caransebe for example. Sar means lord, king, leader, An was the son of the sky, but also one of the attributes of Uranus and Seb comes from Saturn. Given this, the word Caransebe means King Saturn, son of the sky, but correct is King Saturn, son of Uranus. Similar examples are plenty and at reach in Romania. In Romania or in the Balkans, but not only, there turn up many cities with names which have equivalents in Sanskrit and I would remind only the name ureanu, the ureanu mountains, the place where lays Sarmisegetuza or the old Parnassus, noun that in translation means the old man. Moreover, there are places and cities that carry the names of Vedic heroes, such as: Braiva (Braov), Uda (Uda-Laca), Tama, Ppua etc., and all of these show both the continuity and the antiquity of the human presence in these parts, beginning from the Titans, Giants, Getae, then Ram, Vedic heroes until nowadays, all speakers of old Latin. These things are confirmed, many centuries later, by the wise Persian Gardizi, who between the years 1049-1053 A.C. writes the paper The Ornament of Histories (Bib. 27, page 29), from which I only mention a quotation situated between the Slavic people (the Bulgarian), Russians and Hungarians, a nation from the Roman Empire (az Rum); and they are all Christians and whom I call N-N-D-R and they are more numerous than the Magyars, but weaker. From this excerpt we can precisely locate the Romanian territory, then the name of Rum, actually Rami, and also the term N-N-D-R, term which has the following explanation. It is an Egyptian


term. The Egyptians used to write in consonants (the demotic language), and to them N meant Neb = lord or kingship, and NTR is the term for god. In conclusion, this term N.N.T.R. meant The Gods Kingship or the Gods Territory, their land, and in this case we are not surprised anymore when Pindar says that among the Hyperboreans the gods were born. The fact that the letter D changes into a T was explained and it is not excluded that the letter was intentionally put there because the text was written during the Muslim expansion and it was logical for the author to fear using the word god. Using the expression NNTR, the author certifies a clearly outlined geographical territory and also the origin and past of the inhabitants of this land, even in the XIth century A.C., land called by the Persians country of the gods, when in fact it was a country of the Immortal, because the term of god was excluded from that area inhabited by the Titans. Diodorus says the same thing (bib.9, page 233), I quote And because we mentioned the Atlanteans, we beliee it would be appropriate to tell the readers about their legend concerning the birth of gods. Their traditions in this respect are not too different from the ones of the Hellenes. The Atlanteans, who live in fertile regions on the shores of the Ocean, would apparently exceed their neighbors in piety and hospitality. They pretend the cradle of the gods is their country. This quotation confirms the words of Gardizi, as well as the fact that the Romanian territory was a part of the sacred island called Atlantis. In the past (history) of the Romanian people, before the writing of Gardizi, there was a special event, ignored by history, but reminded in the popular legends and also by Diodorus, in the Book I, chapters 53-58, regarding the war of Sesostris I, pharaoh from the XIIth dynasty between 1964-1962 B.C., who had arrived in the Balkans and in the south of Europe. Sesostris I (Bib. 10, page 290), I quote, The second pharaoh of the XIIth dynasty, 1962-1928 B.C., who joins him at the kingdom in 1972. This pharaoh enters the Balkans in 1964 B.C., after he has conquered a vast territory (developed in other chapter) and is defeated by the Getae king Iovan (IO-Ban) Iorgovan. It is noted that the title of Io is still kept, title inherited from Saturn, thus keeping the tradition, tradition which is continued by the Romanian kings. In this war, it is important not only the victory of the Getae, but also the fact that Sesostris, the conqueror of the


world, abandoned his army running when he realized he would be defeated by the Getae. It is also important the excerpt from Densuianu, page 451 (Bib. 12) who states that Iorgovan is a name which corresponds to the Greek form of the Romanian Gheorghe, the one who sows the earth. If we accept this interpretation, then, taking into consideration the name Ilie (Saturn), Ioan (Ianus, Sarmis), Ana (Hera), Iorgovan would be the fourth name of Getic origin which has roots in ancient times. Another important event took place in the year 300 B.C., when the successors of another great conqueror of the world, soldiers and officers of Alexander of Macedon, attacked the Getic land where king was Dromichaetes. The fight resulted in a total failure, by humiliation, when all the Macedonian army led by Lysimachus surrendered without struggle to Dromichaetes. I consider this to be the greatest Romanian battle from all times, victory by humiliating the opponent. After this battle, the Greeks say, the defeated were taken to the city and capital of the Getae, the citadel Helix. Helix, in Greek, means sun, but the city of the sun was called Aplu, Apulum, Apolonia (the city of Apollo), and Apollo was in the south the great priest and was represented by the white colour, so many cities (citadels) were named Alba (white in Romanian). In this case, the citadel Helix is no other than the current city Alba Iulia, city which in the time of Dromichetes was the capital of the Getic kingdom. The name of Iulia appeared later, in the time of the Romans, but before that (the coming of the Romans), the name of the city must have been Alba-Ilia, Ilia from Saturn = Ilie, or perhaps llu or Iliu = god in Sumerian or Akkadian. The Getae, between 60-44 B.C., had Boerebista as king, Borebista or Burebista according to others, Getae by origin. There is the question regarding the origins of this name. The word Bor was proven to mean boier (member of high social rank in the feudal period, in Romania), and Bista = linen, according to the explanation from Bib. 17, page 260, I quote Byssus expensive linen cultivated in Achaia. In this case, the name of the Getic ruler means person who got rich (boier) from the cultivating and selling linen. Achaia is the region around the sea (acha=water), and from this linen fine fabrics were made, brilliants, as you can see today on the Column of Trajan.


A discussed and disputed name is the one of a river in Romania, which has its origin at the very beginning of life existence on Earth and that is the name of the river Sabar, parallel to the river Arge, which draws its name from one of the 7 Igigi. The 7 Igigi are called: Gula, Ninana, Lahama, Lahmu, Zabar (Sabar), Ansar and Kisar. They were the sons of An and the ancestors of Anu, demons according to some, people of the river according to others, and apparently they were the first men on Earth to appear after the sacrifice of brothers Lahama (Lakhmu) and Lahmu (Lakmu) in order to create man. Zabar (Sabar) was the husband of the goddess Gula and was considered master of the earth, god of plough and of war. The fact that a river was named after him is not important, what is important is that the name was kept until today, for several millennia, which proves the continuity of the human existence on these fields. In the ancient times, Sabar was also a fast dance (alert), which probably today is called srb. And in order for this name of an Igigi not to be considered random, several hundred kilometers away it is found a brook called Sbrel (Sbrel Romanian slow folk dance) and under the same name there are a slow dance and a song kept until nowadays, Sbrel with sweetness... (in Romanian, Sbrelul cu dulcea). There are far too many connections for these things to be considered coincidences and if they are true, than the history of Romania is really very old, placed even before the existence of Titans. In closing this chapter I render the graphical representation from the bib.12, page 721, with the explanation provided there. To begin with, I ask you to look at the garments and the shoes of the two characters, after which I would ask where is the primitivism in that and where is Darwins doctrine? Secondly, the person in the left is a priest and a king. It is important to notice the existence of the symbol of the cross since that ancient time, then of the Phoenix bird, which comes along every 500 years, when, after the Getae calculations, an extra day appears. Thirdly, please notice the symbol on the so-called shield. It is a vulture, and the vulture was the symbol of Atlas or Trojan, in the same way as the aurocchs was the symbol of Uranus, the wolf was Saturns, the lion, Latonas, the griffon, Heras or Mayas and the raven was the symbol of Hermes or Sarmis. I believe that the two characters are: in the left Atlas and in the right Saturn.


The fact that Atlas was also a king and a great priest is already known. Furthermore, Atlass grave is found at inca Veche and the drawing there was Trojans (Atlas). The joining room was the grave of his wife, Hesperia. The rooms were not dug in the mountain, a mountain was built on that place, in the time when their cement reconstructed the stone block. Equally important is the communication channel with the outside (the horn

communicating with the sky) and the time of the year the sun penetrates to their tombs, the meaning of that and probably the group of stars it was oriented to. It is not excluded to have a connection with the month or time calculation.
240 Two colossal statues, known under the names of Gog and Magog, which decorate the big hall of the municipal palace (Guildhall) from London. Their antiquity is placed in olden days. The left figure, probably a king pontiff, wears a crown which seems to portray a burning phoenix, and in the right hand he holds a three-pronged lance, looking like a cross. The second figure, with a laurel crown on its head, is wearing Scythian clothes and weapons. According to Berthelot, La Grande Eneyel, vol. XVIII, page 1168.



Cluul is a folk dance, an ancient religious ritual and a Romanian tradition. There are those who believe that, in times long ago, it would have existed all over Europe, but this is hard to accept as long as no tradition was kept anywhere else and it appears in no writings from the antiquity to the present. Cluul, as a term, was used at the village before the Second World War and today the notion is almost forgotten. Cluul means immobilization, inability to do anything. In English the term clu means gag. When somebody puts a gag at another persons mouth, that person is rendered incapable to speak. In Romanian, this term also has variations of meaning. When objects also called gags, in Romanian, were put on the horses, they couldnt run and a Clu (a sort of a break, in Romanian also called c) at a plough (in the times when the plough with horses and oxen was used) was the metallic object which stopped it from oscillating. Today, the clu remained as a celebration whose beginnings have roots in the old days, celebration which takes place at the Pentecost, when the day is long and the victory of the good and the light over the forces of the evil and darkness, and, in this case, of life over death, is total. This victory precisely, of life over death, is the object, cause and purpose of this ritual called Cluul. The purpose of Cluul is to put a gag on death, to make it incapable of taking lives anymore. Death is represented by the mute (mut). The ritual begins with a circle around death (the mute), a magical circle, a


divine one, with extraordinary powers which anaesthetizes and annihilates death. The circle was composed of initiated people, not laymen, and later from people who were only initiated for a brief period. If soma was the drink of immortality, cluul is the dance of immortality. The power within the circle was so great that no mortal who entered the circle stood a chance to survive. If the death itself had none, how could a mortal have had any? The popular tradition says that the one who dared enter the circle lost his minds. The same kind of trouble the Iele could deliver, says the tradition, but from the ieles sickness one can get cured, whereas from the cluul sickness nobody got ever better and this is why the participants at this dance (cluarii) were carefully chosen, being forced to suffer numerous restrictions until the initiation and for a period of time afterwards, restrictions which they could not afford not to respect, because, that being the case, the divine punishment was great. In this way, the oath as well was respected. The oath referred to the initiation methods and to the following restrictions. It was said that no one, beside the actual or following bailiff (vtaf), could find out the initiation ritual because in the following year there were other cluari who participated. Today, Cluul has grown simple and common, an art, it has lost its magical and religious aspect, as well as the faith in its miraculous effects. Long ago, Cluul was part of the old Getic religion and the cluari were priests, statements confirmed by Damaschin Bojinea (1803-1869) from the Romanian region called Banat, who acknowledges its existence in the XIXth century. I quote they are still kept today in Ardeal and Banat (and probably elsewhere as well) and are called clueri and the one over them is called vtu And like the old Romanians clueri were priests and served a divinity, the clueri today believe that there is a power helping them perform their dances and watching over them It is not the sheer faith which stands at the basis of their dance, but the continuation of the tradition transmitted to them by their elders (bib 29, page 237). Cluul, as a ritual, has two distinct and contradictory components: the cluari (dancers) and the mute. The cluari are subject to an initiation which lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months (it varies by area) before the event and consists in their withdrawal in the forest, with no human contact and after this ritual there was a period up to 2 years (varies according to the


area) of restriction, the unanimous restriction being not to get married. They were dressed in traditional popular costumes plus two components: the ribbons (panglicele or cordele) and the bells (clopoei, zurgli). The ribbons had several colours, 7 or 9 colours, because until then it was believed that there were 7 heavens and 7 hells and this in relation to the 7 planets existent until then in our solar system (Earth is not included), and later on, after the appearance of planet Venus, it was believed that there were 9 heavens/skies (9 atmospheres of the planets) and 9 hells (9 lands). From then until today, there were 9 planets left in our solar system. Characteristic to the Romanian popular tradition is the 7 or 9 altars monastery, possibly for the 7 or 9 religious orders, and then the number of these colours had to correspond to the number of orders of the priests, now of the cluari. The holy monastery or the white monastery cant be other than Saraba (the most important worship place from that time) which was found in the island Alba (Leuce), today Serpents Island (Insula erpilor) and whose walls were taken by the Russian, like the citadel of Apollo from the sacred island Letea. At first, ever since king Trojan (Atlas), Saraba was at Alba Ilia, named by the Romans until today Alba Iulia. The white was the color of the great prelates clothes, giants in the religious hierarchy, and Ilia is no other than Saturn, also called Zalmoxis or Seb or Seth according to the Egyptians, and today Apostle Ilie (Apostle Elijah in English). They were the so-called Sarabii terrei, or, more precisely, Sarabii Herei, Heraclids (Hera + cleo = to worship). It is not known why Saraba moved to Letea Island and the to Serpents Island. The name of the Basarabia province itself comes from Saraba, because it was the territory which needed te be crossed I order to get there, Va-saraba-vie, the road to Saraba. Even the Romanian dynasty of the Basarabi has its origin, as a name, from Saraba, Va-sarab, which means the person initiated in the cult of Saraba, cult which is no other than the old Getic religion, the belief in Divinity (God), in the Heavenly Father, Our Father, the one who gave us life and still does. Iordanes says (bib. 22, page 37), I quote, The first of them were the Sarabi of the Earth, from which the kings and the priests were consecrated, and this confirms the importance of Saraba. In many religions and old traditions, the noise drives away death and this was the reason for the presence of the bells at the cluari.


The fact that the ribbons were sacred is stated even by Homer in the Iliad, Book I, verses 14-15, I quote The golden crutch holding in ornaments the holy ribbons, Bestowing his worshipped Apollo of Achaeans praying alike. The crutch was the symbol of the wise and of the priests in the north and the cane was of the ones in the south. These lines prove that those ribbons were sacred and were, of course, wore by the priests, which confirms the quotation from Damaschin Bojinea, as well as the origin, from ancient times, of the clu and of the Romanian tradition. The sacred nature of the ribbons is enounced by Homers translator (the Iliad, Book I, page 38), I quote: The ribbons mentioned at verse 14, exterior sign of the sacerdotal dignity. Moreover, the clothing of the cluari is definitely white because in the olden days, the white garments were mandatory to the great priests and the proof of this is given by the excerpt Deucalion, designed to reign after Minos, is friend with Teseu the Pious; the name of The White One evokes the color of the clothes of priests and priestesses (bib. 20, page 387). The cluar proves through his white clothing that he is the messenger sent by God on Earth to help people in their struggle against death and disease and, in the past, this messenger was a person wearing ribbons and a sash, quotation from bib.12, page 826. He is Gods chosen one, the fighter against death, fight which always ends with the victory of good against evil, of life over death. God, through the cluar, helps people escape from death, or postpone it. The messenger had the obligation to block death because life was a gift offered by the Divinity to the people on Earth and it had to be kept as such, and its conservation was made by means of this ritual. The priests themselves were and continue to be Gods messengers on Earth. Death is represented by the mute. The dead people dont talk, so, the symbol of death is, in this case, the mute. The ritual begins with a circle made by the cluari around the mute, by surrounding death and making it impossible for it to get out of the circle, and it ends with a dance of joy, with lifes victory over death, good winning against evil, light shinning over darkness. After this ritual the conviction remains that death would avoid the respective homes for a period of a year. Mircea Eliade (bib. 28, pages 238-239, volume 3) considers that this ritual, cluarii, was also used to cure the sick people, I quote The healing


consists in a series of dances, supplemented by certain ritual acts. In some regions, the patient is taken out of the village, guided under a tree, and around him starts the cluari dance. During the dance, the leader (vtaful) touches with his flag a dancer and this one falls to the ground. This real or simulated syncope lasts from 3 to 5 minutes. As soon as the cluar collapses to earth, the patient has to get up and start running; anyhow, two cluari take his hands and run with him as fast as possible. The therapeutic intention of the cluar is obvious: the sickness leaves the sick and enters the cluar, which instantly dies, but afterwards comes back to life, for he is initiated, and furthermore I quote In any case, the religious function of the dances and mythological texts is clear or (cluul) was superposed to a rather archaic rural culture; as evidence, we have the ritual role of the club, the pine-tree pole (tree mostly used in the pre-Christian celebrations), not to mention the dances themselves. In concluding this chapter, I would like to quote one more thing from Mircea Eliade, regardless its origin, cluul, in its forms attested in the last centuries, is only known in Romania and can be considered a creation of the Romanian popular culture, and, with all due respect, I would like to add that it is a sacred ritual from ancient times, with a hint of shamanism. In this text it is presented the clu as it is understood in the county Olt, because it seems that there are different variations of it in different parts of the country, even though the essence is the same. In order to understand better the magical power of the clu, which in fact is real and today we accept it as a science, knowledge that our civilization discovered 30-40 years ago and which the Getae knew 2.500 years ago, when they have been written, and maybe millennia before, and this is stated by Plato in his dialogue with Harmide (bib. 21, page 11), I quote Zalmoxis, our god king, says that, as long as its not becoming to try to see with the eyes past the soul, this is the reason why there are so many diseases the Greek doctors know nothing about, because they dont perceive the whole they should care for. If this one goes bad, it is impossible that part of it went healthy. And further on he continues All the bad and the good of the body comes from the soul, which affects the organism like the head dictates to the eyes. Therefore, firstly and most importantly we should care for the soul if we want our head and our body


to stay healthy. And the soul, my dear, is searched for through certain chants and these chants are in fact beautiful speeches. Thanks to them, the wisdom makes roots in the soul and, once it takes root and it lives, its easy to maintain the health in our body and soul. In fact, what does this excerpt mean, how is it connected to the clu and to medicine altogether? The clu is handling diseases and, for a person whos not a doctor, this excerpt is ridiculous, meaningless, questionable and with no practical importance. The reality however is different. Today, it is known that all diseases with a functional component are cured through sheer will, through the faith of getting better and this faith dwells in the soul, only if someone believes it with all his strength does he get better, with or without the treatment. Examples are numerous in this respect and the Yoga practice proves that this can achieve incredible performance. This is the reason why the Getae asked, first of all, for the soul to be healed. It is common knowledge that a sick person who doesnt believe in his states improvement ends up dying because, by the lack of will to live, he alone aggravates his condition, even with a good treatment. Its happening in everyday life, but it was more obvious during the war because then the soul surrendered more easily than normally. This is the connection between the clu and the healing, because through this ritual the healing of the soul took place, the sick was convinced that he was going to get better and in many cases that really happened, and for the others these healings were accounted as miracles. The second subject is the healing of the body which can only be done if the patient is convinced that the person taking care of him is capable of doing that. If the patient doesnt trust his doctor, then his services are nothing but a waste of time and money. The healing of the eyes is a matter of symbolism. In order to better see the reality around you, to understand the things and phenomenon in their totality, you have to have a sane boy and soul, a soul without passions or ambitions or, as the people say it, to have a clean soul. As Ive said earlier, these things were only recently discovered and it is a mistake that we havent taken a closer look at the knowledge of our ancestors before, mistake that shouldnt happen again. We could find out


many things, especially the ancient treatments, herbal treatments and not only, and it would be a shame not to recover what we can. I hope that now cluul was better understood as well as its connection to religion, the reason why this ritual was at first only reserved to initiated people, connoisseurs, priests, because religion, such as this dance, is handling the souls, which are immortal, or the immortality of the souls or even that of the bodies can be found in this dance and in the old religion of the Getae, when religion was meant to heal the body as well as the soul, for it was of no use curing the one without the other, unlike today, when religion is only focused on the soul. In reality, death does not exist, it is only a stage on the way to rebirth. The current Christian religion is no other than a continuation of the old Getic religion, as I have already explained, based on quotations, and I hope I have been convincing enough. This would explain why cluul remained as a popular tradition only in Romania, it being in fact a continuation of the old religion expressed through dancing and understood by the masses, as much as these things are or have been in the tradition of other nations as well, such as the dance of Shiva in India, for instance.



There are two things man cant get rid of, his shadow and religion. The difference is that the shadow lingers only during the life time, while religion persists even after death and continues through the descendants. Religion leaves a genetic imprint. Who says he can destroy a nations religion is terribly mistaken because, forced by the circumstances, he can change it, but as that force decreases, religion always reestablishes no matter how much time has passed. The ones who believed in Gods, continue to believe in them, the gods being earthly gods, the people born on earth and the ones who believed in a Cosmic Divinity, continue to believe in God. I took as standard the Getic race because I believe it is the only country in the world with no date of converting to Christianity. It is very difficult to analyze the ancient times religion because of the lack of evidence, especially that millennia later, in what we now call the ancient world, each and every local dynast picked a God ancestor or an Immortal (son of the earth) to represent him, which created confusion in the development of the events and their historical importance, facts as well as people confusion, immortal or gods. The notion of god comes from ZeusRa or Helios, king in the south. Had he been wearing a different name, then, what we today consider gods would have probably had a different name with the same meaning. The truth we find is always common and simple. It can be surprising how many times one passes by the same truth without being able to nice it because one is convinced things ought to be more complicated.


As I was saying, the faith and the shadow have always accompanied man. There is no man without faith and the notion of atheism is an illusion. Faith offers man hope of a better life and of conquering the world. Civilization means also knowledge and hope. In the ancient time, there were two completely different kinds of faith; the faith of the people in the south (inhabitants from around the Mediterranean) and the faith of the people in the north (titans, giants, Atlanteans, Getae and maybe Sarmatians and Celtic people). The people from the north believed in a Cosmic Divinity, in the Heavenly Father, ours, mine, yours, everyones, nameless and without a graphical representation, our Lord. Today still, in the church, that expression is used, Let us pray to our Lord, as well as the prayer Our Father and this proves the continuity of the faith and of the Getae religion. The term of God (Dumnezeu, in Romanian, as opposed to zeu = god) appeared later and I will explain exactly when, where and how this term was assigned to the Divinity. Strabo says that the supreme god of the Getae is nameless. He uses the word god in order to be understood by the Greeks, who believed in gods and Plato in Timaios calls him Demiurge and not god (28b). Strabo is quoted from 3 reasons. Firstly, he lived between the two eras (born 64-63 B.C., he lived until 23-26 A.C.), secondly, he was born in Pont and thirdly, he was considered a Getae by his origin, thus, someone who knew the Getic religion and beliefs and his work, the Geography, was published in the year 14 A.C.. In the area inhabited by the Getae, you will never find a temple dedicated to the gods and not even during the Roman occupation from 106271, even though by then it could have been protected. It can, at most, be found a shrine or two, but only private ones and entirely fortuitous. It is true that there are ancient writers, especially Greeks, who, out of misunderstanding of the Getae religion, refused to accept it and replaced in their writings the term Divinity with the term god. It appears that the Celtic people have had the same beliefs; they believed in a Cosmic Divinity who they called Esus (E-SUS) and not even today do the Catholics make a clear distinction between Christ (Esus) and the old Celtic religion. Later it is possible for them to have believed in gods, but I think it is a bad interpretation intended by those who wrote


about the Celts or that the latter may have surrendered under the pressure of life threat. The Titans, the Giants, the Atlanteans and then the Sarmatians were the Sons of the earth, Gaeas sons and successors, all Getae. The Getae name itself comes from Gaea and Az, where the term az meant son. Thus, the written word would have been Geazi, but the letter z with a coma was read and then the word becomes Gei (Getae, in Romanian). This writing was used in the villages of Oltenia, at least, until 1900. My own grandmother used to write like this. The Getae make their appearance in history apparently before the Egyptians, if we believe Diodorus from Sicily who, in his Histories mentions that Apollo, no other than a grand priest title having the sun as his symbol, is in fact Ammon, the brother of Osiris, who before the battle with Saturn took the title of Musaget (Diodorus, Book I, page 35), therefore, a priest of the Getae, Mysians or mesian, probably believing that Osiris would defeat Saturn (Seth, Seb, Typhon) and would be the king of the entire white race and him, Amon, would be the great priest. The Titans, as it is known, are the sons of Uranus with Gaea or Titaia (where the name comes from), and the most known titans are Saturn and Prometheus (which in translation means the Daring). But Prometheus is also known under the name Hermes Trismegistus, and that means three times important:: a king, a prophet and a wiseman, and the same things can be said about Sarmis, Hermes (the son of Maya, Hera) and Saturn (called in many ways) was in fact the first Zalmoxis, that Zalmoxis who made what we call the Zalmoxis laws, who, according to Carol Lundus, lived in the 12th century from the Creation of the World or from the Flood, and also the Belagines Laws formulated in 12 tables, I would say 12 codes of civil law, named in the Antiquity Lex antique Valachorum, reminded also by Jordanes in the VIth century A.C., after which there are found writings about them even after 1200 at the countries near Romania, and starting with Hera the regulatory church canons appear, the Fatial Laws, which were dealing with declaring the war or settling the peace. These last laws were exclusively reserved to the priests. The fact that Saturn is also called Zalmoxis, the first Zalmoxis, is confirmed also by the hystorian Mnaseas


from Patrae, who lived in the IIIrd century B.C., I quote The Getae adore Saturn, whom they call Zalmoxis (bib. 12, page 212). The Giants are the priests, the great priests (the giants) from the time of the Titans, and Gyges (Gugu for the Getae and the Sumerians) was the first priest known in the Getic world, he was a giant, the son of Gaea and Uranus and the brother of Saturn or Seb. The Giants were also known as the sons of earth and, just like the Titans, the Atlanteans or the Getae, they were called Immortal. Many of the sons of the Titans were great priests, Giants. The word Giants comes from the word Titans, by replacing the letter T with the letter G. Therefore, the word Titan + Az becomes sons of the titans, thus Gigan + ai = Gigani (Giants, in Romanian). Another version is that the Giants were the great priests, the giants of the Getic religion. I dont know the reason for this replacement or who made it, but examples or letter or syllable replacement in words are many and I remind, among others, that from the word Deva resulted Thebes (Teba) or Dava and the word God in the west is Deo and the Greeks made it Theo (the one who sees and knows everything) etc. If Deva in Sanskrit means god, divinity, and the religious institutions were mostly built on the mountains or in high places, like the tradition persists even nowadays, then the mountain Cetuia din Deva was consacrated to the Divinity, it was the religious center for the population from the country of the Titans, Atlanteans and Getae, and the mountain Godeanu was addressed only to the great priests from the ancient times, who were called Pii until much later (bib. 12, page 899), the priests from the Rams country, and there are authors who think that the name of the pyramids themselves come from PiRam. As the name Thebes (Teba, in Romanian) derives from Deva and Thebes is known in Egypt as a religious institution, being one of the citadels built over 1000 years before the citadels in the Ram country, according to Plato, at first called Herapolis or the city of Hera, built by Sarmis (Hermes) in the honour and memory of his mother (not to mix up with Thebaida, citadel built near mountain Ida made by Osiris, according to Diodorus); and if we were to consider the quotation (bib. 20, page 147) On the other hand, if we took under consideration the spreading of the common names as Thebe hill in Crete (Troada) and Beotie, then we would understand why the mountain, the pyramids with steps (where the


number of steps was equal to the number of skies for which the pyramid was built), the ziggurats or the towers (the Tower of Babel) were religious institutions, because, for instance, the mountain, through its peak, made the connection to the sky, today the cosmos, so a direct connection with the Divinity in the north and the stars in the south. The gods dynasty disappears from history with the death of Zeus and Horus in Crete during the second war of Atlas against Zeus and the Immortals dynasty continues with Hera (Maya) and then Sarmis (Hermes, Armis), the Getae king. From Sarmis comes the name of Sarmisegetuza, namely: Sarmi-getuza (the Getae Sarmis), Sarmi-and-getuza (Sarmis and the Getae), Sarmisegetuza (Sarmis, the Immortal of the Getae). Sarmis was also called Ianus, term which comes from IO-AN (IO = the master o the world, the only rules and An = the sky), and the word which results is the name Ioan, which would be the second oldest name after Ilie (Saturn). Moreover, Sarmis is mentioned in writings with the name Two-facedIanus, because it was the king (Bazileu, IO) both of the people in the north and the of the ones in the south. The Atlanteans were the inhabitants of nowadays Europe, surrounded by the Alps, the Scandinavian Mountains, the Ural Mountains, the Caucasian Mountains and the Balkans, the portion of land beyond the water, water which then covered the plain of Europe. The country they inhabited was high, as Plato confirms in Critias 118a, I quote The whole land, it is said, was much above the sea and its shores were very abrupt and the level difference of the water was of 200-400 m higher compared to the water level of the Mediterranean Sea, because the Bosphorus Strait did not yet exist. The same territory which Plato calls Atlantis was the country of Atlas, king and bazileu (king over kings) was inhabited by the RAMS, it was the Rams country. In the popular tradition there still is the expression we descend from the Rams or, the more frequent version, we descend from the Rm, because, in those times, the written or was read a, thus the source of the misinterpretation that it was Rome from which we descended, even though Rome was founded millennia later, in 753 B.C.. This is where the name of the citadel Ramidava came from, citadel which today no one knows where it is, and also the expression RAM-MAN or


maybe even Romania or the Ram men, which in India are called Brahmans. From the Rams we also have the term Ram-an, where AN represents the sky/heaven and this explains why the Titans were called in the old writings the sons of the heaven and earth, and those people, such as all the rest, were made (created by the Divinity after its image and likeness). The denomination of sons of the heaven can be explained by the fact that their country was on high land, so high that their mountains would touch the sky. In the north, in some writings, only a category of priests were called Pi-Rams, but there are is clear evidence as for their attributions, besides religion (if they were into science). At south of the country of Rams or of Getae, today the Danube, there were the Arameans, the no-rams, the inhabitants of the Balkans and Asia Minor and then of Middle East, where the Aramaic writing comes from. It seems that the Pelasgians, the inhabitants of Italy and nowadays Spain, islands in that time, were also Rams. The country of the Rams, being an island, turns up late in the writings and its inhabitants are wrongly mistaken with the Pelasgians who lived in Italy and Spain and whose name came from the fact that they lived on islands and the word pelas appears in the greek vocabulary as islands for a long time. I remind the fact that the city Craiova was also called Pelendava, which means it was a settlement, a dava, on an island because in that time the water covered most of the actual city. After the flood and the inundations described by Plato, followed by the formation of the Bosphorus Strait, Atlantis becomes an island which soon turns into a continent as the water in Europe gets drained, probably for tens of years. Of the immortal, I took the Getae as prototype, as Ive already mentioned, in order for the ancient religion as well as the Getic one to be easier understood, especially due to the fact that the actual Orthodox religion is nothing but a continuation, with little modifications, of the Getic religion, 10-15.000 years old. In life there are things which seem unbelievable, even though they are true. In reality, by their religion, the Getae were immortal, they never died; the island they inhabited, called, in the time of Atlas, Atlantis, was a sacred island (Plato, Critias, 115b), and according to Homer (the Odyssey, Book XXIV), it appears that was the place where Hermes (Sarmis) took the


souls of the dead, because after the earthly death they would go to heaven, where they kept on living, with no worries or troubles, in the Parnassus or in the Elysian Fields, aspect which is confirmed after centuries by the orthodox religion, through the notions of Heaven and even Paracelsus, by the oriental terms home and Devacan, just like today, when the man who has no sins goes to Heaven and continues living there, according to the orthodox beliefs. Until here, the same principle governs both religions, however, the Getae saw death as a positive thing to happen because the soul (the divine part) would free itself from the prison of the body and, maintaining the same shape and identity (according to the term Aksa), would go, as I said, to Heaven, while the sinners had first the earthly death (the physical death), after which the death of their souls followed, because they were condemned to eternal death, not t the purification of the soul through fire, in Hell, like in todays religion (the old Greeks religion), or, like a Romanian saying puts it, it is washed by the sins and thus it is given a new chance to live. This chance, to come back from the old eternal death, was first enounced by Zalmoxis, the one from Pythagoras s time, by believing in the resurrection of the dead. It is not known which reasons stood at the basis of this decision to modify the old Getic religion, but it pleased a lot of people, and, as proof, the praising of Zalmoxis. The only possibility would be that the priests had increased the number of deeds they considered sins and thus a big number of people had been condemned to the eternal death of the soul, which could have created a social disorder. Thus, a compromise was made by forgiving the intended or unintended sins of some people, giving them the possibility to go to Heaven, where they might live again, but only after they had paid for their sins in Hell. The same faith is taught also by Christ in Galilee and afterwards in Judea, according to the words of the four evangelists. As you can see, there little differences between the two religions, moreover, a second chance is given to the sinners, the chance to get a second life on earth after the purifying of the soul (because, in reality, they hadnt died at all). This explains why Romania is the only country in the world with no date of converting to Christianity, because the religion today is just a continuation of the old Getic religion. Furthermore, Strabos statement that the supreme god of the Getae is nameless (a Greek god,


according to him, which in reality is God Dumnezeu, in Romania Our Father, Our Heavenly Father, as He is called in the old Getic prayer still in use, Our Father) is still valid today. Then, in those time as today, if God (the Divinity) is the father, then, logically, we are His sons, the sons of God, and this applied also for the ancient time when the Getae were called sons of the sky or sons of Heaven and they were a part of the heavenly army, army which probably, in their conception, was led by their most brilliant representative, Saturn (Zalmoxis and then the Apostle Ilie). In conclusion: the Getae (the nordic) were immortal, they never died. The virtuous ones would live on earth as well as in heaven (they had a double life), and the sinners were condemned to a double death, the earthly death and the death of the soul. Mircea Eliade is clear (Bib. 30, page 42), I quote They did not die, did not know the separation of the soul from the body, but they would meet Zalmoxis in a paradisiacal land. This Zalmoxis is Saturn, the first Zalmoxis, because the last one, the one from the time of Pythagoras (560-500 B.C.), modifies the Getic religion and creates the dawns of the Christian religion (Bib. 30, page 40), and this is confirmed by a statement of Herodotus of Halicarnassus (484-425 B.C.), traveler on the shore of the Black Sea up to Olbia (Cetatea Alb), I quote He, (Zalmoxis) teaches them that neither him, nor his guests or their descendants will die, instead they will only move in a place where living forever they will get all they would ever want (IV, 95). Here, for the first time, the notion of Heaven is described, by the lack of rebirth through reincarnation (living forever) and, more than that, through his gesture he sets forward the idea of resurrection from the dead (to die and to get resurrected), ideas used also by the Christian religion, but he keeps from the old religion the fact that they will live for ever and ever. The fact that Zalmoxis appears after 4 years is an ancient tradition found at the Atlanteans (Bib. 3, page 233), I quote there, every 4 or 5 years, honoring thus both the odd and even numbers, the kings (Atlanteans) would gather together and plot the common affairs, custom which is kept by the Dacians in Decebaluss time. This tradition has as object the calculation of time, when every 4 or 5 years they added a day (see time calculation), considering that a time cycle closes, the ending of the Big Year.


In the south, especially in Egypt, all the faithful were the sons of the sun, Ras sons and this is confirmed by a quotation from the Board of Metternich (bib. 8, page 383) O, Ra. Come here/ your daughter awaits you. This excerpt confirms a resemblance of religion between the north and the south. If the believers in the north were the sons of God (the Divinity), the ones from the south were the sons of the sun. Moreover, in the Bible it is written that in the beginning was the word and God made the world through the speech, belief which is inherited from the Egyptiens, I quote Such as Ra created the world by his word (bib. 8, page 363), and in the north we can accept Pythagoras, as a landmark, in order to find out their religion. Pythagoras says In the chaos, through will (the Divine will), the order was established and the order must lead to harmony. According to the people from the north (the Titans, the Atlanteans and the Getae), the Divinity (God) created the earth, the sky, the people and all there is on Earth and in the Cosmos and the creation was made through divine will and not how the Egyptians believed that the sun (Ra) created the world and his creation was made through the word, because it can be interpreted that the world was created from an order and by someone who executed that order, therefore not by God. We all followed the beliefs of the Greeks, but their religion is nothing but a copy of the Egyptian one. In the Apocalypse of John the Theologian, which, according to some, lived in Neros time (Roman emperor, 54-68 A.C.) and from bib. 25, page 59, there is an interesting paragraph on the religion at that time, I quote The first part; a prologue and 7 letters to 7 churches in Asia addressed to their angels (arch episcopes). This fragment confirms that in the Ist century A.C. some priests (the episcopes) were called angels, and the fact that the letter was sent to Asia confirms the religion of the people in the north, of the Getae particularly, because if it was from the south it would have appeared in other writings as well. The presence of the notion of angel is a lot older; it appears also in the Book of Enoch (the Ethiopian Apocryphal) when the Semiaza and the 200 damned angels were banished from Heaven the Heaven was then the tall country whose mountains touched the sky and it was believed that a direct communication was maintained with the cosmos, like in the case of Atlantis. What happened when the 200 priests were banished, it is not known, but it was believed


and probably it still is, wrongly, that they were extraterrestrial beings. The following quotation confirms this hypothesis When I was in the land of Dan, a heavenly voice called me in my dream and commanded me to speak to the sons of Heaven. It is clear that the sons of Heaven were the Getae, sons of An (the sky) and the land of Dan was in todays Europe and the word Dan is the abbreviation of De An. The fact that the Getae were called the sons of Heaven, the sons of the Earth, the immortals or the sons of God, I quote (chapter 6, point 2, page 16) The sons of Heaven, seeing that the human daughters (the ones from the south) are beautiful, chose wives from among them, whoever who they pleased. This excerpt is very important because it is confirmed that all those who believed in the Divinity (God, Dumnezeu) were His sons. The fact that God, in The Book of Enoch, forbids this, I do not understand, probably the religion from those times criticized these actions, the marriage. These quotations deny the extraterrestrial origin of people on Earth, but confirms the existence of an anterior civilization. The belief of the people in the north was based on a single principle: One without a second; and this one was the Divinity (nameless then), the Heavenly Father, the Father of all. I believe that it is from them that the prayer Our Father comes from. It is from Him that you ask things, not from God; his name does not appear in the prayer which proves that it didnt have one in that time and this name appeared later. For the ones in the south, the sun was the main divinity and this in proven by Diodorus Book I, page 30, I quote The Sun which sees and hears all. To the ones in the north, the sun and the moon were celestial bodies, they were the Divinitys gift to mankind, and to those in the south these celestial bodies were Gods. Zeus-Ra or Helios, the brother of Uranus or Oceanos, his son Ammun and brother with Osiris, while Horus was the illegitimate son of Ammun from his marriage to Rhea or Pandora, the daughter of Saturn, Seth, Bal, Typhon. About Pandora, I will try to prove the fact that a reality which becomes a myth has its meaning altered in time. Pandora, the person in the Pandoras box myth, was the wife of Epimetheus, Prometheuss brother, when opening the box it caused all the evil to spread in the world, leaving only the hope behind in the box. In


those times, any beautiful woman (truly beautiful) was called Pandora. When you meet or know a beautiful woman, the only thing you have left is your hope and this applies to all the people today as well. This is how the meaning of a myth gets modified in time. The Sumerians and afterwards the Assyro-Babylonians considered the sun to be the god Utu. Surprisingly, later the Scandinavians and those around them assimilated him as well under the name Teuta, name which derives from the Greek Theo (the one who sees and knows everything) and Utu (sun) and, according to some, they considered him the god of war, while, according to others, he was the god of death. For the people in the north, respectively Europe and the north of Asia, the sun was the star which brought light, life, joy, warmth; it was the celestial body which made it possible for nature to revive or resurrect in the spring. Even today we do not know if the nature revives or resurrects in spring. By means of this revival or resurrection of nature, a new life cycle began in the spring, the joy of living, the growing or regenerating of the plants, especially of those used for the alimentation, and the troubles and the suffering on earth disappeared. It was the period of happiness and life. The sun, the year, the day, the lives of people and of the other beings had 4 periods: the birth, the childhood, the youth and the old age. There were 4 cardinal points represented by 4 colors, the cross had 4 arms and even the figures from 1 to 4 formed a triangle according to Pitagora and represented by a tetrad, 4 was the cardinal number of the Earth etc. It was even believed at some point that the sun would die during the winter solstice, on December 22 and after 3 days the sun would come back to life. On December 25, when today we celebrate Christmas, then the resurrection of the sun was celebrated, and from that point to the spring equinox (the childhood of the sun), the sun had no strength; its power grew with its youth which would start on March 23, when a new cycle of life began. The sun was god Apollo to the Greeks, who, they said, was born among the Hyperboreans and this belief proves once more that the one called by the Greeks and, in a short while, by the Getae as well was Hermes (Sarmis) the son of Hera who only for the Greeks was and stayed the Great Priest. Later, a new version appears that Apollo would come from


the Hyperborean area, in the Letea Island, once every 19 years, which corresponds to the time calculation called today the Metonic cycle. For the Greeks, the fact that the traditions and the cult of the sun were born there, in the Hyperborean zone, can be explained by the fact that most of the inhabitants were Dorian (Getae). In our era, the place of Apollo was taken by Christ only with the death and revival attributions and the removal of the powers of evil from earth through his own suffering. In the old times, only the Sun would die and resurrect at the winter solstice, in a period of 3 days, and the rebirth was in the spring, at the spring equinox, this being exclusively the attribute of nature. The Sun resurrected and the nature revived because it is impossible for someone to resurrect 3-4 months after death (the winter was, at some extent, the symbol of death). Later, the revival and resurrection were exclusively the attribute of nature. It was thought that, by suffering, evil was driven away from earth, which did not happen. The pain only removes the divergences, conflicts and war. On earth, there are 3 kinds of evil: the lying, the theft and the murder. The removal of these three can be made through will and civilization. If it werent for them, happiness would reign on Earth and the people would live like in Heaven. In this situation, the hope becomes reality (the hope being the last thing we have left to be happy or to live). The Greeks believed in Apollo, who was the sun and was born among the Hyperboreans (kings, influential persons). In the history, three Apollos are known. One of them was Ammon, the brother of Osiris, who took the title of Musaget (priest, Mysians of the Greeks) and the second one was one of the twins born by Latona (Apollo and Selena or the Sun and the Moon), born on Leto Island, island which in those times when part of Europe was covered by water, cannot be other than the mountains of Dobrogea. Apollo and Selena were Latonas children from her marriage to Hyperion, after Saturns death. Hyperion was killed and Apollo was drowned in the waters of the river Eridan by the Titans in order to avoid a new redistribution of the territory, of the empire inherited from Saturn and the third Apollo was Hermes or the Getae Sarmis. Lets go back to the Egyptians. Besides the solar god Amon-Ra, then called only Ra, the Egyptians used to believe also in Isis and his wife Osiris, which had similar attributions to the ones of Demeter of the Greeks,


Diodorus, book I, page 31 And to the land, which they considered the one that received in its breast the life seed itself, they called mother. Likewise, the Helenians call Glia Demeter, changing a little, as time passes, the pronunciation of the word. For at first it was called Ge Meter, like Orpheus teaches us, who says: Demeter, Glia, mother of all who gives them all they want and more. 5. The Egyptians claim that, to the water, their ancestors from ancient times, said Oceans, which in translation is mother and nurse, and which got the meaning, from some of the Helenians, of Oceanos. The poet says the following about this (Homer, the Iliad XIV): Oceanos, starting point of gods, and mother Tehys (the quotation from Homer confirms the origin of the Immortal and not of the Greeks, because Oceanos was Uranus and Tethys was Glia, Gaea, and it confirms one more thing, that the beginning of the ancient history was in Europe). Isis was also called the Virgin with a child because it was believed that she had Horus after the death of Osiris, but the Virgin with a child was also Hera or Maia, the daughter of Atlas or Trojan, in Crete. Hera was kidnapped by Zeus the Olympian (the Immortal, because he was part of the nation of the Titans, Giants, Atlanteans and Getae, which were all called Immortal or sons of the Earth, of Gaea) and from this marriage Hermes or Sarmis was born, and this belief of the virgin or the woman with a child in the writings is found at the old inhabitants of Crete, at first called Idaia (from queen Ida, the wife of Zeus-Ra). As far as the judgment of the dead is concerned, the Egyptians believed that Osiris and his son Anubis judged people after death by weighting their hearts which should not be heavier than a feather. In history, nobody permitted himself to judge the soul because the soul was the divine component and it could not be stained or carry sins, which were exclusively the attributes of the body (he was born and grew on earth, which was probably considered a sinful part). The Egyptians believed in rebirth or resurrection. The Egyptian, after death, would live somewhere far in the stars, if the body was mummified, and if it was not mummified, he would reincarnate in an animal, which is why the animalgod association is found in their religion. According to them, the human soul after death would live forever among the stars. In addition to this, in


Egypt every city or citadel had its own gods, which led to a proliferation of names. The Moon had feminine attributions. She symbolized the peace, the harmony and love and it was believed that she wrote and rewrote peoples destinies. The ones from around the Mediterranean Sea, the ones in the south, considered her a goddess and, besides the already mentioned attributes, she was added others more, as well as other names, from the people who worshipped her. I will not enumerate here the Moons many names. To the Getae the Moon and the Sun contributed to time measurement. They use the same name for the celestial body (the Moon lun, in Romanian) and for the time (month - lun, in Romanian). The local population measured the time according to the position of the sun and the phases of the moon. For them, a month has 4 weeks and the year had 13 months and a day or 52 weeks. Interesting is the fact that they didnt need a watch to know the time in the daytime or at night. During the day, they would know the time after the shadow of a stil? (the stil was a stick used for orientation) or of a man. This method had an amazing precision for the people who knew how to use it, with no bigger difference than 10 minutes from the real time. Striking is the fact that they also divided the day in 4 parts: the morning, the lunch, the afternoon and the evening. Time in the night was calculated according to the singing of the roosters, which they are known to sing every 3 hours. The first song of the roosters was at 9 p.m., the second one at midnight and the third one at 3 a.m. The red one sang after sunset and the white one in the morning, just before the dawn. The name of the Divinity as God (Dumnezeu) came much later, one or two decades before our era and this is confirmed by Strabo, who says that the supreme god of the Getae is nameless. This name was first used at the populations in the south, the nations around the Mediterranean Sea, either because of the multitude of gods, given that every city or citadel had its own god or gods, or because of the discontent towards the reigning nation and its gods, which led determined them to copy the religion of the ones in the north, the monotheistic religion of the Hyperboreans. Their writing, in most cases, was by the exclusive use of the consonants. Thus, the word Divine becomes D.V.N. The written letter V was read U and, in this case, the word became DUN, which, in time, led to DUM. The cosmic


northern divinity which in the south was Dum (Divine), had the same attributions as the gods in the south and this is where the name Dumnezeu came from (Dum ne este zeu Dum is our God), name which generalized and which we use today. I believe that the first ones who used it were the Essenes, if we accept the words of the wise Jew Flavius Iosephus, who lived in the years 37-100 A.C. and who compared the Essenian religion to that of the Dacians, considering them very alike (Bibl. 18, 32, 4, 2, page 234). This appears to be the evidence that the Essenes used and were the Dacian religions followers. From Saturn to Sarmis or Hermes (the son of Hera), there were always divergences between the people from the north and the ones from the south, divergences which usually ended in wars, wars that had only one winner, the populations from the north, also called Hyperboreans or Blachi, the Titans, the Giants and the Getae and, according to Plato, the Atlanteans, who were in fact the sons of the Titans. In the north, the agricultural areas were fewer and the need for alimentary products was great. This resulted in a series of wars between the north and the south, because the people in the north raised animals (it is known that the sacred animal of the Getae was the sheep) and the ones from the south were agricultural lands owners. After the withdrawal of the water from Europe, in the time or after what we call the flood from the time of Deucalion, flood Plato talks about in the description of Atlantis, period that changes the course of the Danube which is blocked because of the earthquakes, when the Bosphorus Strait appears and the capital-city of the Atlanteans disappears, being situated on an island, the island Atlantis, not the continent with the same name, then, according to Diodorus (Book V, chapter 47) The inhabitants of Samothrace tell that, even before the great flood, which caused sufferance to the other nations, they had a giant debacle which started with the decline of soil surrounding rocks Cyan and then of the one surrounding the Strait Hellespont. Because, until then, Pontus Euxinus had been only a lake; however, because of the rivers which flowed into this lake, its waters began to swallow so much that they ended by invading Hellespont, thereby flooding a good part of the coastline of Asia. A remarkable stretch of the Samothrace Island was sunk under the sea. This is why, a long time afterwards, some fishermen have pulled in their nets capitals of rock


columns, as if some citadels had been swallowed by the waves. The people who had escaped alive had taken refuge on the highest places on the island. This is the proof of the existence of Atlantis as an island in the plain of todays Europe, which in that time was mostly covered by water. This is the proof of the great quantity of water which flowed from Europe into the Aegean Sea, as well as of the difference of water level, probably between two and four hundred meters, between the water in Europe and the water level of the Mediterranean. After these events, the ground released by waters from Europe became agricultural land, which resulted in the absence of the war between the north and the south, over several millennia, or, the absence of these struggles generated the lack of interest in this period of time from an historical point of view. In the writings from until now, the ancient times period ends with the ending of Sarmiss reign in Europe, in the Getae area, and begins to be known again (millennia later) with the invasion of Sesostris (Pharaoh of the XIIth Dynasty) in the Balkans in 19641962 B.C. In order for you to better understand this chapter, I must specify the significance of the words hyperboreans and blachi. It is known that the Hyperboreans were the people from the north, from the current Boreal hemisphere, residents in the area of influence of the north wind which they called Boreas, the strongest wind from the north region, but, in my opinion, this resemblance between Boreas and Hyperboreans appeared much later, in the historical period which we call Antiquity and not in the olden times of the Immortal and Gods. I believe that Hyperborean means Boier (member of a high social rank in the feudal period in Romania) and I base my statement on the fact that the word Hyperborean is composed of hyper and bor. It is known that hyper means strong; take, for instance, the old word from Crete Island hiperboia = powerful shout where hyper means powerful and boia shout. The second term, Bor means Boier and I rely on two arguments closer to our days to ever be contradicted. Anton Pann, at Braov, was joking on account of the inhabitants of this city which spelled boras instead of boieroaic (the Boiers wife) and the same term is used nowadays by the musician Furdui Iancu in one of his songs.


