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Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore for the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Submitted by

RAJA.G Register No: 098001602031

Under the guidance Mrs. V.KARTHI, M.B.A, Lecturer


C.M.S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Namakkal-637003 Department of Management Studies CERTIFICATE

This is to certify that the main project entitled ANGEL BROKING SERVICES IN ERODE is a record of the work done by RAJA.G, (Register No.098001602031) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration of Anna University of Technology during the academic year 2011.

Project Guide

Head of the Department

Submitted for the Project Viva-Voce examination held on

Internal Examiner

External Examiner


I hereby declare that the project entitled ANGEL BROKING SERVICES IN ERODE is my original work and that no part of this report has been submitted for the award of any other Degree, Diploma, Fellowship or any other similar titles or prizes and that the work has not been published in any scientific or popular journal or magazine.

Place: Date:

Signature of the student (RAJA.G)

With great pleasure, I am presenting this project entitled ANGEL BROKING SERVICES IN ERODE A project of this dimension would not have been possible without the sincere help and earnest support provided to me from all sources that was approached. It is my privilege and great pleasure to express my sincere and heart full thanks to Mr.C.MUTHUSAMY, Founder and Chairman of CMS College of Engineering, Namakkal, for giving opportunity to study in this prestigious institutions. I am indebted to Dr.NELSON KENNDY BABU, Principal, CMS College of Engineering, and Namakkal for providing me an opportunity to undertake the project I extend my thanks to Head of the Department Mr.K.G.SENTHILKUMAR, M.B.A., M.Phil, and (Ph.D). CMS College of Engineering, Namakkal, for his constant encouragement and valuable guidance throughout the study I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Lecturer Mr. V.KARHTHI, M.B.A, and Lecturer of CMS College of Engineering, Namakkal, who offered constant support and valuable guidance and remained as backbone for successful completion of my work. I express my thanks and gratitude to the members ANGEL BROKING SERVICES IN ERODE those who helped me to fulfill my project work. Finally I express my sincere thanks towards my parents, friends and others for his encouragement and support.




Page No.

Bonafide certificate Declaration Acknowledgement Contents List of Tables List of Charts Abstract 1. Chapter 1.1 Introduction to the study 1.2 About the Industry 1.3 About the company 1.4 statement of the problem 1.5 Objectives of the study 1.6 Scope of the study 1.7 Limitations of the study 1.8 Research Methodology 1.9 Analytical tools used

2. Chapter 2.1Review of Literature 3. Chapter Analysis & Interpretation 4. Findings, suggestions and Conclusion 4.1 Findings 4.2 Suggestions 4.3 Conclusion Bibliography Appendix


TABLE NO 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3

LIST OF TABLE Chart showing gender of the respondents Table showing Age of the respondents Table showing Occupation and Equities Services by angel of the respondents


3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6

Table showing Revenues Income of the respondents Table showing clients investment decision of the respondents Table showing the angel availed services and family respondents

3.1.7 3.1.8 3.1.9 3.1.10 3.1.11 3.1.12 3.1.13

Table showing in clients how to influenced to select Angel Table showing clients how long have been investing or trading Table showing the gender and amount of investment per month Table showing the securities holding days Table showing the who is buying or sell in securities Table showing the investors investing amount Table showing the Angel services provide facility to clients for buy or sell

3.1.14 3.1.15

Table showing the clients feel about trading equities easy Table showing the Angel services provide some facility to clients get the correct time


Table showing the angel provide intimations, that is help to clients

3.1.17 3.1.18 3.1.19 3.1.20 3.1.21

Table showing Gender and clients why do trading in angel Table showing Clients feel about easy for selling derivatives Table showing clients how long engaged in derivatives Table showing Education and clients satisfaction to derivatives Table showing clients opinion in opening of an account for derivatives


Table showing gender and clients what type of trading use in derivatives Table showing clients opinion about risk management Table showing clients about SMS services from angel Table showing angel provide sms facility is up to clients expectation

