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1. Look at the numbered diagrams and complete the text, using prepositions of movements.

Martin went for a ride on his mountain bike. He rode (1) ________________ a path until he came to a very hill. He started to ride (2) ________________ the hill, but soon he had to get (3) ________________ his bike and walk. At the top of the hill he got back (4) ________________ his bike and rode (5) ________________ the other side. He then went (6) ________________ a big lake. He rode (7) ________________ an old castle by the side of the lake. He then came (8) ________________ the river. He couldnt get (9) ________________ the river at this point. Fortunately there was a bridge a few hundred meters away and he rode (10) ________________ the bridge. He was hot, so he decided to have a swim. He dived (11) ________________ the river, swam (12) ________________ the bridge a couple of times and then swam back (13) ________________ the place where hed left his bike. He continued his ride. He went (14) ________________ a tunnel. It was long and dark and he rode carefully (15) ________________ the light he could see at the end. When he came (16) ________________ the tunnel, he found it was raining, so he rode quickly home.

2. Complete these sentences, using the following prepositions: up, down, round, into, out of, towards, onto, past, over, under. 1. In tennis you have to hit the ball _____________________ the net, but you mustnt hit the ball _______________ the court. 2. In soccer you have to get the ball __________________ the goalkeeper and then _________________ the horizontal bar and _____________ the net. 3. In skiing you use a ski lift to go _________________ the mountain and then you ski _____________ the mountain as fast as possible. 4. In motor racing you have to drive _____________ a circuit or track. 5. In golf you hit the ball ______________ a flag and then ______________ a hole. 6. In judo you try to get the other person ______________ the floor. 3. Where did the fly go? Put in these prepositions around, into, on, out of, through, under, up.

Example: The fly came in through the door. 1. It flew ______________________ the chair. 2. It crawled ______________________ the chair leg. 3. It stopped ______________________ the desk for a moment. 4. It went ______________________the telephone. 5. It flew ______________________ the drawer. 6. It went ______________________ the window.

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