In conclusion, at first, the word Hyperboreans meant Powerful people (Boieri, kings, military leaders); milennia later, in the Antiquity, the word gained the meaning of strong northern wind, because the Hyperboreans were thought to be in its range of action, which is not true because the inhabitants from the north and from Atlantis, for instance, had a territory which stretched from the Alpes to the mountains of Siberia, whereas that particular wind in the west does not go past the Olt. The word Blahi, Bolhi or, later, Vlahi (Wallachians), than, until today, Getae, defines a nation, the nation of the Wallachians, which is known, under the name Bolhi, even since the time of Saturn (Seth according to the Egyptians) and was ennounced in an Egyptian papyrus, which will be stated in another chapter. In those days, the cardinal points had colors as symbols. The south was represented by white, color given by the shining sun, the west was red, the color of the sky at sunset and the north was black. These colors were associated with the cardinal points. For exemple, the travelers did not have to say they were from the north, it was sufficient for them to say they were black. This would explain why the Egyptians used to call Seth: The Black; this meant Seth from the north. As you can see, the Blahi, Blochi, Vlahi or Vlachii derive as terms from the color black, which represented the north. In some writings, there even turns up the phrase the black peoples country and the territory assigned to it is approximately the same as our countrys. More rare are the writings were the name of Arabia Felix turns up and this created confusion in the ancient writers works. Also, in my opinion, the old course of the Danube was only the portion between the Tethys Sea (the current Pannonian Basin) and the Ocean (Oceanos), the former Sarmatic Sea, course of water (river), which I think was called Letho or Styx, water which separated the country of the Rams from the country of the Arameans, country which was found south of the river. In history it is known a Roman emperor, Philip the Arab (196-249), whose parents are suspected to come to Syria from the Getic land and who is called by some Philip the Sarab, name which derived from Saraba, the old religious city the nouns Basarab or Basarabia also came from (VaSaraba-via the road to Saraba, which, according to some, was in the Serpents Island (Insula erpilor, in Romanian) and, according to others,


Letea Island). Even later, when Negru Vod Basarab (6798-1290 A.C.) becomes ruler of the Wallachians, their territory was called Cumania neagr (Black Cumania), and this name, negru (black) means from the north and the Cumania field was burnt from the sun as Diodorus states, Book V, chapter LXXI, I quote because those fields had been burnt by a fierce fire; and later the field was called Cumania (then Cuman, Coman, and the Cumans are none other than the people who lived on the field which resulted from the withdrawal of the water from Europe, the Sarmatic Sea became the Cumania field, today the Romanian Plain and the inhabitants of this plain were once called Cumans) and there is the belief that Saraba, possibly a heritage from Saturn or Atlas, might have been todays Alba Iulia (like the title of IO the Romanian ruler used) after the destruction of the capital of the Atlanteans. From that Egyptian papyrus which in 1900 was at Leiden the quotation enounced in the book of Lepsius Uber d. e agypt. Gotterkreis, page 55, in translation would be: The Boier Saturn, the king of the Bolhi (Bolchi), king who lived during the Gods and the Immortals Dynasty, probably 10.000-12.000 years ago (Bib. 12, page 983). This being said, given the fact that black is a color and also the north, then the Black Sea actually means the sea from the north, even though it had also names as well, it kept by tradition and the will of the people who lived there, the same name, unlike the Mediterranean Sea or the sea from the middle, and the Red Sea, from the west. I have made these remarks in order to give you a better understanding of their religion, because in the writings of the ancient Greeks there are many confusions about this topic and this is explained by the fact that the Greek nation is relatively recent on the map of Europe, in fact, it was formed in the 13-12 centuries B.C. from the Dorians from north the Danube, the Achaeans from around the Black Sea (aha = water) and the Eolians (later called Ionians) and a small number of Elins (from Helen, Deucalionss nephew), because the whole Balkan Peninsula was depopulated during the war of Sesostris I from 1972-196 B.C., pharaoh from the XIIth Dynasty, when part of the men got killed and most of them were taken to Egypt as prisoners, war which ended with the victory of the Getae (the Rams) when king was Iovan Iorgovan IO-Ban, the Ban Iorgo or


Iorgu and, in my opinion, it is then when the legendary heroes Novac, Balaban (the Ban of Bala) and Radovan (the Ban Radu from Craiova and not from Pelendava pela = island) appeared. Lets come back to Egypt. It seems that the Egyptian religion begins with OG-DOADA, a number of 8 gods, husband and wife. 1-2 Nun (the primordial water) and Naunet 3-4 Huh (the infinite) and Hauhet 5-6 Kuk (the darkness) and Kauket 7-8 Niau (the negation, the nonexistent) and Niant Or Gerah (the lack) and Gerhet This Ogdoada enounces, on the first hand, the basic elements of life apparition on Earth and even on any celestial body where the water is present (all the celestial bodies, after they cool, are similar to Earth) and primordial (mandatory) for life and, on the second hand, it talks about the cosmos, with its components: the vacuum (the negation, the void), the darkness and the infinite. Later, possibly in the time Osiris was king, the ENEADA appeared, formed of 9 gods. 1 RA (the creator of gods as well as people) 2-3 u and Tephnut (the dryness and humidity) 4-5 Geb (the earth) and Nut (the sky) 6-7 Osiris (king of Egypt) and Isis (queen and wife) 8-9 Seth (Saturn, the king of Rams) and Nephtis (Latona, wife and queen). This is the period of transition from the space existence to the earthly existence (from the ogdoada to eneada), even though Ra (the gods and peoples creator) had an earthly existence in the person of king ZeusRa, the brother of Uranus or Oceanos, having the sun as symbol. The true happiness is only found in Heaven and Hell, or the old term iezer inherited from the Rams, if we considered the traditions in Maramure or (bib. 23, page 130-131), the customs from Valea Giurgiului, Hell is on Earth, it is mans daily existence, because the soul, made of divine essence, cannot be dirty or filled with sin, and after the death the soul passed on the other land to the cosmic soul, which we today call the Holy Spirit (Sfntul


Duh, in Romanian duh = soul). Not even the Egyptians, through Osiris, their god who judged the sins of the dead, permitted themselves to judge the souls; Osiris only weighted the heart of men after they died, having a feather as a weight measurement unit, according to their belief, the soul being located in the heart. This belief that the soul is in the heart was transmitted in the Antiquity. According to this, all that earth produces is impure, and what the heaven produces is pure, then, the judgment of the sinners had to be made in a subterranean dwelling or outside the two coordinates. The religion of the Phrygian and Lydian, people who arrived in Asia Minor, included Aphrodite after the Greek, Turan (Tyran) after themselves, Lars and Penates, the spirit (soul) of the household and of the ancestors. Later, the Phrygian and less the Lydian, after the war of Sesostris in Europe, 1964-1962 B.C., when the northern half of the current Italy, inhabited by the Secani, the successors of the Pelasgians (pela = island), which was partially depopulated because of the fighting, unlike the southern half (landmark at Rome), which was inhabited by the Siculi or Seculi (Siciliens) and which joined Sesostris, and these Phrygian were called Etruscan (from Turan), nation which had a syllabic writing but from the right to the left (custom of the people in the south). It is true that Pandora (Aphrodite, Tyran), as daughter of Saturn, was given Asia Minor as kingdom, but she also gave the name to the to the Tyrrhenian Sea, name which appears in the description of Atlantis by Plato, as a west landmark to the kingdom of the continent and of Atlantis. The Greeks religion, was based on the belief in Zeus (we will talk more about this later), Athena and Hephaestus (Vulcan), as most important gods. The Amazons from the Balkans were named Gorgons (also female warriors), but unlike the Amazons they had hair all over the body (this seems to be the reality and it is not the one described by the Greek, who mystified even what it belonged to their people). This idea is confirmed by Plinius (VI, 36, 3, 4), I quote The Gorgons were wild and hairy women, probably with hair all over. Athena was a Gorgon, a warrior, but not a beautiful one (in vain did the Greeks shave her every night so that she would look beautiful during the day), she was never a Pandora (all the beauty in the world in a single body, Pan-Dora). And she could not have


been, because she was not from the Dorian nation. The Gorgons are attacked by the Amazons led by Myrina (in the time, Zeus, Atlas and Horus) and these fights ended with numerous victims in both camps, fact confirmed by Diodorus, Book III, chapter 54, I quote Myrina invaded their country at the request of the Atlanteans (so, the Atlanteans were the neighbors of the Gorgons, and later, of the Greeks). The Gorgons fought back and, after a fierce battle, they were defeated by the Amazons, who killed a great part of them and took three thousand prisoners. The rest of them had apparently taken refuge in the forests, which Myrina set on fire, in order to destroy the entire nation once and for all. She did not succeed however and she retired to the countrys frontiers. Athena, who was leading the Gorgons and was also called Medusa, killed Myrina in battle and became the queen of the Amazons, the enemy of the Atlanteans and the ally of Zeus and Horus. The fact that Athena was also called Medusa is confirmed in bib. 25, page 398, I quote Then the goddess (Athena) started wearing the painted face of Medusa either on her shield or on her aegis. Athena is killed by Perseus and her head is taken to Atlas who, surprised by her ugliness, was amazed and remained frozen like a stone, and the ancients say that he transformed into a mountain and did not participate to the final battle of the Trojan war, battle which took place in the island Crete, where Zeus and Horus are killed, event which led to the ending of the Gods Dynasty. Many people still mistake the Trojan war (Atlas), which ended in Crete, with the war of Troy, citadel in Asia Minor (the name of the citadel itself is Trojans). it is true that there are many resemblances, but its a time difference of millennia between the two. Hephaestus or Vulcan, who the Greeks unfairly mutilated, was the son of Saturn and had as kingdom the current Balkan Peninsula, was not a brother of Athena and did participate to the Trojan war and was killed by Zeus just like Ares had been killed by Aphrodite, and their kingdoms were seized by Athena and Zeus after the first war between Zeus and Atlas, which ended with the defeat of the Titans and of the Giants. About Apollo I have said a few things earlier, even though he doesnt belong to the Greeks, being one of the Rams, of the Hyperboreans or, if you like, of the Dorians, during the time in history we call Antiquity.


Know we get to the most important god for the south and holy for the north and he is Saturn, also called the master of the world, the one who after the victory on Osiris took the title of IO (the only master, the only king of the entire white race territory), title inherited also by the Romanian rulers and, before them, by Iovan Iorgovan (Io-Ban, the Ban Iorgu). There is no old nation who didnt have Saturn as god and, more than that, he is considered God for two religions, the Judean and the Mahommedan religions, and for this I bring 3 arguments. I quote Yahweh (the one who is) was a tribal god of the atmosphere and of the celestial phenomenon, especially of the thunder; from favorite god of the tribe of Judah, Yahweh becomes the main god, protector of the fields and vineyards and regent over other anterior gods, Jew and foreign, who he gradually absorbs altogether, and further when the Jewish nomadic tribes conquer and subject the agrarian population of the Cannan, Yahweh becomes god of the war and of the victory and then the cult terminates the cults of any nature from the controlled areas (author Victor Kernbach, Dictionary of General Mythology, Ed. Albatros, 1983, page 747), and further, from the same author, at page 629, it is stated And Adam was 130 years old and he was made a son, with his image and his resemblance and he called him Set. Or Seth, at the Egyptians, was Saturn, and Saturn at all the nations in the south, except Egypt, was the god of lightning and the thunder (of the atmosphere and of the celestial phenomenon). From these quotations, I prove the fact that Yahweh is Saturn because they both had the same attributions, being masters of the lightning and thunder, and the association with Saturn is also a proof of the fact that their Divinity was supreme and eternal, inimitable and indestructible, page 330, and these attributes are the same with the ones of the northern Divinity, especially the one of the Rams (Titans, Giants, Atlanteans, Getae and Blahii or the Wallachians later). The Mahommedan religion has at the basis the belief in Saturn under the name of Al Ilah (Ilia, Ilie), that is Allah according to Victor Kernbach in the Dictionary of General Mythology, Ed. Albatros, 1983, page 430, I quote the pan-Arab supreme god Al Ilah (reproduced with the name Allah by Mohammed and considered the religion connection bridge between Preislamism and Islamism).


Saturn is considered god in the south and saint in the north because only he was, from the beginning, the owner of the lightning and of the thunder, even though he had a different name in every ancient nation, so, in India he was Indra, at the Arameans he was Bal or Bel, according to others, in Rome he was Jupiter (the father god), at the Greeks he was Typhon, then his attributes were taken by his nephew Zeus, then Teshub at the Hurians, Thorr at the Scandinavian, Taranis at the Celts etc, and to the Romanian he is known as Saint Ilie (Saint Elijah). In my opinion, the name of Ilie turned up ever since Saturns time and is one of the oldest names in Europe, still very frequently used today in Romania as a Christian name. In reality, in the south after the name of Zeus, Uranuss brother, who the Egyptians call Ra and the Greek Helios, appeared the title of god for kings and queens, title which was later attributed to other persons as well, while the people in the north had their name not from Uranus, but from his wife Gaea, Glia, Titaia, and were thus called Getae (Gaea Az) or Titans and they all were the sons of the earth, the sons of Gaea (Gaea = earth). The place of worship was usually built on the mountain (mountain which saved the people from the flood) or as a cone frustum on a square base on top of which there were 7 disks representing the 7 skies/heavens, which in fact symbolized the 7 existing planets in that time, except Earth, figure which was later replaced with 9 (after the appearance of planet Venus in our solar system). Apart from the 7 skies/ heavens, there were also 7 hells (lands). Logically speaking, around the Earth there is nothing but the sky (the atmosphere), the soul is divine and cant be stained and thus, the Hell can only be on Earth or underground (their belief) or out of our solar system. They believed that the souls would rise up to Heaven and the Tartar which, in bib. 20, page 146, meant quays and caves, was beyond Axis Mundi, the Axe of the World, which was no other than the middle of the Milky Way and in the north, beyond the tallest mountain in the area, in the frosts land, went only those condemned to eternal death. The Sumerians believed in the mountain and this belief was reflected by their places of worship, their temples called Ziggurats (usnir = mountain), which and 7 levels symbolizing the 7 superposed heavens, and


the ziggurat was considered the cosmic mountain, the same thing as with the Babel Tower 7 levels, 7 skies/heavens. The cosmic mountain was synonym with the Tree of Life and was represented by the cone frustum; the Cosmic Tree had its roots in the sky and its branches on Earth. Personally, I believe that the Kheops Pyramid has two constructions made at two different times. The first one was a place of worship, represented by a cone frustum on a square basis, built from huge stone blocks (their cement reconstructed stone), and millennia later, on that square basis Kheops built the pyramid, from stone rocks, primitively carved, and, more than that, he built it a roof, transforming it into a mastaba. In this way, a place of worship was turned into a burial place. My belief is that all the old constructions from the time of the Immortal, those huge rock stones, were made of cement, and this is confirmed by the quotation (bib. 11, page 62) Walter John Langbein speaks in the book Before the Flood about an ancient stele, about 2300 years old, covered with hieroglyphs. Part of the text on that stele describes the production of artificial rock, from cement. The mixture had been passed to god Hnum: it is made from approximately 29 substances and had been communicated in a dream to the pharaoh Djoser. Prof. Dr. Joseph Davidovits examined the rock samples taken from the Kheops Pyramid. At the microscope, he discovered there several hairs. He also found that they contained too little water for them to be made of natural stone. He thus concluded that the pyramid of Kheops was built out of artificial stone. Edward Zeller, another researcher of the pyramids, also examined samples of the pyramids masonry. He discovered that in the stone there are numerous miniscule air balloons, similar to those that must be kept in the artificial stone, in the concrete. I also believe that the Sphinx represented Latona (king over kings), because the lion was the symbol of Latona or Nephtis, as the Egyptians call her. This is indirectly confirmed by the quotation from bib. 17, page 292 the Sphinx a symbolic figure placed at the entrance of the temples in Egypt. Half virgin, half lion. Today it is known that the soul has a material component and this was scientifically proven, because when a man dies he loses 18-23 grams in weight.


In conclusion, the people from the north, from the old Atlantis, the country of the Rams, believed in a Divinity later called God (Dumnezeu) and all believers were the sons of God, according to the Bible (The first book of Moses, chapter 6, point 2, page 16), and the people in the south believed in gods and all believers were sons of the sun. A history of the ones who believed in gods would resume to the expression The god of the demon (daimon) man. From Homer, Hesiod and Socrates, the Daimon was the equivalent of the word god. Starting with Pythagoras, then Plato and Aristotle it was the notion of soul, and little before our era, the same word represented all the worse. If we considered the Getic conception that everything repeats itself, the circle theory, than this had to begin with the Middle Age and would correspond to the religious calendar of the Titans and, afterwards, the Getae, calendar which will not be enounced in this paper.


The history and the religion of the Getae are very little known until the Greek civilization and even afterwards by the deformations of the realities linked to this civilization. To the Greeks, in particular, and less to the Romans, everything that was good was theirs and what was bad was others, even though the latter might have had good things to show for, later appreciated by history. The vague cognition of the Getae faith, the customs and the knowledge is also amplified by the fact that, by oath and then tradition, they were not allowed to leave anything written, everything being based on memory, which, along with intelligence, was greatly priced in those days and today as well. Much has been written about the Geto-Dacians, but in this paper I will only use the term Getae because (with the risk of repeating myself), the word Dacian comes from the Dorian (Greek) word Tag, which means general. The fact that the letter T became D does not surprise, because the examples in this respect are numerous: Theo-Deo, Teba-Deva or from De Akha (water) = Daca etc. The fact that the whole area was militarized was both a trend and a habit in those days, like in Rome, Sparta or even Athens. Later, the term of Dacians (Daci), in the west and especially in Frances territory, became Duci, which also means general (military grade). The name of Dacians may come from De Akha (water, the water being Sea Tethys), and from here D-aca, Daca, Daci. And because we are talking about religion, I have specify the fact that Thebes, as a religious place, appeared later than Deva, and to prove this I quote Diodorus (Book I, point XV, page 33). It is also said that


Osiris and his companions founded in Thebaida from Egypt a citadel with 100 gates called by the people Herapolis, after the gods mother, their successors calling it Diospolis and, some of them, Thebes. 2. Misunderstanding hovers as to knowing the exact origin of this citadel. Neither the historians nor the Egyptian priests could get an answer for that. Many consider that Thebes was not built by Osiris and his companions. It is sure, however, that Deva, as a worship place, existed since the time Uranus and Gaea, whereas as far as Thebes is concerned, the things are not so clear, as Herapolis (Heras city) or even Diospolis (the Divinitys city) proves the fact that Thebes was founded by Sarmis in the memory of his mother Hera, the daughter of Trojan (Atlas) when she was a queen and a bazilee and even received the title of IO, after the death of Zeus the Olympian and that of Atlas. Before Atlas, the Getae were ruled by Uranus and Saturn, and this is why this accounted for the name resemblance, because Hera was a Getae, and Thebes can only be a copy of Deva. It appears that before Thebes there was Abidos as a place of worship in Egypts area, but the word Abid itself is Deva. As for Thebaida, according to the name it must be in Crete, because, in that time, Crete Island was called Idaia, from Ida, the wife of Zeus-Ra, or perhaps close to Mount Ida and not in Egypt. The Getae believed in a Divinity they called the Heavenly Father and they considered themselves the sons of the divinity (the sons of God, Dumnezeu in Romanian), because any living being has to have a soul and that soul was the gift of the Divinity and this is why the divinity was the Father, a heavenly one (a parent), unlike the earthly father. In this case, every believer was the son or daughter of God (the Divinity). For them, life was a divine gift and death was an obligation towards the Divinity. In their view, life and death were a two-way road between Earth and Heaven. They had no fear of death because the ones among them who lived in dignity and died heroically not only were reincarnated by rebirth, but they also participated to the divine banquets, while the unworthy ones and the sinners had the cruelest punishment possible, the eternal death punishment (no religion has yet provided a heavier punishment than the one from the Getic religion). Thus, they permanently removed the human garbage from the social life and compelled people to be honest and upright. As a result of


these beliefs, the Getae were the most courageous, the most honest, the most upright and fearless from all the nations existing on Earth, statement confirmed in both Greek and Roman writings. It is thus rightfully certified that they were the sons of the earth and the sons of the sky (heaven) by their souls and this is why they were called Immortal, because they were condemned to be reborn until, by having an honest and dignified life, without sins, temptation or lust, they would end up being angels or saints, name given to the Getae by the writers who covered the ancient times, and the term of immortal was used in writings even in our era, in the time of Trajan, I quote I was still the only one who dared to start against the people from past the Danube and I subjugated the people of the Getae, the most fierce warriors ever, not by the power of their bodies, but because of the teachings of Zalmoxis, the most honorable of them, who said they would not die, but merely change the place they live in, as going to the mountain or on any other travel (bib. 21, page 17). Thus, Saturn was also called Zalmoxis, that was the first Zalmoxis, who was called then, as he is now as well, Saint Ilie (Saint Elijah), the possessor of lightning and thunder and rain, such as Saturn, who, in the popular belief was the help of God, the keeper of the Heavens keys and the one who punished the sinners. The fact that it was Saint Ilie who took care of the Heavens keys was still believed in the countryside when I was I child and needs no more confirmation, and then the Catholic Church replaced him with Saint Peter, belief which is beginning to generalize among the Orthodox as well. That Saturn was called Saint or angel Ilie is confirmed in Paul Faures work (bib. 20, page 378), I quote only the knoll (95 m) of the Prophet Ilie, situated 500 m to the south of the settlement from Malia, and the acropolis of the Gortyn called Larissa, seem to be surrounded by ramparts in an ancient period. This knoll, the 95 m tall tower of the prophet Ilie is, in fact, the tomb of Zeus the Olympian (the Immortal), deceased in Crete (former Idaia) during the second Trojan war, war fought between Atlas (Trojan) and Zeus, when Zeus was killed by Python (name given to the head of the fleet). Zeus had taken also the attributes of Saturn. The people from the south wanted a Zalmoxis of their own, but it was refused by history because he didnt rise at Saturns value. It is said that,


originally, the Getae, as all the people from the north, cremated their dead, and the knolls existing today are nothing but ancient tombs where the cremated ashes should be, but later the southern peoples habit (the ones from around the Mediterranean) generalized and the dead were buried in graves shaped like mounds (knolls) and this is the explanation why not all the knolls are filled with the bones of the dead. The fact that Zeus was killed in Crete, former Idaia, was also confirmed by Diodorus in Book V, page 389, I quote all of them (locals and Immortal = Atlanteans) decided that he would be their king forever and that Olympus was to be his place. It was also ordered to be brought to Zeus bigger offerings than the ones for the other gods; and after he rose from Earth to Heaven, in the souls of all who believed in him faith would sprout that he was the master of all celestial phenomena, of the rain, the lightning, the thunder and of other such things. And thus Zeus, after death, becomes prophet Ilie. It is said that Python, probably Perseus, or maybe Saturn, and by Python I mean the leader of the fleet in time of war, was killed in his turn by Apollo, and Apollo cant be other than Ammon, I quote Apollo who, after killing Python, found his refuge near Karmandor from Tarrha, in Crete (Bib. 20, pages 399-400). The Titans found him there and killed him and thus the Gods Dynasty ends. I must specify that the Gods Dynasty began with Zeus, Ra according to the Egyptians, Helios according to the Greek, similar, at the Romanians, to the Basarabi and Muatini Dynasties. From the name Zeus, the brother of Uranus, continued through his successors, a kings dynasty appeared and so the term of Gods appeared as well. Zeus and Saturn are known to be the possessors of the bolts of lightning and rolls of thunder and the previous excerpt confirms the name of Saint or Apostle Ilie, given to Saturn, because Zeus the Olympian (the Immortal), was from the Immortals dynasty, being the son of the Titans Rhea and Cronos, thus considering himself the heir to his uncles, Saturns, acts. The fact that Zeus is also Zalmoxis is confirmed by Diogenes (Laertius, IIIrd century B.C.), who says, I quote The Getae call Saturn Zalmoxis, and the historian Mnaseas from Patre states that the Getae


adore Saturn, who they call Zalmoxis (Bib. 22, page 36) and from the same author, at page 18, Clement from Alexandria is also precise; he calls the prophet of the Dacians Zalmoxis, the Hyperborean. Herodotus (484-425 B.C.) in his Histories (IV 94), claims that, along with Zalmoxis, another name appears at the Getae, namely Gebeleizis, I quote They consider that the dead people do not die, but they go to their god Zalmoxis, which some of them think its Gebeleizis. The fact that Zalmoxis is the same person as Saturn is proven by the words of Diogenes and the fact that Zalmoxis and Gebeleizis are the same person I will prove later, based on the popular tradition. According to Mircea Eliade, Patterns in Comparative Religion, page 173, it is confirmed that the prophet Ilie is one and the same person as Zalmoxis and Gebeleizis, I quote The fact that the Romanian popular mythology contains, in relation to the prophet Ilie, numerous elements belonging to a storm god ended up by merging the images of Gebeleizis and Zalmoxis, but also Eliade defines Gebeleizis as the god of the war, called Ilie. In conclusion, Saturn is also Zalmoxis and Gebeleizis and the Saint Ilie and helps the Divinity, being considered, even today, by the believers, Gods help and, not a very long time ago, he was thought to be the keeper of the Heavens keys, according to the popular tradition, facts which are proven in the previous excerpts. Actually, the word Ilie was found at the Sumerians as well, under the form of Iliu, and at the Assyrians, as Ilu, which in their language meant god. That Saturn was the king of the sky tells us Dionysius Periegetes, IInd century A.C., in his work Around the world (Bib. 12, page 293), when he speaks about the Columns of Hercules, I quote, at first devoted to Saturn, the god, which represented the great Divinity of the endless sky, and Eliade and Culianu (Bib. 18, page 234) state that under the name of Gebeleizis, Zalmoxis is still a celestial god. The question would be: why do two names appear at Herodotus, both Zalmoxis and Gebeleizis? In order to answer this question, I will resort to the folk tradition.


Before doing that I remind that Dion Chrysostomos (John Chrysostom Golden Mouth), 40-120 A.C., who passed by through Dacia and whose work no longer exists, but which was studied by fragments by Iordanes, according to him, had said that the Dacians (Getae) were, in popular jargon, divided in two categories: the young ones were called wolves, while the elder ones were called bears. This classification was actually true, even though at the first glance it doesnt seem to. Indeed, after the behavior, energy, way to think and even physical aspect, these symbols would be real. I remind the fact that, from the word wolf (lup, in Romanian) derive also the words fight (lup-t), fighter (lup-ttor) etc. The popular tradition says that the year was divided in two equal parts. The first half of the year, from the winter solstice to the summer solstice, was the period of the working people, of the ones who handled the agricultural (who pplant the seeds in the earth), and the second one was the period of the lazy people, who reaped the harvest, whether it had been cared for by them or not. Another folk tradition says that the first half of the year, from the winter solstice to the summer solstice, was the victory of the good and the light over the darkness and the forces which generated the darkness, the victory of Godm helped by Saint Ilie, against the forces of evil. Indeed, in this period, the daytime lasts 6 hours longer. The second half of the year, was the victory of the forces of the darkness against the forces of good, made possible by the treason of Saint Ilie who had passed to the evil side. In this last situation, the first part of the year would be that of Zalmoxis and the second one, that of Gebeleizis, and this is why Herodotus says that the Getae, I quote, they shoot arrows skyward in time of storm (Bib. 21, page 29), but this gesture takes place only in the second half of the year, because they disagreewith the passage of Saint Ilie to the other side, to the dark side, along with those who want war, and this act is actually a protest against his treason. Because of this change of camps and especially to cause war, Saturn was labeled as a symbol of evil by the southern people. Saturn, also called Seth by the Egyptians, became Sata and then Satan and, at the Sumero-Babylonians, Nergal. In those days, the reasoning of the Getae was not understood, because this passing is nothing else but the opposites which succeed, but


do not annihilate themselves, which we now call Yin and Yang philosophy, known today, but misunderstood then, and this gesture of treason was mandatory for an evolution even by sacrificing its prestige for a while. It is the spiral evolution of the world, the spiral itself, and this proves the high level of the Getic wisdom and knowledge, probably in other fields as well, knowledge which surpasses by far the understanding capacity of the people then and even that of some people nowadays, who do not accept a necessary evil, which would eventually bring something good. It is, in essence, also the representation of the snake Uroboru, a snake in shape of a circle, which bites its tail, where the head represents the matter, the body is the soul and the tail is the symbol of the energy. The soul is the energy which becomes matter but which auto-regenerates itself, for a while. It is the circle which transforms into a spiral, the caduceus, the wisdom, the eternal life, a life gained through death, but which excludes death, the immortality, shortly, it is the essence of the Getic religion. Even when one draws a circle, in the first part one does it clockwise and in the second part one draws the other way around. This means symbolism, at an esoteric level, the life and death infinitely, the opposites which succeed themselves, the evolution and the involution of a solar system. It is known that the Getae calculated everything on Earth and in cosmos by regular numbers or cardinal numbers and circle and it is also known that they would take an oath not to leave anything written. And still, from Pythagoras we find out many things. Now it is common knowledge that Pythagoras was a Dorian (another name given to the Getae). Besides the fact that he was called by his students, and not only, a Hyperborean Apollo, Porphyry, in his work, The Life of Pythagoras, he says, despite our knowledge today that neither Pythagoras, nor Socrates, wrote anything. Pythagoras did wrote in Dorian and only in Dorian, and this confirms his Dorian origin, bib. 19, page 33, I quote these treatises (Pythagorass) were written in Dorian. Pythagoras recorded many things about the Dorian world, such as: the belief in the Divinity and the immortality of the soul, reason for which he was close to losing his life, I quote Pythagoras, we know you as a wise and clever man, but as we dont have anything to set straight in our laws (their religion and beliefs), we will try our best to respect them as such (bib. 19, page 35), philosophy, cosmos, humanity


etc., even the tetrad so little understood then and even today. Apparently, the tetrad would be the sum of the numbers from 1 to 4 which theoretically are 10, where 1 is the point, 2 is the line, three is the plane and 4 is the solid. The sum of them is a triangle, but it was ignored the fact that this tetrad is in fact a triangle in a circle in which the dimension if the triangle depends on the dimension of the solid. From here, the real science of the cosmos begins. If we would find at least the Dorian writings from the time of Pythagoras or the ones of the Atlanteans, we would probably save many centuries of efforts to know the cosmos. Then, science and religion went hand in hand. Afterwards, the priests made an amazing discovery. They realized that, even by ignorance, they would earn the same money. For some of them, science was tiring and, for most of them, it was an unsurpassable obstacle. The conclusion was obvious. Science gad to be obstructed and, if possible, destroyed. From this struggle, science prevailed and, in the same time, civilization. I mention that, today as well, many mix up the digit/figure with the number. The figure is only earthly, while the number is cosmic as well. There are different interpretations, some of them surprising, regarding the origin and signification of the word Zalmoxis. I find more converging explanations. The word Zalmoxis may come from zamol, which means bearskin and I dont deny that it might be true, but there are also other logical explanations for the meaning of this word. It was noted above that he Dacians and the Getae were divided into two categories: the young one called wolves and the old ones called bears. According to our knowledge, the wisdom (not to be mistaken with the intelligence) comes with the age. Today as well, when you see an old man who you think went through a lot, has seen a lot and knows many things, you consider him a wise person. But there are also intelligent children who say wise things, we then consider they talk like old men (not like wise men), or, this innate intelligence can be called zamol, and we can say about those children that they were born with a bearskin clothing. I believe that the Getae, in their religion, believed in a wise man Zalmoxis and in a warrior Gebeleizis who were, in fact, one and the same person.


The second explanation would be that Zalmoxis is a word formed from Za or Sa and Mol. Sa or Za mean of earthly origin, while mol was the word for talisman. The proof is in the Odyssey of Homer, when Ulysses reaches the island where his companions were transformed into pigs and he doesnt suffer the same transformation because he had a talisman (a mol). The Greeks called it the grass of Cyrce. It is possible that the mol was the withered plant used as a talisman and, the soma, the liquid resulted from pressing the plant, or maybe the infusion made from the plant which proves to be the mandrake or the Laurel. Certain is the fact that we know little about the alkaloids of these plants. Nobody knows what the talisman contained, but it is known that the Titans consumed the soma, which is why it was called the drink of the Titans, which some believe to be the pine needles drink, tea that contains an appreciated quantity of ephedrine. Today still, the Orthodox Church uses the basil (another aromatic plant) to prepare the holy water, because as any aromatic substance, it prevents the development of bacteria in the water. It was much written about the soma. Mircea Eliade (bib. 28, page 221) offers another version on this drink, I quote In fact, many texts mention that the soma grows on top of the mountains (RV X, 82, 3) thus, in the Center of the World, where Heaven communicates with Earth or the peaks belong to the transcendent world and are assimilated to the sky. The preparation of the soma is made by the pressing of the plant, but there is no mention as to which kind of plant it was, which led to the mistaken belief that is was the mushroom Amanita muscaria. This idea is wrong because not only that this fungus is not a plant, nor does it grow on top of mountains, but it is also only hallucinogen, which is impossible to accept, as all the hallucinogens used today in India, because it was the drink of the un-dead (amrta), and more, I quote, we have found the Gods (page 221). It is not excluded that the soma be the same as the heavenly manna, the drink and the food of the angles, which was the dew from the apple leaves, and that apple might have grown on the mountain. We do not know its effects, the effects of the pressing of the apple leaves covered by dew. The apple is the tree (plant) of knowledge, and, at the Romanians, the ash is the tree of knowledge. As there are so many


versions, we do not know the truth yet about the soma. It would make sense to be the ash tree, especially because the Goths thought it to be the cosmic tree and named it Yggdrasill, tree which has its roots in the sky while its branches stretch down to Earth. I have a different explanation of the word Zalmoxis, namely that Zamol is nothing else than a word composed from mol, the talisman of immortality, and zemo, which comes from the pressing of the mentioned plant, from which the juice results (zeam, in Romanian, or zam, in a popular version). Given this argument (if it were accepted), whe word would be zam + mol = zamol, which would mean soma, thus immortality. Another version would be soma + talisman or soma + mol = Somol, then Samol or Zamol. More difficult to explain its the termination XE (Zalmoxis, in Romanian is Zamolxe), which can be he, sc, ycs, ch, hcs, hc. At the ancient Egyptians, ch means star, or maybe hikehk, with the meaning of fluid, spiritual substance, or, as Romanians would put it, godsent. His is confirmed by the quotation from bib. 8, page 373, The belief in a Hike force, which permeated both the gods world and the phenomenal world and which could be influenced both by religion and by magic, or, at page 372, I quote The gods world is saturated by a fluid substance which they called Hike, that has a supernatural action on the empirical phenomena, representing the substrate that magic could manipulate because it fills the gods and all the things in the world. Hike is, therefore, similar to the manna or the soma. Personally I think, and I doubt I am wrong, that the soma is the drink in which the atropine (Atropa Belladona) is found, which is extracted from the plant in some parts called mandrake and, in others, laurel. The atropine has three large effects (among others), it favors breathing by removing the pulmonary secretions, it is vasodilator and antitoxic. It is known as an antidote to the intoxication by organo-phosphorous and organo-chlorinated. In this case, the immortality begins with life prolongation, thanks to its three effects. I personally believe that the soma is the atropine extracted from laurel and mandrake, and I am based on: 1. The word mandrake has, as equivalent in the old Egyptian writing, the consonantal writing. Thus, this word would be written M.T.R. G.N. At the Egyptians, the word N.T.R. means gods and G.M.-J is to find,


where j, in the old Egyptian writing, was the ending for nouns (bib. 8), thus, the word mandrake means we have found the gods or the immortality. This was the role or the purpose of the soma. 2. The word laurel is still used today in expressions such as laurel wreath or laureate, which were attributed to persons with outstanding merits, having soma as equivalent. 3. This logic is confirmed by the quotation (bib. 24, page 250): (the soma) ensures prosperous health, postponing or even eliminating death and especially maintaining the beauty and youth in women and the strength and vigor in men. It is known that, in the Antiquity, women used atropine to maintain their beauty, substance we now call today atropa belladonna, and the word belladonna means beautiful woman. This was the great secret of the Titans (soma was at first considered the drink of the Titans) and Gods, this was the drink of immortality, drink which was extracted from laurel and mandrake. In this case, the grass of Cyrce from which the talisman was made, under the name of mol, no other than the mandrake or laurel. From this plant, the moll was made and, from its juice, the soma. This explains the name of Zalmoxis, which comes from soma + mol = somol, the Zamol or Samol and, later Zalmoxis. This is confirmed by the quotation from bib. 20, page 439: the mysterious moly or the root of Circe, that living herb that allowed Ulysses to escape the charms of that witch. Would that plant with a black root, difficult to pull out of the ground, and a milky flower, have been some Liliaceae, some version of Gentian or a Mandragora?. Two things are confirmed by this excerpt. The white flowers are of the laurel and the black root is of the mandrake. It is difficult to say if these plants were used separately or in a mixture and in which proportions, because both of them contain atropine. However, Homer, in the Odyssey, Book XXIV, verse 19, offers us the possibility to analyze a different plant called asphodel. In conclusion, wheter zamol means bearskin or it describes a person born with wisdom, be that mol is a talisman or soma + mol, the word Zalmoxis represents a person, a saint, endowed with divine powers, powers that offer the immortality to the faithful, the continuation of life after death, and is the essence of the Getic religion and, later, the Geto-Dacian one. This is confirmed by Mircea Eliade, when he says that a man is born twice; the first time, when he is given birth by his parents, and the second


time when he dies and reenters the existence, thus, he continues to exist after death, he is immortal. The fact that Zalmoxis was a Getae is accepted by all and the fact that he lived before Pythagoras is stated even by Herodotus, I quote I think that Zalmoxis must have lived many years before Pythagoras, and Carol Lund (Bib. 6, chapter The Laws of Zalmoxis) says that these laws were made in the XIIth century from the Making of the World, probably 12 centuries after Noes flood. About the laws of Zalmoxis, Diodorus has more information, saying that he had got them from his mother, Gaea (Glia), I quote To these so-called Getae, who think they are immortal, Zalmoxis said that he too was given the laws by Hestia, their deity (bib. 9, page 101). This excerpt as well confirms the antiquity of Zalmoxis laws. As Zalmoxis also had the title of IO (the only master) and ruled an immense territory, the title was kept and used also by the Romanian rulers and Zalmoxis laws were called, millennia later, the Wallachian laws, this being noted, we can say that all the laws which appeared after Zalmoxis had their origins and roots in the laws Zalmoxis enounced, also called Saturn and known in religion as Saint Ilie. The old Zalmoxis, the one from Pythagoras time, is out of the question, because Herodotus and other ancient writers would have otherwise. The Titans, the Atlanteans, the Giants are considered immortal in all treatises, but immortal had been the Greeks as well, and the Goths, the Gauls, the people from the north of Asia, including the Balki (the Afghanistan today) and even the Viking, thus the territory Plato called Atlantis or the country of the Rams, because current Spain and Italy were islands back then, inhabited by the Pelasgians (pelas = island) and the inhabitants south the Sea Tethys, and the Oceans horn in Uranuss time, Poseidons sea in Saturns time, Atlantic Sea when Atlas (Trojan) was a king and a king of the kings and, later, the Sarmatic Sea, in Sarmis time (Hermes), and these people from south the water and south of Atlantis were called Arameans (not-rams or others than the Rams), term which lasted for a long time in history, and the Aramaic writing was used by the Essens even in the time of Christ. It is possible that the people of the territory inhabited by the Arameans were different than the Rams (which is hard to believe), because through their religion, their faith in the gods , the polygamy, the burial ritual and the purification of the soul after death, their


belief in the Inferno and Hell, where, according to the Egyptians, the soul was weighted by Osiris and afterwards went to stay forever among the stars (specific belief for the populations south the Mediterranean), and the Gre|ek believed that the soul went to the Inferno after crossing a river, the Styx or Letho (the forgetfulness water), after surpassing the obstacles whose answers it needed to know during life ?! (how could it have known since it was crossing Letho?) after which the soul was purified by torture, most frequently related to fire (belief that exists today as well at the Christian Church), so that the purified soul would reincarnate through rebirth and not necessarily in human beings, and later this belief (of the purification of the soul in Hell) was continued by the Cathari (cataros = clean, pure, at the ancient Greeks, bib. 8, page 422). The Cathari were killed by the Catholic not because of their faith, but because they were called Cazari (th in Greek is s or z in old Latin, theo? god), Cazari who led Europe for over 1000 years both politically and economically. The faith in the gods exists today as well in India, even though this belief has suffered modifications in time, modifications which led to the oblivion of their main god, Indra, who, judging by his attributions was Saturn, their former king. In India, the problem is more complicated because we have relatively recent data and this data appear 2000 years B.C., in the same time with the apparition of the Vedas, period which corresponds with the occupation of India by Sesostris I, pharaoh of Egypt, 1962-1928 B.C., (Diodorus, Book I, chapters 53-59), and where there is some Egyptian influence, at least as far as the polytheism is concerned, polytheism discreetly introduced in philosophy on a previous background of monotheism, the latter discreetly kept in the Vedas and in the Upanishades, even by the fact that every single Vedic prayer begins with the word OM (aum), which at the Rams was called angel or saint, native who then, as now, by his actions and through his deeds in life, becomes a saint, not a god, after death. The Hindu kept the prayer for the mountain from ancient times, being known that the priests would say it on a mountain, at a height similar to the cone frustum set on a square basis. At the Sumerians, the ziggurat itself meant mountain, as I have stated (Bib. 25, page 777).


From the ancient times until today, a custom was kept in India the washing of the sins according to which it is enough to bathe in a river in order to be pure afterwards, without sin, no matter its gravity. This custom is very old and can be observed at all the nations, keeping the Indian essence, under various aspects, such as: a washing habit when entering a temple or, today, in the mosque, or even the Christian baptism , even though a child is considered to be pure, I believe that it is through this gesture that the hereditary sin is washed. The belief of the Getae, according to Herodotus, revolves around Zalmoxis, who in fact was Saturn, their king, who was afterwards called Saint Ilie. According to Strabo, the supreme god (for the Greek) of the Getae is nameless, which means that Zalmoxis was not the supreme god, and after Trajan and many others, the death, for the Getae, was a joy, a positive thing. Diodorus says that the ancestors of the Getae, the Titans, were the sons of the earth, the sons of Gaea, Glia, which is, in fcat, the origin of the word Getae. They all called them Immortal and some of the ancient writers, who have dealt with this issue, considered them the sons of the sky/heaven, the sons of An (An was the sky), even though I think that An comes from the calendar year, from time, thus the correct form would be sons of eternity. All these attributes given to the Getae and to their ancestors, the Titans, the Giants and the Atlanteans, seem abstract and hard to believe. None of them explains their belief; they only talk about their religion and, even so, only part of it. In my opinion, logically analyzing both the displayed data as well as other sources, the Getae belief would be as follows: if we excluded the natural parents, then the soul would be the gift of the Divinity and this Divinity (God, Dumnezeu) would be the Father, the Heavenly Father, and the Getae his children, the sons of God. Given this, the mother of the Getae was the land, Gaea, Glia, Titaia, Bentis, and, as such, they were the sons of the earth, because the human body grows on what the land produces; the food (for all ages, child, grown up or old man) is produced on the land and, after death, it is considered the sinful part. If the soul was and is the divine component, the body was the sinful part, an earthly component, which, as part of the earth, was required to


remain there. This is confirmed by bib.21, page 68, I quote The soul is, during the earthly life, still shackled to the body, and it has to be released in order for it to be able to rise up to Heaven. Death is its freedom, and further on, In the religion of Zalmoxis, the souls, even during the earthy life, are of divine essence. Their immortality begins with their creation, only it doesnt manifest as such until they have left the carnal coat of the body. Since the Getae were considered and considered themselves Immortal, then the earthly component from their belief is not excluded and, in this case, they believed that their home was in Heaven and Earth was nothing but a temporary residence, the body in its earthly existence being only the equivalent of a prison for the soul. They were happy to die in order to go back home. They were sent on Earth by the Divinity with a purpose or by the divine wish, where they were led by Saturn, their former king, who they called Zalmoxis, the wise king (as explained above) or immortal king, who then is called Saint Ilie (Ilu = god, in Sumerian, Il = god, in Assyrian, Diodorus, page 185, the equivalent of the roman word Deo or the Greek word Theo = the one who sees and knows everything, and the term god for them was used by us as the word saint, and this is why Zalmoxis was called a god, in their terms of understanding. Once arrived on Earth, the Getae had to take care of two things; firstly, they had to be honest and avoid sins because if they had committed a great sin, which in the Romanian tradition also is called mortal sin, an ambiguous expression for us nowadays, if someone had thus committed such a sin, they were condemned to the eternal death, with no chance of forgiveness, as the custom or belief was among the Arameans , the Pelasgians and all the other nations from around the Mediterranean. They didnt have a Hell or an Inferno and didnt need one because, the ones condemned to the eternal death, presumably arrived in the Arctic area, the area of the everlasting frosts, were condemned to froze to death, the body as well as the soul. The second concern of the Getae was the effort not to make any sins in order to be allowed to go back to Heaven, Parnassus (the mountain with many peaks) or the Elysian Fields (the space between the White River River Alb, Olb and the Black River, also called the living water and the


dead water), where they lived a calm and peaceful life. If, in their dignified and honest life, they had the opportunity to commit an heroic act, including a honorable death, then (after death) they had a privileged position among others and were rightfully invited to the Divine Banquets. The divine banquets are graphically represented in what we now call the Thracian Knights where the existence of two symbols was compulsory: the fire, which was the symbol of the priests, and the snake (the dragon, which symbolized the fight, the war) and was the symbol of the military. They were immortals because they thought they had a divine origin. They were sent by the Divinity (their Lord and today our own) on Earth, while the life on Earth was only a temporary home for them, after which their souls went back to Heaven. They were the armies of Heaven/the sky (even Christ reminds them), led by their former king Saturn, called Zalmoxis by Herodotus, and Saint Ilie afterwards (the Getae had saints, not gods), who actually decided their return or their punishment, according to the Divine will, he being only the help of the Divinity and the master of lightning, thunder and rain. Also Herodotus says bib. 21, page 62, Neither him (Zalmoxis), nor his guests or their descendants will die, instead they will only move in a place where living forever they will get all they would ever want. The Getae were (as I mentioned) also the sons of the sky/Heaven and, in a way, they were right, because Uranus was the Sky (Diodorus, page 255), as was Saturn, but Saturn embodied both peace and war, and they lived, as Plato describes, in a high land in the country of the Rams (better known as Atlantis), where, in the lack of Bosphorus Strait (it didnt exist yet at that time), the level difference of the water was 200 m higher than the water level of the Mediterranean Sea and the worship institutions (the cone frustum on a square basis) can still be found today, in the form of hillocks or the Cetuia Mountain, 200 m higher from the Black Sea (the Nordic Sea). In my opinion, during Trajans war against Decebalus, the priests did not participate at the battle and, apparently, the Geto-Dacian religion has suffered modifications ever since, modifications which still exist today, because in 290 A.C. the territory was already organized from a religious


point of view, so, less than 20 years from the Roman withdrawal from the occupied territory (271 A.C.). This implies that the actual religion exists for longer than that and, in this case, we are not surprised neither by the assertion of Flavis Joseph that the Dacian religion was similar to the Essenian one, nor by Constantin Ists decision to make the Christian religion the official religion of the Roman empire, especially on the background of the assumptions that his mother, Helena, was a Getae by origin. However, Mircea Eliade (bib. 28, page 77) sets the conversion to Christianism of the Romanian around the year 270 A.C, I quote All the aspects related to Zalmoxis religion encouraged the rapprochement to Christianism. The best and the simplest explanation of the disappearance of Zalmoxis and his cult should be looked for in the early Christianism of Dacia (before 270 A.C.). Given this, Dacia was already a Christian territory during the Roman invasion. Undoubtedly, this Christianization was made 50 years earlier from the Edict of Milan from 313, given by the emperor Constantine I, that proclaimed the introduction of the Christian religion in the Roman Empire. Now it is known why Romania doesnt have a fixed date of the Christianization, like all the other Christian countries, because the faith at the Getae remained the same for millennia. Only a few names were changed for it to reach the Christian-Orthodox form we know today. 1. Then, as nowadays, it is believed in one cosmic Divinity which was the Heavenly Father, also called Our Father or The Lord, the same we now call God (Dumnezeu) word which comes from the word divine written in consonants, as in the south, which is DVN = DUM ne e zeu, in translation, DUM is our God. 2. Today, as then, it is believed in the immortality of the soul, in the fact that the soul is a divine gift offered to the people by God (the Divinity), and, by this gift, he is Our Heavenly Father. 3. Today as well any man has two lives, an earthly one, and another one in Heaven, after death. 4. Today as well the sinners are condemned to the eternal death; now, this happens through suffering in the torments in Hell, while then it was reached by destroying the soul.