3.1.23 3.1.24 3.1.25

3.1.26 3.1.27 3.1.28 3.1.29 3.1.30

Table showing Client how often check Email Table showing clients feel about getting market information Table showing internet trading service Table showing internet trading services provide by ANGEL Table showing clients overall satisfaction about internet based demat services

3.1.31 3.1.32 3.1.33 3.1.34 3.1.35

Table showing Angel allowed opening more than one account Table showing client pay the amount for opening DP account Table showing Angel group given to client in depository Table showing inter depository transfer Table showing the demat account statement CHI-SQUARE TEST


Table showing relationship between occupation and angel equities services level Table showing relationship between Education and clients satisfaction to derivatives



Weighted average calculation of ANGEL in all the financial services cost


Table showing relationship between Gender and mostly trading in derivatives


3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3

Chart showing gender of the respondents Chart showing age of the respondents Chart showing Occupation and Equities Services provide by angel of the respondents


3.1.4 3.1.5

Chart showing Revenues Income of the respondents Chart showing client investment decision of the

respondents 3.1.6 Chart showing the services angel availed services and family respondents 3.1.7 3.1.8 Chart showing the clients how to influenced to select Angel Chart showing the clients how long have been investing or trading 3.1.9 Chart showing the gender and amount of investment per month 3.1.10 3.1.11 3.1.12 3.1.13 3.1.14 3.1.15 3.1.16 3.1.17 3.1.18 3.1.19 3.1.20 Chart showing the securities holding days Chart showing the who is buying or sell in securities Chart showing the investors investing amount Chart showing the Angel services provide facility to clients for buy or sell Chart showing clients feel about trading equities easy Chart showing the Angel services provide some facility to clients get the correct time Chart showing the angel provide intimations, that is help to clients Chart showing Gender and clients why do trading in angel Chart showing clients how long engaged in derivatives Chart showing clients how long engaged in derivatives Chart showing Education and clients satisfaction to derivatives


Chart showing clients opinion in opening of an account for derivatives Chart showing gender and clients what type of trading use in derivatives? Chart showing clients opinion about risk management Chart showing clients about SMS services from angel Chart showing angel provide sms facility is up to clients expectation


3.1.23 3.1.24 3.1.25

3.1.26 3.1.27

Chart showing Client how often check Email Chart showing clients feel about getting market

information 3.1.28 3.1.29 Chart showing internet trading service Chart showing internet trading services provide by ANGEL Chart showing clients overall satisfaction about internet based demat services Chart showing Angel allowed opening more than one account Chart showing client pay the amount for opening DP account Chart showing Angel group given to client in depository Chart showing depository transfer Chart showing demat account statement




3.1.33 3.1.34 3.1.35


This study entitled A STUDY ON CLIENT PERCEPTION ABOUT THE VALUE ADDED SERVICES PROVIED BY ANGEL BROKING SERVICES IN ERODE. Angel securities is one of the number one stock broking firms located Erode, Tamilnadu . Its complete financial solutions as its key focus area the bank will offer wide range of financial product and advisory services that enhances consumer wealth. A project aimed at studying the awareness level and preference for various investment avenues and the perception of investors with special reference to equity shares investment. The entire study has been divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction to the study, which deals with who exactly investors are and what kind of perception they have in relation to the securities market. It also details the profile of the company angel securities then deals with the objectives, scope and limitation of the study. The main objectives of the study are to study and understand investors awareness and preferences on equity shares, then analyze the various services provided by unicon securities limited. The data was collected using standardized questionnaires. The target respondent groups were the investors of angel, which include the salaried executives, business executives, professionals and retried people. The sampling technique used in my research was non probability convenience sampling. The sample size of the study was 60 investors. Descriptive research was used for the analysis of the data collected. Through analysis is found that majority of the investors have selected equity shares as the best mode of investment. The second chapter deals with analysis and interpretation. The analysis in the study has been done using tools like percentage analysis, chi-square analysis and weighted average. Percentage analysis was used to make comparison between the data. Chi-square was used to test hypotheses.