5. Today as well we celebrate Christmas (Crciun, in Romanian), which in fact is Saturn and we celebrate Saturn, and the month of December, in the olden days, was Saturns, who is the ancestor of the Getae and their great leader, king and emperor, and his successors are nothing but branches (cci-un) from the everlasting, evergreen tree which many millennia ago was Saturns, also called Zalmoxis, the first Zalmoxis. Moreover, until 2 or 3 centuries ago, the Romanian rulers used the same title, Saturns title of IO (IO Mircea voievod or IO tefan cel Mare) and the Getic population kept the old name of Wallachians (Vlahi) or Blachi, name which comes from the black color attributed to the people in the north the North was called Black. 6. In that time, Apollo the son of Latona (the twins Apollo and Selene, the moon), probably abandoned by Latona and raised by the wolves, even though Latona (Saturns former wife) was represented by the lion in the north would come to the Hyperboreans (powerful, influential people), where he died and was reborn, according to some every year and to others every 19 years, and was celebrated for 3 days, from the spring equinox to the first decade of the moon in the month of May. Today, the same attributes belong to Christ. 7. Then, as now, there was the cult of the virgin with a child; this cult, the one of Hera, Maya with Hermes, Sarmis, the daughter of Atlas, Trojan, was practiced by the Heraclids, Heras priests (cleos means worship, glory). Hera was both the woman with a child and the virgin with a child and, at least in Crete (former Idaia, there where the Trojan war took place) there is written evidence on this Cretan tradition. Today the same cult exists, but with Mary, who gave birth to Christ and he is not even her first born. At least then, there was a logic to this, that Hera, if she bathed in a certain lake, she became virgin again. 8. Until a decade ago, the death resurrection idea existed, resurrection which had to take place 2000 years later, a dogma intentionally forgotten nowadays, and the first man in the world who enounced this idea was the last Zalmoxis, the one contemporary with Pythagoras. Then, it was attempted the change of the belief of reincarnation through rebirth in the idea of reincarnation through resurrection (by resurrection, people would come back among the living in the same state as when they died).


9. Today, as well as then, the same ritual is used. Then, it was the soma, the juice of a plant (bib. 28), bread and wine, but today it is only bread and wine, which support the same belief in immortality, where the bread represents the body and the wine, the blood, then Apollos, now Christs. 10. Then, as well as today, it is believed that man has two components: the body, the earthly component, and the soul, the cosmic one. Today still persists the conception that Adam was made of clay, and the earthly component was the clay, at the stream of water (by stream of water, it is evoked the beginning of all things and phenomena now existing on Earth), by God, who gives him a soul (movement, energy). Due to the fact that the water in Europe flowed into the Aegean Sea, the territory of the Atlanteans is no longer a high land, so close to the sky that it was merely touching it, or at least they thought it did (see Plato), a holy country, then, due to all this, Hera or Maya had to modify this belief of inhabitants of the sky or sons of An, sons of the sky as the Getae were called, into the belief in the woman or virgin with a child, which persisted until today at the Christians and explains the continuity of the Getic religion until the present, as well as the fact that the Romanian do not have a precise date of the Christianization. To eliminate all doubts, I reproduce a fragment which proves the existence of faith and monotheistic religion at the Getae even from Sarmiss time (Hermes), the son of Hera and the one who followed her at the throne, many millennia ago (bib. 12, page 906). I quote Hermes, Lactantius tells us (Lactantius, 260-325 A.C., who between 303 and 311 wrote the paper Institutiones Divinae, where this excerpt comes from) wrote indeed many books on the knowledge of the divine things in which he asserts that there is only one God (Divinity) above all, whom he called deum et patrem (Lord and Father). At first I thought that, given the numerous battles and wars between the north and the south, at least the faith or the religion would be different. I was wrong. It is true that during the existence, the life of the kings from the Gods Dynasty, all the kings wanted to be Immortal and didnt even suspect that they would be replaced as Immortal in the beliefs and the


religion of their successors. The belief of the people in the south it seems to have been forced by Hera in order to glorify her former husband, Zeus. In the OGDOADA, the faith of the first Egyptians, Nun was the primordial water, the source and existence of life, as it is confirmed by Diodorus (page 31), I quote The Egyptians claim that the water was called Oceane, by their ancestors from the ancient times, which, in translation, would be the mother nurse, and which received the meaning of Oceanos from some of the Helenians (the existing water in Europe at that time). About this, the poet says: Oceanos, the starting point of the gods, and mother Tethys. The Egyptians imagine that Oceanos was the Nile, Neilus, Nereus, Num the primordial water where, according to them, the gods were born. Nun, the primordial water and parent of the gods and people also turns up in bib. 12, page 232-235, where the emphasis is on religious influence. Initially, I quote Here was the great divine river called Nun, parent of the gods, which flowed from west to east, the same as Oceanos potamos or the prehistoric Ister. Geography offers us four great rivers which flow from west to east: the Danube, the Amur, the Mississippi and the Amazon. Of these four, only the Danube, called Nun, is in question. Further, I quote By the suns boat, the souls of Osiriss faithful subjects passed over the River Nun (Styx or Leto at the Greeks) into this divine country, as the papyrusus shows us, in order to work the land, to plough, to sow and to reap, after which I quote Crossing over the River Nun, the Egyptian souls would present themselves at the judgment of the gods, in the place called the region of the truth, where an iron enclosure was found, called Rota and Rostau, then I quote And after the Egyptian deceased were investigated, purified and their hearts held the equilibrium of the balance, they went in the inferior divine region (submontane), which the Egyptians papyrusus call the place of the rebirth, the country of eternity, and at last, This region was inhabited by spirits and by people called Mani (ancestors), 8 feet tall (Rams Mani), and in the eastern side there were spirits and people called Harmakhis. It goes on and specifies the geographical area where this territory lay, I quote One of these peaks was the Mountain of Life (given the name, it is Mount Gugu), which was also called Manu. It was in the western side of the river Nun (Ocean) and on that side there was also the gate called Ser (Iron, Fier in Romanian),


where in the evening the solar disk passed by on its boat, so that the next day it returned on the horizon. As you can see, the divine area from the ancient times was the area between the rivers Olt, Mure and the Danube, area called by many authors the Holy Country, where Parnassus and the Elysian Fields are, and which today would be known under the name of Heaven. There, the passing from the earthly life to the heavenly one was made, in the olden days, and the way back. These were the beliefs and the faith of the people then. An interesting faith indeed. In the sacred territory, the Getic area, the country of the Rams and later Atlantis, people and spirits lived and worked together. Now we understand why the Getae and then the Sarmatians people were immortal. They couldnt have died because they were living in the territory where death and resurrection were common. Interesting is also that the Heaven and Hell were on Earth and much later, when the water from Europe withdrew to the Mediterranean and when Atlantis was an island no more (actually islands, because it formed a group of islands called the islands of happiness), the faith modified and the soul went to the other side, with no insight as in where that place was, faith which exists today as well at the Christians. It is known that the old Egyptians believed that the soul went to the stars. Also, that the Nordic people continued to believe in a single Deity later called God. I apologize again to those who do not share my opinion or trust the proof from that period. In closing this chapter, I will use an excerpt from Isidorus from Seville (VIIth century), which confirms my arguments, at least partially (bib. 28, pages 78-79), I quote So great was the power in war and so glorious in victories, that even Rome, winner of all people, suffered the yoke of captivity they imposed on it and, thus, the Getae became leaders of all people, who served them as subjects. If Rome hadnt occupied Dacia and a part of Gaetia, Rome had still been powerful today. An old Romanian saying goes like this: God doesnt punish with a stick and this has been proven by history. All in all, apparently, light defeated darkness. If we studied the history of Romania, we would find that, for millennia, all the great powers that tried to harm in any way or occupy this country have been destroyed by the Divinity, and a Romanian proverb says dust and powder were all that remained from them and their power.


I remember some hymn-verses spoken by an old man a while ago, when I was a stranger to the topic: O, mortal man, look at the sky to discover your soul There is Zalmoxis, your master and the servant of God. It is confirmed once more that the traditions and religion are not lost, no matter the times or the ages. It doesnt matter how long you live, what matters is how you do it, never complain you were wise, never complain you had no luck.



These dynasties were royal families who, during their lifetime, didnt think that they were going to become divinities and that people were going to pray to them. They all wanted to become immortal through their actions, not in a religious way, but in a practical one, in the sense that what they built was going to be remembered by their successors. The ones in the south believed in gods simply because the first king of the south was called Zeus and, if he had another name, than that name was the name of the divinity. The Gods Dynasty begins with Zeus, which later the Egyptians called Zeus-Ra and afterwards Ra (the sun), and the Greek called him Zeus Helios, to make the distinction between him and Zeus the Olympian (olympus = immortality). The Gods Dynasty continues with the gods Osiris, Ammon and it ends with Horus. This period is also referred to in books as Zep Tepi (the reign of the gods), coming from Tap Zepi (in the beginning, the first times). Nevertheless, in Zeuss royal family intruders penetrated, for instance, Zeus the Olympian, the son of the titans Rhea and Cronos, Isis, the daughter of Uranus and Gaea and the wife of Osiris, and Athena was their leader, but this doesnt justify her presence among the gods, neither by deeds of arms, nor by the good deeds, which are completely missing. The only reason would be that the Getae wanted to have a god of their own, because all the other gods were inhabitants from the country of the Rams, such as: Saturn, Neptune (Atlas), Gaea (Demeter by Dea Mater), Uranus


(the sky), Latona (Cybelle), Hera, Hermes etc. The multitude of gods in the south is also due to of their belief that the people who lived in sin are reborn in animals and the type of the animal is determined by the number and gravity of the sins they committed and perhaps this is the reason why Zalmoxis (the one from Pythagoras time) created the faith in resurrection from the dead or resurrection of the dead, idea in which the Christian believe today as well. The fact is that Christ is not the first to have come back from the dead, the Essens were, actually the former Mysians or Messiens, believers in the Divinity, the Heavenly Father. The Mysians who, at first, inhabited the Balkan Peninsula, the area between the Danube and the Hem Mountains (Balkans), priests of Apollo, that is, priests of Sarmis (Hermes), also called in writings Heraclids, the priests of the Virgin with a child, of Hera and Hermes, Apollo (Hermes) who came from the Letea island once every 19 years (period of time called Meton -), Mysians, some of who arrived in Asia Minor and, along with the Bythins, had their own Olympus. There is confusion between Apollo (Hermes) and Apollo, the son of Latona, one of the two twins, Apollo and Selene. Usually, the great priests were called Apollo in the south. The Egyptians have tried an adaptation of this belief, through the faith in Isis (Osiriss wife) with her son, Horus, but Isis was long gone before Horus was born, Horus who, in reality, was the son of Ammon (another Apollo). The fact is that, in history, the first man who got back from the dead, who was resurrected, was Zalmoxis (the last one, from Pythagorass time) andis is confirmed by Herodotus; India still keeps its belief in gods, even though they are not the initial ones, but the gods appeared after the year 2000 B.C. To set these things straight, we have to talk about the philosophical and life conception of the Immortal (Titans, Giants, Atlanteans and Getae), conception which was based on 3 principles. They believed in the Earth, they were the sons of the Earth, the sons of Gaea, the earth which raised them (ensured food) and where they led a first life, then in the Sky/Heaven, being also the sons of the sky/Heaven, the sons of An or the sons of the Divinity (God, where all the believers were the sons of God and were part of the Heavenly army led by Saturn, Zalmoxis or Apostle Ilie, also called Ilia in the south), where, after the earthly death, they lead a second life, belief which still exists among the Christians, life which is lived in


Heaven. The third principle was the time, and today, by what they called time, we understand the eternity, the infinite or the cosmos. The time, for them, was taboo, it was the measure of life and universe. The matter and the energy (the components of cosmos, along with space) had also a life, a time of their own. For them, the time was represented by a circle in which some events, positive and negative, were bound to repeat in a cycle. This repetition, after a while, went to another level, and thus the spiral was born, both the circle and the spiral being old Romanian symbols in the popular tradition. They also had a religious calendar, formed of two groups, each of three digits (which I am not going to speak about now), that, by their combination, certified all the important events. The first circle of time was once every 4 or 5 years, when they added a day. The second circle was 500 years later, when the Phoenix bird appeared, also called the Titanic Bird, name which was the proof of the ancient aspect of time calculation at the Getae and at Sarmisegetuza. A sencond Phoenix, son or daughter, was taking the body of its father in the city of the Titans, Titaia, also called the city of the son, in order to burn it and for another one to be born from its ashes, who would have lived another 500 years, bird with was born and fied in 24 hours and corresponded, according to their time calculation, with the appearance of a different day (one more day). The third circle was at 5512 years, when apparently a new society was bound to appear, a new era. It seems that it wasnt by luck that the magus or wise men (the priests of the mysiens/mezilor) were looking for a sign 5508 years later. Besides the principle mentioned above: the earth, the sky and the eternity, which was confused with divinity, the Titans, the Dorians, in particular, had a second principle, namely that everything on earth and in the sky (cosmos) was divided in three, everything had a beginning, a middle and an ending. Another principle is the one illustrated by Pythagoras through the tetrad, where, wrongly we make an addition with the result of 10. In reality, 1 represents the divinity, 2 represents the opposites which annihilate themselves, 3 is the above mentioned principle that everything has a beginning, a middle and an ending, and 4 are the opposites which succeed themselves without annihilating each other, which we call today Yin and Yang. If we added also the man, who is the creation


of the Divinity, which is in fact life, then we reach 5. This represents the triangle, the square and the circle in symbology and, apparently, this also explains the theorem of Pythagoras, theorem which, in my opinion, was known earlier, possibly from the time of the Titans, if we accepted what the Porphyr said, that Pythagoras used the Dorian treatises, thus, all he said was nothing but Dorian science, knowledge we use today through Plato and Aristotle, and, to our shame, we could not improve for 2500 years, except for the experiments me make. These principles correspond to what Pythagoras said that, from chaos (darkness), - 2-, though will (the Divine will), -1-, order was created, -3-, which is supposed to lead to harmony, -4-, and he is right, because they result in 10 (see the cardinal numbers symbology), they make a 10 pages book. This proves that what is called Creation in the Bible, in the Old Testament, in fact belonged to the Titans, but, unlike us, they used the act of the Creation and the logic to explain it. Plato as well, in Critias, enounces as a means of the time calculation the time when the Atlantean kings met every 4 or 5 years (period which corresponds to the date when they added one more day to the 356 days of the year, custom which was preserved by the Dacians until Trajan), to weave the common affairs. I quote, Critias 119 d, page 233 There, every four or five years, thus honoring both odd and even numbers, the kings would gather to plot the common affairs, they verified if any of them had broken the law and judged the guilty ones. In conclusion, the three principles are: the land, the sky (the Divinity) and the time (the cosmos, the infinite, the eternity). Knowing these principles, we understand better their civilization, a civilization which, before the flood, thus the coming of planet Venus in our solar system, was more developed than ours is today and which has been lost, in time. We even understand the writings of the ancient, which were based on legends and vanity, and therefore they willingly or unwillingly made mistakes. It is known that the Getae, as far as symbology is concerned, based their assumptions on digits and on the circle. The digits and the calculation are earthly, and the number (the cardinal number) was the Divinity, the cosmic components and the principles of cosmos. Do not mistake the digit with the cardinal number. The digit is the regular number. The circle is the time, the eternity. The


circle is composed from the circumference and the center of the circle. The center of the circle was the matter, the tridimensional living or unliving, it is the starting point and the ending of all the things and earthly phenomena. This point may become a circumference, such as a circumference may become a point. In brief, the matter gets transformed into energy and the energy gets transformed into matter. The circumference of the circle is time, energy, life, soul, immortality, eternity. Its about the opposites which attract themselves without annihilating each other, what we now call Yin and Yang. Is about the soul, which is immortal, about the energy which transforms into matter, but not entirely and can regenerate. It is the divine principle which is given, but also taken by God. The fact that the circumference is life, eternity and immortality is proven by itself, as well as by the aforementioned arguments. It also is the time and the principle which includes all the above statements and this can be explained in several ways. For us, the Romanian, the words time and times, even though they are apparently the same, have different meanings and they all refer to eternity, but through a present moment. At the Getae, the circle was both time and its calculation. Lets take, for instance, the calendar year which has 365 + 0,242199 days. Once every 100 years, 24 days must be added to the 365 days of the year. Given that the figure 24 is not other than 7 and that time calculation by the number of days is only made according to the digits of this number, taken two by two, thus, until the end of the 7 (if it even has an end), once every 10000 years, 21 more days are added and once every 1000000 years, 99 days are added etc. If we also took under consideration the fact that the day grows with 0,0016 seconds every century, we have the exact calculation of time on an infinite number of years, we have the time calculation formula of the Getae, who had inherited it from the old civilization. This calculation is found at Sarmisegetuza in the Ortie Mountains, in the Great Round Sanctuary. The fact is that the number = 3,1415926535 and especially what I call P = 0,14159265 was born from the time calculation and 7 offers exact data of time calculation for an infinite period of time and that is why the time and the infinite superpose. If at the birth of Christ the year was 5508, only the Getae could have offered this calculation, which could be proven by what is now found at Sarmisegetuza.


If we want to lose to previous civilization, then we should do that in our terms. Lets take the classical formula from physics, namely that space is equal with speed multiplied with time, S = V x T. the space is tridimensional, it is the matter, and the speed and time are measurements units of the energy. In this case, the matter is equal to the energy: M = E, logic which is valid both in cosmos and on Earth, by the total transformation of the energy in matter and of the matter in energy. The ones from the ancient times considered time a taboo, unchangeable, and, in this case, the variables were space ad speed. In my knowledge, two people have denied the eternity of time. Socrates, who said that time is not forever, it is the time as long as man existed, a different man, a different time, and Einstein, who denied the taboo value of time, unchangeable value, and said that time and space can be modified and that speed, the speed of light, is taboo. To be clear, I talk about the relativity theory and not about the restrained relativity theory. In this case, when speed is equal with time, the space no longer exists. If the speed is bigger than the time, then that would be going back in time, which is both absurd and impossible because the cosmic laws would be denied, there would be no more death and the matter would not regenerate anymore. If the speed is equal to space, than time would not exist, which apparently has a logic, but it is also an absurdity. If time expanded, than, space as well, the matter, expanded, but in a closed space, time expansion (the increase of energy) leads to the contraction of matter and then the logic that in cosmos there is nothing else than matter and energy becomes a certitude. In order to understand better the notion of time from the ancient times, we say that time is an energy measurement unit, but time was also a coordinate of matter, it was its life duration. According to them, time belonged to the matter and energy both. I hope that by explaining this, you will better understand the abovementioned statements. The matter or the energy cannot be separated from time, because by altering one of them, one alters the other as well. In conclusion, I have begun from a unanimously accepted formula, and if we took this formula under consideration, the theory of relativity does not exist, or it exists, but only in theory. It seems that, toward the end of his life, he realized the mistake and considered time as a taboo factor, which was the second mistake because, from the three coordinates, when two of


them are taboo, then the third one is taboo as well. This is where we all stop, because in cosmos there is no relativity, the cosmos has precise laws, unmodifiable ones, where the relation matter-energy cant surpass a limit, cant get out of the eternity. This being the case, we have a dilemma. We either consider that there is nothing else than matter and energy in cosmos, or we accept the logic of the Immortal, that time is taboo. Given this, we only have one solution, namely that there are two notions of time, a time of the planets, which can be modifiable according to the planet and its position towards the sun and a cosmic time, taboo, unmodifiable, and from this it would result that in the sphere of the eternity there is the life and death of the beings as well as that of the planets and solar systems and this logic is nothing but the science and religion nowadays. The pain and the dilemma would manifest if it were true, because then we would just be an infinite in a great infinity, there would not be forever and the eternity would only be a word because then everything and anything would be subject to destruction. This is possible, but hard to believe because, then, there would no longer exist the concept of immortality, or at least the immortality of the soul. I still believe that what the Divinity does is and will exist forever. I remain at the ancient writers conception that the Divinity cannot destroy its own creation because, if that happened, its creation would be senseless. The eternity doesnt need time, because time and eternity are the same. The eternity cant be modifiable, neither can time, only times duration is. His all life, Zeus (Ra) and his successors lived in the island Idaia, name which comes from Ida, Zeuss wife, after which, since the time of Amon, the island was subsequently called Crete, name it took from Amons wife, after his separation from Rhea. There are more and more opinions that Zeuss residence was Ilion (the city of the gods), whose location is not known today, it is thought to be around Mount Ida, even though later Osiris created the city of worship Thebaida, possibly also around Mount Ida, mistakenly called Thebes because the Thebes in Egypt was founded by Sarmis in the honour of Heras mother and was called (according to the Greeks) Herapolis, and later on Diospolis, and this is confirmed by Diodorus in Book I, chapter XV, page 33, I quote It is told that Osiris and his companions founded Thebaida, a city with 100 gates, in Egypt, also


called by the people Herapolis, after the name of the gods mother, the followers calling it Diospolis, and some of them Thebes. Misunderstanding hovers as to knowing the exact origin of this citadel. Neither the historians nor the Egyptian priests could get an answer for that. Many consider that Thebes was not built by Osiris and his companions, that many years later an ordinary king built it, who we will give details about when our story reaches the time period he lived in. the Egyptians tell that Osiris, in the honor of his parents, Zeus and Hera, built a temple, a worth mentioning one, by his greatness and richness. In this quotation, Diodorus makes the confusion between Thebaida and Thebes, then he manifests his disbelief that Thebes was founded by Osiris and ends by making the mistake that Osiriss parents were Zeus and Hera, when it is known that they were the parents of Hermes or Sarmis. It is thus confirmed that Thebes was built by Sarmis. The idea that the residence of Zeus-Ra and his followers was in Egypt is wrong, and neither do the Egyptian priests imperatively confirm it. The gods dynasty is ended by the death of Amon during the second war between Trojan (Atlas) and Zeus the Olympian, war which consumed its last episode in Crete, with Zeuss death. The Immortals dynasty begins with Uranus and Gaea, is then continued with Saturn, Latona, Trojan (Atlas), Hesperis or Themis (the wife of Atlas), Maya (Hera) and it ends with Sarmis (Hermes). From a duration point of view, the Immortals Dynasty lasts a lot longer than the Gods Dynasty. After the death of Sarmis, the history is quiet for 2-3 millennia. Less known in the writings is the name of Trojans wife, Hesperis and I quote In the country called Heperitis, there lived two famous brothers: Hesperos and Atlas Hesperos had a daughter called Hesperis, who she gave as wife to his brother Atlas. From her the country took its name (Plato calls it Atlantis). Hesperis gave Atlas seven daughters, called after their father Atlanteans and after their mother Hesperides(bib. 9, page 282). The seven daughters of Atlas are also called in literature Muses or Pleiades. The residence of Uranus was at Severin (the name of the city itself comes from the god Uranus god is zeu in Romanian Zeu-Uranus, SeUranus, Sevrin, than Severin, because the letter V in writing was read U,


and the Rams and their followers pronounced the letters as they were written) and the residence of Saturn and afterwards of Atlas was what Plato calls the island Atlantis, situated on the present course of the Danube, upstream and near the region called Cazane. The residences of Hera or Sarmis are not known there is not enough evidence to discover them, even though they might have been near the present city of Alba Iulia. The Immortals got their name given to the facts which survived in the memory of their followers until nowadays. They were also called sons of the sky, sons of AN, where AN was the sky or sons of Uran, their first known king, and also sons of the earth, the sons and descendents of Gaea, Glia, Titaia, Tethys or Bentis. Both the ones later called gods, as well as the immortals who were the Titans, the Giants, the Atlanteans, the Getae and even the Sarmatians, from a religious point of view, they all believed in a Cosmic Divinity, nameless, the Heavenly Father later called God, because in the afterlife they continued to live in Parnassus, as people still do today, when any Christian lives a second life after death, or maybe the same one, were we to consider the words of Paracelsus, as well as the fact that in the moment of death any man loses 18-25 grams in weight, which proves that the soul has also a material component, proof being the weight, as well as the possibility to keep the form of the body for an undetermined period of time, and any man today has the opportunity to live this second life in Heaven. It is true that the Rams country or, according to Plato, of the Atlanteans, which is in Europe today, was, then, a high country where the mountain was the praying place or, in the lack of the mountains, the ones in the south had to build towers (the Babel Tower), ziggurats or pyramids, which usually had stairs. The mountains from the Rams country, also called a holy country and, according to Plato, the holy island which was Atlantis (Critias 115b), and the mountains which, in their belief, touched the sky and thus created a connection with the Divinity. Of all their sacred mountains, Mount Godeanu stood up, with its peak Gugu, word which has an equivalent in Sumerian as gu-gu (bib 25, page 247). It seems that the souls of the deceased could only go to Parnassus or to the Elysian Fileds, Heaven today, through the peak Gugu. According to them, the mountain had a magical power to make man invisible, thus to help him go from life


to death and the other way around, to make him reborn or resurrect him by the will of the Divinity. This was Saturns mountain, also called Zalmoxiss mountain, mountain which turns up in writings as Kogaion, the first Zalmoxis, the author of the Belagines laws, later called the Wallachian laws and also of the laws of Zalmoxis. This monotheistic belief was modified and possibly completed by Maya (Hera), successor to the throne after Trojan, called by the people in the north the woman with the child, Maya, the eldest daughter of Atlas, and by the ones in the south the virgin with her divine child, Hermes, also called goddess (Ilia = goddess) with Hermes, the child of Zeus the Olympian and of Hera, and this created the premises of the belief in gods for the people in the south, where the ancient Egyptians also believed in Zeus, but Ra, and the Greek believed in Zeus the Immortal. This belief (monotheistic) was continued by the Heraclids (Heras priests, where cleos means to believe, to worship), which were then called Sarabs (Sarabi). The term of Sarabs is composed of the words Sar and Ban, where sar meant gentleman, leader, and ban was the administrator of a territory called bnie. The term Sarab appeared later by replacing the attributes of the Heraclids, when the kingdoms have crumbled, and it had a powerful religious aspect, but less marked than the one of the Heraclids. Until the Christian era and even later there was the faith that the cosmic Divinity, God today, was helped by angels and saints such as: Zalmoxis (Saturn) and Maya with Sarmis; according to the Greek, Sarmis was also called Apollo, which generated a confusion with Latonas children, the twins Apollo and Selene, children who were killed by the Titans in order to avoid a new distribution of the territory and new wars among their own, because the Titans ruled the kingdoms of Saturn (Poseidon according to Plato) and his children, in fact nine kingdoms plus the one of Prometheus, the son of his brother Iapetus, since Saturns tenth child was with Latona, the Nereid, also called Doris, where the name of the Dorians comes from, and Hesperos, the tenth child, went missing at the mountain while studying the stars.



1. ZEUS History begins with the existence of two brothers: Zeus and Uranus. Their parents are not known, nor is it known whether they had inherited a territory or they just called themselves kings over their kingdoms. The fact is that this happens after the biggest known flood, also known as Noes flood, which announced the beginning of the end of a civilization, 12 or 15000 years ago. It seems that before this, there was Nereus, since both Gaea and Latona were nereids, daughters of Nereus. It is possible that Diodorus called him Nileus or Oceanus, and Oceanus was Uran as well and this continuity of names, Oceanos, presupposes the continuity of the reign. If Cerna means cernit (gray, in Romanian), Bistria is gray and Nereus means black (negru, in Romanian). In the area of Severin and of the former capital of the Atlanteans, Atlantis, not to mention Sarmisegetuza, there are two rivers which bear this emblem, the river Mure and the river Nera. Today its more difficult to establish which one of them carried this emblem. Moreover, in this time the name of Doris appears, after which the nation of the Dorians is called, segment from the Rams territory, country called by Plato Atlantis. It is only known that Latona was also called Doris, but this title could be inherited. If the name of the river Olt comes from Olb, Alb, the river Alb (Alb in Romanian means black), and the river Mure was


black, the black river, and this space was sacred in the ancient times, then it is the possibility that Nereus was the river Mure. Uranus reigned over the northern area, the black area (Blah and later Vlah - Wallachian), namely the Europe today, the north of Asia including todays Afghanistan and Asia Minor and Zeus reigned over the suns area, the area where the sun was allpowerful, namely the north of Africa, the Middle East and India. Zeuss residence and that of the other gods was, apparently, Ilion (the city of the gods, ilu = god), city whose precise location is not known yet, but which must be in Crete. This city, considered a sacred one, is reminded by Homer in the Iliad. King Zeus marries Ida, who, according to some of the ancient writers, was Hyperborean by origin, aspect difficult to establish, and the island was later called Idaia. From Ida a mountain in Crete, considered a sacred mountain, was, and still is, called Mount Ida. From Zeuss marriage to Ida, according to some, ten children resulted, named curei, but only two of them are known for certain, the ones who followed their father on the throne: Osiris and Ammon. During Zeuss kingdom there werent any wars, given the fact that his relationship to his brother Uranus was good, to all appearances. Due to the fact that Zeus was king over the territory of the almighty sun, his succesors used the sun as symbol and later the sun became a divinity with a great impact, especially in the territory later called Egypt, under the name of Ra. Little did Zeus suspect that much later the Egyptians would bow, bend their knees or throw themselves face down on the ground at the hearing of his and his successors names. He only wished to be remembered by his good deeds, to be Immortal. 2. OSIRIS Osiris followed Zeus to the throne after his death, fact confirmed also by Diodorus in Book I, chapter XIII, page 32 And after Osiris married Isis and followed his father to the throne, he brought many benefits to the human race. Osiris married Isis, the daughter of Uranus and the sister of Saturn, and it is this marriage that made him want to be king over


the two kingdoms, which determined him to start a war against Saturn (Seth), war which brought him death (see the war of Saturn against Osiris). Osiris and Isis had two children, Anubis and Machedon, who died in the war Osiris fought against Saturn, and after their death Osiris and Anubis were thought, by the Egyptiens, to have become the judges of the dead. Osiris founded Thebaida, but not in Egypt, as Diodorus says, but in Idaia, as the name suggests, I quote It is said that Osiris and his companions founded Thebaida, a city with 100 gates (Book I, chapter XV, page 33). Osiris was also called Dionysos, actually he was the first Dionysos, title wore also by Horus later, I quote In the ancient days, at the Helenians, the mythology authors also called him Dionysos (Book I, chapter XI, page 30), and Isis was also called the ancient one, according to Diodorus, I quote The name of Isis, if we wanted to interpret it, means the old one this name coming from the ancient origin of the goddess (Book I, chapter XI, page 30). Even more so, at page 103, he says that the cult is also the same, I quote It is nothing more than a name difference between the ritual of Osiris and that of Demeter (Gaea, Dea-Meter), the resemblance between these two being striking. The same author, at page 33, confirms that Osiris is the son of Zeus-Ra, I quote Osiris liked the agriculture. He had been raised at Nysa, a citadel in Arabia, close to Egypt (Egypt and the Egyptians did not exist in those times). As he was the son of Zeus, the Helenians called him Dionysos, after his fathers name and the name of the city he was born in, and further he says Nysa, the city placed on a green mountain, far from Phoenicia and close to the Nile, and at page 103 we understand the reason why it was so far from Phoenicia and so close to the Nile, I quote But the poet calls the Nile Ocean, because the Egyptians, in their language, call the Nile Ocean. As we know, the Ocean was the water from the current plain of Europe, and given this, the Nile cant be other than the water which made the connection between the Tethys Sea and the Ocean (by then also called the Oceans horn, later, the Atlantic Sea and afterwards, until nowadays, the Sarmatic Sea, located in the Romanian Plain) and today that Nile is called Danube. The fact that that water segment was called, in the ancient times, Styx or Letho (the water of


forgetfuless) is confirmed by Diodorus at page 103 and by Homer in the Book XXIV. I quote from page 103 They were walking (the souls of the dead) along the shore of the Ocean, passing from the Glittering Rock (the White Rock according to Homer, possibly todays Mountain of the White Rock Muntele Pietrei Albe on their way to Mount Godeanu) and were heading toward the gates of the sun (Homer calls the Gate from the Sun, the southern gate) and toward the Dream People. They soon reached the pasture with asphodels, where the souls live, the ghosts of the worn out men. All has already been said about the sacred Mount Godeanu and his peak Gugu, but in this quotation the plant called Asphodel is mentioned, which probably had the quality to bring back on Earth those who lived on the other side, by rebirth or resurrection, and to help them lead another earthly life. The properties of this plant arent known, but its possible that this is the soma or the mol, the immortality plant we have already talked about. Its definition in the Encyclopedic Dictionary Britannica is Flower plant from the Liliaceae family Its name is quite widespread, but often is misused. The Asphodel of the poets is in fact the Daffodil and the one mentioned by the ancient was part of the Asphodelus genus. It is a herbaceous perennial plant, with narrow leaves and high stem on which white, pink or yellow flowers grow gathered in the form of a herringbone. As Ive said, Osiris, advised by 26 of his companions, wanted to conquer Saturns kingdom. Apparently, he had two reasons. He was married to the eldest daughter of Uranus so, he had the right after his wife, and Saturn, as Uranuss youngest child, had little or no right at all at the throne. In the war generated by Osiris, the final fight was in the Balkans, mountains which for a long period of time were called the Hem Mountains, due to the large quantity of blood spilt there. This war ended with Saturns victory, who, in his turn, was helped by 72 companions, among which Prometheus, Osiriss scribe and confident. Osiris is caught and killed on the October 17 (bib 9, page 111) and torn into 26 pieces. By this gesture, Saturn wanted to prove that the guilty ones for his death were his 26 advisers, Osiriss guilt being that he had listened to them. Each of the 26 men killed him by advising him wrongly. It is not excluded that some of them really wanted him dead.


After Osiriss death, Saturn becomes king over the southern territory as well and takes the title of IO, and the immense kingdom is divided between his ten children. Only from this moment forward can we talk about Egypt, because the territory which later became Egypt belonged to Saturns daughter, Rhea. After his death, Osiris becomes god for the Egyptians, judge of the dead along with his son Anubis. Interesting is the fact that the Egyptians had two sacred bulls, Apis (motley) and Mnevis (black), which, after their initials, are Osiriss two children. Isis as well, after her death, enters the gods world, I quote Like Osiris, she (Isis) after entering the gods world was given the same divine worship that is due to the Immortal (bib. 9, page 38). 3. AMMON Ammon is the brother of Osiris and the son of Zeus (Ra). In the writings, he is mentioned ad Ammon or Apollo and sometimes as Dionysos or Zeus. During the war against Saturn, Ammon was the great priest, even though in those times the king was not necessarily a priest as well. As a priest, Ammon was called Apollo and he was a Mysian (a chosen one, sent on Earth by the Divinity)or mesian, because the priest was handling the sacrifice of the animals and the sharing of the food among those present, meseni. Before the battle against Saturn, Ammon had already considered himself the great priest of the two kingdoms and took the title of Musaget, thus, Priest of the Getae, I quote The Egyptians tell that Apollo led the (the Muses), due to which he was given the title of Musaget (bib.9, page 35). After Osiriss death, Apollo remained in Idaia as a simple priest. Egypt was given to his daughter, Rhea or Pandora. At the Rams, Dora meant beautiful and Pandora was synonym with a great beauty. Ammon marries Rhea and becomes, in a way, king of Egypt, I quote Ammon got married to the daughter of Uranus, called Rhea, the sister of ` and of the other Titans (bib. 9, page 244). They didnt have any children, but Ammon had Horus with an earthly woman called Amalthea, I quote While he (Ammon) was roaming the kingdom and found himself close to the Mountains called Ceraunici (the Caucasus Mountains. The Carpathians


were also called Caucasus, the West Caucasus , until 1056), he met an unbelievably beautiful virgin, Amaltheia. Falling in love with her, she gave birth to a son (Horus), who could both be admired for his beauty and the strength of his body. Ammon made Amaltheia the mistress of the whole land nearby and further I quote Fearing Rheas jealousy, Ammon kept the birth of the boy secret and surreptitiously took him in a city called Nysa, far away from that land. The city was situated on an island, near which the river Triton flowed (bib. 9, page 244). It is remarquable that, when speaking of the ancient times, it is not used the word citadel, but city, which proves that they only founded cities, not citadels, this being and indicator of how advanced they were. It is not by accident that Diodorus writes (page 59), I quote Furthermore, he (the king) gave orders to be built four or five floors homes for the individuals. At page 245, Diodorus states that Ammon took the boy (Horus, Dionysos, Apollo and, according to some historians, Zeus) to this cave (?) and left him in Nysas care, one of the daughters of Aristaios. And he took Aristaios, a wise and measured man, appreciated for his teaching, as a teacher to the boy. He made Athena guardian of the child in order to protect him from the traps of this step mother Rheea. Athena was recently born from earth (she was a mortal, not a god), near river Triton and, at page 246, I quote Rheea angry with Ammon would have liked to seize Dionysos (Horus). Because she could not do that, she left Ammon and, going back to her brothers, the Titans, she ended by marrying her brother Kronos. He (Kronos), aroused by Rheea, led the Titans against Ammon, whom he defeated in a battle and who was forced, also because of the lack of food, to flee to Crete. Here, by marrying Crete, the daughter of one of the curei (noble men, kins with Zeus-Ra) who were reigning then, ended being the king of those lands, and to the island previously called Idaia he gave the name of Crete. Kronos took possession of Ammons lands (in fact, Rheas) and he ruled over them with cruelty. He started a battle against Nysa (possibly the Ilion) and Dionysos (Horus and Ammon), but the latter, hearing of his fathers defeat and the rush of the Titans, had gathered troupes in Nysa. In the end, Horus won the battle, Kronos was hurt and apparently Horus also lost an eye then. This is how the first war between Zeus and Atlas began. During the second war, Ammon was killed


by Python (the commander of Trojans fleet, possibly Perseuss) and after losing the war in Crete, for the northern people, at least for a period, Crete Island was called Troy. Ammon took refuge in a religious institution, where he was caught and killed by the Titans. The fact is that Ammon was the last survivor of the gods dynasty because Horus had died in the battle. 4. HORUS About the birth, the childhood and even the first battle of Horus weve talked in the previous chapter. In the ancient Greeks treatises, Horus is called Dionysos, the Egyptians call him either Horus or Apollo, I quote If we translated it, the name of Horus would mean, the Egyptian tell us, Apollo (Bib. 9, page 41). It is true that Horus had won a battle against the Titans, but not the war, and in order to win the war he made an alliance with Athena, the queen of the Gorgons (the Amazons from the Balkans) and with Myrina, the queen of the Amazons, inhabitants of Libya. I quote from Diodorus, page 231, The queen of the Amazons, who was called Myrina, had gathered a three hundred thousand infantrymen and three thousand horsemen army. At first, Myrina attacked the cities on the Aegean Seas shore, inhabited by Atlanteans, I quote Firstly, she had started against the Atlanteans, the most civilized nation from those parts, who lived in a fertile country and had built big cities. The legend was spread among them that the gods had been born first in the regions beside the Ocean and at page 232 Myrinas alliance with Horus is confirmed, I quote In the meantime, Myrina had crossed most of Lybia establishing a friendship with Horus, the son of Isis (?), who ruled Egypt at that time. Horus, along with Athens and Myrina conquer the Arabian region and India, so Horus was then king over Zeuss territory and then Osiriss. Horus, as a diplomat or advised by others, made Zeus (the son of Rhea and Kronos) king over the territory he had conquered, I quote Dionysos gave him much honor and Zeus, due to his qualities, was made king of all (bib. 9, page 247). By this gesture, Horus divided the Titans camp in two, gesture which brought Zeus his victory in the battle against the Titans. The battle, the first one between Zeus and the Titans, was given in Crete (Troy), I quote From India,


Dionysos had hastily rushed to the sea (the Mediterranean), where he found the troupes of all the Titans which, shoulder to shoulder, had crossed over to Crete to start a war against Ammon. Without any delay they went to Crete and the troupes of Dionysos, of Athena (the Gorgons) and of the others, of those were considered gods, such as Prometheus, which is why Atlas held him locked up in the Caucasus, possibly the present Carpathians, because in the Carpathian Mountains Atlas had his residence and also here he could be visited by the muses, the daughters of Atlas. After the first war, as a result of some arguments between Prometheus (Hercules, Hermes or Heracles) and Zeus, Zeus gives Prometheus to Atlas. After a powerful struggle, Dionysoss warriors won the battle and the Titans were all killed (Bib. 9, page 248). In fact, the Titans were not all killed, because the second war between Atlas and Zeus takes place, followed by the death of Zeus, Horus and Ammon. The fact is that the last excerpt certifies the ending of the first war between Atlas and Zeus. 5. ZEUS THE OLYMPIAN He is from the nation of the Titans, of the Immortals, son of Rhea and Kronos. By betraying the Titans, he was and forever will be a traitor. He wasnt satisfied with the Pelasgian kingdom (nowadays Spain, Italy and the North of Africa Libya) and changed side to the gods family in order to own a bigger territory, Zeuss former kingdom. Moreover, he took from the territories of the Titans Asia Minor and the Balkans, territories seized after the first war against Atlas (Trojan). He married Europa, according to some authors, of Phoenician origin, and had three children: Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon, I quote From the high summit of the Cretan Ida, their sacred mountain, Zeus the god saw on a distant beach in Asia young Europa, the daughter of Agenor, or, possibly, Phoenix. Transforming himself into a white bull, he plunged forward enthusiastically, charmed and kidnapped the princess, whom he carried on his back over the water to Cape Sidero, Crete. There, he showed himself to her as a lover and a master, after which they got married and partied near Gortyn, under an evergreen plane-tree. Three children were born as a result of this love: Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon. In vain was


Rhadamanthus fair and Sarpedon strong, the one favored by the gods and men alike was Minos (bib. 20, page 37). At page 78, the same author says, I quote The name itself of Europa, the Dark One, used as an epithet for Demeter, the goddess of the harvests, was a symbol. The fact that the city Gortyn was also called Ilion (the city of the gods) was indirectly suggested in bib. 20, page 40, I quote Back then, the religious metropolis of the island was in Gortyn. After Saturn and Jupiter (probably Zeus and Atlas), Minos had probably ruled there like the emperors of Constantinople. About Minos, the same author as well as Diodorus, states There were rumors that his wife, Pasifae, let herself be tempted by one of the great courtiers, general Taurus. An extremely cruel son, the Minotaur, seems to have been born from this adultery. On his ascent to the throne, both the senators and the soldiers revolted. They ran away from Gortyn and entrusted the brave Theseus with the task of killing the bastard. The latter had hidden himself in a deep cave on Mount Ida, called a Labyrinth. Finding him, Theseus murdered him and returned to Gortyn, where he celebrated, at the same time with the victory, his wedding to the young princess Ariadna (bib. 20, page 41). About Theseus, the same author states, I quote, The sons of Theseus, his rival, are among the heroes who hid in the belly of the Trojan horse (bib., page 57) and Diodorus says that Theseus himself was in the Trojan horse, statement worthy of thought as the Trojan horse was used in the war between Saturn and Osiris, to kidnap Osiris from the Cretan camp (Egyptian), which was what happened. Finally, Paul Faure states at page 41 that the Venetians of the Middle Age had nothing else to do than to remove Jupiter and Minos from their tombs. This task was then taken, more or less, by the Arab treasure hunters between 827 and 961. All in all, Zeus, as a Bazileu, helped by Horus, Athena and Myrina reigned over the kingdom of Zeus-Ra and, furthermore, from the Atlanteans, Titans or Giants (however you may call them), as a result of the victories he won over them after the first war against the Titans, or with Atlas, he got to rule in Asia Minor, whose king was Ares and Aphrodite, Pandora, or, according to the Lidyans and Phrygians, Tyran, and in the Balkans, where the kingdom of Vulcan, Hephaestus or Faber was, and reached the Ocean and the Tethys Sea, until the Rams country or, later,


Atlantis. Neither Osiris nor Zeus crossed the Ocean, the Tethys Sea and the water which made the connection between these two stretches of water, they didnt bring the troupes in the sacred island of Atlantis. After this war, the three of them (Ares, Aphrodite and Vulcan) disappear from history, which means they were killed by Zeus. The ancient writings only talk about the capture of Ares, I quote Ares, the god of war, brutalized and imprisoned by the Giants Efialte and Otos at Viannos, in a narrow path or a cave in the south-east of Crete (Arvi?) (bib. 20, page 376). If until now Zeus was favored by faith, after the death of Aristaios, his and Horuss teacher and adviser, who only brought him victory with his advice, in the battles from the Balkans, Zeus begins to walk the walk of death by the mistakes he had made and especially those was going to make. I quote The mythographers dont mention that ultimately Aristaios want to Thrace to meet Dionysos (Horus). The latter is said to have initiated him into the mysteries of the orgies and Aristaios has had a lot of useful things to learn from him. After living for a while near the Haemus Mountains (the Balkans), he disappeared. He was given the honors due to an Immortal, not only from the barbarians from those lands but also from the Helenians (in a correct form, elini) (bib. 9, page 329). In vain does Prometheus try the reconciliation from Mecone, Moeciu today, because the Walachians from the peninsula Istria, the Adriatic Sea, still call the city Moeciu, Macone (bib. 12). Because of Zeuss claims and whims, the reconciliation failed to take place. Moreover, Zeus makes another unforgivable mistake by kidnapping the eldest daughter of Atlas, Hera or Maya, believing, such as Osiris, that, by this alliance, he has the right to inherit the territory where Bazileu was Atlas or Trojan. It is not known until today if Hera went willingly or unwillingly to Crete. Their marriage is described by Diodorus (bib.9, page 390), I quote It is told that the marriage of Zeus to Hera was celebrated on the lands of the Cnosiens (the inhabitants of the city Cnosos), near river Theren, where today as well there is a temple where the locals bring, every year, a sacrifice; on this occasion, great festivities take place, keeping the same wedding traditions as those in the past. It is not known whether his wife, Europa, still lived or not, but it is confirmed that after the victory of Atlas in Troy and after Zeuss death, Minos, the son of Zeus, is removed from the throne by Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, I quote


Deucalion, designed to reign after Minos, is friend with Theseus the Pious (the enemy of the gods); his name, the White (Albul), evokes the white garments of the caste of priests and priestesses (bib. 20, page 387). The fact is that the kings of Atlantis, who met every 4 or 5 years (Plato, Critias, 119b), met when a new day was added to the 365 days of the year and judged the behavior of the kings, at it is then when they decided to sentence to death Zeus, Horus and Ammon, because Athena had been killed by Perseus. Zeus could have been charged with treason and the kidnapping of Hera and, along with the rest of them, was to be blamed for the death of the Titans Ares, Aphrodite and Vulcan. Furthermore, Zeus removes Zeus-Ra from the cult and takes over his attributions, I quote At Gortyn, Zeus takes the name of Asterios, the god of the celestial body (astru, in Romanian, means celestial body) (bib. 20, page 405). In an ancient time, the Greeks called Zeus Zan or Tan (Zeu-An = of the Immortals nation; Zan or Theo + An, Tan); this name was also used by Pythagoras and turns up in Porphyrs work, The Life of Pythagoras, I quote Having descended in the cave of Ida, carrying the black wool with him, he spent there three times nine ritual days, brought sacrifice to Zeus, saw his throne, adorned each year with green branches, and wrote on his tomb an inscription called Pythagoras to Zeus, which began as it follows: Here lies Zan, who they (the Greek) call Zeus (bib. 19, page 15). Also Porphyr, at page 33, from the same paper, certifies the fact that Pythagoras was Dorian and knew the Dorian writing (Getic), writing not deciphered or understood by the wise men of the Antiquity, and this is why Pythagoras is so hard to understand or he is wrongly understood, I quote This is, thus, the Pythagorean theory on numbers. And this is the reason why given its originality this philosophy has spread so much, firstly because of its enigmatic aspect, and secondly because these treatises have been written in Dorian. This dialect lacks in clarity (for the Greek then, the Getic wisdom was unknown and, therefore, difficult to understand) and this is the reason why those who used his notions were never truly considered Pythagorean and their writings are suspected as apocryphal or fables. In addition to this, as the Pythagoreans say, Plato, Aristotle, Speusip, Aristoxenes and Xenocrates have assimilated all that was good (from the Pythagorean teaching), making only insignificant changes to it. This excerpt confirms


and even certifies the abovementioned statements, that the Getic (Dorian) wisdom was much superior and even incomprehensible to the other nations at that time. As to understand better, I enounce a Dorian idea the circle is eternity. If one does not know that the circle is both matter and energy and both have time (eternity) as coordinate, one does not make much sense of it. The entire science and knowledge of the Earth and Sky (cosmos today) is resumed to the figure and the circle. The figure belonged to the Earth and to the earthly, regardless whether it was matter or energy. Everything earthly has a beginning, a middle and an end, a time of its own, a finite time. The sky, respectively the cosmos, can be known through the circle. The circle is life, death and rebirth for the matter as well as for the energy. Death is the beginning of the resurrection, rebirth. There are successive cycles of existence and non-existence in the cosmos, according to the circle theory. Time, at the Getae, is finite for the Earth and all that is earthly and infinite for what they called Heaven and we now call cosmos. The ternity of the sky is nothing else but a succession of finite cycles. All the people who were not familiar with the Getic wisdom found themselves in this situation and now we understand Porphyrs quotation. As I said, Zeus was not satisfied with the kingdom of Zeus-Ra and the Pelasgian region, as the successor of Kronos, and occupies the kingdom of Ares and Aphrodite (Tyran, according to the Phrygians), Asia Minor and the kingdom of Vulcan (Hephaestus, Faber), the Balkan Peninsula, from the Titans, and this is confirmed by Diodorus, page 389, I quote In the circumstances of which we speak, he killed the Giants (Ares, Aphrodite and Vulcan), he killed in Crete those from around Mylinos and in Phrygia the companions of Typhon, Saturn and further, I quote Zeus has had further to fight the Giants of Macedonia, near Pallene, and in Italy, in the Plain once called Phlegraic, because these fields had been burnt by a terrible fire; and later the plain was called Cumenian (Cumen). This is how the first war between Zeus and Atlas ends. It is said that, after this war, the Titans found refuge in Tartar. In bib. 12, page 971, it is stated, I quote The Titans groups, defeated, retreat westward into the mountainous area called Tartarous and in bib. 4, Book XIV, V 274, page 278, Homer writes, I quote Who are called Titans and they live in Tartar. Since there are many interpretations of the word Tartar, lets try to explain it. Firstly, it


refers to mountains or a mountainous area, then, according to bib. 20, page 146, the old Cretan word Tartar means quays and caves, I quote Tartara and Tartari, different quays and caves, but tartar also means limestone (calcium), and this meaning is still used nowadays. The dentists say they can remove the tartar from the teeth, which is nothing else than the calcium. In conclusion, the territory of the Titans, called Tartar, is nothing else than a mountainous area with calcareous mountains, where there are quays and caves, and this area corresponds to the Carpathian Mountains, the former Caucasus until 1056 A.C. and especially the Meridional Carpathians (the Southern Carpathians), territory which Plato calls Atlantis. 6. ATHENA Athena was only a goddess in the conception of the ancient Greeks. She was an earthly woman (a mortal) of nameless parents, she was the person who took care of Horus and then Zeus. She was a Gorgon, an Amazon from the Balkans, and about the Gorgons Plinius says they were hairy women, possibly that type of people who have all the body covered with hair, including the face, and this amazed Atlas when Perseus showed him the dead of Medusa and the legend says he turned into a mountain. Athena killed Medusa, the queen of the Amazons (the Amazons from the north of Africa), in battle, and after the victory she painted Myrinas face (Medusa) on her shield, thus becoming the queen of the Amazons and the Gorgons, and she even took the name of Medusa. It is true that among the Amazons and Gorgons there have been many battles that resulted in a significant loss of human lives, fact which eventually led to the weakening of Zeuss military power. The first queen of the Amazons was Myrina and she helped Horus in his fight against the Atlanteans, I quote In the meantime, Myrina had crossed most of Lybia establishing a friendship with Horus, the son of Isis, who ruled Egypt at that time (bib. 9, page 232). It is said he conquered all Asia Minor and a part of the Balkans as a result of the battle against the Gorgons, possibly led by Athena, I quote Myrina rushed into their country at the request of the Atlanteans. The Gorgons resisted, and, after a fierce battle, they were defeated by the Amazons (bib. 9, page 230). Myrina dies in battle, I quote Having fought a decisive battle, the


armies of Sipylos (Scythian) and Mopsos (Thracian) were victorious, and the queen of the Amazons Myrina was killed, along with most of her fighting companions (bib. 9, page 233). After this battle, Medusa became both the queen of the Amazons and the one of the Gorgons, I quote And the Gorgons, whose number and power grew in the following years, were, later in the time when Medusa was their queen defeated by Perseus, the son of Zeus (bib. 9, page 232). Perseus was an Atlantean, because if he had been the son of Zeus he could not have fought against his father. Also Diodorus, at page 254 (117) says that, I quote (Perseus) was made to fight against Medusa the only mortal among the Gorgons whose head he presented to the goddess Athena. She then wore it (painted) on her shield. The fact that Athena was also called Medusa, as well as the fact that Perseus killed Athena are indirectly suggested in the following excerpt Perseus got there as the Gorgons were sleeping and he cut off Medusas head by watching it indirectly (in order to avoid her deadly glance), through the reflecting shield of goddess Athena, held (put) by her as mirror in front of the hero (bib. 25, page 550). Perseus was allied with Atlas in their fight against Zeus, Horus and Athena and he could not help Athena. She was the enemy. After this episode, Athena disappears from the history, which proves that Athena and Medusa were one and the same person in this context. Athena was never a goddess, but in the conception of the Greeks. Due to the misunderstandings between the Greeks and the Persians, the Greeks substituted the real goddess, Palas Athena or Artemis, the wife of Perseus, also called Persana, who was also the sister of Atlas and had, from Saturn, the Scythian territory as a kingdom, area which was not conquered by Zeus, and the Scythians were Trojans allies (Atlas). When Paris (Zeus) offers the apple to the three goddesses, these were: Palas-Athena (Artemis), Aphrodite (Tyran) and Hera (Maya), the daughter of Atlas. 7. JUPITER There was no god, Immortal or mortal known by this name. Jupiter is a word formed of Pater = father and Jo = Io or Ju = Joe. The title of Io was carried, in its true meaning, only by Saturn until he divided his


kingdom to his ten children, after which he was called Bazileu, such as the kings who followed him. Io means master, the only master. The same title was carried, unworthingly, also by Sarmis (Hermes), under the name of IOAN, which later becomes a Romanian first name. Ioan means Io = master and An = sky. Sarmis, as a Bazileu, was the master of the earth, but he soon wanted to be also the master of the sky and even the master of the time. Nobody, until him, had the courage, or, better yet, guts, to assume this right, even though he was the divine child of Hera. The second possibility would be that Jupiter derived from Joe. Both Diodorus and Densuianu use the title of Joe, for Atlass actions as well as Zeuss, during the war they fought. In this case, Joe would mean king or military leader. The third possibility would be that this name meant Ge (Gea or Geb, earth), Ghe, Ghi, but we have no evidence to prove this. There is a forth possibility, which results from various quotations. In bib. 20, page 40, I quote After Saturn and Jupiter, Minos followed on the throne. In this case, Zeus is Jupiter. The fact is that Jupiter was a god in the Romans belief. Another excerpt, bib. 12, page 930, states Jupiter Urius (Uranus), writes Aeschylus, was the great beginner of the human genus, emperor by his own power. Given this, he could have been Jupiter the Trojan (Atlas), the Sarmatian (Hermes) or the Saturnian. It seems that the Romans considered him father of all the gods, the equivalent of Zeus-Ra at the Egyptians or Helos at the Greeks, which does not turn up in the writings. To increase the confusion, they married him to Junona, who is no other than Aphrodite, Vulcans former wife and afterwards Aress, goddess from the nation of the Etruscans, called by them Tyran, in order to avoid the religious disputes between the Siculs (Siculi, the southern half of Italy) and the Etruscans (the northern half of Italy), which they succeded.



The Immortals Dynasty is very vast. I will try to provide a summary. The Immortals were the inhabitants of the Rams country, better known as Atlantis, also called the sacred island or, more precisely, group of islands which existed in todays Europe, when the water covered the plain area, water which flower into the Mediterranean Sea after the flood in Deucalions time, when the Bosphorus Strait was created as a result of powerful earthquakes (reminded by Plato in the description of Atlantis) and when the water dam formed from the Cyanee Rocks broke, I quote The inhabitants of Samothrace tell that, even before the great flood, which caused sufferance to the other nations, they had a giant debacle which started with the decline of soil surrounding rocks Cyan and then of the one surrounding the Strait Hellespont. Because, until then, Pontus Euxinus had been only a lake; however, because of the rivers which flowed into this lake, its waters began to swallow so much that they ended by invading Hellespont, thereby flooding a good part of the coastline of Asia. A remarkable stretch of the Samothrace Island was sunk under the sea (bib. 9, page 374, recurrent quotation). These earthquakes and inundations occurred when in Atlantis king and bazileu was Atlas and in Crete, Zeus, in the period before the second war of Atlas against Zeus. The abovementioned islands (the group of islands) which was part of Atlantis, were also called the Islands of the Happy, because it was believed that on those islands, the people there and the souls of the deceased were together, before ascending the mountain, mountain which, according to them,


touched the sky and thus they could go to Heaven, of course, only the purified souls, those of the pure people, of the gods, the immortals and the heroes, where it was said they could participate to the divine banquets. The belief in the immortality of the soul existed in those times, as it does nowadays, and the fact that some people inhabited those lands made them believe they were immortal, faith which lasted at some nations until the Middle Age and even later, because it was the area where people were reborn or resurrected according to the divine will. It made sense that they would not die because after death one must cross a water (Styx or Lethe = the water of forgetfulness), or they were beyond that water, they lived in Parnassus, which was none other than these islands which formed Atlantis or the Rams country and, considering this, logically speaking, they could not die and they justly were immortal. The Immortals were the sons of the earth, sons of Gaea or Glia, Tethys, Titaia and, at first, they were called Titans, but also sons of the sky, sons of An, and by their soul, soul which was given by God (the Divinity), and by their faith, they also were the sons of the Divinity, or, later, the sons of God and they were part of the heavenly armies, led in the earthly life by Zalmoxis or Apostle Ilie, name which was assigned to Saturn. After Deucalions flood, when Atlantis was no longer an island, their faith modified and this modification was made by Hera or Maya, the oldest daughter of Atlas or Trojan and the rightfully heiress of the two kingdoms (the northern and the southern ones), about whom we will talk later. 1. URANUS The Atlanteans tell that their first king was Uranos and that he had taken over the largest part of the land, especially the western and northern regions, (bib. 9, page 233). If the Atlanteans themselves tell that they live in the northern and western part of the land, then their country, Atlantis, must definitely be in the northern hemisphere, and if they have a frontitier at Tyrrhenia (Plato, Timaios, 24b) and the Tyrrhenian Sea exists today in Europe, then, logically, the location of Atlantis could only be to the north, east of west of


this sea, because in the south there is the Mediterranean, thus Atlantis can only be in Europe or be Europe itself. However, Timaios gives and explanatory note which was easily disregarded, namely, I quote, And the island of Atlantis perished, sinking in the sea (bib. 2, page 140, 25d), which means that only the island of Atlantis, the capital of the kingdom, which was an artificial island, only this one perished, and not the whole continent Atlantis, as Plato himself notices in Timaios, at 25b, I quote as for the land that surrounds that big sea (the ocean), it can be rightfully called continent. All the critics bore in mind only the excerpt from Critias 108c, I quote As I have told you, this island was then bigger than Asia and Libya together (it is entirely true); now however when the earthquakes caused it to sank was nothing left of it but mud that stands in the way of the seafarers who, after leaving this place, want to reach the big sea (the Black Sea) preventing them to follow their path. Here is the mistake of the ones who studied Atlantis. the excerpt itself says that the island was covered by mud and not by sand, or, the mud covering is usually done by a river, and a river, no matter how big it was, could not cover a whole continent, and if supposedly it did, it would have transformed into a sea, but the sea is missing in this case, and had no chance of flowing into another sea. The excerpt from Critias offers also the proof that the island or the continent did not sank, by the expression stands in the way of the seafarers, and if it had not been usable, then the area could have been noticed, then and especially now, it being sank at little depth, and this reality does not exist, and even if it had existed in Platos time, it would have been enounced and located. The fact that the Bosphorus Straight might not have existed was not considered, and then the plain area of Europe would have been covered by water, water which could have been called ocean, and the people in those days could have called it Oceanos, as they called Uranos, the ruler of those lands. The quotation from Diodorus, from the beginning of the chapter, confirms this, and he cant be accused that he knew where the Atlanteans country was. You can imagine how much water was in the lake Pontus Euxinus if it flooded a good part of the coastline of Asia, water which did not fit later in the Aegean Sea and, maybe, parts of the Mediterranean. Neither was it understood the fact that usually the wars were led against the neighbors or countries from nearby,


which is confirmed by all the writers who studied those times. In conclusion, knowing now where Atlantis is, all the events which happened then seem logical and easy to understand. Atlantis is, under another name, Europe and the north of Asia, but it only sank the island of Atlantis, its capital, had the whole continent sank, the writers would have not written about it anymore, about the ulterior events of the Titans, Giants, Atlanteans and neither would have existed the Getae or the Sarmatians, the inhabitants of those lands. Furthermore, Diodorus writes, I quote It is told that lake Tritonis (possibly the ancient name of the Marmara Sea, when from a lake it became a sea) had disappeared altogether after an earthquake and the dams from the Ocean had broken (bib. 9, page 232). They broke when the Bosphorus Strait formed. I hope that now it is understood where Atlantis or the Rams country were located and where the water now called ocean had been. The parents of Uranus, Oceanos or, according to many, Montu (Munteanul the Mountain Man) are not known. He was king in the abovementioned lands. He married Gaea, also called Tethys, Glia, Titaia, Bentis, a Nereid, thus daughter of Nereus who may appear in the work of Diodorus as Nileu or Nieleu, and who can be considered the first king. By the significance of her name, she represented the earth; she is the woman or the virgin who came out of the water, land who was revealed at the withdrawal of the water. Her name Tethys is the same as the one of the Tethys Sea, sea which was located then on the place of the present Pannonian plain, thus its possible that she inhabited somewhere around that area. Their marriage resulted in many children, whose number varies according to the authors, children who took the name of Titans from her name, Titaia. The best known Titans are: Saturn, Isis and possibly Iapetus, the father of Prometheus, Prometheus, also called Apollo, Hercules, then Heracles or Hermes Trismegistus (three times worshiped: as a king, as a wiseman and as a prophet). Actually, in history there are known two Hermes Trismegistus, he and Sarmis (Hermes, the son of Hera). Uranus reigned in the north, the so-called black area (Blak or later Blach and then Vlach, Vlach, Wallachian), because the north was represented by the black color, and his brother, Zeus, was king in the south. It was a quiet reign, there are not known wars in this period. It is said that


.he discovered a weapon called the Baetulia, I quote Plinius, Uranus had also invented a sort of stones with spirit, named Baetulia, which he had made with great wisdom (bib. 12, page 940). From Uranus we also have left the name of the city Severin (Zeuran God in Romanian is Zeu Sevrin, then Severin), Deva (the religious center of the kingdom), Vrancea (Uran-cea) and even the city Bran (Uran, Vran, then Bran). Observation: the letter V in writing was usually read U. Furhermore, Diodorus, at page 233, states, I quote Thus he (Uranus) showed the people how to measure the year according to the suns trajectory (the solar tropical year), and the month with the help of the moon; he also was the one who divided the year in seasons. This quotation is of great importance and clears up many things. Firstly, the time calculation at the Getae started ever since Uranuss time, calculation which can be found at Sarmisegetuza, thus this being the oldest means to measure time in the world. Secondly, the expression and the month with the help of the moon has two possible interpretations: it is either the calculation of the year with the help of the synodical month of 29,53 days, but, more likely, it certifies the old Getic calendar of the year with 13 months of 4 weeks each, when the horoscope had also 13 signs, which only appear in the Chaldean treatises. Thirdly, Titans had a four seasons year, also called Hore, unlike the Egyptians, Greeks and Jews, who had only a three seasons year, I quote During the three seasons: spring, summer and winter, period which is accomplished by an unseen movement, always the same. And these seasons, very distinct from each other, carry out a wonderful harmony during the cycle of a year (bib. 9, page 30) and the four seasons year is still used today. A proof of the time calculation ever since Uranuss reign is found in Egypt, when the year calculation begins with Seth as the beginning of Seths year, the Egyptian calendar, I quote (bib. 8, page 275) This is why the Texts of the Pyramids emphasize Seths appointment as king and the pharaohs decree the beginning (as a time measurement) of Seths year (Saturn, Seb). 2. SATURN Saturn followed Uranus on the throne. It is said that he was Uranuss youngest child and it is not known how he got to that position, because the


rightful successor should have been the oldest child of the king, but the situation was accepted by all. The Egyptians called him Seth, the Black Seth meaning the Nordic Seth and his country was the black peoples country, the country of the Nordic. The Pelasgians called him Poseidon, in India he was called Indra, the Phoenicians called him Bel or El and under the form of El he is also found (wrongly) at the Jew and then in the Bible (El is the Romanian equivalent for He), the Assyrians called him Bal, while the Greeks (Helenians) and the Etruscans (Phrygians) called him Typhon. There is no ancient nation where Saturn wasnt praised. At the Getae, he was called Saturn, Seb, Zalmoxis and afterwards, in the Christian era, the Apostle or Saint Ilie, and he was the help of God, the one that, by divine order, punished the sinners, and his feared weapon was the lightning. In the writings, he is the possessor of the bolts of lightning and rolls of thunder and even of the rain. Saturn married the Nereid Latona, called Nephtis by the Egyptians. In the treatises, Latona also appears under the name of Leto, Cybelle and, from the time Hera reigned, she was called the Great Mother (Marea Mam), an incorrect term for the Romanians because, she being Heras grandmother, she should have been called Grand Mother (Mam Mare). Saturn built a new capital for his kingdom, today called Atlantis, city located on a hill or a mountain which had a plateau where he built himself a palace surrounded by two earth dams and three canals, all circular and at equal distance from each other (Critias, 113d, page 227). This construction was modified by Atlas and maybe Latona. Together with Latona, he had three children and later, after he won the war against Osiris, his kingdom was divided to his ten children. After his victory over Osiris, his kingdom stretched, to the north, from the current Bering Sea to the Atlantic Ocean and, to the south, from the Bay of Bengal, the north of Africa, to the Atlantic. It is then when he took or was given the title of IO, master, only master, in fact, he was the only true possessor of this title, which, by tradition, was also appointed to the Romanian rulers. Apparently, the size of this territory amazes, but lets not forget that they had a very developed civilization, possibly even more so that ours, and I support this statement with the following arguments. Firstly, they built cities and not citadels, like in the Antiquity, and this argument only proves a lot. In their cities, the homes had several floors, and this is certified by the quotation


which states that in Thebaida even the individuals homes had 4 or 5 floors. In India, Indra (Saturn) he is the bearer of a miraculous bludgeon and of a fire-throwing weapon (Indras arrow) whose flames were compared with lightning bolts, in the old Sanskrit texts (bib. 25, page 299), so they had fire arms, because only a fire arm can throw bolts of lightning. The same author, at page 301, affirms that Indras arrow had the property to return by itself to its quiver, which suggestes they also had airplanes. Moreover, Saturn also had a weapon which, when fired, produced a light equal to 10.000 suns, and from this we can assume they had some kind of mechanism similar to the atomic bomb, I quote Indras arrow (Vajra), the main and most feared weapon of the god, interpreted by many as simply a natural lightning, is, in fact, from a mythological point of view, much more complexe; its force of destruction by spraying everything ahead, the production of hurricanes during its flight, the fact that at the impact it produced a light equal to 10.000 suns and its feature to return by itself to its quiver afterwards. Given this, we are no longer surprised how Sodoma and Gomora disappeared, nor by the fact that Enoch (the Ethiopian Apocryphal) was roaming the sky or was followed in the sky. It is not known when and where Saturn died, but it is known that he was buried in Tartar, thus in the Carpathian Mountains, the Meridional Carpathians. After Saturns death, his vast territory was administrated and led by his children, the nine of them left alive, because his son Hesperos had gone missing while he was climbing a mountain to study the sky. The tenth kingdom was given to Prometheus, the son of his brother, Iapetus. About the ten kingdoms, the following facts are clear: Atlas was king over a territory which stretched from the Alps to the Carpathians, territory called later Atlantis; Kronos was a king in the Pelasgian area, which included the current Italy and Spain, which were islands by then, as well as the north of Africa, then called Libya; Rhea was a queen in the area we now call Egypt; Vulcan or Hephaestus was king in the Balkans; Aphrodite or Tyran, according to the Phrygians, owned Asia Minor; Artemis or Pallas-Athena, married to Perseus and also called Persana was queen in Caucasus and the plateaus in Europe, to the Ural Mountains. In India the first king is said to be Menes, Prometheus, who reigned in the Middle East. If Ares was Saturns child, then it is possible that he reigned in the current Iranian


plateau. The tenth kingdom, the one from the mountains and plateaus of Siberia, doesnt have a known king. The whole kingdom was ruled by laws, the laws of Saturn, called afterwards, after being modified by Hera, the Bellagine Laws, a code of 12 laws, called by Carol Lundus (Karl Lund) the Laws of Zalmoxis. The proof of the existence of these laws in Saturns time is provided by Plato in the description of Atlantis, I quote Instead, the authority of a king towards another, as well as the rapports between them were established according to the commandments (laws) of Poseidon (Saturn), preserved in the law given by the first of the kings (Uranus) and on the inscription he made on a column of oricalc (possibly yellow copper), column which was situated in the heart of the island, in Poseidons temple (the island, the capital of Atlantis) (bib. 3, page 119d). after Saturns death, his wife Latona followed him to the throne. In this situation, Latona was a bazilee (empress over the ten kingdoms) and the title of Bazileu was also carried by her successors from among the Immortals, except Sarmis or Hermes, who, out of his lack of modesty and unmeasured ego, has taken by himself the title of Ioan, meaning Io = master and An = sky, thus neither more nor less than the master of the sky, attribute which Saturn himself did not afford to take without undermining the Divinity. The name of Ioan becomes later a first name. After saturns death, Latona marries Hyperion, whose origins are unknown. As a result of this marriage, two twins are born, Apollo and Selene or Diana, who were also called the Sun and the Moon. These twins were born, in my opinion, in the region of todays Dobrogea Mountains, because in that time they were only an island, and I rely my statement on the fact that, even after the withdrawal of the water from Europe, in this area Apollo continued to be worshipped in the island called Letea (Leuce, according to the Greek) almost until the Christian era and this island was sacred to the Hyperboreans, tell the ancient. Lets get one thing strait. Apollo was one of the titles wore by the great priest in the south, the priest of the sun. given that Sarmis was also Apollo for the people in the south, this explains why their capital, Alba Iulia, was called, by the people in the south, Apulum, and later, in Dromichaitess time, the Greeks called it Helix, so, the name of Apollo designates more than one person. We are talking now about Apollo, Selenes twin brother and Latonas sun. the city Sulina itself was


called, for a long period of time, Selina, city of the Moon, Selene or Diana, Apolos sister. Because of the presence of these children, a new distribution of the territory was in question and, in order to avoid this and the incoming wars between the Titans, the Titans killed Hyperion, Apollo was drowned in Eridan River and Selene threw herself or was thrown off the roof of the palace and died. I quote After giving birth to two children, Helios and Selene, who aroused the admiration for their beauty and moderation, it is said that the Bazilees (Latona) brothers envied her because of these children and, fearing that Hyperion will seize the throne, they conspired a terrible unrighteousness. They swore an oath and killed Hyperion, whereas Helios who was just a child they threw in the river Eridanos, drowning him. When she found out about this doing, Selene, who loved her brother dearly, threw herself off the roof of the palace (bib. 9, page 234). It is said that, after this episode, Latona, the Bazilee, had gone mad and disappeared in a storm , I quote But then a heavy rain started to fall, accompanied by thunder, and the Bazilee suddenly disappeared and the people they say moved by this miracle, named two heavenly bodies after Helios and Selene, worshiping them; and the mother was considered by the people a goddess and alters were built in her honor (bib. 9, page 234). THE WAR BETWEEN SATURN AND OSIRIS OSIRIS, also called Dionysos, and Ammons brother, also called Apollo (great priest) were the sons and the successors to the throne in the kingdom of the south after the death of Zeus, called Ra by the Egyptians. Osiris married Isis, Saturns older sister who logically was the rightful heiress to the throne of the northern kingdom, where king was Saturn. I quote Interpreted in Greek, Osiris means Dionysos, and Isis largely answers to the name Demeter. And after Osiris married Isis and followed his father to the throne, he brought many blessings to the human race (bib. 9, page 32). Osiris wanted to be king over the northern and the western lands as well, lands which once had belonged to Uranus, and now king was Saturn, and, beside this, Saturn was Uranuss youngest child and yet he was accepted as king by the others. These, apparently, have been the reasons to cause the war, Osiriss wish, and possibly Isiss as well, to run the whole


territory, with the pretext of legal right upon it. Osiris started the war cowardly, by travelling all over his kingdom under the pretense of making justice, while in fact he was gathering warriors for his cause. I quote The Egyptians say that Osiris, who by nature was a benefactor and keen of glory (too keen), scoured the earth after he gathered a large army (bib. 9, page 34). The fact that Osiris was building towns, killing or forgiving villains or even the fact that he gathered a large army on his kingdoms territory didnt interest anyone, so no one suspected that there would be a war. Osiris premeditated and prepared the war ahead and this results from the quotations: Osiris, after managing so to speak the Egyptian affairs, is said to have entrusted his wife with full power, and gave her Hermes as counselor (the person is not known), because he surpassed by wisdom everyone around him. And he appointed Heracles (the correct form is Hercules or Prometheus, because Heracles means Heras priest and cleos = glory, besides, Hera wasnt even born at that time) as the leader of all the armies of the country that was under his possession, he being his relative (naturally, he was the son of Isiss brother, Iapetus) and being very famous for his bravery and burliness. The ruling of those parts of Egypt situated in Phoenicia, near the sea, Osiris entrusted to Busiris, and the one of the lands towards the Ethiopian country and Libya (which apparently was not yet in Egypt) he gave to Anteu. Afterwards, he left Egypt (correctly put, Idaia) with his army to battle, taking along his brother, who the Egyptians call Apollo (in reality, Ammon) (bib. 9, pages 34-37), and further, I quote It is said that Osiris, on his quest, had taken along two of his sons: Anubis and Macedon, and to Apollo they gave the name of Musaget, quotation from bib. 9, page 35 (it is interesting, this excerpt, because Apollo means priest and it seems that in the north the priest was called Mysians, but most importantly, ever since the time of Osiris and Saturn, the nation of the Getae already existed and this would be the first European nation known in history, nation which, throughout the entire history, was located in the current territory of Romania). Also Diodorus states that he was accompanied by two more people, skilled in agriculture: Maron, who knew how to cultivate the vines and Triptolem, good at sowing and harvesting the wheat.


After managing his army and his kingdom, Osiris starts roaming through his kingdom with the purpose to raise a numerous army. According to Diodorus, his route was, I quote, Then Osiris continued his journey through Arabia, along the Red Sea (the western sea, red being the color for the west, such as black was the one used for the north) until he encountered the inzi, reaching thus the end of the Earth (page 36), after which, Osiris continued passing through other peoples countries from Asia and, crossing Hellespont, he arrived in Europe. In Thrace (the Arameans country), he killed Licurg the king of the barbarians from those parts, because he had dared to resist him, and left behind Maron, who was an old man, placing in his care the culture of the plants he had brought on Thracian land To Triptoleum he entrusted the cultivation of the land in Attica. As soon as he penetrated Asia Minor and the Balkans, Osiris declared war to Saturn, because these territories were own by the Titans, and had once belonged to Uran. In this situation, the Titans were completely taken by surprise and this is the reason why Osiris managed to penetrate their territory so fast and reach the Balkans, where a first battle took place, with an undecided result, but plenty of bloodshed, because after this battle the Balkans were, for a long time, called the Hem Mountains (Hem = blood). What was written about this battle is a mistake. It is not Osiris who killed Licurg, for two reasons. On the first hand, in those time, the territory was not divided into proper kingdoms, and, on the second, it is not Osiris who killed Licurg, but Horus (the second Dionysos) and this is stated by Diodorus himself at page 241, I quote Dionysos (Horus), when he wanted to pass his army from Asia to Europe, he made an alliance with Licurg, the king of the Thracians from Hellespont. Having embarqued in his ships (in Saturns time, there was a continuity between Asia Minor and the Balkans, the Bosphorus Strait and the Dardanelles did not yet exist and the breaking of the dam between the Ocean and the Aegean Sea was caused by the earthquakes and the innondations Plato told about in the description of Atlantis and this was happening after the first was of Trojan or Atlas with Zeus) over Hellespont the first Bacchantes like in afriendly country, Lycurg ordered his soldiers to attack them at night and kill them all along with Dionysos. The latter, learning from a local Charops the trap prepared


for him (this is one of the heroes from Critias, 110b, page 223, bib. 3) was terrified because his army was still on the other shore and he had chosen only a small number of friends to accompany him. This is why he went back in secret to reach his camp. Licurg attacked the meneads in the place called Nyseion and killed them all. But Dionysos embarqued his army and defeated the Thracians in a fierce struggle; he caught Licurg alive and, after blinding him and torturing him relentlessly, he crucified him (good Horus, the great god). Then, so as to reward Charops (Kekrops at Plato) for the good he had done, he gave him the kingdom of the Thracians. Now we understand why the Helenian heroes fought with determination against Atlas. The second proof that Licurg lived in Zeuss time is provided also by Diodorus (page 233), when he says that the Thracian Mopsos along with the Scythian Sipylos defeated the Amazons and that, I quote, He (Mopsos) had been banished from his country by the Thracian king Licurg. After this first fight between Saturn and Osiris, left undecided, but which caused plenty of bloodshed, two things occurred. Prometheus (Hercules, Heracles in the book), the commander of Osiriss army, joined Saturn and, apparently, the reason or the deal was the following: Prometheus becomes a king and reigns over one of the ten kingdoms given by Saturn to his children (having, thus, the same rights as any of Saturns sons). The second thing was the use of the Trojan horse, inside of which Theseus hid, among others, and his purpose was to kidnap Osiris in order to reach an agreement and to determine him to withdraw his troops from the Titans territory. The plan succeeds, Osiris is kidnapped and, after they crossed the Ocean (the water which covered Europe then), in order to get to the sacred island, the Rams country, later called Atlantis, and after they passed the saint (sacred) promontory, where the city of Uranus was, called in some treatises Mene or Mehe and, according to some, Severin (the place where the city used to be), mentioned in the Diploma of the Ioanites as Zeurin, and even Uranuss country, terra Zeurino, and, according to the ancient writers, out of ignorance, Osiris was taken to a cave, although considering the civilization then, this could not have happened, they had other possibilities, cave which (according to bib. 12, page 985) was Coryciu, and, according to others, the cave on the river Topolnia. The saint promontory is, I quote Here, finally, on the left side of the Danube, a


beautiful promontory rises, on top of which the Christian religion put Saint Peters Cross, where it can still be observed the shape of a chair, carved in stone, and where, today still, the archaic simulacrum of Saturn (Zalmoxis) can be seen, carved in living rock. This is the saint promontory that Scylax talks about in The Adventures on Sea and Orpheus reminds in the poem of the Argonauts (bib. 12, page 425) and further, I quote, On top of Vrciorova there can still be noticed today the ruins of the old fortress called Oreva (I remind that Uranus was also called Oran), situated on top of a pyramidal shaped mountain, very difficult to climb, and which dominated the valley od the Danube. This was in the ancient time the Tower of Uranus (Oran), the place from where a big stretch of the ocean could be seen and controlled, possibly close to the residence-city of the kingdom. The war Osiris started had no known or declared reason and the purpose of the kidnapping was to ask Osiris to stop the war and withdraw its troops from the Balkans. It appears that Osiris accepted. He is set free and, once he got to his camp, advised by his 26 companions, he begins the fight again. The final battle took place, according to some, on the banks of the river towards Arabia (Aramia) and this would be the stretch of water which made the connection between the Tethys Sea and the Ocean, and we can deduce this considering the place where Sesostris built mastabas to honor the Egyptian heroes who had died in the war, in the former city on the banks of the Danube from todays Bulgaria, called Sostra or Sustra, city which would indirectly confirm the location of the final battle concluded with the victory of Saturn. Remainders of the battles in the Balkans can still be observed today by the names which have persisted in time, such as Trojans Gorge (Atlas) or even Trojans city, traces left during the war between Saturn and Osiris or during the one between Atlas (Trojan) and Zeus. The fact is that Osiris is caught, judged and then killed. The date of his death is November 17, according to bib. 9, page 111, I quote The date of Osiriss death, November 17, coincides with the beginning of the decreasing of the Nile, when the desert wind starts as well. It is known that, after his death, Osiris was cut in 26 pieces, suggesting that the fault of him dying rested on the shoulders of his 26 advisers. The decision to condemn Osiris was not taken by Saturn because, in accordance with the


tradition then, this decision had to be taken by the leaders of those times thus, it was a majoritary vote against him, confirmed by Plato (bib. 3, page 234, Critias), I quote From the many particular laws concerning the royal privileges, the most important ones provided that none of them ever started a war against the others, but they were supposed to help each other and, in the case that a king tried to overthrow another, all the others were to help the one in danger (like in this case) but, always in conformity with the laws of their elders, thus advising each other regarding the war and the other state affairs. And always the one from the kingdom of Atlas had to be the others leader. In exchange, he could not take the life of any other king without the acceptance of the majority. The ancient writers say that Saturn was the master of the bolts of lightning and rolls of thunder, of all meteorological phenomena, which was wrong, but excusable for them because they lived in a primitive era and wee not aware of the existence of a previous civilization. In reality, Saturn was the master of war, because both the bolts of lightning and the rolls of thunder were the effects of the fire arms existing in those times. Saturn was the only Immortal who never lost a battle and maybe it was because of this that the Getae considered him Zalmoxis and, later, Apostle Ilie, thought of him as their leader and, naturally, Gods help to punish the sinners with his fearful weapon, the thunder. Due to the antiquity of the belief, the word thunder has various meanings to the Romanians. After this war, Saturn is the master of the entire territory, the only master of the two kingdoms, the kingdoms of Uran and Zeus-Ra and, of course, he was rightly awarded the title of Io. Saturn was known under the term of Io also by those who denigrated him, the Egyptians, I quote Seth is invoked in the magical papyruses in many ways and his naming (epicleza) is varied. It is often Io (bib. 8, page 275). At the Jews (still page 275), I quote Seths name, abovementioned, IO and Iao, merges with that of Iahwe Seth, the god from the Bible wasthe third son of Adam and Eve (if Saturn was the son of Adam and Eve, then Adam and Eve are Uranus and Gaea), from who all the good human race descends, given that the descendants of Cain were full of evil and vicious acts. The Gnostic sect of the Sethians was worshiping Seth as the son of God and the antitype of Christ. This Gnostic sect disappeared ever since the Vth centure A.C.. This


is a proof of the passing from Zalmoxis (Seth, Saturn) to the Christian religion and a confirmation that all the believers were the sons of God, as well as a proof of the Getaes belief in the Divinity, in this case God, ever since Saturns time. 4. ATLAS OR TROJAN After Uranus, Saturn, Latona, the two former kingdoms were divided by Saturn in ten smaller kingdoms and their leader, Atlas, was called Bazileu, this meaning king over kings. Atlass kingdom was called Atlantis. Only now can we talk about Atlantis, which is none other than the Rams country, the country where the priests, according to Iordanes (bib. 12, page 898), I quote, Some priests of the Getae, from the class I call Pii a category of priests from the Rams country also called Pii-Rams and apparently this is where the word pyramids comes from and possibly the number as well (fara predicat). This designation for some of the priests (a class of priests) existed since the time of Philip, king of Macedonia. It is known that all the science and knowledge of the ancient Getae were based on the figure and on the circle and this way of thinking still exists today. More than this is not known, not even their neighbors knew, even though what was left is still amazing today. They werent allowed to leave behind writings about their knowledge and this was established by oath. The question is What did that oath contain? and why was it so harshly punished? Part of the answer we find at Diodorus (bib. 9, page 43) the priests werent allowed to share what only they knew, secrets they wouldnt disclose to the crowd because great dangers would have lurked on the one who exposed the godly facts. From all these dangers, the biggest one was the eternal death sentence, the eternal death of the soul, which can fill any man with terror. Moreover, the broken oath, according to the Bellagine Laws, was punishable by death, sentence without appeal. Something similar is affirmed by Diodorus, page 86, when he is referring to the Egyptian laws, I quote Firstly, the broken oath was punished by death, because the man who didnt keep his oath was guilty of two misdeeds, which are also the biggest: the lack of piety towards the gods and the breaking of the strongest pledge between men. As we can see only


from these two excerpts and without knowing the true oath of the Getae or the additional punishments for breaking it, it is understandable why the Getaes knowledge is not known today. Lets go back to Atlas. He was the eldest son of Saturn and Latona and got, from Saturn, one of the kingdoms, the country of the Rams, later called Atlantis. Atlas was also called Trojan, Neptune, Mars (Marte) and, by Homer, the earthquake-god, because in his time powerful earthquakes occurred. The fact that Atlas was king in Atlantis was aleatory, I quote After the deposition (death) of Saturn, writes Plato, the great empire of the old world being split, Neptune was given the territory called Atlantis (bib. 12, page 1041). Like Latona, he was also a Bazileu. Atlas married Hesperis, the daughter of his brother Hesperos, the one who died while climbing the mountain to study the science of the stars, I quote Hesperos had a daughter called Hesperis, who he gave to his brother to marry. The country was named after her. Hesperis bore Atlas seven daughters, named Atlanteans, after their father, and Hesperides, after their mother (bib. 9, page 282). The oldest of Atlass seven daughters was called Maya or Hera. They were also called fairies and muses, Pleiades and, in the Romanian popular tradition, iele. During the reign of Atlas, one of the many earthquakes that devastated Europe occurred, but this time it was followed by inundations, known in history as Deucalions flood. The capital of the kingdom, the island of Atlantis, collapsed due to the earthquakes and was covered by water. After these events, the capital of the kingdom was moved, according to some in the region of Buzu, at Coli, but I believe it was at Alba-Iulia, and later I will prove it. Atlas was good at interpreting the science of the heavenly bodies, I quote Atlas knew well this science (in the book the astrology is mentioned, but in reality its the astronomy) because he had discovered with great skill the sphere of the heavenly bodies; and this is why it was believed that he carried the whole world on his shoulders (bib. 9, page 283). In Atlass time it was known that the Earth was round, knowledge which was lost later and thus, in Aristotles time, it was believed that the Earth had the shape of a plate. According to Plato I quote the Hyperboreans were the first who considered the universe as a sphere (bib. 12, page 344), and the fact that Atlas was king in the Meridional Carpathians was confirmed by Plinius, I quote the rock of


Atlas, the Titan, the one the sky leans on, much like the north pole of the sky, like the axle of the Hyperboreans, cardines mundi (it is said that the world axis leans on the Carpathians, as confirmed by many Lation writers) (bib. 12, page 345). Furthermore, the Latin and not only them believed that the biggest mountain from the Carpathian Mountains is the Mountain of Atlas. All the ancient, especially the Roman ones, said that the Getae adored Mars, I quote According to Ovid, the Dacians were worshippers of Mars and their whole being was the most faithful expression of his face and qualities (bib. 12, page 1022), and further I quote The Getae, tells Jornandis, were so famous in the old days, that it was said that Mars, the god of war, was born among them and afterwards Marss residence is in the Getae mountains. He is the lord and the protector of the Getic fields. But who was Mars? The same author, at page 1022, states In the oldest Egyptian lists, which we found out from Manetho, Mars appears as the ruler of Egypt, following Typhon (Saturn) and Horus. It is known that after the second war between Atlas and Zeus, Horus and Ammon are killed by the Titans and the reign over Egypt after Horuss death is taken by Atlas. Given this, Atlas is definitely Mars. Actually, the Getae adored Atlas, who they called Trojan and the Romans Mars. During his reign, Atlas fought two wars against Zeus (the Olympian, the Immortal), who was associated with Horus and Myrina and, after Myrinas death, with Athena. The first war was described above. Between the two wars there were earthquakes and floods (the flood), but there was also the fight between Prometheus and Zeus, which is why Zeus gave Prometheus to Trojan (Atlas), who was accused of treason for the help he gave to Zeus in the first war. The quarrel between Zeus and Prometheus is described by Aeschylus as it follows: As he (Zeus) ascended the family throne (from Crete) to reign both over gods and men, he offered all the good things of the gods (but not to the Immortals or Titans who helped him win the war) (bib. 12, page 295) and further I quote from Hence, an enormous jealousy and fight in the boardroom of the gods between Prometheus and Joe (Zeus). After this episode, there follows an attempt of reconciliation between Atlas (Trojan) and Zeus at Mecone (todays Moeciu), still at page 295, I quote The gods and people held a common gathering at Mecone to establish each others honors and wishes.


Prometheus brought a big ox as sacrifice and suggested to share it. Then, he cut it and divided it in two parts. On the one side, he put all the meat and the good intestines and the fat, which he covered with the skin of the ox, and on the other, he put only the bones, which he cunningly covered with shining white fat. By this, Prometheus wanted to deceive Joe (Zeus), for him to choose the worst part for the gods. Even though the latter had immediately noticed the deception, given the fact that he had no good plans for the people then, he intentionally chose the worst part, so that he would have a reason to get his revenge from the mortals. From this, we understand that Zeus refused the peace with Trojan, thus, the peace treaties failed. And, after this episode, Zeus surrenders Prometheus to Atlas, and he was judged and condemned, possibly to prison. The myth is another and this is the way it goes, I quote (page 297) This faith was destined to him by the wise Joe (Atlas), who had the astute Prometheus bound with heavy chains on the middle column. And sent a big winged eagle on to him (the royal symbol of Trojan), which constantly tweaked his liver (ate it, and in order to understand this it is enough to be Romanian and to be familiar with the popular expression he ate his livers, meaning he created countless griefs), and never finished because overnight the liver grew back again. During this time, it seems that Prometheus, in exchange for his release, became an ally of Atlas for the war to follow. The kingdom, especially Zeuss, due to the lower ground, had more to suffer as a result of the flood, and, as a result, the number of worriers diminished, because they each went to take care of their families and properties. Atlas took advantage of this and attacked Zeus at his residence in Crete. This war, Trojans war, was short. Zeus, Ammon and Horus were killed and this is how the battle between Zeus and Trojan ends, also called the Trojan war, and Homers writing attempt is nothing but a rewind of the old war epics and its adaptation to the war fought to conquer the citadel of Troy, from 1270 B.C., thus many millennia after. The error was that Homer falsified some of the names of the heroes and so he created a mixture which made difficult to separate the two epics. After this victory, Atlas sends Hercules (Heracles?) with an army to eliminate the last resistance in the territory previously owned by Zeus, I quote the army of Heracles consisted of numerous people, from all the


nations who had willingly come to fight (bib. 9, page 276) and this army was formed and left Crete, I quote (bib. 9, page 274) He gathered the soldiers in Crete, where he had thought it was better to start. Indeed, this island was beautifully well located so whole expeditions could start from there all over the world. In this expedition, the biggest resistence was in the Pelasgian territories, which had once been owned by Kronos (Gadira at Plato). Hercules from Crete arrives to Libya, where it is said that he killed all the Amazons. Their hatred against the Amazons was great because, they being brave women and good fighters, they killed many people on the territories of the Titans, I quote Setting sail from this island, Heracles sailed to Libya (bib. 9, page 275), then he passed through Egypt and from Egypt he went again to Libya, Heracles crossed Libya reaching the Ocean, in the place where its waters bathe Gadeira and raise two columns on the shores of the two continents. Then after he reached Iberia by sea he bumped into Chrysaors three sons, who were leading three armies, placed at a certain distance from one another. Provoking each of the commanders at a two-people fight, Heracles killed them and took along with him the famous cattle herds. In Iberia, Heracles entrusted the reign to the most worthy and most noble men in that place. And he started, in front of his army, towards the Celtic country. Crossing this country, after which he left (page 277), Heracles then left from the Celtic country and crossed the Alps, in order to get to Italy. The road was difficult and hard to cross, but he made it accessible for his army, all the luggage being carried by the animals. Then, he made the Barbaric inhabitants of this territory his subjects and because of the cruelties they were doing he killed the leaders used to slaughter and rob the armies that passed by as soon as the soldiers arrived in a narrow place, thus making the journeys to that territory safe for the ones who followed. After crossing the Alps, and penetrating that land crossing it that land which is a plain and it is called Gaelia, he continued his road to Liguria. Heracles reached the Tiber, afterwards the Cume plain, also called the Flegraic plain, where another battle took place, I quote Learning that Heracles reached those parts, the Giants (actually, the Giants were called Cyclops there) all gathered and started against him, ready to attack. As they were very strong, a fierce battle took place and Heracles with the help of the gods (Heracles, being


an Immortal, didnt believe in the gods) was able to defeat them, killing most of them (bib. 9, page 278), after which, Later, the warrior, wished to go around Sicily (which he did) (page 279), where taking his cows to the middle of the island, the siculs the inhabitants there came to face him with numerous armies; but Heracles defeated them in a famous battle and killed many enemies. After this battle, Heracles crossed once more the sea and went back to Italy, where advancing along the coast he killed Lacinios, who tried to steal his cattle, and involuntarily killed Croton as well. After Italy, he reaches the Adriatic Seaand then Greece, I quote After Heracles surrounded, on foot (?), the Adriatic Sea reaching the banks of this seas bay he ended in Epir, from where he headed towards the Peloponez(page 281). After covering Greece he arrived in Asia Minor and then in India. This was Zeuss territory, after his first war against Trojan or Atlas, when he had annexed the Blakans and Asia Minor, territories which belonged to the Titans, to his own. After this war, it is not known how longer Trojan lived, but after his death, his oldest daughter, Maya, Zeuss former wife, followed him to the throne. Which is striking is the association of Atlas with the mountain, almost in all the ancient writings. The biggest mountain is Atlass mountain, probably Fgra Mountains, and the legend is that Atlas turned into a mountain when he saw Medusas head etc. It is true that in Romanian, trojan means mountain, snow mountain (it is in the winter that he transformed), which completes the statements above. Atlas read the other way around, like in the old Egyptian tradition, means leap or to leap, to overcome an obstacle. This ressemblance remains a mystery. Moreover, Hera, Atlass eldest daughter, was called by the old Cretans the lady of the mountain. 5. HERA Hera is the eldest of the seven daughters of Atlas, also called Maya, Iera at the Etruscans, Ana at the Romanians (the oldest of the fairies and the kindest) and known among the ancient Cretans through the expression Diktynna, where Dikte means holy, saint and Ana is a feminine first name, so Saint Ana. It is said that for all (all the people in the south) she was


called Ilia, meaning the goddess. It seems that under this title she becomes known in the north, in the territory of the Immortals, of the Atlanteans and then the Sarmatians (the name comes from Sarmis, called Hermes in the south and then Apollo for everybody), for some people in the north possible the belief in gods. The fact is that, throughout history, the only area where there is no faith in the gods is the Getic area, where you will never find writings (maybe similarities), temples, altars or popular expressions concerning this belief in the gods. Moreover, among the Romanians, the gods are called dragons (balauri, zmei) and we are no longer surprised that Saint George killed the dragon, which possible represents that Atlas killed Zeus, the big dragon. In the Romanian popular tradition, the dragon had several heads. If we think about it, the big dragon, Zeus, had five heads: Zeus, Horus, Ammon, Athena and Myrina. It also figures that Sarmis excluded the war from the existence of society and then it would be more appropriate that Saint George represented him, be Sarmis. Hermes was considered a shepherd, he only worked in agriculture, term from which the name George (Gheorghe) would derive, from ancient Greek. Hera, even only the one Homer wrote about, is a capricious person, whimsical and ambitious. She is said to walk over cadavers in order to reach her goals and, moreover, she doesnt respect her oath given to Somn from the Iliad, Book XIV, v. 273-274. Her enormous ego, even as a daughter of a king and bazileu, will generate effects that will persist for millennia. In order to understand these effects, we have to analyze the organization of the state (the kingdom) until Hera. In that time, the queen would manage the administration of the territory, territory which was divided in areas called Bnii, administrated by a laic leader called Ban. In the Romanian popular tradition, the Ban is also the traditional money. The king took care of the army and the wars, and when they were non, he was a judge, but, for lack of the king, the queen took his place as a judge. The third social category in the state, he priests, did not live in the cities, were forced, by their profession, to known time calculation, in order to know the holidays, which usually took place in the cities. The mountain being a religious area was, apparently, where the priests were. They had no administrative attributions, neither did they have access to the army, they