The third chapter deals with findings, suggestion and conclusions. The findings made from the study help us to know that the company is very reputed and gives investors satisfaction in the services offered. The researcher came up with suggestions like angel should create awareness among the public and try to find ways to retain its clients. Finally it gives the conclusions that gives in detail that the research conducted has helped us understand what the investors perception about angel securities. The study has helped the researcher to identity the satisfaction level of the customers and also to identity the factors influencing perception towards angel securities limited.

CHAPTER 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE STUDY: The study purely deals with the CLIENT PERCEPTION ABOUT THE VALUE ADDED SERVICES, Knowledge of investors is critical for developing strategies and understanding their perception. While investing in securities we can find two major kinds of investors one who are averse and he other who are risk lovers. Investors are generally risk averse. Given a choice between two assets with equal expected return a risk adverse investor prefers the asset with the less risk. A risk is investor would be indifferent. An efficient portfolio offers the highest expected return for the desired amount of risk or the least risk for the desired amount of return. There are many efficient portfolio for investors to choose from investors prefer the portfolio that maximizes their utility. An investor with a high degree of risk aversion would choose a portfolio with less risk. An investor with little risk aversion chooses a portfolio with more risk. Generally the factors that influence the investment decision investors are their income, occupation, education, age and martial status. The term commonly used to describe the ordinary share capital of a business. Ordinary shares in the equity capital of a business entitle the holder to all distributed profits after the holders of debentures and preference shares have been paid. However, it is important to understand that the market value of a companys shares has little (if any) relationship to their nominal or face value. The market value of a companys shares is determined by the price another investor is prepared to pay for them. In the case of publiclyquoted companies, this is reflected in the market value of the ordinary shares traded on the stock exchange (the share price). Since the investors differ in their perception different people will select different portfolios. An investor with a high degree of risk aversion would choose a portfolio with less risk. An investor with little risk aversion chooses a portfolio with more risk. Generally the

factors that influence the investment decision of the investors are their income, education, age and occupation status. ABOUT THE INDUSTRY Stock markets refer to a market place where investors can buy and sell stocks. The price at which each buying and selling transaction takes is determined by the market forces (i.e. demand and supply for a particular stock). A stock exchange, (formerly a securities exchange) is a corporation or mutual organization which provides "trading" facilities for stock brokers and traders to trade stocks and other securities. In earlier times, buyers and sellers used to assemble at stock exchanges to make a transaction but now with the dawn of IT, most of the operations are done electronically and the stock markets have become almost paperless. Now investors dont have to gather at the Exchanges, and can trade freely from their home or office over the phone or through Internet. Stock exchanges also provide facilities for the issue and redemption of securities as well as other financial instruments and capital events including the payment of income and dividends. The securities traded on a stock exchange include: shares issued by companies, unit trusts, derivatives, pooled investment products and bonds. To be able to trade a security on a certain stock exchange, it has to be listed there. Usually there is a central location at least for recordkeeping, but trade is less and less linked to such a physical place, as modern markets are electronic networks, which gives them advantages of speed and cost of transactions. Trade on an exchange is by members only. The initial offering of stocks and bonds to investors is by definition done in the primary market and subsequent trading is done in the secondary market. Supply and demand in stock markets are driven by various factors which, as in all free markets, affect the price of stocks (see stock valuation). There is usually no compulsion to issue stock via the stock exchange itself, nor must stock be subsequently traded on the exchange. Such trading is said to be off exchange or overthe-counter. This is the usual way that derivatives and bonds are traded. Increasingly, stock exchanges are part of a global market for securities.


The Angel broking group, comprising the holding company, Angel broking Limited and its whollyowned subsidiaries, straddle the entire financial services space with offerings ranging from Equity research, Equities and derivatives trading, Commodities trading, Portfolio Management Services, Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, Fixed deposits, GoI bonds and other small savings instruments to loan products and Investment banking. Angel broking also owns and manages the websites and

Angel broking Limited is listed on both the leading stock exchanges in India, viz. the Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and is also a member of both the exchanges.