only handled the religious issues. All this was modified by Hera and, partially, she was right to do it, because she was confronted with a situation no leader would have wanted. The difficult situation, which began ever since Trojans reign, was the following. The country of the Rams, called Atlantis by Atlas, was an island, a sacred island (saint), where the souls of the dead dwelled, after they had crossed the Styx or the Ocean. After the earthquakes and the inundations from Atlass time the capital of the kingdom collapsed and was covered in mud, which determined the search for a new capital, and its name, according to the evidence we possess, cant be other than Alba-Iulia. Worse is the fact that, after the earthquakes, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles Straits appear and the water which covered then the whole plain of Europe and the north of Asia withdraws into the Mediterranean, and Atlantis is an island no more, it is a territory like all the others and loses its holiness and was in danger to lose its religion too. It was a difficult situation which had to be resolved and the solution was the following. From a religious point of view, the sould of the dead were crossing to the other side, as today, but nobody knew exactly where, fact which determined the Egyptians, and others after them, to say that the souls of the dead (the second life) went to the stars, without mentioning which ones. The Paradise or the Heaven today was then located in the terrestrial area, the Parnassus, the Elysian Fields or Walhalla, and the pure ones would climb the mountain and, given that the mountain reached the sky with its peak, they too reached it and became what later people called saints. Then it was known that all ended up in the Immortals country, and the territory was precisely located on earth. Furthermore, there was no notion of Hell at that time, but there was, however, the term iezer, which meant abyss/pitt, and the sinners were condemned to the eternal death by being dispossessed, by the Divinity, of any form of energy. The significance of the term iezer was lost, and its place was taken by Hell, yet, the name of a mountain was kept in the real life and in the writings too, the Iezer Mountain (Muntee Iezerului), I quote (The Gehenna) in the early biblical era, wasnt considered anything else than an underground space of the shadows (bib. 25, page 238) and in the Book of Enoch (the Ethiopian Apocryphal XC26) an abyss is reminded situated at the middle of the earth or in the Bible, after the Apocalypse of Saint Joan the Theologian,


at page 1410, chapter 20, I quote And the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown in the abyss (Getic term) of fire and sulphur and, further, I quote And the death and the hell were thrown in the river of fire. This is the second death (also Getic influences): the pit of fire. Then the premiss of a religion was created, religion which, to some extent, still exists nowadays. In the religion then, apart from the Divinity (God) and Zalmoxis (Saturn), Hera appears, as the Woman or the virgin with her divine child (Hermes), belief which persisted in Crete for many millennia, and the evidence of it is, I quote The cave from Ida, at the altitude of 1534 m, which at first belonged to Zeus and his Nymphs, had become the place of the Lady of the Mountain and Her Divine Child (bib. 20, pages 242243) and further, Or, the mountain nearby, Onykhas, was, ever since the minoic antiquity (Heras time), the place of a cult on the summits, such as Mennies, the little bay nearby, was devoted to Diktynna, minoic goddess of the mountain in the historic age. In addition to this,, in Crete, where much research was made, even the faces of the queen and bazilee Maya and her son Hermes were found, I quote The women came here to pray to some calcareous concretions which pictured the image of a mother holding her son. The same type of idol was found in the cave of Hermes and Maya at Melidoni (Mylopotamos) and in the cave Vigla from Keratokampos (Viannou) (bib. 20, page 239). It is possible that such representations had existed all over Heras territory and, in time, they were either not known anymore or destroyed. In that time, during Heras reign, modifications in the structure, administration, management or even state policy appear, modifications which lasted over millennia and some of which still do nowadays, and here are some examples: 1. The Bnii were transformed into Davas, thus, the territory administrated by a Ban, a laic, was transformed into a religious cult institution, administrated by priests, priests who, before Maya, had no right to interfere in states politics, administration or military. From that moment on, the priest had the right to give or to take lands from any person he pleased. The priests who, until then, had barely something to eat, suddenly were offered a whole banquet. From those time, on the current territory of Romania, we have Davas instead of Bnii and later, much later, the Bnii


have appeared again, but administrated by a person with religious background or training, person who followed the path (teachings) of Saraba or Va-Sa-Rab, and the title of Basarab was forbidden by Vlad epe. 2. The Fetial Laws appeared, laws which modify Saturns laws, known until today as the Bellagine Laws, or the Wallachians old laws, laws after which, throughout history, all the following laws and codes were made. The Fetial laws (made according to the personalities of the Church in Romanian, fee bisericeti), which gave only the priests the right to declare war and settle for peace. If, until then, the war was just, now it was also holy, any war was just and holy. There is a graphical representation on The Column of Trajan where the priests are banished from the citadel, which proves they were not involved in the war led by Decebalus against Rome, even after the repeated calls of Decebalus. The reason was that the war was just, but not holy. Later, when Trajan mocked the priests, taking their gold and forbidding their religion, they reacted, searching for a religion that was tolerated by Rome, in fact, the same religion practiced by the Essens, the former Mysians from Asia Minor, Mysianss or mesians who originated from the Balkans, in the province called Roma Moesia. Actually, the Romanians acted then like Cesar when, along with Sosigenes, they brought the calendar from Egypt, in 46 B.C. (calendar which is still used today), according to which another day was added every four years, in order to replace the Getic calendar, which had 13 months of four weeks each and when a day was added every four or five years and another day every 500 years, day which corresponded to the cycle of life and death of the Phoenix bird, also called, by some authors, the Titanic bird, which makes its nest in the Carpathians, in the city of the Sun. If the Getic time calculation was replaced with the Roman one, not the same thing happened with the religion, which continued to exist, with the abovementioned changes. In vain did the Romans bring the cult of Isis with Horus in their arms, even though Isis had been dead long before Horus was born, that did not matter; what mattered was the destruction of the belief in the virgin or the woman with her divine child. In vain did the Romans spend their money building temples with Isis and Horus. It was a total failure, the belief in their own gods being forbidden, they switched to the Christian belief. It is true that Augustus ha prohibited the cult of Isis and Horus, but


only in Rome, and Tiberius persecuted the believers, but once Caligula is made emperor (37-41), the cult begins to spread again, I quote However, emperor Caligula will build a temple to Isis Campensis. The mysteries and the secrets of the religious service made in the temple of Isis are familiar to us from the description of Apuleius (bib. 8 page 241). In vain praise some Constantine I who, in 313, signed the Edict of Milan, he was forced to do it because most of the population in Eastern Europe already believed in Christ. Mircea Eliade is right, it is not Rome that conquered Dacia, it is the Dacians who destroyed Rome, by imposing their faith under a different form. I will not go into the details, but I would like to remind that Saint Ana (Hera) remained in the current religion as the mother of the Virgin Mary, or, a popular logic says that, were it not for the mother, neither the children nor the ulterior events would have happened. 3. The king also had to be a priest, actually, he was the Great Priest and this proves the existence of priests in the army. The descendants of the kings were called, for many millennia, Heraclids, that is, preachers of the belief in Hera (cleos= to worship, to praise), who worshiped Hera and her divine child. 4. If until Hera there was the term of Hercules, a man, a mortal who, through his work, intelligence and efforts, became a hero and possibly an Immortal and later a god, afterwards, these merits could only be attributed to one of Heras priests, called Heracles, term used by the ancient writers. Here is how Diodorus motivates the term Heracles, I quote This is why the argiens after finding out what happened gave the child the name of Heracles, because with the help of Hera he had had the glory (cleos) (page 267). So, in other words, who did not believe in Hera had no glory and this explains the method to become a hero. The word hero itself has Heras name in it, and this completes the previous statements. In those times, everything began and ended with Hera. Who did not worship her, remained a simple mortal, no matter how many brave acts he had done. First Heras worship, then the reward for the heroic deeds. In the excerpt, the word argiens turns up, who in fact were Greeks, former Dorians, where arg means also country and field (bib. 12, page 81), according to Strabo and Homer.


5. For all these advantages she gave to the priests, naturally they praised her and the bazilee Hera, called by the Romanians Saint Ana and by the Cretans Diktana or Diktina, along with her divine child, Sarmis or Hermes, was put on the same level with the Divinity (God), Saturn (Zalmoxis or Saint Ilie). 6. Since the dynasty and dictatorship from the time Hera lived and given to the praise given to her by the priests for the welfare she gave them, they considered the queen the founder of an era. In those times, it was their era (Hera), not it is ours (our era, Hera). The word earth, terra, comes from Hera, through the ancient Thera = earth. If we, the Romanians, call the earth glie, name which comes from Glia, one of Gaeas names, the descendants of the Pelasgians still use the word terra. Moreover, even our galaxy, the Milky Way, is called the Galaxy Hera. The bazilee Hera was not satisfied with the land, she also wanted a piece of the cosmos and not only did she get it, but she still has it today. The writing, not the ordinary, popular one, but the sacred writing, the hieratic, had to be called after her and, at the Egyptians, even the hieroglyphic writing had the same status. The word Hero was bound to come from Hera. She was also called Iera, but Ieroi was the word for saint in the ancient Greek. The priests, who had to study the sky in order to know the time and the dates of the holidays, had not forgotten about Heras sisters, who were assigned the group of stars called the Pleiades; Atlas had seven daughters, seven stars were called after them. In the ancient writings they usually appear as muses and, according to Diodorus, page 264, I quote we are assured that the Muses are the offsprings of the Sky and the Earth or, the sons of the sky and the earth were all Immortals; further, at page 264, it is stated that they are called Muses, from the word myein, which means initiates. So, the daughters of Atlas initiated people, offered knowledge only they possessed. The muse Urania initiates us in the secrets of religion possibly since Uranuss time Urania owes her name to the fact that those who were educated by her lifted with their souls to the sky (uranos) with their reputation and helped by the power of the thought, in other words, through prayer, custom which is still kept today at the Christians, being 1000015000 years old. The habit of wearing icons is about as old as the prayer among the orthodox Christians, I quote There were the priests who, at


processions, wore little icons representing the gods (the term gods was usually used only in the south, while in the north, the term saints was widespread) (bib. 9, page 113, point 114). There are also other tracks of Heras existence on Earth, but I wont enumerate them all. From the name Maya, remained in history the philosophy and the belief in Maya of the people in India. The name of Maya is also encountered in America and it is not excluded that the idea to build pyramids with stairs came from those ancient times. The fact is that, in the history of the ancient inhabitants of America, there was the belief in the great white god who taught them many good things, probably Hermes, and their kings had the obligation to manage well the kingdom for the time he would return. The poor Spanish people did not understand where the gratitude and the joy for their arrival came from, they didnt know what the word Maya meant. Even one of the months in the calendar is called after her. Hera remained in the memory of the Romanians by lending her name to some of the cities or regions from this country, or to the ending of some words, such as: munte-an (inhabitant of the region called Muntenia), olte-an (inhabitant of the region called Oltenia) etc. at masculine, and at feminine by the ending ana or anca, for example, olte-an or olte-anc, munte-an or munte-anc etc. and she is also reminded by the feminine first name Ilieana, which is composed from Ile or Ilu, which at the Sumerians meant god and in the north it meant saint, and Ana, also the name of a person, and in the north these two form the expression Sain Ana, while in the south it is known as Ilia (goddess), Ile-Ana (goddess - Ana), name which, in the popular tradition, has an equivalent in Elena. It seems that it was this name, Elena (Helen in English), which determined Homer to make a connection between the kidnapping of Helen of Troy and the kidnapping of Hera (Elena) by Zeus and thus modify the epic of the Trojan war (Atlass) with a war fought in a small citadel in Asia Minor, called Troy, citadel which was subject to the Assyrians, who, in their turn, were under the power and authority of the Egyptians ever since 1972 B.C., after their occupation by Sesostris I, pharaoh of Egypt. The proof that Troy was subject to the Assyrians is provided by Diodorus (bib. 9, page 152), I quote Priam, who ruled in Troy and was subject to the king of the Assyrians,


being overwhelmed by the war, sent a message to ask for help. Teutamos sent him ten thousand Ethiopians and equally as many inhabitants from Susiana, together with two hundred battle carts; in the head of this army he placed Memnon, the son of Tithonos. There are two possibilities as far as the name Ileana is concerned. It was either a desire to substitute Zalmoxiss (Ilie) attributes with Heras (Ana), possibly the high priestess Ana, or it was intended the use of the name Saint Ana by joining together Ilie (Saint) and Ana (Hera). There is no evidence to prove any of this, but there cant be a spontaneous creation, not even for a name. Saturn was also called Seb and the cities with the name of Sebe are old settlements which carry Saturns name. Furthermore, the old word Sibu or Sibiu, meant earth and, according to Diodors, the inhabitants of Sibiu were rich men (page 431); also Diodorus states It is said that Medeea led the Argonauts in Aress (Trojan, Atlas) sacred place, located at a distance of seventy stadii (unit of measurement of length) from the city called Sibaris (the old Sibiu) and where the palace of the Colhidians king was (page 229). In Romania, there are many cities that carry the name of Saturn, Seb, and the origin of this name is millennia old. In conclusion, Hera was an ordinary mortal who was also a queen and a bazilee and possessed and unmeasurable ego, which she displayed in a dictatorship, perhaps the cruelest from the history of mankind, at the consolidation of which the priests contributed, to thank her for the great privileges she offered them and which they wouldnt let go for millennia since, privileges which, in time, took society back to the primitivism. The method which took things back to primitivism was offered by Hermes himself, Mercurius, Trismegistus, Great Priest and King over the two Sarmatians (name which comes from Sarmis = Hermes and refers to the two kingdoms, the one from the north and the one from the south), I quote Thus, stay out of the crowd, so that the vulgus (the mob) can be kept under control by ignorance or even the fear of the unknown (Bib. 21, page 213). Heres how a civilization could be destroyed, by confiscating the knowledge by the priests and by taking the culture and the science away from the common people. Time has proven the viability of this theory and, throughout millennia, primitivism was reached once more, even though, from a religious point of view, ignorance was the greatest sin and torture of


the soul, the divine component on earth, but to no avail, since the welfare justified the means; the priests excluded the civilization and even the feeling although they were supposed to glorify and cherish it, and they were asking the crowd to respect it as one of the strongest points of their religion. Hera didnt forget her husband Zeus, who had his share of glorification and ended up by being, in some of the writings, the father of Athena, Isis, Osiris, Seth (Saturn), Latona (Nephis) and others, even though they had lived ages before Zeus the Olympian; the details did not matter, it was the big picture that mattered. After her return to the Getic area and after Zeuss death, it is not known whether she remarried or not. There was found evidence that, after the disappearance of the Getic capital and of Atlass kingdom, located on an isle, is in fact artificial, from Saturns territory at that time, which then belonged to Latona and Atlas, territory called by Plato Atlantis, actually an island, but in reality there were more islands which formed the country of the Rams, and, after its destruction, the capital of the kingdom moved to the current Alba Iulia, by then called Alba Ilia, and, when saying this, I rely on the fact that it is a name composed from two words with a logical explanation each. The word Alba derives from the garments of the high prelates, which necessarily had to be white, color suggesting the purity of the soul, I quote the name White (Albul) evokes the garment of the priests and priestesses caste (bib. 20, page 387). White was also the color of the sun, the light, the life, and this is why the city was called the city of the sun, the city of Apollo (the son of Hera), Apulum. The fact that it was the city of the sun and the capital of Atlass kingdom is also confirmed by Homer in the Iliad, Book VIII, v. 197-200, page 168, I quote What now, wide ruling lord of the earthquake? Can you find no compassion in your heart for the dying Danaans, who bring you many a welcome offering to Helice and to Aegae?. The location of the city Aegae is not known, but Helice is the name given to the sun in the olden days, in Asia Minor, and it also represents the origin of the word Helix. The fact that the city was then called Apulum (from Apollo), at least for a while (it cannot be established for how long), is known and certified by the archeologists. Moreover, in the


year 300 B.C., when Dromichetes defeats Lysimachus, the captured prisoners are taken to the city Helix (Helis), the city of the sun, according to the Macedonians, the city of the former king and bazileu Sarmis, Hermes, also called Apollo (Apollo was the priest of the sun), their capital. In order to confirm this, I quote Eight years later, Lysimachus personally leads a new offensive in the kingdom from the north of the Danube. The Getae withdraw from the invading army, devastating everything ahead. Somewhere in the Cmpia Muntean (a plain in Romania), Lysimachuss army, weary, falls into a trap, the monarch himself being made a prisoner and taken to Helix, the crown city of Dromichaetes (bib. 10, page 115) and this city cant be other than the current Alba Iulia. The fact that the king Sarmis (Hermes), the son of Zeus, is anointed priest, the priest of the sun, thus Apollo, is enounced by bib. 20, page 222, I quote In the classical period it was said that Apollo, the shepherd god, the son of Zeus, had been purified (probably baptized, because baptism was always considered the first step of the initiation, followed afterwards by the introduction of a new doctrine, another way of considering reality called the transfiguration, and, then, the third step was the so-called examination from distance/up, thus seeing with the power of the mind what couldnt be seen with the eyes) in the Samaria Gorge (Crete) and that also there he and the daughter of Minos, Akakallis (also called Aphrodite) were united. The minoic caved of Hermes, he also a pastoral divinity, could be seen at Patsos and Melidoni. Sarmis, who was a king at the Getae, by means of this purification becomes a priest as well, becomes Apollo. The second word, Ilia, is explained by the fact that in the area there are also other cities called Ilia, name worn by Saturn at the Getae, also known as Zalmoxis or Ilie, he who, according to the popular tradition in some areas, still guards the Gates to the Heaven, Heaven where there can only enter the sinless or the purified ones and from where the heavenly armies come to earth, armies once led by Saturn. Ilia (Ilie) was also Saturns name and from here we can draw the conclusion that, in the beginning, in Atlass time, the city Alba-Iulia was the city of Zalmoxis, in Heras time, it was the city of Hera (Ilia, Ilia = goddess), and then, in Sarmiss time, it became the city of Apollo, Apulum. The fact is that the Romans changed its name from Ilia to Iulia, because it was this family,


Iulia, that Caesar was from, and in the time of the empire, when a comet was seen, it was believed that it carried the soul of Caesar on its way to the stars, so Caesar was a god as well, he was Ilia, and his family could not be below the families of Atlas, Hera or Hermes. Alba Iulia, the white city, was the residence of the high prelates from those times, after, in the earlier times, it was Deva and no one can say why the change was made, the capital of the religion and of the kingdom successively led by Trojan, Maya and Sarmis, Getic kings from the Rams country, also called Atlantis by Plato. Not to be confused with Belgrad, also the white city, called this way because it had been painted white by its inhabitants. After Hera, her divine child, Hermes, Apollo, called Sarmis by the Getae, followed to the throne. HERMES, SARMIS OR APOLLO Born as a divine son of Zeus the Olympian and Hera, daughter of Atlas, called by the Cretans Diktana (Diktina or Diktiana), or, in translation, Saint Ana, after Heras death, Sarmis becomes a king and a bazileu. His birth right, after his father, was to reign over the kingdom of the south and, after his mother, he had the same right over the kingdom of the north. Being a king, Sarmis also was a Great Priest, according to the new laws, the Fetial Laws, and he held this position in the kingdom of the north, where there was a different faith and even a different religion, and, by the purification from Samaria (the abovementioned quotation), he became the Great Priest also in the kingdom of the South and received the title of Apollo, title which for the ones of the south was the equivalent of the sun god. Needless to speak about it, he was the divine child of a very vain woman and the priests were sustaining his megalomania. He even took the IOAN title, master of the sky (Io = master, An = the sky) and nothing happened without his approval. The poet Ovid in his Fasti, pictures Ianus (at the Pelasgians) saying the following words All that you see, the sky, the sea, the clouds and the ground are under our grip and we close and open our hands. As for myself, i have the right to swirl the pole of the sky. I stay and watch at the gates of Heaven, not even Joe can enter or get our without my permission, and further Ovid says Ianus was the guardian of the gates


of Heaven (which was the task of Zalmoxis, Saturn or Ilie), he opened and closed the seas (which was the attribution of Saturn and then Neptune), he was the father of the brooks and rivers (bib. 12, page 618). And this is not all, he wanted more, I quote According to the writings of Macrobius, during the reign of Ianus (Hermes, Sarmis) all the homes were set on religion and virtues an era of happy manners (?) for which he was given divine honors. Ianus was the first to build temples in Italy and he introduced rituals for the divine services. Because of this, Ianus was always mentioned the first in the prayers at the religious ceremonies so that through him the divinity who was being offered sacrifices could approach. There are some, Macrobius continues, who say that Ianus and Apollo were one and the same (bib. 12, page 618). If for the Rams he was Ioan and for the Pelasgian, according to Herodotus, he was Ion (lib. VII 94; VIII 44), in the writings, during the reign of Sarmis, the Pelasgians will be called Ionieni Later, the Romans, organize a celebration in Hermess honor, which is still held today, I quote In the honor of Ianus, the Romans dedicate the month January to him. His main celebration was established on January 7 (bib. 12, page 619). Myself, as an Orthodox, I wonder what to believe? To believe in the Essenian John the Baptist (Ion or Ioan is translated as John in English) or to believe in Ioan (Hermes, Sarmis) who was purified (baptized) at Samaria, probably in the waters of Iardan from Crete. In fact, it is nothing but a continuity of the religion with the due modifications and the causes that generated these modifications are not entirely known. If we believed Lactantius (260-325 A.C.) the quotation is mentioned in another chapter , the teacher of the children of Constantine I, then Hermes believed in God so, the belief in God is 10000-12000 years old. Hermes was the one who was leading the souls of the dead (the shadows of the living) to Paradise (the Odyssey, Book XXIV), v. 1-20. In the literature of the Antiquity, Hermes is also called Mercury or Armis, the two-faced Armis, expression which is justified because, as a king of two kingdoms, he had to pay attention to all his subjects. With a face turned towards the people in the north and another one turned towards the ones in the south, he had to be the same and to enforce the same rights and obligations on all.


During the reign of Hermes, for some people in Europe, appears the title of Hyperborean, even the fact that Hermes is a Hyperborean, I quote (bib. 12, page 80) Even the people in Crotona, city famous for the purity of its morals, Apollo, according to Aristotle, had the epithet of Hyperboreu. In fact, the Greek split the inhabitants of the former Atlantis in two camps. The notion of Hyperboreans (influential rich people) was known ever since the time of Saturn, but then it applied to all the northern inhabitants. Apollo (Hermes) was considered a good shot with the bow and, according to bib. 12, page 1034, it is said that the arrow of Apollo, the one he had used to kill the Cyclops (the Giants in the north were called Cyclops in the south), who had forged Joes bolts of lightning, was buried in the Hyperborean mountains (the Carpathians), according to the old legends. It is logical to be so because the capital of the kingdom was at Alba Iulia. It is there where the Phoenix bird came, the Titanic bird, once every 500 years, for a day, day in which it was born, it lived and it died, day marked as a plus in the time calculation of the Getae. The Phoenix bird always came in the city of the sun, the city of its ancestors. From Sarmis (Apollo, Hermes etc), three names were kept until today: the Sarmatic Sea, the former Atlantic Sea, today the Romanian Plain from the south of Romania, Sarmisegetuza (the Getae Sarmis), the place where the most accurate time calculation is found (it has minus a second at every 71,84 years, for a calculation of 5512 years or at an era, compared to the current calculation the former Egyptian calendar when we are ahead of time by 11,233 minutes per year). I consider that the so-called citadels from the Ortie Mountains are in fact observatories to study the sky and, in my opinion, according to their position, they had to correspond to the position of the Pleiades and, more difficult to believe, to the position of the Ursa Major or Ursa Minor (the Great Bear or the Little Bear). The walls surrounding these observatories had the purpose to shelter those who made the observations by the wild animals and not the purpose of protection in case of a war. The third name is that of the current city Alba Iulia, the old Apulum, city of the sun. Apollo had another temple in Letea Island where, according to the Greeks, he spent the winter. Others say he came there once every 19


years, period called the Metonic cycle, period when, at 19 tropical solar years there are 19 moon years, 7 years of 13 months each and 12 years of 12 synodical months. Possibly for these constructions or maybe to satisfy his ego, he was called guardian to the gates of time, and by then time was taboo because it represented, among others, the existent, or, both the matter and the energy have a life and a death of their own, a time of their own, a cyclic evolution including birth, maturity and death and this is why the time was their measure and, in the same time, the measure of the cosmos. Today, time is a unit of measurement for the energy and also today we consider that eternity doesnt need time. Sarmis (Hermes), like Prometheus (Hermes) remained in history as the only people considered three times important (Trismegistus: a king, a prophet and a wiseman) and for Sarmis also contributed the presence of the Caduceus. When the Fetials, the priests from the Pi Rams class offered the caduceus and the sword to their opponents, that meant they were letting them choose between the caduceus, which meant peace, wisdom, and the sword, which meant war. Sarmis built several cities, many of which are not known today or have been destroyed in time. In Egypt, he founded Thebes, at first called Herapolis, in the memory of his mother, and the quotation was already enounced. I mention that Thebes, in the Cretan language, means knoll, I quote On the other hand, if we took under consideration the spreading of the common names as Thebe hill in Crete (Troada) and Beotie (bib. 20, page 147). If Thebes means knoll, than it can also mean hillock and mountain and they were all used for the religious cult. The replacement of the letter T with D, known ever since the Antiquity, transforms Deva into Teba and this is why Plato says that the Rams had a citadel 1000 years before than the Egyptians. Sarmis also built Karnak, as Diodorus informs us (page 33), I quote The Egyptians tell that Osiris (mistaken with Hermes) in the honor of his parents, Zeus and Hera, built a temple, a worth mentioning one, by his greatness and richness and details are given at page 110: it is the great temple of Karnak, which was rebuilt by a number of pharaohs. As you can see, Sarmis founded and built all the religious cult institutions from Egypt, the one the Egyptians pride with. Along with Hera and Sarmis (Hermes), the peoples religion and faith changed,


changes which lasted even after Christs birth, and some of them, as well as some of the ones before them, still exist. After Sarmis, the Dynasty of the Immortals is continued through the Heraclides and the Sarabs, Va-Sarabs, Basarabs and through the Getae and their descendants who existed and still do in the country called Romania.



This theme will create discussions and disputes. It makes sense to be so, because part of the theme is based on the Romanian legends. 4000 years have passed from then. Legends are transmitted orally. Any narrator adds or removes something from the existing things. One thing counts, all preserve stone of truth! The paper has two parts: The first part is the summary taken from the work of Diodorus of Sicily presented in its Histories, and the second part is based on the Romanian folk legends that, I think, are related to this event. Father of Sesostris, the Pharaoh Amenemhet, who reigned between 1991-1962 years BC, had a dream, that his child became the master of the entire world. His dream came true because he is that who has conquered a very large area being exceeded only by Saturn, Latona, Atlas, Hera and Sarmis, and after him maybe by the Mongols. Thereafter (bib. 12, p. 977), I quote "After Herodotus (II, 103), Justin (II, 3) and Strabo (XV, 1, 6), Sesostris was the first Egyptian king, who has subdued all the Asian peoples, which he had arrived to, then from Asia he crossed the Hellespont in Europe, and subdued the Thracians and the Scytians. It is true that in Balkans three major wars have been, maybe the greatest in the humanity history even by the number of fighters for those times, that according to some documents or by the size of territory where people could gather, have exceeded 300.000-500.000 people. The first great war was between Osiris and Saturn, the second was between Atlas and Zeus and the third between Sesostris and lorgovan (Iorgu-ban)


helped by Novac and Balaban (the Ban of Bala) and all these wars have depopulated Balkans and less Asia Minor. After the war of Sesostris, 700 years had to go and it ended with the conquest of the last bastion of Egyptians, even if apparently it was under Assyrian control, the fall of Troy city in 1270 BC. In this period the territories that were previously under Egyptian control, were repopulated. Maybe this resemblance with the war between Trojan and Zeus made Homer modify the old epic, the epic of Trojan War, which had as result the victory of the Getaes (the Blachs) too, as the victory over Sesostris was. Concerning the Getaes victory over the Sesostris, an obvious victory, he says (bib. 12, p. 978), quoting "After Valerius Flaccus (Argon, 418 V), Sesostris was the first that came with the war on Getaes, but, terrified by the defeat of his army, he quickly returns to Thebes on the Nile shore, accompanied only by a few of his". As I said above, he was not the first king or pharaoh of Egypt who had war with the Getaes, but he was the first who crossed the Danube and who had the most shameful defeat". The way this campaign has been prepared is described by Diodorus of Sicily. It is said that all should be started from a dream his father had, the pharaoh Amenemhet of the XII dynasty (1991-1962 BC), I quote (bib. 9, p. 66) "Some writers narrate that at the birth of Sesostris, his father saw Hephaestus (Vulcan) in a dream, who unveiled him that, one day, the child who was born had to become the master of the entire world. That is why his father raised him in the company of those children of an age to him, offering them a high education, like of a king, preparing him to become, one day, the conqueror of the world. Once arrived to manhood, Sesostris confident in the prophecy made for him - began to prepare the expedition mentioned above. The next step was that, I quote from Diodorus book, chap. 53. "At the Sesostris birth, his father made a great and worthy deed a king. Gathering of all Egyptians children who were born in the same day as his son, he gave nannies and teachings to all and decided they be raised like his son and get the same good education like his son. Because he believed that these children who will live together with each other, leading the same life, hypocrisy should not exist, will be the most faithful fight companions of his son in war time. Offering them all they needed, he accustomed, in the same time, the young people with various physical exercises, to adopt their


body with toil. No one of them was allowed to touch food before running one hundred eighty laps (32.4 km)". Sesostris, the Pharaoh of 12th Dynasty who, during the war, is regent or associate to reign for 10 years between 1972-1962 BC, and in this period the war was lead by him, after which, until 1928 BC he is pharaoh, then he becomes blind and kills himself. He gathers an army that, according to the data provided by Diodorus, is unbelievably great for that times, I quote (p. 67) He gathered six hundred thousand infantry, twenty-four thousand horsemen and twenty-four thousand chariots. The head of every army and unit, he has placed those who had been raised with him and were accustomed to fight, because since childhood they aspired to get brave. Loving the king as their brother, they felt brothers all together. They were more than one thousand and seven hundred. "Here is how Egypt has been depopulated, and the current Egyptians are only a mixture of nations." At first, he conquered Libya, meaning North Africa, I quote "Then he had been sent in the regions from west, where, although young, he conquered most of Lybia. After he was sure that he can no longer be attacked from the west (Lybia) Sesostris began to conquer territories, as Diodorus relates, quoting (p. 67-68) After he has trained his army, Sesostris first started against the Ethiopians, placed in the south of Egypt. He defeated and forced them to pay him tribute in ebony, gold and elephant fangs. Then, he sent in the Red Sea, a fleet of hundred ships, being the first Egyptian to build ships for war. The fleet of Sesostris has conquered the islands of that region, and the entire seacoast of the Red Sea, until India. He left by himself on land with his army of infantry, bringing the whole Asia under his command. Sesostris crossed the Gange river and advanced to India till the Ocean (actually he was the first Egyptian who crossed the Gange river, because neither Osiris, nor Horus could pass it). Gange river was crossed, before him, by Saturn, Atlas and Prometheus (Hercules), and after him by Ram, and in the Scythians lands he passed until Tanais (Don) a river that separates Europe and Asia. Thus, the king Sesostris subdued the rest of the Asia (North Asia, including today Afghanistan, as well as Asia Minor), and most of the Cyclades. Arriving then in Europe, he crossed the whole Thrace and he was about to lose his army, both because of the lack


of food, as well as because of the difficulties occasioned by the nature of the land". But we cannot mention the lack of food because they were near sea and in the forests there were many animals as a source of food. Because of the land, yes, because being a land of hill and mountains, Sesostris could not use carts battle. Priests do not say that Sesostris was defeated in Thrace, but being a good strategist, created the second front in the Sicles area, southern Italy, where Sicles were allied comparing to Etruscans whom he fought to, as a proof, the captives who founded the Tura city. It is incomprehensible that, reaching out to Don, he has not attacked the Getic population. It is a possible logic, namely that, or he was afraid of being defeated in the battle with Getaes or he was afraid he would be attacked from two sides, by the population of the Getaes or by the population of Asia Minor. These difficulties are due to the public resistance in the Balkans even if he reached the Danube, where in the present-day Bulgaria was a city Sustra, virtual city opposite to Turnu Magurele, where he stopped with his armies and where he built houses, possibly mastabas and through these buildings he confirms that there the struggle between Osiris and Saturn took place, e many Egyptians died in the fight there because I think he knew this thing as I think that Alexander Macedon knew the gains of Pharaoh Sesostris and wanted to match him, so unsuccessful because he returned from Afghanistan to Egypt due to his officers. It seems that warships were anchored in St. George. Being a good strategist, by blocking the Danube to prevent the passage of ships over Danube by Getaes, thus a possible large army was fragmentized, what could facilitate an easy victory. St. George was the most favorable place of their meeting, regardless the place where boats come from the Danube to the sea. It seems that first, Sesostris was unable to cross the Danube in the Getaes area, passed into Italy, conquered Italy by attacking the West over Danube, thus Getae army was caught between two battlefields. Administrative and territorial organization of the population in the Balkans and north of the Danube, was in Bans, or their equivalent at Dacians in Dave. Ban was how the leader of the was Bans. I think the king of these lands was Iorgu lorgovan and this results from legends, the only important event occurred during the time. IO (ME)


title for rulers or kings is inherited from Saturn and then continued at the Romanian rulers as: IO (ME) Mircea governor or IO (ME) Stephen governor. In this situation the name of Iovan lorgovan would be the next IO BAN, BANU Iorgu. B letter, transformed in the letter V in the Romanian legends is relatively frequent. Thus is the name of Radovan, which in reality is simply Radu Banu who was ban of Craiova those days. I mention that the term dragon, but the same words are used for the leader or the leaders of that army. For the army of Sesostris, like for any army, the most difficult is to pass a river or a mountain, because his army had chariots, or those chariots which pass water with difficulty. Sesostris downs the Danube and as a good strategist has army by both sides of the Danube and boats on the water. It seems that in the current Budapest, the army on the left bank of the Danube was defeated and then some on the right bank of the army go on the left bank of Delta boiler , an area that was then impossible to pass with relatively big boats and it is caught by Iorgu Ban at Mures passage, which forces the Pharaoh's army to go North on the river bench. The final fight for this segment of the Egyptian army, took place at St. George, when the Egyptian army is destroyed, but escapes only Sicels and Persians. It seems curious about it, even unbelievable, but there are three proofs: The first evidence is that St. George killed the dragon and the dragon was the enemy army and its leader, or the name of St. George is given by Pliny the Elder who lived betweenAD 23-79 and who wrote the Natural history. In this book, Pliny the Elder wrote that one of the arms whereby water Danube (Ister) flows into the sea is "the Saint Arm". This proves that St. George already existed on that time so "sacred", he was known throughout the whole Roman Empire and that in the absence of other evidence to show that it has received that name later. 2. Szeklers are living today on the area, these are only Sicels or, ancient inhabitants of the southern half of the actual Italy and brought the army of Sesostris.


3. Persani Mountains are in the area or it is not known there were not Persians. The existing name of the Persian mountains is confirmed the Persians existence in the area. Or they could come only with the army of Sesostris, being known that they lived beyond the Don. Through the existence of the two nations, Persians and Sicels in the area, it is possible that before the fight they to be passed in the Ban camp and the Egyptian army be destroyed especially because they had no way out of the area. In this way I explain the name of the city of St. George, holy who has killed the dragon and defeated the Egyptian army. The same name is found also on the Danube Delta which I will explain later because the facts are similar, the difference is that, this time, the Egyptian army, as well as the Egyptian fleet, were defeated, after which Sesostris returned to Egypt under the pretext that his father, the pharaoh Amenemhet, was assassinated. If it were so, then he did not stay a while in Pelusion. In reality, as seen in Latin scripts, Sesostris ran the battlefield with his few companions in order to save their lives, probably he has somewhere lost his courage. The courage that Sesostris has lost, floated and is still floating on the Danube water. Living the disastrous military campaign, Sesostris returns to Egypt. A Romanian proverb says that "it running shy but is healthy". Arriving in Egypt, the fugitive Pharaoh Sesostris does as all cowards do, I quote (Bib. 9, p. 70) "But when the king wanted to go to any temple or in any town, he was unhorsing the horses of the chariot with four horses and, in their place, he was horsing the kings and the other rulers, to show that, after defeating the strongest and the bravest people, no one could measure against him". The quote proves his cowardice, because only a coward humiliates others. Humility is typical of cowards and is their pride. The fact that Sesostris ruled the conquered territories is resulting from the archaeological studies from Crete because Crete was several centuries tributary to Egypt. I quote (bib. 20, p. 348)" the tributes paid by Cretans to the Pharaoh's clerks and ministers, either in Egypt or on the Syrian and Palestinian coasts under Egyptians control". Moreover, in Crete there were Egyptian soldiers, black soldiers, and I quote (bib. 20, p. 372) "Like those at Agia Triada, they show soldiers standing right in front of their Prince or their captain. A fresco of Knosos shows a white captain and black guard soldiers". "Even the


"Greeks" were under Egyptian control, I quote (Bib. 20, p. 348) "But the Egyptian texts use formulas as that which can be read on the tomb of Rekhmare, the vizier of Tutmes III (1490-1436 BC)". Now when the gentlemen of the Cretan land heard of his victories against the foreign countries, they were bringing gifts to him, carrying them on back, to earn their breath of life. They wanted to obey His Majesty in order that powerful people defend them". Among them, there are Tanaja people, meaning danaans from Peloponnese. The Egyptian monarchs of the XV century BC, following the anti-Semitic and conquest politics of the founders of the XVIII dynasty, have installed the reign on the shores of Palestine, of Phoenicia and of Syria, where they kept local dynasts transformed into vassals. Another quote confirms that the Egyptians control over the Greeks (bib. 20, p. 349) "Not all is only a legend, because Greeks have always attributed to the Egyptians the founding of three cities of the Argolid, and Pharaoh Amenofis III (1408-1372 BC. AD), at his turn, he boasted of his rights over the ports of Crete, Cytherea, Messenia and the Argolid". Thus, it is not surprising the joy of conquering Troy city, the last bastion of Egyptian domination in Balkans and Asia Minor. Here's what Diodorus says about the moving (running) of Sesostris from the camp in the Balkans, Book I, chap. 57, section 6, quoting ... 'On the return journey to Egypt, after his new expedition, Sesostris arrived at Pelusion at his brother to host him, his wife and children, but also who planned their death. While they were resting, sleeping hard because of drink, his brother Sesoosis, huddled around the tent very much dry cane that he has prepared earlier and during night he had set fire to. Sesostris survived. This gesture of his brother proves that the failure of the military campaign was already in the past and his brother, the future Pharaoh could be responsible for this. In the Romanian folk tradition even the people of Cerna village, say and show a representation (a rock) where, they say, lorgovan killed the dragon with seven heads. In this situation, it seems that the true Sesostris was killed there, and what history calls, after this war, "Pharaoh Sesostris", to be another person, possibly one of his friends from childhood, and thus s two things can be explained: that Sesostris brother wanted to kill him and also the murder of the Pharaoh Amenemhet I. According to the Romanian


folk tradition, the dragon with seven heads is the leader of seven armies or seven nations that participated in the battle. The seven nations that fought the war with Getaes are: the Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Assyrians, the Indians, the Balks or the Saxons, the Persians and possibly the seventh generation were the Sicels. Before this event, the Egyptian army enters in the Iron Gates area in Oltenia. It is possible that the so-called Banat Sphinx, near Borza and close to Toplita represent the Pharaoh Sesostris. In Romania there are two cities names St. George, or according to the Romanian tradition, St. George killed the dragon, which means that in these cities were decisive battles. In Oltenia, there is a first fight between Balotesti and Scnteiesti. After this fight, legends tell about the Getae army lead by Balaban and by Novac or by the Ban of Bala. The history of those fights as well as the road covered by these armies meet the path for the Novac Furrow. It is conceivable that Novac and Balaban have participated in the battle at St. George as occurring with some delay in Oltenia. The rests of the army came from Italy, army quartered in the south of the Danube, cross the Danube and is defeated in the fighting that followed. The Egyptian army that was in the Gaetic area wanted to cross the Danube again in the Balkans, to join the Egyptian army in the south of the Danube but the Getae army cut off any possibility of withdrawal, the army pushed Egyptians in the North. Novac Furrow route reaches Tiriglina, at Galati and here appear different variants, namely that Novac Furrow would continue until the Don, which is possible because all that remains of the famous army of Sesostris could cross the Danube in Galati and part of the Getae army followed it to the end of their territory, until Don. Logically, after the Egyptian army, or what's left of the glorious Egyptian army that conquered the world, crossed the Danube in Galati, then it is possible that the brother of Sesostris tried to kill him because the disaster of the military campaign was sure, and harder to believe that his brother was not involved in battles. The last fight of King Iorgu and Egyptians was at St. George-delta, where this hero George, maybe the king, maybe the Getae an army general,


or maybe a tradition where the concept of "dragon" was the enemy army or its leader, but the same as that who has fought in Transylvania and who has destroyed the Egyptian army and its allies. The question arises if there was a road, a route, the route an army passes on, which is usually in the Romania? My opinion is that the army on its way, even without combat soldiers who have died as this way, these furrows, this route was made for the remembrance of the battles fought, or perhaps for that army Heroes, as that it becomes itself an obstacle for the passage over this tomb. In the Romanian legends it seems to have been fights in particular when the enemy army had to cross rivers or when it was stopped not to reach the Danube. These locations would be: Terpezia - Dolj, Craiova in the Radovan forest, at the passage of Olt at Brancoveni, but in two localities were the biggest fights, in Slobozia - Mndra and Galati besides Tiriglina. After Slobozia Mndra we can no longer speak of Egyptian army but only of scraps of it, and this has absolutely determined them to pass the Danube to St. George - Delta where the Egyptian army boats were stationed, to save their lives and to return to Egypt or to their countries. Those who have survived in this last fight were thrown across the Don and were established in the territory later called Colchida. Following the aforementioned, there are some conclusions: 1. Novac Furrow is the military road of the Getae army lead by Novac in the struggle, and the follow of the Egyptian army of Sesostris. 2. The two cities St. George are the places where the final battles took place, resulting each time the Getaes victory between1964-1962 BC 3. Dragon represented, in the popular conception, every time, an enemy or an enemy army. 4. The emergence of the term of St. George can prove that this name is used long before Christ, especially because the Romanian people is the only nation that does not have a date of Christianization. Pliny the Elder confirms us that since those times St. George was called the "holy arm". 5. This war of Pharaoh Sesostris, king of the XII dynasty and which took place between 1972-1962 BC. AD has changed the geopolitical configuration as follows: Summer, Akkad, the cities of Isin and Lars disappear;


In Asia Minor Hurits are removed favoring the appearance of the Hittite kingdom, a kingdom that was first subdued to Egyptians and then to Asyrians, kingdom that disappears once with the destruction of the city of Troy, according to some authors, in 1270 BC The present territory of Greece was depopulated due to Battles, and the prisoners or war captives were taken to Egypt. Greece is relatively a new country Europe. It was formed by the years 1400-1300 BC of Dorians from the north of the Danube, Ionians from the area between the Alps and the Atlantic Ocean, residents of Sicily and southern half of the current Italy and the Achaeans, people around the Black Sea, most of them Scythians. A migration of the Phrygians of Asia Minor in the middle north of Italy, area occupied by pelasgians who were also their relatives, area less populated because of war. These Phrygians are called Turia, Eturi; they are known as Etruscans and they are followers of the goddess Aphrodite, goddess which they called Turan. Egypt, because of war, has been depopulated. It is said that many "war captives" were brought. It is said that a large number of people called "war captives" existed, so that for vast works that were performed, no Egyptian was used, implying that most of Egypt's male population died in combat, and after war, the population of Egypt was largely "un-Egyptian." Quote (bib. 9 p.69) "This is therefore what has been written on each of these temples, these words: "No native has toiled in this building. "But what buildings or temples Sesostris made? For this, I quote the same author, same page, "Thinking that first the honor has to be given to the gods, Sesostris built in all cities of Egypt, a temple dedicated to the most respected god of the place", and furthermore, I quote (p. 69) "Sesostris has done great works to raise the lands level and has moved cities that were build on places too low from nature". But of these quotes we can realize that many foreign people arrived to Egypt and what a huge gap war made in the population who went to fight. It is sure that three


colonies know each other and that is due to the fact they revolted because they were submitted to very heavy works. I quote (Bib. 9, p. 69) "It is told that the prisoners brought from Babylon rebelled, because they could not endure the tiredness caused by the heavy labors and that, after they have seized a strengthen place near Nile, they went to battle with the Egyptians and they destroyed the neighborhood lands. Finally, after they were assured they will suffer nothing of what they have done, they have been established there and founded a colony, which they called Babylon, after the name of their homeland. It is said that such it would be based on the banks of Nile a city, which has the name of Troy and that can be seen even today", and at p. 118 I quote, "The same explanation is valid for Tura city, at 10 km of old Cairo. A variant similar to Strabo (XVII, 1, 34): 1. Troy is composed of descendants of the Atlantic and the name comes from the Trojan or Atlas; 2. Tura is composed of Phrygians; 3. Babylon, where there were the most prisoners and where it is said that all the earth languages were spoken. It is said that rarely two people who speak the same language could find each other. Another consequence of war is that Egypt falls, and after 1730 BC it is lead by Hiksos people, as Greeks called them for over 150 years. Hiksos people were followers of Seth God or Bal God, meaning followers of Saturn titan, Uranus's successor to the throne. Concluding this chapter, I am convinced that the people of the Sesostris's army who have lost or refused to continue the fight on the Asian continent, are now located in what is called "Mummies of the Tarim".



In order to understand better what I mean, I quote all the text of Plato on Atlantis, both in Timaios, as well as in the Critias. Then, I will explain the errors in the text and the disagreements in Plato's work. These things show that this Writing was done later, perhaps much later, after the disappearance of the Titans, Giants, Atlantic and Getae and this is due to the fact that Getae, under oath, were not allowed to write down their knowledge, they based only on memory. At Getae, everything on Earth and on the Cosmos can be known and calculated using figures and circles. Getae lived in Atlantis, and Atlantis was the capital of the Ramie kingdom, called by Plato, Atlantis, name that comes from their king Atlas. To better understand Plato, I mention you not do the mistake that many others have done and confuse island Atlantis with the island of Atlantis which, in fact, was a hill or mountain surrounded by water ditches and which was the capital of the State. TEXT PLATON TIMAIOS (23e) 23e - Your city is a thousand years older than ours, because it has received your seed from Gaia and Hephaestus. Of our sacred writings it results that this city has gained the full order 8,000 years ago. So, I'll show you, briefly, citizens laws 9000 years ago; and of all their deeds, I will reveal you the most beautiful. 24 - Then, soon, we will refer even to the


texts and we will resume everything in detail, at leisure. First, we will compare your laws with the laws from here. Many of your laws from past, you'll find in our ordinances now: first, the priests; caste, separated from al the others, then the artisans castes, in which everyone was exercising the own craft without interfering with anyone else, the shepherds caste, the hunters caste and the farmers caste. 24b As for the fighters caste, you have certainly realized that, here, it is separated from all the others, law stipulating they do not deal with anything else, but with war. Furthermore, in terms of kinds of weapons, lances and shields, we were the first of all from all the Asia who were armed so, just as, on your lands, you were tough first by the goddess. As for the spirit of good and the good order, you see well how much care the law has given here to them at the very beginning, because it has revealed all to us - (c) from the craft of prophecy until the medicine which deals with health, and from these divine sciences until the human sciences - and has endowed us with all the teachings come one by one after them. Well, with all this order and sense, the goddess endowed you first, after she has chosen the place where you were born, realizing that, according to the harmonious mix of seasons, it can have the most enlightened people. (d) - And because the goddess loved both war and wisdom, she has populated the first time just such a place, aimed to have the people who are like her. And you, excelling all the others in every way, as you deserved as seeds and pupils of gods, there you sat, using similar laws to ours and ruling even better than us. Here we admire many and great deeds of your city , reading them in our chronicles, there is one that excels all in greatness and virtue, (e) - Our writings speak of a great power once stopped by your city, power which, in its pride, had started against the whole Europe and Asia, rushing from the Atlantic Sea. Because then, that sea could be crossed and in front of the strait that you call the Columns of Heracles is an island. This island was larger than Libya and Asia put together; from it, the travels of that time could pass on the other islands and from them on the territory in front, which was near that sea, rightly called sea. The interior of the strait we are talking about seems to be a narrow strip of water, having a tight place for access. 25a) - As for the land that surrounds this true sea, it can be called with the full match, a continent. In that island, Atlantis, it was formed, by the power of its kings,


a big and worthy wonder kingdom, which ruled the whole island, and many other islands and parts of the continent. Beside these, it ruled, in the part towards us, from new Lybia up to Egypt and Europe to the fringes of Tyrrhenia. (B) - This power, after it gathered all the forces together, once tried to submit, by a single attack, the whole land of your side, of our side and of those over the strait. And then, Solon, fully showed to the whole world how much skill and how much stubbornness was in the power of your city. Indeed, beating all others through her spiritual strength and the skill of arms, it went first at the head of Hellenics (c) then, after everything, it was abandoned by everyone else, it faced terrible dangers by itself, it conquered invaders and rose the victory, sparing of slavery those who were free and restoring freedom, with kindness, to all those who lived side of the Columns of Heracles. (D) - During what followed, all your entire army gathered together was swallowed by the earth, and island Atlantis disappeared, sinking into the sea. Thats why even today that sea can be hardly crossed and explored, the silt is at a little depth coming from the island sinking, standing as obstacle. CRITIAS 108e - First of all, lets remind the most important thing, namely, that nine thousand years have passed since the outbreak of the war between those who lived beyond the Columns of Heracles and all those who lived the side of the Columns. Well, this war I must now tell you from one end to another. As I said, at the side of the Columns, the entire war was carried and led by our city, and on the side beyond the Columns, by the kings of the island of Atlantis. As I said, this island was larger than Asia and Lybia together; but now after which, because of earthquakes, it sank - it remained only the silt that stands in the way (109a) of seafarers who, leaving from here, want to reach the big sea - stopping them to follow the way. Many barbarian peoples and all the Greek people that were on then, my speech - as it continues - will depict them to you one by one, after the occasion. In what concerns the Athenians and their enemies then, against whom they fought that war, I should begin by describing you the strength


and form of government of their cities. Of these two peoples I shall however tell you about that from here. (b) - Once, long ago, the gods have divided, with no argument, all the land, territory with territory; because it would not be right to believe that the gods did not know what fits to each of them, or knowing what suits better to one of them - the others, quarrelling, would have tried to acquire it. According to this right repartition, each one received the land loved, and - once settled in their lands - the gods, as shepherds do with their flocks, have grown us as a flocks and as a (c) good of theirs; but they did not use their bodies force against our bodies; as shepherds do when they lead their flocks at grass, hitting them with the bat; by contrary, they settled in the best place for their goals using persuasion as a rudder. In this way they lead and govern the entire nation of mortals. While the other gods were organizing a good standing in the lands they acquired, Hephaestus and Athena - who have a common nature, first because they are brother and sister, conceived by the same parent, and then because their love of wisdom and art makes them to move towards the same goals they have been held together only one land, namely that of ours, proper by its nature, to virtue and wisdom. (d) - Then, from that land they have conceived worthy people and they inspired them to organize the city. The names of these people were kept for us, but their deeds have fallen into oblivion, both because of the death of their descendants, and because of the long time that has passed since then. Because each time, as I said before, those who have survived were those remaining in the mountains - illiterate people who heard (c) only about the names of those who have governed these places and very little about their deeds. They gladly told these names to their children, without knowing anything about the merits and laws of the ancestors, out of obscure traditions on one or another. Lacking of their living, along (110a) - several generations, they and their children, thinking of their needs and speaking only about them, were not concerned about what happened before them or in the ancient times. Mythology and research of old things appeared in the cities once with the inhabitants respite - and only among those who were able to assure the necessities of life. So that it happened


that the name of the ancestors be kept without the memory of their deeds. And the evidence that what I say is true, is that the name of Kekrops, Erechtheus, Erichthonios and Erysichthon, and of the other heroes before him (b) - Theseu, are, each of them, name that is tied to most memories, those that the Egyptian priests, as Solon said, are often remembered in their story about that war. But they mentioned also the name of women, pictures and statues of the goddess which, people of that time, when the occupations related to war were made together, both by men and women, were representing as being armed, according to this custom - are a proof that at all the creatures who live together, regardless of gender, nature wanted that everyone be able to exercise together the own virtues. (c) - So, then, in that land different groups of citizens were living, dealing with crafts and working the land, our food source. Warriors group, isolated from the beginning towards the divine men, lived separately, but with all the necessary to feed and educate. None of them do not own anything of his, considering that all are common to all, in (d) they did not ask, and receive for exchange anything other than those strictly necessary in life, taking care of all those things I described yesterday when I talked about the guards imagined by us. It is said about our country, which seems credible and truthful, that then, its borders stretched from the neck up to the top of Kithairon and Parnasse and, hence, down, contained Oropos at right, and at left, at the side towards the river, they were following the flow of the river (s) Asopos; and that the lands here were exceeding all the others by their virtues, because then they were able to feed a large army without having to be worked. A strong evidence of such virtues of those lands is that what remained of them today can compete with any others in terms of diversity and abundance of fruits and richness of pastures, good grazing for (111a) all animals. Then, fruits were not only beautiful, but also very rich. But how can we believe all these and - from what remained of that land what could stand as surety of our words? - Because, entirely separated from the rest of the continent, that land has advanced much in the sea, such as a promontory; and the surrounding sea is very deep. In addition, during the many and great floods that took place in those nine thousand years -


because so many years separate us from those times the land that has elapsed from the high places did not formed, as elsewhere, large deposits, but rolling constantly, it finally disappeared until the depths of the sea (b) - As for the small islands, what remained till today of our land, compared to what once existed, resembles a skeleton-like and ill body; the fat and soft parts of the land has passed, and from our land only the skeleton of our body has left. Once the land was whole, it had high hills in place of mountains, the so called today's plains of Phellus were covered with fat land, and the mountains wore large forests, whose traces are still visible. Because recently, some of these mountains, which today no longer can feed only bees, trees were cut to cover the largest constructions, whose beams exist still today. Then, there were many tall trees, cultivated, and land was offering plenty food to the flocks. It was receiving, yearly, water sent by Zeus, water which was not wasted, as today, (d) in vain, flowing on the empty land to the sea; on the contrary, the land containing and getting plenty of water itself, which it kept between the clay layers, it freed in its crevices the water that flowed from heights making in such a way that everywhere the rivers and wells be rich. The temples that exist today near the ancient springs, testify that what I said is true. (e) So, these were the natural conditions of our old land. The lands were worked, as it should, by true farmers, who did not otherwise dealt with, lovers of beautiful, endowed by happy nature, and having the most fertile land, the richest waters and the most favorable seasons. As for the city, look how it was "arranged in those days. First, the side where (112a) the acropolis was, is not as it is today. Because the rain fury of that one night of flood, dipping the surrounding land, has left it bare. And during that flood, the third before that of Deucalion time, also earthquakes took place. Before, however, in other times, the acropolis was so great that it spread until Eridan and Ilissos, it included the Pnyx and opposite, it reached up to Licabet Mount, being all covered with soil and, except for very small areas, had a plateau on the heights. The surroundings and the feet of the Acropolis were inhabited by craftsmen and farmers, who lived on the neighbor lands. But - (b) on the plateau - well fenced as the garden of a house, around the holy temple of Athena and Hephaestus - only


the group of warriors lived, separated by the others. They lived in the north plateau, where they have risen the common homes refectory for the winter, having - except gold and silver, which were not used ever - everything was suited to their way of living together, both in terms of housing, as well as in terms of temples. Following the path between - (c) - display and poverty, they have built modest homes, where they and their children got older, and they always entrusted them, as they were, to those like them. In the southern part, they have left place for gardens, gymnasiums and refectories, which they were leaving during summer. In place of today's Acropolis it was then only one spring, that land earthquakes dried, remaining of it only a few blades of water round about: but once they had plenty of water, water which, on summer or winter, had the same temperature. This was the lifestyle of those people, who were both guardians of their citizens, as well as leaders, voluntarily agreed of the other Greeks. They watched carefully that the number of men and women which can already fight, as far as possible, be always the same, at most, around 20,000. (e) - So were these people and in this way, always the same and according to justice, they ruled both their country and the entire Greece. They were known throughout Europe and throughout Asia for the beauty of their bodies and for all the spiritual virtues, being the most famous of all the people of that time. But in terms of the nature of their enemies, and its origin, if my memory does not cheat me on the things heard while I was only a child, this is what I will say to you now, to share, as between friends what I know. (113a) - However, before starting, I must unravel something to you, not to be surprised when you hear me, not once, giving Greek names to barbarians. Because look the cause, Solon, wanting to use this story in his poems, sought to know the meaning of those names; and, thus, he discovered that the Egyptians, the first who wrote this story, had translated them in their own language. Solon then took all those names, he found their meaning and - (b) he translated them at his turn, in his writings, in our language. These writings belonged to my grandfather and now they belong to me; and I've learned by heart them from childhood. So, when you hear


names like those here, do not be surprised, because now you know the cause. And here is how this long story begins. As I said before, when I spoke of that drawing lots made by gods, the whole earth was divided into lots, bigger or smaller, and each god, on the lot he got, arranged his own temples and sacrifices. Thus, as the fate destined to Poseidon - (c) - the island of Atlantis, he set the children he had from a mortal woman, in a place on the island, which I will describe to you now. On the seaward side is a plain stretching up to the heart of the all island, plain which was said to be the most beautiful of all and fertile enough. Nearby, about a distance of 50 stages of the center, it was a mountain, not too large, nor too high. On that hill lived a man who was one of those born there, in the beginning, of the earth. His name was Euenor and he lived with a woman named - (d) Leucippe; and the only child, a girl, had the name Cleito. She was at the marriage age when her mother and her father died. Poseidon wanted her and was united with her. On the hill Cleito was living, the god built fortifications round-about, rising earth dams and digging canals which he then filled with sea water, alternating the small ones with the larger ones. He built two dams and three canals, all circular, and he has ordered them from the middle of the island, at an equal distance to each other. Thus, the defended place had become inaccessible to humans, because then not any boats existed - (e) - and sailing was not yet known. Poseidon himself embellished the middle of the island, with the naturalness that only a God can do; then he freed from the depths of the earth two springs, one hot and another cold, and he filled the land with rich fruits of all kinds. There he conceived five times two twin boys; and, after he has brought them up, he divided the entire island of Atlantis into ten parts. To the first born of the older twins he gave - (114a) - their mother's house together with the surrounding lands, which were the largest and most fruitful. He made him king over all the other brothers, and the others brothers the god made them to lead over a large number of people, giving to each of them the possession of a large territory. Then the god gave to all a name. The older, the king, received that name from which come both the name of that - (b) - islands, as well as that of the sea we name Atlantic, because the first king of those times was Atlas. His twin brother, born after


him - which was given the possession of the island from the Columns of Heracles, in front of the land known today, after that part of the island, Gadira received the name of Eumelos - in Greek, Gadiros in the language there; and so his name became the name of that land. Between the twins born after the first two, one he called Ampheres and the other Euioman. Among the third generation of twins, the first born was - (c) named Mneseas and the second Autochthonos; of those of the fourth generation, the first was named Elasippos and the second Mestor. The first of the fifth generation was named Azaes and the second Diaprepes. All and their descendants lived, for several generations, in that country. They possessed many other islands of that sea and - as I said before part of the lands of - (d) the side of the Columns of Heracles, up to Egypt and Tyrrhenia. And here is how from Atlas was born another nation, large and noble; the oldest was always king and after him was the eldest of his children, so that the royal power has been preserved over several generations. Atlas descendants gathered so many riches that, until now no other dynasty of kings could measure them, and I do not think that one can do any anymore. They had everything achieved in the city and in the rest of the country. But many riches they had from abroad, thanks to - (e) - their large powers; but, most of those necessary for life came from the island. First the metals, rigid and malleable, which were extracted from mines, especially that known by us only from its name - but which then really existed namely the oricalcul; it was extracted from the ground in many places of the island, being, after gold, the most precious metal in those days. Moreover, on the islands there were forests which offered plenty of the things needed by carpenters for their work, as well as plentiful fruits for domestic animals - (115a) and wild animals. They were even elephants, because the island offered abundant food not only for the other animals, those that lived in lakes, in swamps, in rivers, in mountains or in plains, but also for that animal, which by its nature is the biggest and most voracious. Also like today, the land offered all the spices that are found in roots, in grass, in the wood of trees or in the juices that leak from certain flowers or fruits. Also fruits were cultivated, as that dried but nutritious fruit, and those that flour is ground of, that is - to use a single name - cereals. There


was that fruit of trees that gives us food, drink and oil, and that - (b) - so hard to preserve, but which brings pleasure and joy, as well as that served as dessert, after dinner, to that who was satiated, to send away the drowsiness. That sacred island, which then enjoyed the sunshine, produced all these fruits in a so unparalleled rich way. With all these riches on their lands, the inhabitants of Atlantis used them to - (c-) - build temples, royal palaces, ports and docks, and they arranged the entire country thus. First they built bridges on the circular canals surrounding their ancestral place they were born, thus forming a path of entry and exit from the palace which they have built - (d) - the place where the God and their ancestors lived. Each king has added new and new beauties to it, with the desire to exceed those before him, from which he inherited it. In this way, the palace became unimaginably large and beautiful. Its construction began with the digging of a channel wide of three plethre (unit of measurement), one hundred feet deep and 50 stages long. They dug this channel from the seashore to the last channel of the outer circular ring. They also built an entry large enough for the largest ships, coming from the sea, so that circular external channel seems to a port. Then they dug around the bridges within the earth circles, which were separated each other by the circles with water channels wide enough to allow the passage of a single trireme. Then these channels were - (e) covered so that navigation became underground on them, because the banks of the earth circles were well above the sea level. The largest circle of water, which was joined with the sea by a great channel, had a width of three stages and a half, like the earth circle that it surrounded. The second circle of water had a wide two stages, as the circle of earth below. In exchange, the circle of water - (116a) that rounded the island in the middle of all these circles had a width of a single stage. The island itself, which the royal palace was on, had a diameter of five stages. Then they surrounded the island and the bridge that connected it with the first circle of earth, bridge wide of a hundred feet, with a wall of stone; moreover, they built towers and rose gates on each side of the bridges. The stone they were built on, a white, black and yellow stone, was took from under the cliffs - (b) of the island and of the circles of earth; thus, they


built also some internal channels that had as roof the stone left on top. Some of their buildings had only one color; but others they have built of stone of more colors to enjoy the eyes and for their pleasure. The wall that surrounded the external part of the island was dressed in a robe of copper, and then they melted - (c) - tin on the interior pat of it, and the wall surrounding acropolis was adorned with oricalc, which shone like fire. Concerning the Royal Palace situated in the interior of Acropolis, here is how they did. In the very center where the ten kings nation was conceived and born, was a temple surrounded by a wall of gold, that no one was not allowed to pass; that temple was dedicated to Poseidon and Cleito. But Poseidon - (d) - still had a temple, only for himself, a stage long, a half stage wide and height proportionate, but somehow with a barbaric appearance. On the outside it was all covered with silver, less figures on the pediment, which were covered with gold. Inside, the ceiling was made of ivory and adorned with gold, silver and oricalc; all the rest - walls, columns and floor - were covered with oricalc. The statues inside - that portrayed the God, standing up in his chariot pulled by six horses - (e) - winged (statue that was so high that god's head almost touched the ceiling), and those one hundred Nereid surrounding him (because so many they were believed to be) worn by dolphins, and many other statues offered by citizens all were of gold. Outside the temple were the statues of the ten kings wives and of their descendants, and other statues offered by the kings and - (117a) by the residents of the city or by the residents of the subdued provinces. It was also an altar, which was not at all inferior to the royal palace in terms of grandeur and beauty, as, in turn, the royal palace was not nothing inferior to the empire itself in terms of grandeur and to the temples in terms of beauty. The two springs, one cold and one hot, both offering a plenty healing and good drinking water, were much used, being surrounded by buildings and - (b) - plantations. Water was gathered in pools, some outdoors, others used for hot baths in winter, covered. Some of them were the kings, others for ordinary people, others for women and others for horses and other burden animals - each being equipped with those necessary. The surplus of water was led to the Poseidon's sacred forest, where due to the fertility of the land, trees of all kinds were growing,


unprecedented nice and high. From there the water was run over bridges, through some channels, to the inner circles of earth. On - (c) each circle of earth they built numerous temples dedicated to different gods, gardens, gymnasiums for men and horses manages. In the middle of the island was a kind of racecourse, which had a width of a stage and the length equal to the total circumference of the island, specially reserved for horse racing. Along the racecourse were shelters for the Royal Guard. But the trustful Guards (d) - were living in the small circle, near the Acropolis. And the most trustful of them were living even within the Acropolis, near the king. Docks were full of triremes, equipped with the necessary, everything being flawless embroidered. So were organized the royal residence and those around it. Beyond the three external ports was a circular wall starting from the sea shore and reaching, closing, at the mouth of the channel which opened at sea, wall that was a - (e) 50 stages distance from the highest circle and port. At his turn, it was surrounded by many houses, and the channel and the port were always crowded by vessels and merchants coming from everywhere, which made that everywhere, day and night, be a terrible uproar. I told you now, quite exactly, what I myself heard sometime about this city and - (118a) - about its palace; for further I have to remember how it was embroidered the rest of the country. It was said that the entire land was far above the sea level, and its banks were very steep. The city was surrounded by a plain, which was at its turn surrounded by mountains, and these mountains extended to the seashore. The plain was low, smooth like in hand and had a rectangular shape. It had a length of 3000 stages, and its middle was at 2000 - (b) - stages of the seashore. All this land was facing south, thus sheltered from the cold winds from the north. In those days the island was famous for the mountains surrounding it, more numerous mountains, more massive and more beautiful than any other mountains now. In the mountains there were many settlements inhabited by rich people. And rivers, lakes and pastures offered plenty of food for any animals, domestic or wild. At their turn, the forests were so rich that there was wood for each craft.


Well, this plain, both because of natural factors and of the effort of (c) - the long line of kings, had changed the form. It was initially of a rectangular shape, with the sides almost linear. Where its edges were not even straight they were straightened by digging, around it, a channel. The depth, width and length of this channel may seem unbelievable in comparison with other constructions made by man; but, I have to - (d) tell you what I heard. That channel was a hundred feet deep, a stage wide and 10,000 stages long, as it was dug round about the entire field. All the mountain rivers flowing into it, then they were flowing over the plain and round about the town, after which they was flowing into the sea. Then more channels were dug, wide of almost a hundred feet and at a distance of one hundred stages between them, channels that have joined the side over the mountains of the big channel with the side over the sea of the channel. Then they dug some communication channels, perpendicular to the others and to the city, which were used to transport logs from forest to town - (e) as well as to carry other seasonal products using boats. And two harvests each year; during winter they relied on the abundant rainfalls, and during summer they relied on the water that poured from channels. In terms of the number of the plain inhabitants apt to fight, each batch of land - (119a) must give a detachment leader. Each batch of land had a surface of ten per ten stages, and their number was 60,000. As for the people of the mountains and of the rest of the country, they were, it is said, very much. They were distributed, according to the village or region they were living in, to different leaders of detachment. Each detachment leader had to contribute to the military endowment with: one sixth of a fighting chariot equipment, the total number - (b) of chariots being 10,000; two horses and two riders; two other horses together with a rider, with a light shield and a driver meant to drive the two horses; two hoplites, two archers, two sling shooters; three not very large stone throwers and three spearmen; and finally four sailors, the total number of vessels being 1,200. Thus was embroidered the army of the royal fortress. In terms of the other nine provinces, each had its own organization and their description would take us too long. (C) - Here's how they were divided, however, from the beginning, power and other privileges. Each of the ten kings had absolute


power over his subjects, beyond any law. They could punish or execute anyone, after wish. Instead, the authority of a king against another, and the relations between them were arranged according to the commandments of Poseidon, kept in the law - (d) - left by the first of kings and in the inscription which he did on a column of oricalc, column that was in the heart of the island, in the temple of Poseidon. There, at four or five years time, so honoring both even numbers as odd numbers, the kings gathered at council to decide the common affairs, they searched if any of them had violated the law and judged those found guilty. But before proceeding to trial, each was bound by oath. Several bulls were brought inside the temple, and they, the ten kings, having previously been asked God to make them sacrifice the most liked animal for him, entered in the temple alone and began the hunting, but without - (e) - weapons of iron, but only with wooden clubs and lassoes. The first bull that was caught was taken to the column and killed so that his blood flow in the inscription on it. There, besides other laws, was written also an oath that contained the most terrible curses for those who will - (120a) violate it. After the ritual and after all parties of the bull were slaughtered, kings mingled a crater with wine and put in it a blood clot for each. Then, the wine was poured from the crater in cups of gold, they did the libation over fire and swore to prosecute under the laws listed in the column, to punish anyone who violates the laws, not to violate the laws by themselves - (b) - never willingly or not to order differently than under the laws of their father. But everyone was binding all his descendants through this oath. Then, they drank the blood and offered the goblet to the temple. Thereafter, each went to eat and deal with what had remained to be done. When the darkness downed and when from the fire lightened above only the embers remained - (c) they all sat down, in the ashes of their sacred fire. And, in full night, after all the embers were already extinguished, they began to judge or to be judged, if one of them was charged with any law violation. At day rising they wrote the judgments on golden patella and they gave their robes, as testimony, to the temple. Of many more special laws on royal privileges, the most important ordered that none of them ever start the war against another, but to help each other and, if a king should be tried to overthrow another, all the others - (d) - help the king in danger - but always under the arrangement of their ancestors,


advising together on war and other things. And, always, that from Atlas nation should be the leader of the others. Instead, this could not take the life of any other king, without having the majority approval, which is more than five. God rose against us that big and never seen power, which then lived in - (e) - those lands. And, it is said, the cause was this. As long as the legacy left by God to their souls was preserved, and it was preserved throughout the generations, they obeyed to the laws and they have carried in their hearts that something divine that they were so close to. They had, rightly, intelligence and they had a right and humble behavior towards others and towards their own fate. They said - (121a) - that virtue is above all, despising, themselves, for their own wealth, whose burden they wore with grace, not being overcome by its spell, and they did not lost their calm, but they shared it; and that, if wealth is coveted and put at the highest price, they themselves will perish together with everyone else. For this reason and because of that something so divine that were kept in souls, their wealth, which I described earlier, continued to increase. But when the divine in them - (b) - began to be covered by weakness, because of the frequent mixing with what is mortal, and when, what was human in them, began to predominate, they have never been able to bear the burden of their wealth and they have lost all shame. For those who has eyes to see, the measure of their indignity could not be hidden anymore, because they remained without what was truly priceless; in exchange, for those who had not eyes to see the true happiness, they seemed to lead a blessed life - (c) in their tireless quest for power. So seeing what a state that people was in, Zeus, the god of gods, master of laws, whose eyes can not be cheated, decided to punish him, thus bringing him on the right way, he gathered all the other gods even in his noble home, which was in the middle of the world and where he, Zeus, scrutinizes becoming and he told them... This is the text of Plato on Atlantis.



A) First, the thing that gives food for thought in Plato's texts where Atlantis is described, both by Timaios and by Critias, is that both texts belong to the same author, belong to Critias. Of what Critias said, the most discussed and disputed passage is the sinking of Atlantis as a continent, or only an island sank, named as the continent of Atlantis, an island of many islands that belonged to Atlantics and Atlantis. In Timaios, Critias said that it sank only "the Island Atlantis", whether or not it was the capital of the kingdom, while Critias clearly said that the entire continent sank. This shows the intelligence of Plato, because if the two texts were exposed by the two persons, then some readers were supporters of a party, and others to the other party and the problem could not ever be solved. Plato buying the texts from the current Italian area, has noticed this and then appointed Critias to be the author of both texts. In this case, it is logical to wonder which of the two texts tell the truth, because as Romanians say "it can not be black and white at the same time". If we look more carefully, in Critias (108e), we see lines, or these lines show that there was a text or no, or what was written was not understood, because no logical explanation is for the passage "but now after why", only by the lack of text, or the expression "it sunk - no longer nothing left of it". It has sunk what?, an island or the continent? But the phrase "nothing left of it" (Critias all 108 e). The word "she" or "from her" means that the island, the


island of Atlantis, because if it was the continent he would have said "him". To better understand I get in the reader's attention the following logic. Malta Island is the Europes Island. If Malta had been sunk, we would say that "the island of Europe" sank and it is synonymous with the "island of Atlantis ", but this Europe does not mean that the whole continent was submerged. Moreover, in Timaios is said that only the island of Atlantis sank (25d), it does not refer to the continent, nor the word Atlantis, in Critias, it is not explicitly told what sank, the island or the continent, especially as below is the term "it left of it only mud that stand in the way of seafarers "(108e). Let us understand, their vessels, their boats, those from the time of Solon and Critias, had a more than three meters draft, and that these ships can not move, means that the water was shallow and if then it was, today it can be possible too, not to mention that it is about a continent, inhabited by a whole generation who has disappeared and then many documents or many legends about this appeared, but ancient authors refute the Titans nation disappearance, because Atlas was a Titan too and he even confirms the existence of the same kingdom through the reigns of Hera and Hermes, titans too, kings in the same territory, the kingdom that had belonged before to Uranusus and the country was still in the north and west. Plato negates the continent sinking in more quotations. I quote "only mud left of it, mud that stands in the way of seafarers". Logically, only a river can cover with mud a swamped or sunk area, because seas and oceans cover the area obligatory with sand. If it was covered with mud that means it was on a river bench, but no matter how long the river had been, it was unable to cover a continent. Then, if it was shallow, the mountains in Atlantis were to remain above water, they could be seen and located especially as they were tall, I quote (118b) "More numerous, more massive and more beautiful mountains than any mountain now". Another quote (109a) "which leaving from this, they will reach the Great Sea". It is known that the Black Sea was called by Vlachs or Getae, the "great sea", and this is found in documents, many millennia later, during the reign of Mircea the Elder (fourteenth century), through the expression until the great sea, meaning the former Euxinus Pont. That it could not navigate at these Columns of Hercules, meaning from the entry of Danube into boilers up to


Orsova, even Pindar says it, I quote (bib. 12, p. 397) "or beyond these columns neither wise people, nor imprudent people can cross anymore" and Scylax (p. 398) I quote "Near the Columns of Hercules stretched from one shore to another, a strip of rocks, of which some were hit by waves, and others hidden beneath the water surface". As seen, it was indeed an obstacle but not mud or maybe mud at the beginning when the city fell in island and capital of the Atlantic, but then remained that only rocks stand in the way of seafarers. Being two stretches of water, the Tethys Sea, possible, "the little sea" and the Ocean, then it made sense for that the Ocean be named the "Great Sea", term which was kept within millennia. Let us admit that it would be such a large sea of shallow water which made troubles to seafarers, and that it would be about a sea or in case of a continent about an ocean. To get there, in the big sea we have to leave from somewhere, from land or from an island, which is not clear and why to get into the Black Sea or Pontus Euxinus after the Greeks? If we look the map we did not see any expanse of water around the Black Sea, and if we go from the Aegean or Marmara Sea, mud was not and is not at a shallow depth to get in the way of seafarers, there is no mention in any book or in any papyrus, or just that thing compels us to believe that it starts from somewhere land, on the river course to reach the Black Sea, which corresponds to a place called Boilers in the ancient books, which is on the Danube course, and according to ancient Greeks, the place was named the springs of Istria. In this situation the sunk island can be only on the Danube, in upstream of Boilers, and the remainders of this island, the island, city and capital of Atlantic, in all likelihood seems to be " Moldova Veche Isle", or the old Ogradina or Ogadira especially because in the Phoenician language, Gadir means city, and this name of the isle would certify the existence, once, of an old city, possibly the capital city of Atlantics, Atlantis. This is confirmed indirectly also by Plato in Critias who says that a part of the island of Atlantis, possibly the area where the city was - capital of the kingdom of Atlas was called Gadira, I quote (114b) "In front of the land known today, after that part of the island, Gadira was named Eumelos - in Greek, Gadiros - in the language there; and thus its name became the name of that land.". Here is a mistake as Cronos, brother of Atlas, could not give the name of an area whose name already existed,


probably long before, but he could give a name similar to a land of his kingdom, the Pelasgian kingdom, which included today Italy and Spain. It is clear that the name of the land of Southern Atlantis where it was also the capital of the kingdom was called Gadira, name that has been preserved until today only in Spain. That this capital of the kingdom has the name of the king is something quite common in old times and starts the discussion about two names: Thebes which was called first, Herapolis, Hera and Sarmisegetuza city, town of Sarmis, Hermes or from the name of Hermes, son of Hera, also called Apollo and the city is Apulum, today Alba Iulia, but examples can continue. Moreover, Egyptians called it "holy land" and Plato calls Atlantis "sacred island" (115b), so that we can consider that is one and the same territory, but, after Egyptians, the Holy Land was separated from the rest by the Nun River flowing from west to sunrise. Worldwide there are four rivers that flow from West to East: Amur Amazon, Mississippi and Danube. Logically in this situation and how we will see farther, only the Danube is considered and it would confirm that at the north of the Danube or Nun according to Egyptians it would be the Holy Land or the Sacred Island according to Plato, and the territory was called Atlantis. Pindar called Titans and then the Atlantic nation as "The fair and holy people" and Origen as "wise" (bib. 12, p. 402). B. If in the above was a misunderstanding or lack of text that has created confusion between island and continent, but this time it is found a mathematical mistake in Plato's text, all possible because of the wrong copy of the text. This is the text of the 118a and b of Critias, which refers to the plain that surrounds the island, island which was the capital of the kingdom of Saturn (Poseidon), Latona, and then of Atlas or Trojan. This plain, I quote "The city (now it is no longer city / N) was surrounded by a plain, which in turn was surrounded by mountains, and these mountains stretched up to the seashore. The plain was low, smooth like in hand and it had a rectangular shape. It stretched a length of 3000 stages, and its center was at 2000 stages of the seashore". From this plain, from the external circular channel, to the seashore they made a channel of 50 stages, I quote (115 d) "Its construction (of the channel) began by digging a channel three plethre wide, a hundred feet deep and 50 stages long. They dug the channel from the seashore to the last external circular channel". In conclusion,


according to Plato, it is about a rectangular plain 3,000 stages length, plus 50 stages up to the seashore, and from the plains center to the sea there are 2000 stages. The math mistake, in Plato's text, is that no matter how we would calculate the length, width, diagonal, because the distance from the center of the plain to the seashore does not reach 2000 stages, because the length would be 1500 stages + 50 stages (the channel) = 1550 stages, the width of possibly 2,000 stages, it should be 1.000 + 50 = 1050 stages, and the diagonal 1.802,77 + 50 = 1.852,77 stages and therefore it never reaches 2000 stages, as Plato said. This is the mistake of mathematics from the text. The only solution to solve the problem is that the plains figures be ten times lower than those set forth and in this situation the plain has a length of 300 stages and the problem is solved. In this case, there are 150 stages from the middle of the plain, the plains center, plus 50 stages, the channel connecting to the sea, are 200 stages. This mistake, in my opinion, I repeat, is the mistake of copying text. Plato does not mention the plain width, and this makes possible that along the plain a river flow, and then he could not mention the plain width, possibly in two segments. All these coordinates correspond to the area where it is now the Moldova Veche Isle, the former Ogradina or Gardina, and this certifies the existence of this capital of the King Saturn, Latona, and in one period of Atlas (Trojan) too, or maybe near the isle, the island near Moldova Veche. From here, from Moldova Veche, to get on the Danube to the Black Sea, or the great Sea, people must pass on the Boilers and it was known that it was a difficult area to pass, as confirmed by many documents, and after some authors it was impossible to pass through the Boilers, or as Plato says (109 a), I quote " only mud left of it (and stone) standing in the way of seafarers - which leaving from this, they want to go to the great sea hindering them to follow their path". Plato correctly exposed from the isle to the Black Sea. Moreover, in the area is plenty of white, yellow and black stone, and as it was written, it is a plain smooth like in hand, plain surrounded by mountains, oriented toward the south (towards the kingdom) and protected from the cold winds of north (North Wind), I quote (118 b) "all this land was oriented towards south, thus being sheltered from the cold winds from the north" and from the former Tethys Sea (today Pannonia Plain), to the plain is the distance set forth by Plato. Even from the entry of Danube in the large Boilers, the


mountains from the both banks of the Danube seem to be the "Columns of Hercules", because legends say that Hercules cut the chain of these mountains, and Atlas or Trojan made a road on the left bank of the Danube, road rebuilt after millennia by Trajan, emperor of Rome, that even today some call it "the road of Trojan", and others "Trajan's road." Many thought it was a mountain in the middle of the plain, mountain surrounded by plain, when in reality after this mountain and the circular channels had to follow other mountains. Lets analyze the 113 C text, I quote "Nearby, at a distance of about 50 stages at its middle (of the plain), was a mountain, not too big, nor too high". The mountain was surrounded by two dams and three channels then followed a channel of 50 stages. I quote 115d "They dug the channel from the seashore up to last outer circular channel. They also did a sufficiently large input for the largest ships, coming from the sea, so that outer circular channel be such as a port". The fact is that the last outer circular channel reached the end of the plain, because from there till the sea they have dug a channel of 50 stages. If we calculate that from the middle of the plain, approximately, (at a distance) 50 stages (may be 70 or 80 stages), was a mountain and from there to the sea were 200 stages (there are 2,000 stages version), then 50 stages the channel connecting with the sea, 50 stages from the middle of the plain until the mountain are 100 stages and from the mountains to the channel connecting the sea there are two dams and three channels, 12 stages (1+2+2+3,5+3,5). In this case 100+12 = 112 stages. Subtracting from 200 remain 88 stages possibly represent the mountains length, length that could be 88 x 180 m = 15.840 m. So that mountain or hill had a length of 15 km. Many have made the error to count the mountain from the plain, which actually was at the plain end, that this mountain is round. It is true that Plato says that those channels were circular but not round. In this case, the channels were surrounding the mountain (they were circular), mountain with the length of 15 km, mountain with a plateau of 5 stages (900 m) where the palaces of Poseidon (Saturn) and Cleito (Latona) were, and the last circular channel was at the end of the plain and made the connection with the channel that linked the plain with the Tethys sea. This compels us to take into account that the mountain was not round, and in this case, if the mountain has fallen in, means that only a part of it has fallen in, namely the


portion where were palaces. Now lets take into account that the Titans had a plain of 3,000 stages length and near its middle was a mountain or a mountain chain, and in this case the connection channel between the outer circular channel of the capital and the sea should be of 500 stages, meaning 90 km, or 90 km is the distance from the Iron Gates to Moldova Veche Isle. It is possible that they wanted to make the connection on water from their capital, now the Moldova Veche Isle, and the former capital of Uranus, the Severin, and for this they had to cut the mount also at the Boilers, which was quoted, called the Columns of Hercules, because otherwise it cannot be explained why they had to do an extra work when they could, more easily, the distance being shorter, cut the current area of Miroc, if they wanted to make a connection between the two seas. They cut the mountain on a distance of 54 km, when they could make it only for 21 km, the width of the current plateau Miroc. It seems that through the changes made, water stopped at the Iron Gates, although it is not excluded that the excess of water pass beyond this natural dam and thats why the dam was named the Iron Gates. In this way the connection between the two capitals was made, the today capital then Atlantis (according to Plato) and the former capital of the kingdom of Titans, Severin, capital of the kingdom of King Uranus time. The fact is, that through their work they have changed the course of the water that connected the two seas, or the Ocean with the Tethys Sea, changes still existing and thus water did not have the Moravia Timok route, and they may have done an overflow valve, through a channel Milanovac - Timok. Their logic was perfect even if some rain and flooding, but because of the earthquake when also their capital city has fallen in and the stones and rocks came to Boilers, and damaging the Iron Gates dam, then a natural dam, was created the Rusova island and later Ada-Kaleh island. By the birth of Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits water left Europe, and their work cutting mountains was useless and navigation in the area disappeared, because an obstacle (rock dam) was created at Boilers, the former Columns of Hercules, and Atlantis, the Ramie Country or the Titans Kingdom, so the continent was no longer island, a sacred island, according to Plato and other ancient writers, but it was made the land connection with the Balkans and later with the rest of Europe and Small Asia. Through their work the current course of the Danube was changed and it seems that it is


only on earth when mountains are cut to change the course of a river. In this second situation (field of 3,000 stages), a plain was on the Ocean side, the plateau and hill area of Oltenia and Muntenia and the second plain was Transylvania, fields which also today are separated by mountains. That in the Plato work it refers to two Atlantis, one the continent and other their capital which was also an artificial island, results from the following logic: the mountain was close to the middle of the plain and that there have been made three channels around it, according to Plato it becomes island, although beyond the three channels was also an island, and there "navigation was not yet known" (113e). We all know that an island is a land surrounded by water and at some distance from shore, while here there are three channels in a field, and this has created the confusion with an island in the meaning of today. As Plato said, lets admit it was a mountain in the middle of the plain, plain that in turn was surrounded by other mountains, "and these mountains extended to the shore sea "(118a), and on that mountain were two palaces. Because of earthquakes this mount it would have fallen in. Plato did not say that these mountains would have fallen in because of that. This mountain "not too big, nor too high" (113c), and the plain "was low, smooth like in hand and rectangular" (118a), and after the mountain have fallen in, the rests of the mountains and also the plain were covered by water and mud because of the rains and flooding that followed. Even if it were not a mountain but a hill, after it have fallen in, would have still been left rocks and stones with a height of 5-20 m and then logically the water column would have at least the same height. Not only the mountain has fallen in but also the circles of land that surrounded the mountain, because "on every land circle they have raised temples" (116e) and the" stone of which they were wall, white, black and yellow stone, was taken from under the island cliff the circles the earth, thus, they did some internal channels that had as roof even the stone from above" (116a), or this land circles crash could create, this time, a real island, even if initially the water stagnated and the area was covered with mud, and after the Iron Gates dam had broke, the flood created lead the stone downstream, possibly in the Boilers area, thus blocking the movement of vessels "that leaving from this, will reach the big sea stopping them to follow the path" (109a), meaning those who left the area of the Moldova Veche Isle. It could


not be about the falling in of the continent into the ocean or sea as oceans and seas communicate each other (except Caspian Sea) and never existed nor can exist that the water level grow with 5 - 20 m, without water will not retire after, more because on the continent were mountains "In those days the island was famous through the mountains that surrounded it, more numerous mountains, more massive and more beautiful mountains than any other mountains today" (118b), and these mountains on the water level that could rise were above water, not to say that did not exist and will never exist that an entire continent sink. The evidence shows that the mountain on which town Atlantis was (according to Plato) fallen because of the earthquake, and possibly because of the errors of the people then, but the kingdom of the Titans continued to exist through Hera and Hermes or Sarmis and after millennia the Latin writers have considered Dacians as descendants and inhabitants of this kingdom. The question arises, why the island - the capital of the Atlantic has fallen in, was flooded and covered with mud? These things were due to human factor, by the mistakes made by the people in those times, as well as to natural factors. a) Human factor. The human factor favored the destruction of the capital city because of the crowd of buildings, houses and palaces, existing on the circular dikes. These buildings were a minor factor in the destruction of the city. The major factor was that this stone those buildings were built, white, black and yellow stone was taken from the earth dikes, dikes that have been riddled by the multitude of existing gaps in them, and the earthquake that followed did nothing than destroy the earth dikes, dikes that of course have fallen in because of these goals, I quote (117 c) "In every circle of earth they rose numerous temples dedicated to different gods, gardens, gymnasiums for men and manages for horses", and at 116 a and b, is quoted: "The stone of which they have built them, white, black and yellow stone, they got it under the cliffs of the island and the circles of earth; so, they made some internal channels that had as roof even the stone above. Some of their buildings were one color; but others have been built of more colors stone, to enjoy their eyes and for their pleasure". b) Natural factors have been caused by the earthquake, at the beginning and "gramercy", throughout the history of these places there


have been numerous serious earthquakes in Romania and then because of the floods that followed. Before the earthquake, at the east of the present Carpathians, in the nowadays area of plain it was water, which was called Ocean. The excess of water from the ocean was flowing into the Aegean Sea through the area where nowadays is Bosphorus and the excess of water from the Tethis Sea, then existing in the actual Pannonia Plain, reached the Adriatic Sea through an area around the present city of Trieste. The changes made by the earthquake were that it broke the dam of the Bosphorus area, creating the current Bosphorus strait, and a large mass of water has passed from Europe, from the Ocean into the Aegean Sea, so much water was that it no longer fit in this sea and it caused floods, according to Diodorus in the Small Asia, but sure also in the Middle East and North Africa, floods known as the flood of Deucalion time, which was the last major flood known in history, which is said that many people of southern kingdom died, which has boosted the victory of Atlas against Zeus and Horus between Trojan and Zeus the Olympian. The breakage of the natural dam of the Bosphorus area, where the Cyane rocks were, is shown by Diodorus, I quote (bib. 9, book V, chap. XLVII, p. 374) "The inhabitants of Samothrace told that, before the big flood of the sea, which made suffer other nations, was a huge flood of water at them, which began with the decline of the land surrounding the Cyane rocks and, then, the decline of the land forming the Hellespont Strait. 4. Because, until then, Euxin Pont was only a lake; however, because of the rivers which were flowing into this lake, its waters swollen so much, that they invaded the Hellespont, thus flooding much of the Asia coastal". The earthquake, too, has blocked the course of the river called Nun, Styx, Leto or Eridan, today Danube which then flowed on the MoravaTimok route, it blocked the Danube course possibly by landslides or mountains falling in and it also blocked the area around the current city of Trieste and thus the water level of the Tethys sea has greatly increased and the natural dam at the Iron Gates, where the mountains were then united, possibly in the current area of the city of Oreva (time = limit, shore) and if the water level increased also the pressure increased and then the dam of the Iron Gates broke. In this situation, the Danube has changed its route,


having the current route. The large quantity of water of the Tethys Sea and of the area flooded by it, created a flood that brought mud, mud that covered the city already covered by water after the earthquake destroyed the earth dikes. This was the end of the capital city of Atlantics, city built on an area transformed into an island, in a southern region of the islandcontinent Atlantis called Gadira, region then existing in the Ramie country, the country of origin of the Titans. This city also named Atlantis by Plato, like the country or continent of Atlantis was built by Saturn (Poseidon) who, I quote (113 c) "He made two dams and three channels, all circular, and he has ordered them, from the middle of the island, at an equal distance to each other". So Saturn has made two dams and three canals and at an equal distance to each other, and his descendants to the throne, Latona and Atlas, has changed the area making the three dams and three channels circular too but at a different distance (unequal) between them. Another proof of the existence of the capital of Atlantis on the island called Atlantis by Plato and that existed on the Danube course upstream cataracts or boilers is the next graphic representation and the evidence are offered by Greek and Latin writers. In reality there are not the two columns of Hercules, there are the two capitals of the Titans, then called Atlantics. A first capital on an island which sank into the sea, into the Tethys sea, because then the Tethys sea reached the Boilers, and then a new capital of the kingdom of the Atlas or Trojan time, capital which confirmed its existence at the present Alba Iulia, then Alba Ilia (city of Saturn), then Apulum (city of Sarmis or Hermes, sun city) that during Dromichete, Greeks call it Helix (sun) and the Romans change its name with its current name. But lets see if my words are confirmed by ancient writers. First Plato in Critias, I quote (114b) "To the twin brother, born after him - which was given the possession of the island edge from the columns of Heracles, in front of the land known today, after that part of the island, Gadira was named Eumelos - in Greek, Gadiros - in the language there". From this quote we learn two things. First the place where the capital or Poseidon's residence is (Saturn) was called Gadira and secondly in this area there are also the Columns of Hercules. Pindar completes and says the Columns of Hercules are called "Gadira Gates" and Claudius Claudianus let to be understood that nearby are the "Iron Gates of Getae" (p. 12 bib.


421). About Iron Gates, they was known by then and today to have the same name, but we find that they were of Getae, name existing ever since of Atlas. According to Herodotus (bib. 12 p. 424) I quote "One of these columns was of emerald (or a nice color green or blue). Thus it represented the commercial navigation in the large waters ... and the second column was golden". So until now we know that a column was of emerald and it symbolized navigation and the second was golden we do not know what it represented. At p. 428 of the bib. 12 is the quotation "While the first column is stood next to a lighthouse, which is near a navigable water, the position of the second column is very clearly indicated in a beautiful mountain tree; it is an oak tree, species characteristic to the central Europe". Densuianu here makes a mistake because the oak does not grow on the mountain, but in the field or hill. So far we know that a column was of emerald and represents navigation and besides it was a lighthouse and this makes us believe that it is the case of a port or an island, but the fact that all the column was of emerald compels us to believe it was an island and the second column being of gold at a certain distance of the first and near it was a tree compels us believe that it was a settlement in a plain or hill, but in an area with much gold. Now let's see what is the two columns name? According to Strabo (12 bib. p. 424), the first column, the column of emerald, was called Kalpe. But what means Kalpe? In Sanskrit it means fortress, city, in Sumerian it means strong man or strong arm and in the ancient Greek it means pitcher or water bowl. If we watch the Danube upstream of the boilers, it looks like a pitcher. As I said, this column was a city, perhaps a capital, confirmed also by the symbol under the columns which compels us to believe that it was an island so as it was before or what remained after it sank, because otherwise the existence of the second columns had no purpose, island that looks like the Moldova Veche Isle, especially as it is in the former area known Gadira, it is near the columns of Hercules (boilers) and nearby the Iron Gates of the Getae, and this really results from the quotations given by Greek and Roman writers.


The second column, the gold column, settlement or city in the filed or hill (according to the oak next to it), where gold ore must be, area that fully corresponds to the place where the current Alba Iulia is, city located near the Dacian gold mountains, the Metalliferous mountains (Apuseni), especially that according to Pliny the name of the second column is Alba and according to others Abyla or Albula (bib. 12 p. 429). As we can see, a simple graphical representation can solve one of the enigmas of the history, namely the location of the capital of Titans, then Atlantics capital, the island of Atlantis which after earthquakes and floods in North sank as well as the existence and location of the other capital. I guess that after the above there is no longer any doubt concerning the location of the "island of Atlantis", capital of the kingdom of Titans, of Saturn, Latona, and Atlas, of the fact that it sunk of the causes that generated this phenomenon.

193. A Roman coin of the Tyre Metropolis representing the two Columns of Hercules, with the inscription Col(ony) Tyro Metr(opolis). Under, is a shell, in which the ships master rang for announcing his arrival in the port. According to Rich, Dict. d. ant. rom. 1861, p. 181.



To locate a geographic area, a territory or a continent, we need few points for support, named landmarks too and if we take into account the Getae or Dorian wisdom, where everything was shared in three, then for the location of Atlantis was needed at least three landmarks of Plato's text. The first landmark is offered by the quotation (Timaios 25b) "Beside these it had in possession, in the northern side, Lybia up to Egypt and Europe to the fringes of Tyrrhenia. It results of this quotation that the Titans, because Atlantics were Titans too, they had in the possession the area named the Pelasgian territory, where King was Cronos, brother of Atlas, but the quotation gives us a landmark, namely the border of Atlantis until the Tyrrhenia boundaries. That they possessed these areas is confirmed by the quotation 114 d "They possessed many other islands of this sea - as I said before - some of the lands by side the columns of Heracles (correctly Hercules because the notion of Heracles appears during the reign of Queen Hera, Hera + cleos = glory), up to Egypt and Tyrrhenia". So Tyrrhenia was their border, but which border, the north, south, east or west border we will find out later. Fortunately it exists still today, the Tyrrhenian Sea. From this landmark we can search Atlantis in the four cardinal points, namely at north, south, east and west. The second landmark is provided by the quotation of Critias (108 e) "As I said, in this side the entire war was fought and led by our city (Athens), and in the side beyond by the kings of the island of Atlantis". If


we draw a line between the Tyrrhenian Sea and Athens, then Atlantis should be just at north or at south. At south it cannot be because the quotation of Timaios contradicts us (24 e) "This Island was larger than Lybia and Asia (Asia Minor) together". If at the south of the line of Athens - Tyrrhenian Sea were Lybia and Asia Minor then compulsory Atlantis should be at the north of this line, and this confirms the quotation of Critias (118 b), when it refers to the location of the capital of Atlantics, the island of Atlantis, I quote "All this land was facing south, thus being sheltered from the Northern cold winds". Thus it is confirmed the existence of Atlantis in the northern hemisphere of the globe, helped by the words "the Northern cold winds". If we look on the map, in the northern hemisphere of Earth are Europe, North Asia and northern North America. America is excluded because it is far from the line mentioned above, as well as from the Tyrrhenian Sea, also the northern Asia is excluded simply because there, usually being lowland, in those days the area was covered by waters, it was a part of what they called Ocean. The location of Atlantis in the northern hemisphere of the Earth is the third landmark and in this case only Europe remains. The fourth landmark in the location of Atlantis, using the text of Plato, where Greeks were the heroes of this war, totally wrong, because Greeks appeared later, we cannot speak in those days even of at least Helens, as Helen, the son according to some writers and the grandson of Deucalion according to other writers, he was not even born, but lets accept the Plato's text as it is. So Critias says, I quote (108 s) "First of all lets remember the most important thing, namely, that nine thousand years have passed since the start of the war between those who lived beyond the Columns of Heracles and those from the side of the Columns. Well, this war I should story to you now from one end to another. As I said, at the side of the Columns the entire war was fought and led by our city, and on the island beyond the Columns by the kings of Atlantis". So, at the north of Greeks were some columns called the Columns of Heracles, and beyond them, at the north of them was Atlantis, because, according to the quotation, on the side of the columns were the Greeks, which proves that Greeks were neighbor to Atlantics. In this situation the Columns of Heracles cannot be others than the mountains from the big Boilers.