It is engaged in the businesses of Equities broking, Wealth Advisory Services and Portfolio Management Services. It offers broking services in the Cash and Derivatives segments of the NSE as well as the Cash segment of the BSE. It is registered with NSDL as well as CDSL as a depository participant, providing a one-stop solution for clients trading in the equities market. It has recently launched its Investment banking and Institutional Broking business. ANGEL BROKING PRODUCT AND SERVICES Financial Aid Loans

Financial Analysis Services Financial Services Life Insurance Mutual Funds Services Personal Finance Services Angel broking Ltd Angel broking Commodities Limited Angel broking Marketing & Services Angel broking Investment Services Limited



In olden days people save money for the future competency in the bank which provides good return and lesson risk. This investment revenue may not be suitable for young generation were the expect higher return while compare with old age people. In India majority of the population was scattered in young generation. Now days they are verities of investment alternative due do liberalization, privatization and Globalization of financial sector. In this scenario many financing companies competing one to anther to attract the proactive investors. In the in this stock broking companies contributing higher percentage of revenue to the government in terms of tax on investment. But the stock broking companies facing many problems like volatility of market, less brokerage, poor service and handling of compliances. This pays was to research to undergo research project entitle on Client Perception about value added services provided by ANGEL BROKING SERVICES IN ERODE


To understanding the preference of a customer related to purchase of a particular investment. To bring out the importance of portfolio management of equity investors. To know about the customers knowledge and experience in investing in equities. To find the customer attitude about financial risk, business risk and management risk


It relates to investment in equities

Understanding of customer / or investors about the equities It also help us to know the portfolio management of equity investors A better understanding of the stock market trend will facilitate allocation of financial resources to the most profitable investment opportunity. The study on fluctuations in equity market helps in understanding the behavior of equitymarket. The study also helps the customers to ascertain the risk and return of the stocks.
LIMITATION OF THE STUDY The Study was limited to Erode Only

The Result may be bias as some of the responses may not be Accurate. Validity & Reliability of the data obtained depend on the responses from the customer. The time at the disposal of the researcher is limited. The size of the sample comparing to the population is very less and hence it may not represent the whole population

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge one can also define research us the systematic search for pertinent information on specific topic the systematic approach concerning generalization and formulization of a theory is also a research methodology of research provides guidelines, outline and frame work of how a project is to be conducts. Research design: Research involves decision regarding what, when, where, how much, by what means concerning an inquiry or research study constitutes research design. A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economic in procedure. Types of research Descriptive research: The study mainly used descriptive research. The descriptive research studies are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or of a group. Here the researcher must find adequate methods for measuring it along with clear cut definition of population he wants to study. Sampling technique: The selected respondent constitutes what is technically called a sample and the selection procedure is called the sampling technique. The sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from given population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items to be include in the sample. The sample design is determined before data are collated. The type of sampling technique used for my research is non-probability convenience sampling. Convenience sampling: In this method, the sample units are chosen primarily on the basis of the convenience to the investigator.

Non probability sampling: Non probability sampling the chance of any particular unit in the population being selected is unknown. Since randomness is not involved in the selection process an estimate of the sampling error cannot be made. But this does not mean that findings obtained from non probability sampling are of questionable value. Sampling unit: The sampling unit of my study-private client group, Erode - which is basically servicing a client base that invest minimum25000 and above. The group is basically the wealth management arm of angel securities which services hi net worth individuals. Size of sample design Sample size : 60

Methods of data collection: The study is based on primary data and secondary data. The first type of data to be collected is primary data. Primary data: The primary data was collected through an administered questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of a variety of questions that were consistent with the objectives of the research. Primary data is the data, which is collected for the first time i.e. when secondary data becomes outdated and becomes insufficient. Primary data may pertain to demographic and socio economic characteristics of the consumers attitudes and options of people, their awareness and knowledge and other similar aspect. The primary data is collected through personally. In this study primary data has been collected with the help of questionnaire.

Collection of data through questionnaire: This method of data collection is quite popular particularly in case of big enquires. It is adopted by private individuals, research workers, private and public organizations and even by governments. Secondary data: The study also used secondary data. The secondary data was collected from the company journals, reports magazines and the materials obtained from head in the regional office. When secondary data becomes outdated and becomes insufficient. Tools used for analysis: Percentage analysis Percentage is used to make comparisons between two or more series of data. Percentage analysis= no.the respondents Total no.the respondents Weighted average Weighted average may be defined as the average obtained multiplying the various item in serious by certain values know as weighted and the total of products so obtained is dividend by the total of weighted. XW WEIGHTED AVERAGE = ------------W Chi-square analysis: Chi-square analysis is a non-parametric test. It is used most frequently by marketing researchers to test hypotheses.
(Oij Eij )2 E ij


2.1. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Investors perception An overview The study of investors perception focuses on how individuals make decision to invest their available resources like time & money based on the factors for investment in equity shares. In every investment like risk, return capital, tax, and liquidity. The investor perception is also influenced by the high risk return, capital appreciation, and interest etc Dr. Abraham Maslow formulated a widely accepted theory of motivation, based on the nation of universal of human needs. This includes five needs they are also related to the investor behavior in investment pattern. Physiological need, Safety and security needs, Social needs,

self esteem, Self actualization needs.


Analysis refers to the ability to break down material into its component parts so that is organizational structure may understand. This may be including the identification of the parts, analysis of the relationship between parts and recognition of the organizational principles involved. Learning outcomes here represent a higher intellectual level than comprehension and application because they require an understanding of both the content and the structural from of the material. Systematic approaches to problem solving complex problems are made simpler by separating them into more understandable elements. This involves the identification of purposes and facts, the statement of defensible assumption, and the formulation of conclusions.

TABLE 3.1.1
Table showing gender of the respondents:
Gender Male Female Total Total Respondents 37 23 60 % 61.7% 38.3% 100%

(Source of primary data)


From The above table shows that 37 no of the respondents are male Respondents and the rest of the 23 are female members. This shows that Majority of the respondents are male.

CHART 3.1.1 Chart showing gender of the respondents

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Male Female


TABLE 3.1.2 Table showing Age of the respondents: Age 00-20 20-40 40-60 Above 40 Total Total Respondents O 32 26 2 60 % 0% 53.3% 43.33% 3.33% 100%
(Sources of primary data)

INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 0-20 age 0 no of the respondents are under the age group 20-40, 32 no of the respondents are under the age group 40-60, 26 no of the respondents are under the age group above 60, 2 no of the respondents of members. This shows that Majority of the respondents are under the age group 20- 40 no of respondents 32 Members.

CHART 3.1.2 3.1.2Chart showing age of the respondents

35 NO of Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 00 -20 20-40 Age 40-60 Above 60


TABLE 3.1.3 Table showing Occupation and Equities Services by angel of the respondents: S.No Online fund transfer Internet trading Online book building Other specify Total Business 12 2 1 Professional 28 1 0 Retired 1 2 1 Govt Employee 0 0 0 Pvt employee 11 1 0 Total 52 6 2

0 15

0 29

0 4

0 0

0 12

0 60

(Sources of primary data)

INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 15 no of the respondents are coming under Business and 29 no of the respondents are coming under Professional and 4 no of the respondents are coming under Retire and 0 no of the respondents are coming under Govt employee and 12 no of respondents are coming under Pvt employee. This shows that majority of the respondents are coming under Business and Professional. CHART 3.1.3 3.1.3Chart showing Occupation and Equities Services provide by angel of the respondents:
Angel Provide Services in equities 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 Occupation 4 5


12 2 1 2 1

11 1 1 1

TABLE 3.1.4 Table showing Revenues Income of the respondents

Income Salary House Property Capital market Investment Commodity market investment Capital Gain other specify Total Total Respondents 14 38 4 3 1 0 60 % 23.3% 63.3% 6.7% 5% 1.7% 0 100% (Sources of primary data)