Anyway we would study the map, is not another area particularly because in their conception, these columns created a strait, and the strait was "a narrow strip of water, having a tight place for the access"(24 e). We cannot understand the true meaning of the Columns of Hercules, if we do not see the Danube at the entry into Boilers. Many ancient writers confirm that the area we call today Boilers, are in fact the Columns Hercules, thus Titus Livius (12 bib. p. 1030), I quote "About Hercules it is said, that he cut the highest mountains to open a path to the west sides", Pliny the Elder, I quote (bib. 12 p. 397) "Hercules, as Pliny tells us, had come up to these places, and because here the mountains of both sides were together, he cut the chain, he opened the strait and he left to flow, inside, the sea which was open. In memory of this expedition and of its lasting deeds, indigenous gave the name the Columns of Hercules to the two mountains, that form the strait here", Pindar (bib. 12, p. 401) I quote "Columns of Hercules were in the farthest and legendary region of the Hyperboreans the pii and happy", Herodotus (bib. 12, p. 402) I quote "the Greeks next to Pontus Euxinus had knowledge about the Columns of Hercules, which were outside Pontus Euxinus, near the great river called Oceanos, Rufl Avieni (bib. 12, p. 403) I quote "In the extreme sides of the Earth (known) rised up to heaven the Columns (of Hercules) with an oblong shape. Here is a place called Gadir, here rises the magnificent rocky Atlas, here rotates the sky around the tough Cardini, here the axle of the Earth and of the Universe is surrounded by clouds". In conclusion, what we call Boilers are in fact the Columns of Hercules as described by Plato when Athens went to war "beside those beyond the Columns of Hercules" with the kings of Atlantis. The fifth landmark (argument) is based on logic. It was known that Atlantics are the descendants of the Titans and the inhabitants of the same territory. The name Titans comes from Titaia or Tethys. We all know where he once Tethys Sea was, it was the water of the current Pannonia plain, and then it is not logical that Titans to be the people around this sea. That Titans and that Atlantics or Giants are the people around this sea, is known by the Latin writers even in our era, when they recall Rome's wars with the Dacians and Getae-Dacians, confirming that the Getae-Dacians are the descendants of the Titans and they are living the former kingdom of the


Titans, Atlantics or Giants. In support to this argument I come up with two quotations from Horatio (65-8 BC) and Martial (40-103 AD) from bibl. 12, p. 987, I quote "Thus the poet Horatio celebrates King Augustus, who had a war with the Dacians, as winner of Titans and Giants", and from Martial I quote "The friends of Domitian (81-96 AD) celebrate his defeats (supposed) as a triumph against Giants". But not only the Christian writers locate Atlantis in the territory inhabited by Getae-Dacians, but also the ancient Greek writers and I would remember Pherinicos of Heraclea, I quote (bib. 12 p. 628) "Hyperboreans live in the extreme sides, under the temple of Apollo. They are totally unaccustomed to war, and they withdrew, according to the traditions, from the old Titans nation". After the above, my opinion is that, when Plato has written about Atlantis, he knew about their existence as well as about the territory inhabited by Atlantics, especially as at that time, in Greece were very much Dorian who were the descendants of the Titans and Atlantics. I do not understand, why Plato generated confusion between the sinking of the island - capital Atlantis and of the continent Atlantis, but in my opinion this confusion was due to those who have transcribed the works of Plato. The five arguments (landmarks), I hope they will exclude any doubt concerning the location of Atlantis, its existence or the territory where Titans, Giants, Atlantics then Sarmatians lived, territory left by their descendants Dorian and then Getae-Dacians, and, today, by Romanians. Even if we stop here with arguments, it is proved that Atlantis is today's Europe from the Alps to the Ural Mountains, as it is in the Northern Hemisphere and it had the border with the today Greece, as well as with the Tyrrhenian Sea. A lot of minor arguments, which confirm this can be found in Plato's treatise on Atlantis. The fact that Atlantis was not located until today was due to many mistakes made by those who have studied this problem. First they believed that the entire continent called Atlantis sank into the sea, not being attentive that the same Critias says two contrary things, sometimes the continent, sometimes only the island of Atlantis, so capital city of them. Then it was omitted that the Titans dynasty, because Atlas was Titan too, continued with Hera and Hermes (Sarmis), and from Sarmis remained until now Sarmisegetuza and the Sarmatic Sea, that was in the current Romanian


Plain. Thirdly, if a continent was sunk and the sinking was shallow and even covered with mud, "which stand in the way of seafarers", a so large area of land and with a small quantity of water above was easy to find and it appeared in many documents. Another mistake was that no scientist was curious to calculate the size of the plain, to solve the math problem resulting from there and to note the mistake. The mistake, it was possibly due to the copying mistakes of the manuscript, because mathematically, no rectangle with a length of 3,000 stages (the plain), plus the channel of 50 stages (from the city to the sea) cannot have 2000 stages from the center of the rectangle, anywhere we would set, on any side we would set the 50 stages. The problem can be mathematically solved only if the length of the rectangle is ten times smaller, this means that the length of the plain is 300 stages, plain that exists as Plato described it. Another omission of those who have studied Atlantis, was that they passed too easily over the quotation from 118 a "The whole territory (Atlantis), it is said, was far above the sea and its shores were very steep". The question is, as being far above the sea, it is hard to believe that a continent can sink into a see, not into an ocean, without anything to remain above water. It is a continent, not a piece of land or island. The water in the Eurasian plain, called Ocean, passed in the Aegean Sea and in the Mediterranean Sea after the earthquakes and flood mentioned by Plato in Timaios (25d), period corresponding to the sinking of the island where the capital of the Atlantics was and when the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits formed, water which caused flood in the area around the Mediterranean Sea, known in history as the weather flood of Deucalion time. The formation or birth of Bosporus and Dardanelles straits are described by Diodorus of Sicily in book V, chap. XLVII, I quote (and I am sorry of repeating the quotation) "The inhabitants of Samothrace tell that, even before the great flood, which made the other nations suffer, was a huge water overflow, which started by crumbling the land which surrounds the Cyane rocks, and then, by crumbling the land that forms the Hellespont Strait. Because, until then, Pontus Euxinus (actually the water called Ocean) was just a lake; however, because of the rivers which flew into this lake, its waters were swollen so much, that they invaded the Hellespont, thereby flooding a large part of the Asian coastline". The same


thing is said also by Mircea Eliade in Morphology of Religions (1993), p. 30. Thus, because of the earthquake, Bosphorus Strait has been created, and the water in Europe, in the Ocean, passed the Aegean Sea and it was so much water that it no longer entered the Aegean Sea that it had to flood the coast of Asia, which frankly is an area of hills and mountains. Because of the difference of the water level in Europe compared to the water level in the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantis was a "high country" and because of this it was an island too. It was an island because of the water excess of the Ocean (east of the Carpathian Mountains), it although passed in the Aegean Sea where is now the Bosporus, and the water excess of the Tethys sea (Pannonia Plain today) reached the Adriatic Sea through an area around the present city of Trieste, water excess that could not pass the Old Danube route, Morava-Timok. Atlantis was the hill and mountains area of Europe today and it was stretching from the Alps Mountains to Urals. It was surrounded by mountains: the Ural Mountains, Caucasus Mountains, Dinaric Mountains, Alps Mountains, Scandinavian Mountains and at the north, by the mountains of snow. The water passage from Europe, namely from the Black Sea today in the Aegean Sea is scientifically proven and the confirmation is found in Encyclopedia of geographical records (2003), p. 105, I quote "From the Black Sea annually pass 325 cubic km of water with low salinity (18) through the surface currents of the strait, while at deep conversely pass a volume of 175 cubic km of water with high salinity (38)". This quotation proves that it is a water excess of 150 cubic km in Europe which reaches the Aegean Sea, and if this water would be blocked at Bosphorus, as it was in the Titans and Atlantics time, then in 200 - 300 years, water would come up in to the Gobi Dessert. This stretch of water then was called Ocean and it made of European an island of Alps, Balkans and Carpathians, because today Italy and Spain, were islands then, Balkans were separated from the Ramie country, territory inhabited by Titans, Giants and Atlantics by the Columns of Hercules, now the Boilers and from Tethys Sea, Pannonia Plain today. This was the home territory of the Titans, also called the Ramie country, because Atlas himself and his descendants were titans and they all were Immortal, they were called "Sons of Heaven and Earth", because


through soul they were the sons of Divinity, the sons of God, and through the fact that they were born on earth of earthly parents, they were also the sons of Earth. They were Immortal because after earthly life, they continued to live in Heaven, to live a carefree life with no trouble. In fact, the religion of Titans, Immortals, Getae had the following logic at base "The soul wants peace, the body wants war". Peace is the requirement of Heaven, of God, and it represents the divine part, and fight is the land privilege, it is the earthly component and it is associated with sin, it is the sin side of human being. This problem could be solved, for excluding sin, through faith, knowledge and wisdom and therefore at them the capital sin was the ignorance. Civilization that excludes ignorance, excludes the evil on earth too, and only then life will be beautiful. The phrase "body wants war" is because the human body, man, to live is constantly struggle with: physical factors - cosmic radiations, earth radiations and "the radiations, voluntarily or involuntarily, forgotten by people," chemical factors - chemical hazards from air, water and food, weather factors - cold, heat and moisture, biological factors - microbes and viruses, genetic factors - usually inborn chromosomal changes, etc. Loss of a single fight, of a single war means death. In reality, body does not want war, it is forced to wear it to exist and thats why the belief of many wise people was that "evil is on earth", and some went on thinking that "hell does not exist, hell is on earth, in our everyday life", and troubles area caused by people due to the 12 deadly sins (bib. 31, p. 63). One of the nations living in this country, the Ramie country, was Getae and they appear in documents "Diodorus (book I, chap. XVIII, 4), as being since the time of King Saturn, before the war between Saturn and Osiris, and I would say before the existence of Egypt as a nation, not as an inhabited territory. Another name of the Getae is given by (bib. 12 p. 983), where is exposed a fragment of a papyrus in Leiden, namely "EP-BHT BOHO - CH", which means "Saturn Boyar (Seth) King of Bolhs" who later were called Blahs or Vlachs. These two proofs, documents confirming the existence of this nation to date, in the country called Romania, in fact the oldest nation of the world, documentary attested, and that exists also today in the same territory for 12-15.000 years. A last argument or landmark for the location of


Atlantis starts from the fact that Atlantics are the descendants of Titans and Giants. I mention again that it was misunderstood that Giants would have been tall people. Giants were the "High Priests" of the Titans, the Giants of the religion of those times. Titans were the sons of Geea (Tethys) and therefore they were mortal beings in their earthly existence and they were "sons of the earth." From Tita (Tethys) they took the name of Titans. Everyone knew where Tethys Sea once was and therefore isnt it logical that Atlantics and Atlantis be searched around the Tethis Sea, at springs, in the place of origin of Titans and Atlantics? Only this argument could locate Atlantis and solve almost entirely its existence or nonexistent problem and the problem of the existing civilization in those times. I remain convinced that two issues could not be solved: the math problem of plain and water in Europe, because it has passed too easy over the passage of Diodorus mentioned above and secondary to this work the existence of an island, islandcontinent.



In order to better understand the location of Atlantis I will try to provide another explanation of its existence. Were we to take a map of Europe and the north of Asia, we would see that it is a vast plain area and it is this area that, 10000 years ago, was covered by water in lack of the Bosphorus Strait. If the Bosphorus Strait did not exist, today as well this plain would be covered with water and the difference of level compared to the water level of the Mediterranean would be more or less 200 m, which is why Plato said Atlantis was a high country. In the abovementioned area, Europe and the north of Asia were two big stretches of water: the Ocean, called by the Greeks and the Egyptians Oceanos, and the Tethys Sea. The ocean stretched from the east of the Carpathians, the Caucasus Mountains in that time (western Caucasus), to the Siberian Mountains and the Gobi Dessert. The portion between the Balkans, the Hem Mountains in those times, and the current Carpathians was called the horn of the ocean during the reign of king Uranus, Poseidons Sea, during the reign of Saturn, the Atlantic Sea, during the reign of Atlas or Trojan and from then until today, the Sarmatic Sea, name which comes from Sarmis or Hermes, the king of the Getae, sea which was located then in todays Romanian Plain. The Tethys Sea was the stretch of water from the current Pannonian Plain and it communicated with the


Adriatic Sea when the water surplus was big through an area near the Trieste city, but it also communicated with the Atlantic Sea (thats how it was called then) through and area now called the old Danube which, according to some, was on the route Morava-Timoc, and, according to others, was on the route Morava-Milanovac, and this water course was called in those times Styx or Letho (the forgetfulness sea). This territory, now the hill and mountain area, was surrounded by mountains (at the North Pole there were the snowy mountains) and inhabited by Rams, who Plato calls, from the name of king Atlas, Atlanteans, and whose country he calls Atlantis. Atlantis was indeed an island and also a continent, and this islandcontinent was bigger than Libya (the north of Africa) and Asia Minor put together. By then Italy and Spain were islands and were inhabited by Pelasgians (people of the islands) and the current Balkan Peninsula was inhabited by Arameans (not-Rams). Not to mistake the Greeks with the Arameans, because Greek is a relatively new name in Europe, it appeared in the centuries XIII-XII B.C. and in those times there was only a small population of Helenians stationed near todays Athens. The capital of the kingdom of Uranus was the current city Severin, but in a much higher land, possibly on Topolnia River or in the area called Gura Vii. The name of the city, according to some, would be Mene or Mehe, and, according to others, Zeurin (Severin), name which also appears in the Diploma of the Ioanites from 1247 A.C., thus the name was kept for many millennia as the city of Uranus, name composed of SE = Immortal and URAN, because the Rams were also called Immortals, considering that, by their religion, they only suffered a physical death, after which they continued to live in Parnassus or the Elysian Fields (see the chapter on religion). Furthermore, they were called sons of the earth, sons of Gaea, Gaea = earth, and sons of the sky or sons of An, An = sky, name which is justified by the fact that their country was a high one and they believed that their mountains touched the sky, thus creating a connection with the Divinity, which did not have a name then, but all called it Heavenly Father, and their religion was a monotheistic one and its principles were kept until nowadays as the basis of the Orthodox beliefs. King Saturn built himself a new capital, described by Plato (Critias and Timaios). He chose a hill or a mountain (depending on the stories)


which had a 900 m large plateau, according to the Greek, where he built himself a palace surrounded by 2 dams and 3 channels, all circular, which he filled with water, especially from the two streams, so that they werent accessible for the people (Critias). I locate this capital, improperly called island, on the current course of the Danube, between Bazia and the Iron Gates, possibly near the city Moldova Veche. Saturns descendants to the throne, Latona and then Atlas, modified this structure and built 3 earth dams and 3 channels, but at an unequal distance between them, and more, they dug these channels until the basis of the mountain, after which they made a channel that made the connection with Tethys Sea for the navigation and, thus, the ships could enter right to the capital of the kingdom, called by Plato in Timaios the Island of Atlantis. Due to the fact that there was a water level difference between the Tethys Sea and the Atlantic Sea, the water was blocked by the natural dam called the Iron Gates. On this so-called island, on the earth dams, they built numerous houses and palaces and all the construction material, the white, yellow and black stone, was taken only from the earth dams of the island, I quote Critias 116a The stone from which they built them (the houses, the palaces and the bridges over the canals), white, yellow and black stone, they took from underneath the cleves of the island and of the earth circles; thus, they made some interior circles which had as roof the stone left above. I have used this excerpt to make you understand why the mountain or the Island of Atlantis caved in, especially that the white stone was limestone which, in contact with water, dissolves and in the area there are plenty of caves that resulted from the limestone dissolution. Taking this into account, when the mountain was riddled with caves, both by removing stone for construction or as a result of the circular canals dug to the basis of the mountain, as well as the because of the limestone which existed there, therefore the mountain and the capital of the kingdom, also called an island, could collapse in any second due to an earthquake or an inundation. Plato continues in Timaios, I quote In the time that followed, given the powerful earthquakes and floods, Island Atlantis disappeared, sinking in the sea. Remarquable is the fact that he talks about the island if Atlantis and not the continent Atlantis. Moreover, during the earthquakes, the Bosphorus Strait appeared and the water began to flow from the old Ocean into the Aegean Sea, the drain


valve of the surplus of water from the Tethys Sea blocked by blocking the old route of the Danube, so a great quantity of water accumulated in the Tethys Sea, which created an enormous pressure over the natural dam the Iron Gates, breaking it, and the newly created flood hurried the collapse of the island Atlantis, which could have been caused either by the earthquakes or only by this recently mentioned flood, given the big quantity of limestone from the island; the remainders of the mountain which collapsed can still be seen today in the area called Cazane. To cease all other discussions, I mention that Atlantis was the whole Europe today, less Spain and Italy, by then islands inhabited with Pelasgians (Pelas = island), and without the Balkan Peninsula, that is, all that was south of the Danube. In the ending, I will quote Pherenicos from Heraclea: The Hyperboreans live in the extreme parts, under the temple of Apollo (in the kingdom of Apollo, Sarmis). They are completely tied to the war and are, as the tradition says, the descendants of the ancient Titans (bib. 12, page 628). As you can see, the Hyperboreans are the descendants of the Titans and the Atlanteans, thus the inhabitants of the territory called Atlantis. More clear and evidence than this that Atlantis, the continent Atlantis, didnt sink into the sea as Critias says, there is not and cannot be, because the nation of the Huperboreans existed in history and in the treatises of the ancient until close to our era. In addition to this, Horatius (65-8 A.C.) praises the emperor Augustus who fought the Dacians as the conqueror of the Titans and of the Giants (bib. 12, page 987). This proves that the Dacians lived in the territory of the Titans, in their old kingdom, and they were their successors, such as the Atlanteans were the successors of the Titans, thus, the territory the Dacians lived in was the old Atlantis or part of it. In the same logical manner, if the Titans got their name from Tethys or Titaia, and the Tethys Sea we know it was situated on the current Pannonian Plain, then the Titans are the inhabitants from around this sea. Only by using this logic, an intelligent man would have found Atlantis in a single minute, but it took me 11 years to figure it out. I hope this time it was understood why not all the continent Atlantis, todays Europe, collapsed into the sea, and only the capital of the kingdom,


that mountain which, by its modifications, was called an island, the Island of Atlantis.



At Sarmisegetuza, in the ureanu Mountains, at Grditea Muscelului, near Ortie, there is an archeological site, which, by interpreting its name, Sarmis-Se-Getuza, means Sarmis (Hermes)-The Immortal-of the Getae. Sarmis or Hermes was the son of Hera and Zeus, the grandson of Trojan, the Titan (Atlas), king and bazileu over the two Sarmatians, the former kingdoms of Uran, in the north (the future Atlantis), and Zeus-Ra, in the south, Great Priest of the Sun in the south and bearer of the name of Apollo, also called Io-An, the two-faced Ianus (two kindgoms), Armis or Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (three time important: a king, a prophet and a wiseman). This complex (site), according to the name of the one who built it, Sarmis, the Titan, is about 10000 years old and it is located on the territory and in the kingdom of the Titans, at Sarmisegetuza. Sarmisegetuza was not the capital of the kingdom of the Titans, the Giants, the Atlanteans or the Getae, it was the place where their knowledge from those times was stored and, in one of complexes existing there, and whose purposes are not yet known, the complex called the Great Round Sanctuary, time can be calculated with the biggest precision in the world, far more precise than the time calculation nowadays, this being a proof that their civilization was far superior to the one existing today. All the sites around Sarmisegetuza were astronomical observatories and, given their position, it isnt known if they follow the positions of the stars in a constellation or not. Personally, I


believe that it is possible for them to follow the position of the Pleiades, or of one of the Ursas, but it is certified the existence of the Orion constellation. In order to justify their precision regarding time calculation, for the solar tropical year existent nowadays, I say that at each 5000 years they had an error of a second once every 11,574 years and, at the time calculation for 5.512 solar tropical years, there was a second more every 71,842 years, calculation which is amazing enough for nowadays as well, especially since, each year, we are ahead of time by 11, 23344 minutes and every 128 years by a day. The presentation of the Great Round Sanctuary from Sarmisegetuza, the Ortie Mountains. The Great Round Sanctuary is formed from 3 concentrical circles, a mandala, a sacred and secret place. The interior circle is composed of two groups, of 13 and 21 pillars. The figure 13 is of the earth and it represents the finite, all that is on the earth, is born, lives and dies. The figure 21 is of the cosmos or, as they said, of the sky. In the cosmos as well, there is a life cycle of the planets and solar systems, but there the life cycles are repetitive and their repetition creates the eternity or the immortality. In the same time, the figures 13 and 21 are the two points of focus of the ellipse, geometrical shape which represents the route of the Earth around the Sun. The second circle, the middle one, is composed of four groups of 18, 20, 22 and 23 pillars and represents the distance that the Earth travels around the Sun in an equal time, the time of the seasons, but on unequal distances. The exterior circle is composed of 30 groups, 6 pieces each, and offers the key to the time calculation from that time and from today as well. Usually, the Getae calculated time on periods of 25 years and they checked it every 50 years, because they knew that exactly every 50 years a companion of the star Sirius appeared, companion which gave the measure of time. The priests were in charge of the time calculation, because they had to know precisely when to organize the religious celebrations. A second time calculation method was by using the number; it was a long term calculation, over millions and millions of years, both for the past and for the future. Calculation method


The solar tropical year has 365,242199 solar middle days. A day has 1440 minutes. The year, at the Getae, had 364 days divided in 52 weeks. In reality, the year had 13 months of 4 weeks each and 365 days because the last week had eight days and, every four or five years, it had nine days and it was called the Big Year. The season also had 13 weeks. The middle circle of the Great Round Sanctuary is composed of the figures 13 and 21, thus both the earth (13) and the sky (21). The time calculation is made only according to the graphical representation from the exterior circle. This was the Geto-Dacian calendar, the most precise calculation method for time today. There are two calculation methods. A. The current calculation method, the ordinary one, which we can call popular. Like I said, in the usual years, the last week (the 52nd) was eight days long and, in this situation, the year had 365 days. To the 365 days, once every four years, another day was added (like today) and then the week had 9 days and the year was called, like I said, the Big Year. This could happen five time, five periods in the total of 20 years. In the sixth stage, they added a day, but this time five years later, so that in a 25 years period they added 6 days to the 365 days of the year. 0,242199 x 25 = 6, 054975 In this situation, after 25 years, there are 0,054975 days left, the equivalent of 7/400. The ancient write that the first to calculate time was Uranus, but this calculation method, indirectly exposed, we can find at Plato in his description of Atlantis by Critias, I quote There, every four or five years, the kings would gather together and plot the common affairs (bib. 3, page 233). This includes the possibility that this time calculation method existed even in those days and the kings would gather together in the last week of the Big Year, aspect confirmed by Lund (bib. 6, excerpt abovementioned). Regarding the Phoenix bird, many ancient have written. Some said it would come back to the City of the Sun after 500 years, some say after 509. There are other authors who give other numbers as well. None of them explains the significance of the Phoenix bird and of the time period, as well


as the reason for its death and rebirth, according to some writers, from its own ashes. In order to clarify this, I will use some quotations from bib. 12, page 632-637. To begin with, Herodotus says that She only comes when its father dies. It being the Phoenix, her father, naturally, another Phoenix and, in this situation, we have two such birds, father and daughter. Plinius says one would exist all over the world and also that as soon as this birds life is ended, the Big Year revolution ends and then a new period begins with the same characteristics for the seasons and the constellations. Plinius clarifies a lot of things. First of all, he suggests only one bird existed in the whole world, then, he says the time period of the Big Year ends and a new period of time begins (seasons), but with the same characteristics and, moreover, that it is the beginning and the end of a new astral cycle. About the cycle of the celestial bodies movement every 500 years we have no exact evidence, as to affirm or deny this. But something remains clear, and that is, the fact that there was a nation which used a 500 years period in time calculation. As far as the ancient writings indicate, this method does not appear to have been used by the other nations around the Mediterranean, not in China, India or at the Maya population. This nation, the Geto-Dacian nation, then called Dorians, were the only ones who held the secret of this method of time calculation, and Pythagoras himself had some notions about it, which confirms his Dorian origin. Moreover, this calculation existed ever since the Titans, and the proof is Sarmisegetuza. As far as finding the location of the City of the Sun out of a multitude of cities with the same name, the poet Claudius Claudianus is of help. He states that the Phoenix transports his fathers body in the city of Titaia, which means that the Phoenix necessarily reaches the city of the Titans, in the kingdom of the Titans or the country of the Rams, as its been called by Plato, from Atlas, Atlantis, the place where it was born (was created, was designed) and where it had to die because the 500 years period had passed and it was supposed to reborn and to live another 500 years etc. Or, the city of the Titans was also called the City of the Sun, Apulum (Apollo = sun) or the White City where white was the color and the symbol of the sun, city that couldnt be other than the current Alba Iulia


(Ilia), statement indirectly confirmed by Homer when he calls this citycapital Helice, name the sun used to have (Helios) then, in the area of Asia Minor. Homer, in the Iliad, Book VIII, v. 196-200, describes an argument between Atlas, Trojan, Neptune, Poseidon or Lord of the Earthquake and his daughter Hera, I quote: Then said-she to the mighty god of Neptune What now, wide ruling lord of the earthquake? Can you find no compassion in your heart For the dying Danaans, Who bring you many a welcome offerings to Helice and to Aegae? From these verses it can be interpreted that the Titans had two capitals: an administrative one, the city Aegae, whose location is not known, but also Homer, in the Odysey, Book V, v. 507-508, describes as At the Aegae, where he has his home/The mighty palace (Neptune) and a religious capital, Helice or the city of the sun, where the priests calculated time, among others, or studied the route of the celestial bodies. What we call today Dacian citadels, apparently (I am convinced of this), some of them were genuine astronomical observatories and I have a proof of this. Locate on the map the following Dacian citadels: Cplna de pe Sebe, the citadel near Cugir, Vrful din Hulpe, Sarmisegetuza, Meleia, Vrful Pustiosul and the citadel near Bania and you will find the constellation Orion, also called the kings or the emperors belt, constellation which, according to Homer, in the Odyssey, Book V, v365-366, I quote facing Orion, and alone/ Never dipping into the stream of Oceanus, or the Orion constellation is formed by the pyramids in Egypt as well. It seems that, according to the same positions of their observatories in Ardeal (a region in Romania), the Titans built the pyramids in Egypt. Or, knowing the position of the pyramids, we can find, on Romanias territory, the other cities we dont know about today and when we do find the Ursa Minor with the Polar Star, also called the Column of the Sky, we will have found the administrative capital of the Titans, the city Aegae, according to Homer. The abovementioned quotation confirms the fact that the Orion constellation is observed both from the north and the south, is Never dipping into the stream. The fact that the Polar Star is also called the


Column of the Sky is a known thing. I suggest two graphical representations from bib. 12, page 321, where the column of the sky is leaned on two gryphons, the gryphon was exclusively the symbol of Hera, and at page 317, where it is sustained by two lions, the lion being the symbol of Latona. It is known that the Sphinx had the face of a woman or a virgin and the body of an animal. In this case, the Sphinx in Egypt represented the honor brought to Latona, which means that at least a pyramid was built by Latona. I dont understand why Keops mutilated the face of Lationa, making a face of his own, or maybe it suffered no modification. Given that the pyramids hide many enigmas, I suggest we solve one. We can start, perhaps surprisingly, from the word Pirimit, from the Coptic language, which means zeciuiala (the tenth part), which was the tribute that had to be given by the individuals to the authority ever since the ancient times, and the priests were the ones who established the amount, because they knew mathematics, the Pi class priests; but the Pi-Rams were the priests of the Titans, name which, in some opinions, generated the word pyramid. The Coptic word itself, Pirimit, meant Pi-Rams, if we replaced the second i with an a, because in the writing of the Rams the letter a was written , which is easy to mix up. The connection between the PiRams and the zeciuiala is found at the pyramids. If we take the twelve synodical months year = 354,367 days and we divide it to 0,242199 (the incomplete day of the calendar year) we have 354,367 : 0,242199 = 1463,123299. The tenth part of this number is the real height of the Keops pyramid, thus 146,312 m and not 146,61 m, as people say. Then, if we take the Draconitic Year, which has 346,620031 days and we make the same operation, we have the height of the Kefren pyramid, thus 346,620031 : 0,242199 = 1431,13733, and the tenth part is 143,113733m, as opposed to the height of 143,47 m that we know today. Furthermore, if we take the side of the pyramid of Keops, which is 230,30 m long, and we repeat the operation, we have 230,30 : 0,242199 = 950,870977, which in millions of kilometers would be the distance the Earth travels around the Sun at 29,765 km/sec and if this speed is the real one. These figures can be coincidences, but they can also be truths, we cant confirm or deny them today.


As I said, there is the possibility that the city of the sun be Apulum, the city of Apollo (the sun) and, in this situation, if we accept that Atlantis is Europe (part of it), than the city of the sun is no other than Alba Iulia, especially that in bib. 12, at page 721 there is a drawing which, considering the symbols on the escutcheon, can only be Atlas (Trojan). The eagle was specific to Atlas, because Uran had the aurocchs as symbol and Saturn the wolf (the last star from Ursa Major is also called the star of the wolf and the symbol of the Dacians in the battle was the wolf head and the snake). The wolf head was the symbol of Saturn, the Dacians considered themselves the descendants of Saturn and the snake or the dragon was the symbol of the war. Other symbols were: for Latona the lion, Hera the gryphon and Sarmis (Hermes) the raven. This drawing confirms two things: 1) By the presence of the cross in the right hand of Atlas, this means he was the Great Priest and that the symbol of the cross is much older than we know today and 2) By the existence of the Phoenix bird under the crown, it certifies the existence of this time calculation since that time, as well as the fact that the Phoenix bird can also rightfully be called the Titanic Bird. When Sesostris penetrated with his army in the Balkans, in the years 1964-1962 B.C., he found out of the existence of this bird and possibly of the time calculation. The attempt to put the Phoenix bird in the Egyptian calendar was a mistake and a failure, because it was a different calculation from the Egyptian one (that we still use today). The third stage and the last one for this method of time calculation was when another day was added every 5000 years thus, after 5000 years they were ahead of time with 7,2 minutes, which only represents an error of a second every 11,574 solar tropical years and proves this is the most precise method of time calculation existing today on Earth. What a distance it is between their civilization and ours and between what we know and what they knew, especially that, according to the time calculation we use today, we are ahead of time with (dont get frightened) 11,23344 minutes per year, which would mean we are dreadfully primitive! A summary of the time calculation method according to the representation from Sarmisegetuza.


The calendar year had and has 356 whole days, thus 52 weeks, of which the last one had 8 days. Every four or five years another day was added, and then the last week had 9 days. This was called the Big Year. There were used calculation periods of 25 years, periods we dont know the names of, and was composed of six cycles of Big Year, as it follows: 25 x 0,242199 = 6,054975 days. The decimals represent 7/400. If we calculate the rest of the remaining days after 25 years, with the number , then, in this case, 7 /400 is 21,99114857 : 400 = 0,05497787142 days, and the difference is of a second every 100 years (0,99 sec) or a minute every 6.000 years (6.064 years). Every 500 years, interval called the Phoenix period, a day was in surplus and had to be subtracted and then the last week had 10 days, as it follows 500 x 0,242199 = 121,0995 days and the result is 20 cycles of 25 years = 120 days. Remember these numbers, because they have something to do with Pythagoras. This corresponds with the existence of a second Phoenix, the one which brings its fathers body in the city of the sun, Urbe Titania. If the first Phoenix had a life duration of 500 years, the second Phoenix (son or daughter) lives only for a day (24 hours). Every 5000 years another day is in surplus which also has to be subtracted, and then the last week would have 11 calendar days, when the calculation period ends, but repeats itself. We dont know how this period was called. I mention that the week of 9, 10, 11 days is only in the year the period or periods of calculation end. Then, after 5000 years, they were ahead of time with 7,2 minutes and had an error of a second every 11,574 years, thus 5000 x 0,242199 = 1210,995 days and it represents the sum of the 10 cycles of 500 years. There is a plus here of 0,995 days and this is where the 7,2 minutes appear, because it is subtracted like a whole day. It seems that this was arrangement C. Daicoviciu had found when he discovered the site from Sarmisegetuza. The most precise time calculation is at 5512 years, when there is an error of a second once at 71,842 years, thus 5000 + (4 x 128) =5512 years x 0,242199 = 1335,00088 medium solar days. The calendar we use today is in fact the Egyptian calendar, as Ive already mentioned, brought by Caesar and Sosigene in Europe in the year 46 B.C., with the difference that the Egyptians had a 30 days month


divided in decades and in Europe the month is divided in weeks. The year according to this calendar, also called a Julian year, had 365,25 days (more than in reality), and every 4 years a new day was added, like today, when we still use the Julian calendar even if we call it Gregorian, because in the year 1582 the Pope Gregory XIII modified the time calculation method and thus the Romanians, starting with the year 1919, after the day of April 14 becomes April 1, by subtracting 14 days, according to the modifications Pope Gregory XIII made. 2010 + 46 = 2056 2056 x 0,242199 = 497,61144 days 2056 : 4 = 514 days 514 497,611 = 16,389 days So, according to the time calculation method that we use today we are ahead the real time with 2,389 days, because out of 16,389 days 14 days are subtracted in the Gregorian calendar. Time calculation verification Time was verified and it still is in two methods, which apparently were used by the Titans as well. The first verification is made 50 years after, when the companion of the star Sirius appears and the second verification is made by the time calculation at 128 years. According to the calendar used today, we are ahead of the real time with a day every 128 years, as it follows: 128 x 0,242199 = 31,001472 days 128 x 0,25 = 32 days Enouncing the calculation figure of 5512 years also resulted from this calculation and was mentioned because they considered that once every 5512 years an era changed. I have no proof of this, but the reality is my proof. I have asked you to remember the figure 1,0995 and I said it had something to do with Pythagoras and, of course, to the Dorians, or, perhaps, Pythagoras was one of the Pi-Rams priests. This category of priests knew very well mathematics and nobody questions Pythagorass skill in this field. Pythagoras gave a new meaning to life and thought, meaning which still exists today, at least through Plato and Aristotle, the ones who own their whole way of thought to Pythagoras, as Porphyr puts it


(bib. 19, page 34). In bib. 17, at page 277, there is the following writing MLXXXXV = number symbol of silence which means that 1095 or 1,0995 days is the time in surplus once every 500 years. Because of the oath he had to take, Pythagoras could not disclose the exact number, but a close one would not have broken the vow. The resemblance of the two numbers, with no explanation as to the number 1095, leads to the conclusion that he knew, at least partly, the Dorian scrience, even though he had not travelled to the Getic area. If Pythagoras was from the nation of the Daco-Getae, the so-called Dorians in that time, he had to know also the number and its calculation, taking as basis the number 1095, according to him number symbol of silence, which by its use reaches an end, but given that they considered the end a new beginning, it reached a circle, where the number was mandatory. I am convinced that Pythagoras knew how to use the number and to calculate it using the figure 1095, but without breaking his vow, possibly by the following formula: 3440 + 16/364 : 1095 = 3,141592653 (91), where 3440 is almost half the Earths semi axe (6378), 16 comes from using the square, 364 represents the 52 weeks of the year in the calendar and 1095 is the number we talked about, a key-number of the calculation of the and of the circle. Another version to this formula is 3440 + 4/91, where 4 is the number of seasons are 91 is the number of days in a season. This confirms that Pythagoras knew the time calculation the Titans enounced, existing only in the Geo-Dacian area, which is also confirmed by Democritus who said that the Big Year is 60 minus one, an inexact statement, because the Big Year ws 60+1, thus 61x6=366 days, because every 4 or 5 years a day is added to the 365 complete days of the year and only then was it called the Big Year. This confirms that Democritus knew something, but not the true time calculation. B) The second type of calculation is the mathematical one. I return to the time calculation for the 25 years. 0,242199 incomplete days, left from the 365 days year x 25 the time period = 6,054975 days which must be added every 25 years in order to make the calculation exact, or, this rest of 0,054975 days is the equivalent of 7/400. Using the same method, at 50 years, a double number of days must be added, thus there are 12 days and the rest is 7/200 and at 100 years 24 days are added and the


rest is 7 /100. Now, it is understood how simple time calculation is and was. I mention that the number is 3,1415926535 an endless number. This number, multiplied by 7 is 7 , which is 21,99114857 still endless. If the year had, and probably it did have, 365,2421991148.. days, it can be observed that after the number 24 there is nothing left but the numbers which form the 7 . The difference between the presumed year and the real one is of 49,6152 seconds, but it is known that the day is 0, 16 second longer once every 1000 years. In the abovementioned situation, we should avoid the speculations. If we group, two by two, the decimals from the sequence 0,2421991148 and we multiply by 100, we find out the time calculation on a limitless period of time, thus: after 100 years 24 days are added, after 100 x 100 = 10.000 years, we complete the number 24 with the following group, the 21 group and then, at 10.000 years, 2.421 days must be added to the 365 days of the solar tropical year. We go further and the 10.000 we multiply by 100 again, then, at 1.000.000 years, after we have added the second group of two digits, must be added 242.199 days to the 365 days of the year and so on and so forth. We can make this calculation both for the days that come and for the past ones, and we can find out the day x, lets say 172, which day of the week it is from the year we want to find out. For a simpler mathematical calculation we use the formula for 25 years and we find out how many days can be added to a number x of years, for instance: 6 + 7 /400 x the number of years/25. A more precise time calculation on long periods of time can be realized by calculating it at 5.512 years, when there in an error of a second every 71,842 years. It seems that it wasnt by accident that our era begins at 5.508 years, according to the old calculation of the Getae (the oldest time calculation in the world), with the birth of Christ. It is possible that, in their conception, an era lasts for 5.512 years. A fact is that the Roman Empire begins to collapse after the death of Augustus, and that is important. We can suspect that, from the first time calculation until the birth of Christ two eras have passed and thus the first calendar, said to have been done by Uranus, had had more than 11.024 years.


In order to prove the antiquity of this time calculation and of this calendar, I turn to arguments. The first argument is relied on names, the names of Sarmisegetuza, Sarmis, Hermes or Apollo, but in this case, Apollo the Hyperborean, Se- the Immortal or perhaps the Great Priest of the kingdom in the north (black, blach, vlach) and Getuza of the Getae. One thing is certain. The complex from Sarmisegetuza was made and thought by the king of the Titans, from the country of the Titans , Sarmis or Hermes, the Trismegistus, if only by the fact that it bears his name. I mention that the other existing groups from Sarmisegetuza are not known yet and can probably provide things we cant even imagine. This argument only would prove the antiquity of this calendar, although there are authors who say that Uran and Saturn were the first to calculate time. The second argument offers us Plato (bib. 3, page 233), I quote again There (in Atlantis), every four or five years, honoring thus both the odd and even numbers, the kings (Atlanteans) would gather together and plot the common affairs, found out if any of them had broken the law and judged the guilty. The fact that the kings from the territory where the Bazileu Atlas (Trojan) reigned would gather together and plot the common affairs, every four or five years, then when a day was added to the 365 days of the year and that year was called the Big Year, when the last week had nine days, as opposite to a regular year when the same week had only eight days, all this certifies the time calculation made by the GetoDacians, existing on the exterior circle of the Great Round Sanctuary from Sarmisegetuza and also that this calculation existed ever since Atlass time. The third argument is offered by the Carlsberg Papyrus 9 (bib. 20, page 165), I quote It is noticed that every 25 years Egyptian civilians take exactly 309 lunatii (synodical months). This is true, but the Egyptians had nothing to do with the number 25 and the time calculation accordingly, because they calculate time taking into consideration the presence of the star Sirius. When Sirius appeared, before sunrise, all the Egyptians, if they wanted to live, had to go on high places on the hills because it was then when the Nile overflowed. Then the year started for them and they didnt need the 25 years period, which corresponds only to the Getic calculation.


The forth argument is offered by Lund, where the existence of the calendar is certified, weekly asserted, and the year has 364 + 1 days, the year had 13 months, 4 weeks each, thus the year had 52 weeks + 1 day. At the ancient Swedes, time calculation was made after the model from the kingdom in the south, today called the Essenian Calendar, but the results were the same. I quote (bib. 6, page 149) It is a custom that after nine years (4+5 years) a formal meeting takes place with all the regions of the Sueonia in order to celebrate it. From this celebration nobody was allowed to miss. The kings and all the people each had to bring gifts to Upsala and the harshest punishment was prepared for those who werent present, even though they had passed to the Christian religion and further I quote nine days of parties on which occasion sacrifices were made, and in one of these days a man was sacrificed along with the animals so that from the nine days 72 resulted, in which animals were being sacrificed. Even though the time calculation was the Mysians (Essenian) one, when, during the Big Year, the week had nine days (nine days of parties), and in the rest of the time, the last week had 8 days, then 8 x 9 = 72 days. The same calculation was made by the Geto-Dacians, with the only exception that beginning with Atlas or maybe even before, that celebration was held by then once every four of five years. Moreover, Lund says that then a man was sacrificed, which means it was a generalized custom, and not an exception, like the one of the Massagetae today, when only they used that ritual. Furthermore, the ones who were not present to the ceremony are said to be punished, custom which was kept at the Dacians until the time of Trajan and this is how Trajan put his hand on the Dacian gold. The fifth argument is the fact that it was a calendar which, at the birth of Christ, showed 5.508 years had passed and this can only be the Geto-Dacian calendar, because the calculation of the reign years as well as the main events during this reign were noted after the old calendar by the Romanians and this calendar was used for another 1700 years after the birth of Christ by the Romanian rulers. I hope that these five arguments are enough to prove the antiquity of the Geto-Dacian calendar, graphically represented at Sarmisegetuza. It is known that the Great Priest in the south kingdom was called Apollo, and Sarmis was also Apollo, but from the nation of the


Hyperboreans. It is not known how the Great Priest was called in the northern kingdom, the one of Uranus and Gaea, of the Titans and their descendants. However, in an excerpt from Meropia, after Aelian (Var. Hist. 3, 18) there is the term Eusebes, which in translation means the Pious Citadel. As Saturn was also called Seb, and from here the Egyptians called him Seth, there is the possibility that Sebes or Sebe had been religious cities, to which a certain territory was annexed, a bnie. In this case, the Great Priest , in the northern kingdom, the Titans kingdom, was called Seb. In Ardeal there are several cities called Sebe, which confirms what Aelian noted. The presence of this settlements in Ardeal confirms that this territory was inhabited by the Titans and is today inhabited by the Titans descendents. C) When C. Daicoviciu discovered the site from Sarmisegetuza, he found this arrangement of the Great Round Sanctuary: a) the interior circle had 19 pillars; b) the middle circle had 36 pillars; c) the exterior circle was composed of 30 groups of 6+1. A. By the number of elements which form the interior circle the solar tropical year could be calculated with the help of the monthly year. It is known today as the Metonic Cycle, when at 19 montly years, 12 years of 12 months and 7 years of 13 synodical months there are 19 solar tropics, as it follows: the monthly year of 12 synodical months is 354,3670 days. 12 x 12 = 144 7 x 13 = 91 91 + 144 = 235 synodical months and 29,53 days 235 x 29,35 = 6939,55 days or 235 x 29,35058 = 6939,6863 days 19 x 365,242199 = 6939, 60178 days As you can see, the difference is small and it can be corrected. B. By the number of elements from the median circle the tropical solar year is calculated with the help of the draconitic year. The draconitic year is the time interval between two consecutive passings of the solar center through the same node (ascendant or descendant) of


the Moons orbit. The draconitic year has 346,620031 days. At 95 solar tropical years, there are 100 draconitic years, as it follows: 346, 620031 x 100 = 34662,0031 days 365, 242199 x 95 = 34698,0089 days 34698,0089 - 34662,0031 = 36,0058 days So, at 100 draconitic years 36 days were added and 95 solar tropical years resulted or the calculation could be inversed, meaning that from the 95 solar tropical years (calendar years) 36 days were subtracted, or the pillars in the middle circle are numbered. There is another version, that at each 20 draconitic years, 19 would be solar tropical years, with a difference of 7,2 days. C. The exterior circle helps calculating the solar tropical year and it was explained above.

The Great Round Sanctuary from Sarmisegetuza



Nowadays, once every four years, a day is added to the 365 days in the calendar. Given this, every year we are ahead of time with 11,23344 minutes because the real time sums up less than 365 days and 6 hours. The difference until the 6 hours is calculated as it follows: 0,242199 x 1440 = 348,76656 minutes over the 365 days The difference until the 6 hours, 360 (6 x 60 minutes) 348,76656 (minutes) = 11,23344 minutes more. I mention that 1440 is the total number of minutes in a day, 24 h x 60 = 1440 min. There are several methods to correct the time (to eliminate the surplus): 1. A day is subtracted every 128,8 years, which does not happen in the present; 2. At a 900 years cycle, 7 days are subtracted, by subtracting a day every 150 years; There are 6 periods of 150 years; if at the last period two days are subtracted, then after every 900 years cycle we would be ahead of time with 30 minutes; 3. One hour is subtracted every 5 or 6 years, using the group of elements from the center of the Great Round Sanctuary. The interior circle has two groups of 13 and 21 elements.


3. a. Time correction every 5 years Every 5 years, and hour is subtracted because we subtract 12 minutes each year, more than happens in reality (11,23344) with 0,76656 minutes. This surplus is multiplied by 21 and the result is 16,0976 minutes more at a 21 years period. 0,76656 x 21 = 16,09776 minutes 3. b. Time correction for a 6 years period Every 6 years, an hour is subtracted by only using 10 minutes from the surplus of 11,23344 minutes per year, and the difference is multiplied by 13, the result being 16,03472 minutes which must be added to every 13 years period. 1,23344 x 13 = 16,03472 minutes The two groups verify one another after a 273 years period (13 x 21). 4. The most precise and simple time calculation by using the current calendar is: Every 6 years an hour and 7 minutes are subtracted and every 15 years another minute. In this case, the time calculation is flawless for millions of years.



The number results from the time calculation. It was born out of time and it is specific to the time and the circle. In the Ortie Mountains, at Grditea Muscelului, the Dacian Sarmisegetuza, there is the Great Round Sanctuary formed from three rows of cicles. The interior circle has two groups of 13 and 21 elements, the middle one has 4 groups of 18, 20, 22 and 23 elements and the exterior circle has 30 groups of 6 elements each. The year of the Geto-Dacians had 365,2421991148... days, with 49,6752 seconds more every 5000 years, which represents 0,009923 seconds per year more than the calculation of the 365,242199 days year. It is possible that the Geto-Dacians considered a number of years (cycle of years) a circle, even though, in my opinion, time existence is represented by a spiral. The calculation of the number begins from the calculating period of 25 years at the 365 days year. At 25 years, there are 6,054975 days, which can be calculated according to the formula 6 + 7 /400 days and at 50 years there are 2 calculation periods of 25 years each. At 50 years, time is calculated according to the formula 12 + 7 /200 days. The time calculation at 50 years is the following: 0,242199114857 x 50 = 12,1099557425 days.


For the calculation of the number , 12 whole days are subtracted and the result is 0,1099557425 days which are divided at 50 (the time period). 0,1099557425 : 50 = 0,00219911485 days, which are multiplied by 10.000 (the big cycle of time calculation) and the result is 21,99114857, which is divided at 7, resulting 3,14159265285, which is . The calculation formula for the number The number is calculated by several formulas: Formula 1. 0,1099557425 x 28,57142857 (142857) = 3,14159264285, where 0,1099557425 are decimals from the time calculation for 50 years and 28,57142857 represents 200 : 7 Formula 2.

7 200 x 0,109955742 x 28,57142857 (142857 ) 3,1415926428 5 200 7

Formula 3.

7 10000 7 10000 x x 200 50 x 7 200 350

7 the decimals from the time calculation for 50 years 200

10000 years = the big cycle of time calculation 50 = the number of years for which the calculation was made 7 = the days of the week It is not known when the number appeared and who calculated it for the first time, but it was surely used by the Geto-Dacians in their time


calculation and, as proof, we have the graphical representation from Ortie Mountains. Now it can be stated with certainty that the number was used for the time calculation, being the first and maybe only place in the world where evidence of it can be found. I remind you that the Getae, by their tradition, left nothing written and all was memorized, however, in the Great Round Sanctuary their knowledge on the time calculation, even more advanced that ours, can be proven. I am convinced that we have many things to learn from them, especially since, in my opinion, new approaches on time measurement as well as the rotation of the Earth around the sun are outlined. It is possible that in the other elements from the complex to be new information about the cosmos. Where they had their knowledge from, it is not known and neither can we say for how long they used them because, according to the current calculation method, at every 128,188 we are ahead of time by a day. It seems that the period of Caesar and Sosigenes from Alexandria, who brought the Egyptian calendar in Europe, has passed. If we respect ourselves and we respect the truth and the science, we will have to use the time calculation of the Mysianss (the Mesians), the Geto-Dacians priests. The number can be also calculated from the following formulas: 1. = Kx

100 , where K is a constant and it results from the time 3,5

calculation at 50 years, being equal to 0,1099557425. 2. = 10,99557425. 3. =

E , where E is a constant and is the result of K x 100 = 3,5

2E 7 7 7



In this paper, the number (P) results from the time calculation, but that is not the only possibility to obtain it. It is the sum of three logics: the logic of the calculation periods of 50 years or the logic of the year the logic of the calendar month of 28 days or 4 weeks the logic of the 7 days week 100, 24239776911 : 5000 = 0,02004847955
0,02004847955 0,1415926535 0,25 0,24239776911 0,00760223089 100,25 : 13 7,71153846 7,71153846 2,7769656 2,7769656 : 365,25 0,0076029177 1,25 : 7 0,17857142857 0,17857142857 : 52 0,00343406593 0,00343406593 : 5000 0,00000068681 0,0076029177 0,00000068681 0,00760223089 0,25 0,00760223089 0,24239776911 100,25 0,00760223089 100,24239776911 100,24239776911 : 5000 0,02004847955 0,02004847955 0,14159265358


Observations: 100 represents the calculation period of 50 years of a time calculation cycle of 5000 years 5000 is the calculation cycle 0,25 is the constant of the years and is resulted from 365,25 days 13 is the number of months of the year 13 x 28 days = 364 days 1,25 is the difference from the 364 days to the 365,25 days (the year) 52 is the number of weeks of the year; 52 x 7 = 364 days 7 is the number of days of the week. The idea that is 3,1415 is deeply rooted, but its wrong, because in calculating the circumference of the circle 3 is the number of diameters and thus the true cant be other than 0,1415 In order to replace a criterion , a worldwide calculation method, I found it necessary to write the number 0,1415 with the letter P (still P, but in a Latin graphic), thus remains 3,1415 and P is 0,141592 I believe that this calculation has been searched for 4-5000 years, because the Sumerians and the Babylonians considered to be 3,22. For the old Egyptians, = 3,1605 and even Archimedes considered it to be 3,15, and, since then, a logic was searched for having a practical correspondent other than the calculation resulted from the square in the circle. The yar has 365,242199 days with a difference of 11,23344 minutes until 365 days and 6 hours. For these 6 hours, we have to add another day in the calendar every 4 years. The year at the Geto-Dacians had 13 months of 4 weeks each and, of cours, 13 zodiacal signs.



This calendar was used by the Goths, the Mysians in Asia Minor but also the mysian branch called Essenes. What is known until now about this calculation of time to Essenes? It is known that they had a solar calendar based on the year of 364 days. It is known that calculation period was 49 years and the jubilee was at 50 years, but it is not known how they calculated the time. The paradox was that the calculation period did not correspond to the jubilee and why year was of 364 days. All these questions are explained in this paper. The difference between the Esenian calendar and the Getae calendar is the period of calculation. If Essenes had the calculation period of 50 years, Getae calculated time at 25 and 50 years. The second difference is time when it is added one day to the 365 days of the year. Esenian added one day alternatively at four and five years until reaching 49 years and in the 50th year they added an extra day so that at a cycle of years and calculation at 50 years they had to add 12 days, while Getae added six days at 25 years and 12 days at 50 years but in another way they added one day to the 365 days of the year. In addition, Getae used in for calculation time and number , method that is not found for the the calculation of time to Essenes. This paper has the following benchmarks: 1. Eliade and Culianu quote the Jew philosopher Flavius Joseph (first century AD) who says that Dacians and Essenes have the same religion. In antiquity priests dealt with the calculation of time and in this case, theoretically, time calculation at Essenes is the same as at GetaeDacians, as illustrated at Sarmisegetuza by the Grand Round Sanctuary.


2. Plato in Critias, I quote: ... "There at four or five years, once, thus honoring even numbers as well as odd numbers, kings gathered and planned the common affairs. 3. C. Daniel in Spiritual culture of ancient Egypt quotes Breasted J.H., I quote ... "at the monastery of Qumran where the Manuscripts from the Dead Sea were written, Essenes had a solar calendar that was calculated with great rigor and, it seems, even by the Christians that had followed this calendar at the beginning. The Holidays of Last Supper, Crucifixion and Resurrection were fixed after this calendar. The calendar had 12 months of which 8 of 30 days and 4 months of 31 days, and the year had 52 weeks". There are opinions that it was practically a weekly calendar, and the year was of 365 days. The difference was recovered every 49 years and the jubilee was at the 50th year. It was an interpretation or calculation mistake. If year was of 52 weeks then it was about 364 days. It is true that the last week of the year was of eight days and once in four or five years, the last week was of 9 days, thing enunciated by Lund (bib. 6), at the calculation modality of time in Sweden, at Goths. The second mistake is that the calculation difference was recovered in 50 years. In this situation two considerations occur: a) Essenes as Chaldeans were the Arams of the Aram nation, ancient inhabitants of the Balkans, and from the beginning the Christian writings were in Aramaic. b) The calendar used in the Balkans and in today Romania had until the birth of Christ 5508 years, being the oldest calculation of the time in the world. Even Romanian rulers calculate their years of reign after this calendar.



The year had 365 days at them. Alternatively, at 4 and 5 years they added a day, so that at 49 years they were six periods of four years and five periods of five years, and totally there are 49 years and 11 days added. In the 50th year, the Jubilee year, they added one day, so that at every 50 years there were 12 days. This is the difference from the calculation of the current time, when it is added one day at four years. Then, every 500 years one day is added and at 5000 years another day is added. Time calculation periods at Essenes were of 5000 years. At the end of this period were 7.2 minutes in addition, representing 0.0864 sec. per year or one day at 1 million years. According to the current calculation of time at every 128 years we are before the time with a day. Getae had the same calculation of time except that at the year of 365 days they added 6 days every 25 years, five periods of four years and one period of five years. For the rest, the calculation was the same. In Orastie Mountains, at Sarmisegetuza, one of the complexes is called the Grand Round Sanctuary, which is nothing than calculating time through the solar tropical years and the lunar years but also the space covered by Earth around the Sun. The calculation is more complex, more precise on short and long periods of time, with the possibility of verification. It seems that year, the year of Getae, had 13 months of four weeks each, and the last week was of eight days also at them, and once in four or five years the week was of nine days.


Given the abovementioned arguments, I hope that all which was not understood concerning the time calculation at the Essenes was answered.



Knowledge creates doubt, exven if experimentally proven. The removal of the idea of doubt leads to illumination by transforming the knowledge for oneself in knowledge by itself. Then, the knowledge becomes a truth and doesnt need to be proven anymore. The truth decomposes all the composed aspects, becoming the essence, and the essence is part of the harmony. The essence is what theoreticalls has three components: matter, energy and soul. We cannot understand undeless we divide, the basis of our logic is the ressemblence and the and comparison. We could not tear of shape and weight, and if we value them we enter in the chaos, because they represent a part and not the whole. The preface of chaos is existence and non-existence without knowing that the nonexistence is a future existence. We always hindered by ignorance and doubt which are a hard knot for loosen. We are born to die. Birth is a gift of divinity and death, an obligation to her. The same phenomenon happens in nature and in cosmos, too. Any creation must obey order and order compels to harmony. Harmony is not the balance but only stability for a certain period. Harmony includes being and demise and their cyclical transformation. Harmony is actually figure and circle. Trough figure and circle can be calculated everything is earthly and cosmic. From here results a difference between knowledge and truth. Step is the knowledge measure and finger width, its depth. In this case spiral can lead to chaos or to essence. Essence is the circle with three reversible components: matter, energy, soul.


We cannot measure word, not weight its weight. People are excited by its weight. One is to say an untruth and another, the blasphemy for the same thing. Blasphemy weighs a stone mill. When we manage to break compound things and calculate words measure and weight we get to logic and trough logic and reason we get to truth. Truth leads to enlightenment but also enlightenment leads to truth. Enlightenment is a divine gift that is given to us or we get it. That who understands this thing is called OM (man). We live for nothing if we do not see beyond horizon. This notion of man is the fourth dimension. In Vedic conception, OM means synthesis, virtue, truth and its reverse MO is disintegration, destruction. We love to bath and to have fun at the midway without ever understanding that the time passes. Happy is that who sits stone on stone, and the Bible says that "Happy is the poor in spirit". Not soul leads to the feeling but its size. Do not praise man because praise blinds truth. Sumerians showed eternity through tripod and as graphic representation was the snake, UROBORU, represented by circle where head is matter, body, soul and tail is energy. Ancient Egyptians have also known the three components of eternal existence represented by rectangle triangle, where Isis is matter, Osiris is energy and the hypotenuse is represented by Horus and means soul. The circle that represents the soul (eternal), matter and energy at Hindus is present and clearly represented in their philosophy and religion in the form of a play. A popular form for presenting the reality is also found in Maya culture represented by Popol Vuh (popular book). To Hindus, the soul is Brahman, who is without beginning, endless and mind boundless. At ancient Egyptians was Ka, and at Christian is Holy Spirit, unlike the soul of a human or of a being that at Hindus is Atman and at Egyptian is Ba. It proved that at the human beings soul has also a material component because every man when dies, his weight drops of 18 to 22 g but also an energy component, proven even in some cases, visible or photographed. At Hindus, energy is represented by Lila, energy which creates world through "Divinity Sacrifice" and energy transformation in matter. Maya is matter, is the ability of Divinity to create new forms, the form of


objects and phenomena around us going to the confusion of identity with reality. Maya (matter) is constantly changing through dynamic energy (Lila) and the force that triggers this mechanism is called Karma (force) and it represents the active principle of game, of change. This action, this force Karma is present not only at the earth level but also at the whole Cosmos. Issuance of the chains of Maya (matter) and of the chains of Karma (motion) is made through purification, burning matter and transforming matter in energy which is called Moksha at Hindus and purification by fire at Christians. As long as we see matter (Maya) and perceive energy (Lila) without being aware of soul perception (Brahman) we will be slaves to materialism. In the Rig Veda is said "the supreme Brahman is indestructible. The own nature is the supreme Self. Creation that gives life to beings is called Sacrifice", end of quotation. This quotation explains the rest still to be told. Soul (eternal) is indestructible, inexhaustible, endless, because it will always be matter and / or energy and when it is not matter and energy, is not motion and time and in this situation we find ourselves in the absolute axiom space, space that is found at the edge of any galaxy. Every galaxy has Eternal, Matter and Energy. The relation matter energy is relatively stable. When energy dominated, galaxy expands, and when matter dominates, galaxy contracts. Any celestial body that hasnt an energy, penetrates inside (middle) of galaxy, it lights itself transforming matter into energy and then it erupts like volcanoes existing on earth but in another dimension forming new celestial bodies. The chemical elements component of life (CNO) with a near molecular weight is possible to group together thus creating a planet on which life is possible. We do not know how many solar systems exist in cosmos but in each solar system can exist one or two planets with life. In this galactic space and in these conditions man appears and he always appears at the springs. Everything is good or bad, even beginning and end occur at springs where end is nothing but a new beginning. In these conditions human being can be earthly or extraterrestrial. The ancient writings as Popol Vuh or Books of Enoch (Ethiopian apocryphal) show that both possibilities existed.


In conclusion, nothing is new under the sun. This paper brings to light the forgotten things of the Hindi, Mayans, Sumerian and Egyptian wisdom. The first division of the whole occurred in VI-V BC centuries when the whole was divided in two: summon (matter) and spirit (soul and energy) and in the XVIII century spirit has been interpreted as energy and motion, and the spirit itself remained only in religion. The four dimensions are: spirit, matter, energy and man. All beings and plants in the first period of life grow and develop of the energy given by soul, and the external input is used only for maintenance. At the newborn humans growth can overcome weight, food weight. Over time this energy diminishes and the external input gains greater importance. The same is valid at plants, too. The external input is given by water and sun. We see sun in the sky but in reality it is not the planet but the solar wind beam composed of 70% protons, 20% alpha radiations (material component) and 10% photons. At atmospheric level, matter is split in mesons, Kaons, pawns etc., turning into energy, energy which transforms in matter through photosynthesis. At this are added the water of soil and the atmospheric carbon. In this way the earth's crust thickens slowly but surely.



It seems that the laws of Zalmoxis first appeared in our era, were published at Rome in 1554 (bib. 6, page 5), and in this paper I will especially analyze the work of Carolo Lundio (Lund) appeared in 1687 under the title Zalmoxis, the first judge of the Getae. Throughout the time, there have been several Zalmoxis and the last known one lived in the time of Pythagoras. There is evidence that the first Zalmoxis was Saturn, the king of the Titans. The clearest proof is provided by Diogenes Laertius when he writes that Saturns Getae call him Zalmoxis (recurrent quotation). These laws of Zalmoxis were later called the Bellagine Laws and in the Balkans after 1000, they were called the Laws of the Wallachian (of the Blacki). It is not known whether Saturn, the king of the Titans, the successor of Uranus, made these laws by himself or they were already made and he just applied them in thw whole territory, in the immense empire he owned after his victory on Osiris, then when he also got the title of IO (master, only master), title inherited and used by the Romanian rulers until close to nowadays. Plato confirms that they would be Saturns (Poseidons ), sacred laws, written on a column of oricalc (a sort of copper) in the capital of Atlantis, in the city-island also called Atlantis, laws which existed ever since the time of Atlas (Trojan), I quote (bib. 3, page 233, Critias) In exchange, the authority of a king toward another, as well as the relations between them were settled according to Poseidons commandments (Saturn), kept in the law the first of the kings left (possibly Uran or Nereu)


and in the inscription he made on a oricalc (copper) column, column which was located in the heart of the island, in Poseidons temple. It is not possible that so well organized a society and so evolved a civilization had no laws until Saturn, laws identified as Trojans, but definitely older, laws of the ancestors. Saturn could only complete the existing laws taking into account the new territorial context, the new situation. The obligativity of the people in the south to respect the laws of the Getae determined them, and the ancient writers afterwards, to call them Zalmoxiss laws. If there were ancient laws attributed to Trojan (Atlas), in the Getic conception, these laws belonged to Atlass ancestors, because the grandfathers are called moi (old men) and beginning to the grandgrandfathers (the parent of the grandfathers) the notion of the ancestors appears (in Romanian, strmoi). in this situation, Saturns father was Uranus, one of his grandfathers was Nereus, then, these laws existed even before Nereus, called by Diodorus also Nileus or Oceanos. The ancient themselves admit that there have been two Zalmoxis, one of them was Saturn and the other was Pythagorass student. Even Cicero, in his paper (De claris orationibus qui dicitur Brutus) sustains this, I quote There existed such poets even before Homer, poets who praised Zalmoxis in their feast poems. This quotation confirms that Zalmoxis existed before Homer, Homer who, according to Herodotus, was born 169 years before the war in Troy (bib. 6, page 48). Herodotus himself says that Zalmoxis had existed before Pythagoras (page 104). Moreover, in Lunds book, at page 112, we find the following quotations Zeus, who is fair at the Goths and proves to be the same al Zalmoxis, and further Him, Laertius also calls rono (the time), representing the course and the revolution (the periodic return) of the spaces and times or Mnaseas, for instance, affirms that Zalmoxis is a fair god at the Getae and is called Kronos. This quotations confirm that Saturn is Zalmoxis and is called (by the people in the south) Kronos, meaning the time. Which is true and accurate and hard to understand even in our times. The Getae considered that all that is earthly has a beginning, a middle and an end. All that is earthly is finite and all is calculated with numbers. What is in Cosmos, then, in the Sky, has also a beginning, a middle and an end,


but the end is in fact a new beginning, which infinitely repeats itself (infinite = time = eternity). All that is in cosmos, they believed, could be calculated through the circle. The circle itself shows the successive cycles which repeat themselves and it is all because of the divine will, which can both create and destroy the universe. Saturn, Zalmoxis, is nothing else than a saint (in that time, this name was used in the north as well) which was subordinated to the nameless Divinity (God today) as its help. The next quotation indirectly explains another thing as well. I quote But Porphyrius (Vita Pyth. Ext) shows that in the ancient writings Zalmoxis was celebrated at the Getae instead the cult of Hercules (page 122). What was the cult of Hercules (correctly used as Hercules and not Heracles)? The cult of Hercules was the cult of the sun, called by then and now as well Mithra. The sun heard and saw everything. The world in the south was surveilled by the Gods, gods whose number differed according to the nations, thus, the Greeks had 362 gods (page 128). Prometheus (Hercules), being from the nation of the Titans, was the son of Iapetus, the brother of Saturn and was also called Hermes the Trismegistus, the first of the two known in history (because Sarmis was a Trismegistus as well, Hermes Mercurius). The symbol of the cult of Mithra was the bull, the symbol of her grandfather Uranus. More interesting and less known is the life of Prometheus. He got to the Balkans (Hem Mountains) as the help of Osiris, whom he betrays by joining Saturn; Saturn gains the war against Osiris and Prometheus gets to be a king in the Balkans. Some time after, he becomes one of Zeuss assistents and he wins the first war against the Titans in the time of Atlas (Trojan). He betrays Zeus and joins Atlas and Atlas wins the war, the so-calle Trojan war. He participates at the creation of the Fetial Laws when queen was Hera. Even Ovid and Sophocles say that Troy could not have been defeated without Herculess arrows (page 114). Maybe they are right, maybe it is a legend, but the fact is that Herculess help in the Trojan war, in the war in Crete, seems to have been decisive. He knew Zeuss army, the places, the weak sport of the army as well as the locations where Zeus and Horus could have been attacked and defeated, which was what happened. The Getae religion was a monotheistic one and this is confirmed by the following excerpt, I quote Thus, in the Getic language, only one god


was represented by the particle EN (it is a mistake, in fact it was AN = the Sky) god who was considered to be part of everything so that the people were shaken when they honored his image, because he turned up always and everywhere like this (page 122). The excerpt confirms the existence of the monotheistic religion at the Getae, and, through the Getae, to the Titans. Another quotation confirms this type of religion among the Getae, this time, through the Dorians, the ones who founded the Temple in Delphi, I quote The incrusted expression which could be observed on the exterior wall of the temple in Delphi, when the gods greeting was solemn, would agree to an infinite and eternal formula of the ancient attributing it EI EN = YOU ARE ONE (the monotheism), in contrast with the polytheism, because the Greeks had 300 counted gods (page 122). I hope that these two quotations, which confirm the existence of the monotheism at the Getae as opposed to the polytheist religion of the people in the south, are convincing enough. At first, the monotheistic religion was all over the Titans (later called Atlanteans) territory, but eventually this religion is only kept by the Getae until nowadays, to their honor. For the inhabitants in the south, the appellative was EN, or maybe this is how they read it, but in reality it was AN. AN is the time, the eternity, the sky (cosmos) and to us today it means only the year in the calendar. The ancient called it Sky and the Immortals (Titans, Atlanteans, Getae) were the sons of the sky. The cosmos (the sky) was represented by the number 21, the number of the infinite, and the earth, the finite things, were represented by the number 13. These two numbers stand at the basis of the time calculation at the Getae and can be found at Sarmisegetuza, in the Big Round Sanctuary, in the middle circle. For them, the infinite (the cosmos, the sky) was nothing else than a sum of finite things, of repetitive cycles, both on earth and in the sky, cycles of birth, of life and of death. At the Getae, as among all the Hyperboreans, all the things on earth and in the sky were split in three, I quote At the Hyperboreans, the number three is the most important number for the rituals , tria panta dedasai (bib. 6, page 94) Arist. De Coel, lib. I c. 1. All things are split in three kai panta ta anrwpina tria suneei, the number 3 is the one which fulfils all the human aspects From here, the number 3 began to be used in the sacred things as well and in the laws. We believe


today that in cosmos there is nothing else than matter and energy. The third component of the cosmos escapes our grip or knowledge. Not even today can we explain Pythagorass Tetrad, other than at a theoretical or maybe mathematical level. Today as well the faith is monotheistic, is the whole for the sky (the cosmos) and the trinity belongs both to the sky and the Earth. Is it not the same religion as the one of the Titans, is it not in fact just its continuation? Modifications are inherent to the passing of the time. The difference is that, in the ancient times, the ignorance (stupidity) was considered a sin, among the 12 capital sins, and not just that, it was the worst of them all and today is honored the expression Believe without investigating, having also a religious aspect. There have been death sentences of the scientists who have been often burnt alive. I present from bib. 31, page 63, the list of the 12 capital sins: the Ignorance, the Spiritual Apathy, the Lack of measure , the Lust, the Injustice, Greed, the Cant, the Envy, the Deceit, the Anger, the Rashness, the Wickedness. As you can see, ignorance is the first and worst sin. It is normal to be that way because the ignorant only does a good thing by mistake. He understands reality only through his desires and in his ignorance he thinks that this is freedom and democracy. Through sin, the soul does not get dirty, because its of divine essence, it is nonetheless tormented in the prison of the body. Only when they hear the truth the sinners are hurting. And if we analyze the time or the times, lets discuss some things about the time and about how the Getae, the Goths and the Mysians (Essenes) used to calculate it; as you will see, sometimes the results were the same, but the method was different. They were all accused of having a 364 days year and this because of the lack of knowledge, because the year, at least at the Getae, had 13 months of 4 weeks each. In a years, there were 52 weeks, thus 364 days, but the last week had 8 days and once every 4 or 5 years, at the Getae, the last week had 8 or 9 days, and this year was called the Big Year, when all the kings in the Titans territory would gather together. The ones who did not come were harshly punished. This is confirmed by Plato in the description of Atlantis, page 233, I quote there, every 4 or 5 years, honoring thus both the odd and even numbers, the kings (Atlanteans) would gather together and plot the common affairs. Caesar, in his madness, brought to Europe in 46 B.C. the Egyptian calendar of 12


months, the one we still use today and which was the most modest time calculation method because every 128 years a day is in surplus and, unlike the Getic calendar, in which at 5000 years there was a difference of a second every 11,5 years. The Goths apparently used the Essenian calendar, or at least this is what we deduce from the following quotations It is a custom that after nine years (4+5 years) a formal meeting takes place with all the regions of the Sueonia in order to celebrate it. From this celebration nobody was allowed to miss. The kings and all the people each had to bring gifts to Upsala and the harshest punishment was prepared for those who werent present, even though they had passed to the Christian religion (bib. 6, page 149). The gathering once every 9 years was specific to the Goths, the Mysians and the Essenes, while at the Getae the same thing happened every 4 or 5 years, with the occasion of the Big Year, according to Plato, custom which was apparently kept in the time of the Dacians as well. The proof of the 13 months year is provided by Lund in the following quotation as well Nine days of parties on which occasion sacrifices were made, and in one of these days a man was sacrificed along with the animals so that from the nine days 72 resulted, in which animals were being sacrificed(page 149). The explanation is simple: during the Big Year, the week had nine days (nine days of parties), and in the rest of the time, the last week had 8 days, then 8 x 9 = 72 days. This is the 72 days explanation of which neither Lund nor the Translator Maria Crisan knew. In the Getic language, the word ora meant limit, shore (the word was kept in the Romanian language as well, where it means hour) and, indeed, any hour in time is limited, it has a shore. I quote Ormt comes from ora (shore, limit) (bib. 6, page 155). What is important is the proof of the 13 months long year and the 28 days month, thus 4 weeks, periods of time according to which the Getae calculated the time, calculation which existed, according to some ancients, ever since Urans time, and, according to others, from Saturns time (the proof was provided by Plato in Critias). The fact that at Sarmisegetuza the time calculation is made according to this 13 months year is another proof that this calculation existed since Sarmiss time, the son of Hera and Zeus, also called Hermes the Trismegistus. The city itself is called agter Hermes, meaning Sarmis the Immortal (from the nation of the Immortals, the Titans, the Atlanteans, the


Getae). We all believed that the Sarmatians and Sarmatia is Europe and the populations in Europe, but Lund informs us that Sarmatia was during the reign of Sarmis the whole empire, both the northern and the southern kingdoms, I quote Witness is the vast land of the Double Sarmatia (page 58).from Iordanes we have the idea that the Goths and the Getae are the same people. Lets verify it by Lunds writings as well. It is true that at page 32 he says I consider that there are enough proofs to ascertain that the Goths and the Getae are the same, the most undefeated by virtue or by actions. This quotation confirms the statements of Iordanes and it would convince us if, on the same page, it wouldnt be stated that according to Monaster (Chron., pm, 113), Homer (the Iliad in various places), these were the Goths from among whom the Trojans first appeared. This quotation contradicts the common origin of the Goths and the Getae, because the Dorians (the Getae) fought against Troy and the proof is that after the war of Troy many cities from the Dorian region were called Achilles, the name of the hero of the Trojan War. Lund doesnt stop here and establishes the origin of the Swedes in Asia Minor, I quote Ttojamann are the same as the Sueons and Troja is the capital of the nation, a monumental citadel from which today remained only the ruins (page 47). And to contradict the common origin of the Getae and the Goths, in the same book, at page 204, is the quotation the scholar Gravius (Elem. Ling. Pers. P. 90) signals ten words of Persian origin which appear to be leftover grains after harvesting the Gothic crops. In reality, the truth is somewhere in the middle. It is true that the Goths had their origins in Asia Minor, territory occupied by the Titans (which is where the interference between the Getae and the locals appears, later called Scythians or Persians). They were never Getae and the differences are obvious. Firstly, the Getic religion was monotheistic, they believed in the cosmic Divinity while the Goths had always believed in gods, the southern beliefs. Secondly, they never spoke the old Latin, the spoken language in Latonas kingdom. Thirdly, they fought against the Dorians in Troy and even against the Atlanteans if we believe Plato who in Critias (bib. 3, page 233) says that at least one of the Helenian kings has a Swedish name, if we accept that th = z or s, then Erichtonios becomes Ericson or Erichson. Fourthly, the time calculation at the Goths followed the Essenian model (the the Essenian calendar) which is


said to be a minoic calculation from Minos, the son of Zeus and Europe, king in Crete, a well outlined calculation in the work of Paul Faure (bib. 20), while the Getae had another calculation, even if the results are the same. In my opinion, the most important and worth remembering passage is the one about the migration of the Goths towards the holy land, before Christ, reaching Thrace and Greece. Logically, the Holy Land was supposed to be somewhere between Scandinavia and Greece. I quote because it talks about their departure from their homeland to the holy land (page 79). In order to settle this, we go to Plato once more, where, in Critias, he says That sacred island (page 229) which could not be other than Atlantis, island which was found then at the north of the Ocean and the Tethys Sea and is today north of the Danube. This confirms the existence of Atlantis and excludes its sinking, territory the Goth considered holy land, territory once inhabited by the Titans, the Atlanteans and today, like back then, by the Getae, which were once called Vlachs, MoldoVlachs, Dacians or Wallachians. In the book the Getic language is approached as well, but the author didnt mention that it was the same language spoken by the Titans, the Atlanteans or the old Latin, mistakenly called vulgar. I would like to say that Latin language used in Rome is a vulgar Latin because it falsified the old language of Latona. But Titus Maccius Plautus (250 184 B.C.) says that it is the Geto-Dacian language that all the barbarian words come from (page 42), where he continues in his fallacies and in the book of Cato Maior, The Origins of Rome, he talks about the antiquity of the Getic writing (page 41), but regarding the antiquity of the Getic language he says: and lest you should doubt anything, the letters of this language (the Greek language) as of all the others, were taken from the Getae. It is known that Wulfila translated the Bible from the Greek into the Gothic language, but as the Goths didnt have an alphabet of their own, Wulfila used the Getic alphabet to create the Gothic one, in which he translated the Bible, known under the name of Codes Argenteus and, discovering the f and the Q (page 73). Moreover, Joannes Magnus states It is a certan thing that the use of the phonetic alphabet by the Getae from our country (Sweden), is dated right after the flood, alphabet discovered on some beautiful rocks of a


considerable size (on which the Laws of Zalmoxis are published) (page 73). And if I mentioned the laws of Zalmoxis, then lets enumerate the 12 laws he wrote in the XVIII century from the creation of the world, according to Lund. I mentioned that they can be synthesized in 5,4,3 numbers which form the theorem of Pythagoras, the tetrad and the decade, laws which prove the belief of the Getae in the Divinity, laws which confirm the existence of a monotheistic religion of the Getae in Saturns time.



I. Principles in number of five. Law 1. First of all, that was God. 2. Over all those that are created, including thoughts God reigns. 3. God is deciding justly in this life. He rewards people and He punishes them. 4. Human mind is unable to understand the perfect idea of Divine Justice. 5. After the passage of soul through this life, will be given rewards and punishments in the most correct way. II. Causes in number of five. Law 1. Cause is something of which is born of something. 2. The main cause is the cause of which all others are born. 3. The secondary causes are those causes whose origin is in the main cause and depend on it. 4. Anything exists happened of one cause. III. Laws of finality. Law 1. There is no progress to infinity. 2. It must be asked something in order to be given. 3. Any movement is the source of action, even in case of inanimate objects, as long as, in various ways, through their skills and effects, it contributes strongly to the idea of good and beautiful for living people. However, their civilization was more advanced than ours. Lets take for example "There is no progress to infinity", meaning that everything has an end both on earth and in space. Everything is new (progress) has an end,


whether we know or we do not know this. We, in particular from Darwin, think that everything changes, adapts to phenomena on earth, without knowing that also these have an end. One of their principle was that everything on earth and in heaven (space) have a beginning, a middle and an end, true thing called by them, as it seems, Tripod, but Apollo's Tripod because I quote (p. 156) "He knows the past, sees the present and predicts the future"; but this is only the knowledge tripod, knowledge that according to Sarmis, Hermes, Apollo is set out in the emerald tablet, I quote (bib. 31, p. 11) "What is below is the same as what is above; and what is above is the same as what is below, to accomplish the miracle of one thing, by adaptation. Moreover, the third principle says, I quote "And as all things were created by a single word of ONE (Divinity) ". Maybe we have read this "In the beginning was the word and the word was from God". As we can see "Nothing new under heaven (sun)", and isnt it a continuation of the old faith, a faith which was continued until today only by Getae? It is known that the eight-pointed star is the star specific only to Romanians, Romanian star but its origin was not known. Its origin starts from Saturn, taken by Sarmis too, and existed until today. The proof is found in the quotation from p. 118 "Antiquity attributes eight. Phoenicians attribute to Saturn eight corners, too, it is certified by Eussebius (De praep. Age. I, 1), because even the temple, where it celebrates the cult of Attin (Saturn at Swedish), has eight corners and a ring. Also eight were the virtues existing in heaven, fixed by Antiquity through the mouth of Plato (Epinal, pm 923), and the first to have seen and praised them were barbarians, because through their laws, which were regularly established, were then spread to Egyptians, Syrians, and even to Greeks, as Plato tells. Therefore, to the great image of the King is added the effigy of Great Apollo, on which the royal duties could be read, eight in number, engraved on iris and in a strange knot a chain with eight angles, was a solid, secret concatenation of strings of chains - in the same secret closed way (refers to the effigy)". Now it is known that the eight-pointed star, the title of IO (me) used only by the Romanian rulers and the laws known as Bellagine, then Vlach are a Romanians legacy from Saturn. Another quotation confirms that the wife of Atlas, Trojan, Neptune or according to Homer, the god of Earthquake, called Hesperia, is known


also as Themis (Goddess of Justice), I quote (p. 187) "That's why poets sang Fates as daughters of Jupiter (here Atlas) and Themis (Goddess of Justice, Daughter of Heaven and Earth)". It is known that Fates, Pleiades, Atlantides, Muses, Fairies or pixies are the seven daughters of Atlas. In concluding this chapter I reproduce the words of Vulcanius about Getae, I quote (p. 176) "I have to say that I always was an admirer, more than of all, of this name noble by excellence, of a nation, who believe, from the depths of his heart, in the immortal souls, because, in my opinion, strongly condemning death, they get a boundless courage to accomplish anything; as may be seen, the nation of Getae always occurred from nature, he was and is a very special and eternal people. "



The symbol replaces a lot of words, it is reality recognized and included in a sign. There are two categories of numbers: the cardinal and the ordinal numbers. The ordinal number is the figure. There is no ressemblence between the number and the figure. The number (cardinal) belongs to the cosmos, the figure is that of the people and in it all that is earthly is located. Any human shape expresses itself through figures, only the order and the size of the figures are different. The cardinal numbers are the key to the laws of the cosmic harmony, symbols of the divine order. The cardinal numbers are the beginning, the middle and the end of an order and cosmic harmony, the end of an eternity and the beginning of another. They arent measurement units, but they certify the eternal constancy of the universe subjected to a cyclic reality. The cardinal numbers picture the birth, the life and the death of a planet, a solar system or of a galaxy, according to its Creators will, the will of the Divinity, the will of God. The ordinal numbers or the figures are symbols for all there is on earth. It can all be measured and weighted by the number. In the cosmos and on earth there are cycles of existence and nonexistence which repeat themselves forever. Pythagoras tried to explain this through the tetrad and the decade and Plato through the expression Time was born at the same time as the universe (bib. 3, page 244) and it


will most certainly die with it. For them, the notion of time was the equivalent of eternity and for if with the infinite. The ancient, especially the Greeks, were dividing the cosmos into the Creator (the Divinity, the Demiurge) and his creation and the sky, What is the eternal being that has no evolution and what is the constant evolution that has no living being? (Plato, Timaios, page 142). The Demiurge was Zeus for the Greeks and God for the Getae. It is said that what can\t be perceived naturally is disclosed to the one who known how to look inside it, knows how to lead himself and to explore the science of the absolute. This science of the absolute is perceived through the number, which represents the beginning and the end of the micro- and macrocosmos, it is the Book of Life or the treatise on the Making of the World , it is the existence and nonexistence in the same time, it represents the opposites which do not annihilate one another, but succeed according to the divine will, which can never be conceived by the human mind. The number for the earth or the cosmos gives the remaining time, the figure refers to the already elapsed one. The birth is the divine will, the death, the obligation towards the divinity. In Mahabharata (Maha = big, Bharata = warrior) it is said that the human love gave you life, the heavenly love gives you death, it actually gives you the life after death. The figure is the gift of the Divinity offered to the mortals. The world cand be known and governed through the figure and the circle. The figure is matter and material calculation, the circle energy. The circle can either be a circumference or a point, the energy can transform into matter and the matter in energy because the point in the animated or unanimated tridimensional world is matter. The opposites matter-energy complete themselves, succeed themselves or are destroyed by mutual annihilation. They complete themselves when they determine progress, the succeed themselves by keeping the existent, or they annihilate themselves announcing the end of the existence, of both the figure and the circle. The cardinal number has the circle as its symbol, circle which includes all the ten cardinal numbers and represents the future, the present and the past in the order desired by the Divinity. A similar symbol easy to


understand would be the serpent Uroboru (can be read from both directions, it has a double meaning), serpent which bites his tail forming a circle where the head is the matter, the body is the soul and the tail the energy. The road to understanding the whole is theoretically possible and is made by effort, virtue and love of truth because we, the ones who measure every single day, cannot get a grasp at the unmeasurable, the infinite, even though the infinite is nothing but a sum of finites. The earthly time, as figure of the man, while he lives its his time, part of the eternity, the infinite. Another being, another time. The time lives through our deaths and dies through our lives. Man is a twilight being because he is born to fie, being born is not a request, just an obligation. The circle is the dew which falls from the Tree of Life (the ash-tree), the figure is the dew from the Tree of Knowledge (the apple), heavenly manna offered to the mortals. The heavenly manna was only the dew from the apple leaves. The Cosmic Tree was the tree with the roots in the sky and the branches on Earth, it was in fact the origin of man with its divine component, the soul. It was represented by seven discs suggesting the existence of the planets in our solar system, without the Earth, which then became nine after the apparition of the planet Venus and the Earth was included as well. There were seven, respectively nine heavens (the atmospheres of the planets), so nine skies, and as many hells as the numer of the planets (the earths). The pyramids themselves, through theirs levels of stairs, represented the number of heavens for which they had been built. The tears of the Cosmic Tree are food to the people on Earth, but, in their ignorance, they rejoice and want more. The cardinal numbers are in reality the Book of Life, mans life, the life of the earth and cosmos both, representing the birth, the existence and the death, also called the ten pages book, where every page represents one of the cardinal numbers, or the Tratise on Making the World and perhaps the Worlds.



The number Zero. The number zero put in the front means darkness at the Egyptians; it was the sign of the blind. It is chaos, darkness. It is the place where time sits in the shadow of the space. It is matter in its complete intimacy, which by the will or the word of the Divinity makes order into chaos, order which needs to lead to harmony. According to Pythagoras (bib. 10, page 254), it is The amorphous matter, the chaos, has the form of a sphere with a fire at its center. Basically, Pythagoras is right, because the quotation illustrates the passing from chaos to a form of organization. Epicharmus (550 460 B.C.) says that the Dorian writings are proverbs and aphorisms and this is why, such as Porphyrs statements, are difficult to understand. Number I. It is the Divinity, God, the Creator. It is the point (the center of the circle) and the circumference of the circle. It is the transformation of the point in the circumference and of the circumference in a point. It is the divine will which creates or destroys everything in the cosmos. Its what Pythagoras called a decade. Its the number of the unity according to Hermes Mercurius (Sarmis) Trismegistus, I quote Because only the number Ten, My Son, is the master of the Souls. And Life and Light are joined where the number of the Unity is born from the Spirit and further, This is why, in consensus with the Reason, Unity has the number Ten and Unity (nr. 1) (bib. 31, page 64) and at page 235, I quote And the unity was nothing else than the Spirit that enveloped the world. Outside


which there is no God, no Angels nor other essences. For He is the God of all, the power and the light and all depends on Him and is in Him. Number II. There are two points, the line, the ray, the light, the life. It is the energy which can give other properties to the matter. For the mortals, it is the kernel of life and movement. Number III. There are three points, tripod, triangle, trinity. They are the present, the past and the future of all things and phenomena both on earth and in the cosmos. Its the soul which, together with the matter and the energy form the tripod. Everything thats triple is perfect and everything thats perfect its Gods, created by him. Number IV. It is the solid and all the heavenly bodies and planets. It is the symbol for the earth and it represents all the tridimensional forms, animated or inanimated. Number V. It is the man, the knowledge, the reason. It is the superior shape that includes matter, energy and soul. It is the earthly being created by the Divinity with its image and likeliness. It is the perfection of the divine creation. Number VI. Its the water and the time. The transient things, but also the eternal ones. Its the eternity which we think is made of time, but eternity has no need of time, its time itself. It is the sum of the three numbers, 1+2+3=6. Its not the time elapsed from the birth, but the remaining one until the death, time which becomes space only on the Other Realm. Numver VII. Its the cosmos, the space and the special energy. Its the place where the energy, the matter and the soul combine and split. For the mortals, it is the number 21. Number VIII. It is fire and purification through fire, its the dwelling place of the death and the universal spray, it is the announcement of the Judgment day. Its the destruction of evil and the keeping of the essence. To the morals, it corresponds to the number 13. Number IX. It is a new beginning, a new creation. It is the number which unites and separates two successive cycles. It is the circle that closes and opens the path to the spiral. It is the first dew drop which falls off the Tree of Life and the tear which slips off the Tree of Knowledge.


All these 10 numbers, for the mortals, represent the object of the treatise on the Making of the World, also called the ten pages book. Now we understand better why Pythagoras said that 1,2,3,4 = 10, because, according probably to the statement of Porphyr and Abaris, Pythagoras was a Hyperborean with a golden thigh. The expression golden thigh is equivalent to premonition. This quotation confirms that Pythagoras was a Hyperborean and, out of the Hyperborean nations, Pythagoras was a Dorian, or, at least, an adept of the Dorian school knowing the dorian language and probably even writing treatises in Dorian, thus ending the existence of a myth, that is, the fact that Pythagoras didnt let anything written; the proof is in the statements of Porphyr in the volume The life of Pythagoras, I quote This is, thus, the Pythagorean theory on numbers. And this is the reason why given its originality this philosophy has spread so much, firstly because of its enigmatic aspect, and secondly because these treatises have been written in Dorian. This dialect lacks in clarity (for the Greek then, the Getic wisdom was unknown and, therefore, difficult to understand) and this is the reason why those who used his notions were never truly considered Pythagorean and their writings are suspected as apocryphal or fables. In addition to this, as the Pythagoreans say, Plato, Aristotle, Speusip, Aristoxenes and Xenocrates have assimilated all that was good (from the Pythagorean teaching), making only insignificant changes to it (bib. 19, page 33). The fact is that Pythagoras influenced and modified the thinking of the ancient and it was all because of the science of the Dorians obout life, Earth, universe and Divinity. Personally, I believe that there is enough evidence to prove that Pythagoras was a Dorian, another name given to the Getae, and that he wasnt born in Samos, as some say. I am convinced that his banishment from Crotona was due to his belief in the monotheistic religion, the Getae religion, so the Dorians as well, because otherwise the following excerpt, of the old people from Locri, could not be explained: Pythagoras, we know you as a wise and clever man, but as we dont have anything to set straight in our laws (laws made by a Pythagorean the outline belongs to the author), we will try our best to respect them as such; as far as you are concerned, you go your way, taking from us what you find of need (page 35).



The mathematical formula of calculation of the number is:

The last three figures of the number due to the limited calculation possibility. It is the same with the number P (0,1415926535), because the figure 3 represents in fact the three diameters of the circle, and 1/7, is a symbolic figure, once considered the sacred figure of the Geto-Dacians, 7 is the cardinal number of cosmos and 6 is the cardinal number of time, and 365 is the number of whole days in a year. The number 13 is the number of the earth which would announce the end, but that is a mistaken conception, since it ennounces the time for the earth and it also represents the 13 months of 28 days each of the solar tropical year, according to which the year was caculated before the Egyptian calendar was brought from Egypt, by Caesar and Sosigenes in the year 46 B.C., the same calendar we usedtoday. II. Another calculation method of the number would be:


III. The calculation method of the number P:


25745 is, possibly, the platonic year. V. This calculation of the number was based on the coordinates from the time calculation. Nevertheless, the mathematical calculation of the number without those coordinates it the following.


It seems that the number disappeared as an irrational number. VII.



The lost word is the true truth, it does not exist on earth, either because of original sin, or because of any form of existence on earth is mortal, it has a beginning, a middle and an end, and any mortal form is changing every day, is increased or decreased by time, thereby denying the unique truth and creating the premise of the existence of many truths, going to the existence that each person have his truth and this due to the existence of opposites which annihilate or succeed, with the basic element of matterenergy duality, contradictions that generate the movement both of animated tridimensional and of the inanimate tridimensional. The true truth is in all that is eternal and unchangeable, and in this case things on earth are imitations of truths, because everything on earth is changeable, modifiable and all that is subject to change does not contain the true truth. The true truth cannot be born or made, it is the same, it is eternal and unchangeable, and earth follows its existing according to its fate, destiny that excludes its finding, confirmed also by the Bible, because in our composition is not covered the truth because of original sin (bib. 26, p. 13, ch. Genesis), I quote "Thats by woman, considering that the fruit of the tree is good for food and pleasure for eye sight and worthy to be desired, because it gives science, she took from it and she ate and she gave to her husband and he ate too". The knowledge tree is the apple tree, and the fruit of knowledge is the truth. Adam and Eve destroyed the truth thus creating the original sin.


Where it is not truth ignorance penetrates, even into Heaven. It is logical that God punish Adam and Eve and send them on a planet where it never was, is and will the true truth or the "Pure truth". It could not be accepted that ignorance enters Heaven. In ancient times, in the previous civilization, during the times of Titans, ignorance was the greatest sin of the 12 great sins, deadly sins, because, they said, ignorance creates the greatest suffering of the soul and they were right because it was proven during millennia that the greatest evil that has been done and is done on earth, the most and the biggest crimes were wrongly done in the name of good because of ignorance, popular because of stupidity. Ignorance is a danger even for the existence of life on earth. Science today confirms the existence of the matter-energy duality, both on earth and in space, contradictions that mutually annihilate and create destruction or succeed leading to progress and development. Matterenergy relation is stable and equal, only during in the middle period. Matter domination leads to aging and death both of animate and inanimate tridimensional. Energy decreases in time in relation to matter, because part of the energy itself becomes matter, which accelerates the end. When energy dominates matter it leads to the growth and development of human being, and when matter dominates energy it is going toward death. Man is born with more energy and it has an end too. Everything that is life produces energy of what exists on earth, but this is another form of energy, consumption, movement or maintenance energy. Where energy is, motion is, too, and where motion is there are truths and never only one truth, the true truth, especially that everything on earth and the on universe has a beginning, a middle and an end. Everything on earth is passing and what is passing is without truth, the real truth, being only stage truths. The real truth is the lost word for the Earth because it was not, it is not and it will never be on this planet. The real truth is hidden in eternity, in the eternal time and it must be the same in time and the same along the time on the entire duration of eternity. All that remains unchanged is truth, the real truth.


We are used with our daily, earthy truths obtained through the five senses and also the reason and then it is hard to accept the real truth that is eternal, everlasting and unchangeable, which is one and the same. Now we understand, otherwise, what Heraclitus said, that "Everything streams", because on the earth and in the universe everything moves, everything is in change and little things are "independent" and unchangeable as the human mind to know and in particular to understand the real truth that is perfect, perfect in itself and around it, and eternity to be the measure. Dorian School through Pythagoras found a compromise way to solve this difference between truth and real truth using the number theory, where only the number One was the true truth and the other numbers being divisible at least with one, one a was in all and however the other numbers were not the true truth, they were only truths. It is hard to say whether this method was a Titans legacy, as it appears in the laws of Zamolxis through the law "The first (One is) of all, that was God (the Father)". In reality, the real truth is essence, is the main cause from where all the other causes start, and this truth is enunciated by Zamolxis (Saturn), being one of laws he enunciated "The main cause is the cause of which all the others are born". Is what human mind cannot understand, cannot perceive, it exists, but not on earth.


1. Robert Charroux, Book of forbidden knowledge, Elite Publishing House, Iasi 1999. 2. Vojtecj Zamarovsky, At the beginning the was Sumer, Albatros Publishing House Bucharest, 1981. 3. Plato, Works VII, Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993. 4. Homer, Iliad, Albatros Publishing House, Bucharest, 1967. 5. Gh Bulgar, Gh. Constantinescu Dobridor, Dictionary of archaisms and regionalisms, Saeculum I.O. Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000. 6. Caroluis Lundius, Zamolxis - the first lawgiver of Getae, Axis Publishing House, 2002. 7. Popovici Calin, Dictionary of astronomy and astronautics, Teaching and Encyclopedia Publishing House, Bucharest, 1977. 8. Constantin Daniel, Spiritual culture of ancient Egypt, Cartea Romaneasca Publishing House, Bucharest, 1985. 9. Diodorus Siculus, Histories, Sport-Turism Publishing House, Bucharest 1981. 10. Horia C. Matei, Encyclopedia of antiquity, Meteora Press Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000. 11. Horst Bergmamm, Frank Rothe, Code of Pyramids, Saeculum U.O. Publishing House, Bucharest, 2004. 12. Nicolae Densuianu, Prehistoric Dacia, Arhetip Publishing House, Bucharest 2002. 13. Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1995. 14. Petru Demetru Popescu, Basarab the First, Military Publishing House, Bucharest, 1975. 15. E. Bindel, Mysticism of numbers, Herald Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002. 16. Papus, Kaballa, Herald Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002. 17. Pythagoras, Moral and political laws, Antet Publishing House, Bucharest 1996.


18. Eliade Culianu, Dictionary of Religions, Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest, 1996. 19. Pythagoras, Sacred hymns, Herald Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002. 20. Paul Faure, Everyday life in Crete of Minos, Eminescu Publishing House, Bucharest, 1977. 21. A. Nour, The Cult of Zamolxis, Antet XX Press Publishing House. 22. Vasile Lovinescu, Hyperborean Dacia, Rosmarin Publishing House, Bucharest 1994. 23. Dr. Geo Stroe, Tempus the code of Zamolxis, Dacoromanian Publishing House, 2007. 24. Paracelsus, The life and teachings, Herald Publishing House, 2006. 25. Victor Kernbach, Dictionary of General Mythology, Albatros Publishing House, 1983. 26. Bible, Bible and Mission Institute of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Bucharest, 1994. 27. Adolf Armbruster, The Latinity of Romanians - History of ideas Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1981. 28. Mircea Eliade, History of religious beliefs and ideas, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, 1981. 29. Marin Popescu-Spineni, Romania in geographic and cartographic sources, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1978. 30. Mircea Eliade, From Zalmoxis to Genghis Khan, Humanitas Publishing House, 1995. 31. Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, Corpus Hermeticum, Herald Publishing House, Bucharest.



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