INTERPRETATION: From The above table shows that 14 no of the respondents are salary and 38 no of the respondents coming house property and 4 no of the respondents are capital market investment and 3 no of the respondents are coming under commodity market investment and 1 no of the respondents are coming under capital gain. This shows that majority of the respondents are coming under the house property. CHART 3.1.4 Chart showing Revenues Income of the respondents
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

38 14 4



House Property Capital market Investment

Commodity market investment

Capital Gain

other specify

The revenues income

TABLE 3.1.5 Table showing clients investment decision of the respondents

Investment Decision Yourself Friends or Relatives Agent or Brokers Advertisement Total Total Respondents 39 14 2 5 60 % 65% 23.3% 3.3% 8.4% 100% (Sources of primary data)

INTERPRETATION: From The above table shows that 39 no of the respondents are self and 14 no of the respondents coming friends or relatives and 2 no of the respondents are agent or brokers and 5 no of the respondents are coming under advertisement. This shows that majority of the respondents are coming under the self. CHART 3.1.5 Chart showing client investment decision of the respondents

The Investment Influenced

5 2 Yourself 14 Friends or Relatives Agent or Brokers 39 Advertisement

TABLE 3.1.6 Table showing the angel availed services and family respondents
Respondents Trading in Equities Derivatives trading Commodities trading Depository services Internet trading Portfolio management Mutual fund investment Currency derivatives Total Elders 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 5 Younger's 29 13 2 1 0 1 0 0 46 Kids 4 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 (Sources of primary data) Total Respondents 34 18 4 2 1 1 0 0 60

INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 34 of the respondents are trading in equities and 18 of the respondents are derivatives and 4 of the respondents are commodities trading and 2 of the respondents are depository services and 1 no of respondents are internet trading and portfolio management and mutual fund investment and currency derivative o no of respondents. This shows the majority of the respondents are Trading in Equities.

CHART 3.1.6 Chart showing the services angel availed services and family respondents
30 25 20 15 10 5 0



13 2 1 4 1 4 2 1 1 1

Avaliled in Services

TABLE 3.1.7 Table showing in clients how to influenced to select Angel

Influence tin client select angel Very near to your home Near to Office Good services Reliability Brand Image Friends Reference Less charge other specify Total Total Respondents 13 5 11 5 22 4 0 0 60 % 21.7% 8.3% 18.3% 8.3% 36.7% 6.7% 0 0 100 (Sources of primary data) INTERPERTATION: According to the view of the respondents 13 no of them very near to home and 5 no of the respondents near to office, 11 no of the respondents under good services, and 5 of reliability, and Brand image 22, 4 no of the respondents friends and reference and less charge and other specify 0 no of respondents. Majority of the respondents are selected angel good serives.

CHART 3.1.7 Chart showing the clients how to influenced to select Angel

Very near to yor home Near to Office Good services Reliability Brand Image Friends Reference

22 5 11

Less charge other specify

TABLE 3.1.8 Table showing clients how long have been investing or trading
Trading year Less than 1 year 1 3 year 3 5 year Above 5 year Total INTERPERTATION: From the above table shows that 20 no of respondents are investing the less than 1 year, and 36 no of the respondents are 1-3 year, and 3 no of the respondents are 3-5 years, and 1 no of the respondents are above 5 years. It was found that majority of the respondents are 1-3 year . Total Respondents 20 36 3 1 60 % 33.3% 60% 5 1.7 100% (Sources of primary data)

CHART 3.1.8 Chart showing the clients how long have been investing or trading

40 35 Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Less than 1 year 1 20 1-3 year 2 36 3-5 year 3 3 above 5 year 4 1


TABLE 3.1.9 Table showing the gender and amount of investment per month
Respondents Male Female Total INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that of the respondents are investing amount males 2 members invest 10000Rs, 9 Males and 5 females are invest 10000-40000, 40000-60000rs invest 20 no of males, 15 females, 6 males, 3 female are invest above 60000Rs. This shows that majority of the third category of both male females. 0-10000 2 0 2 10000-40000 9 5 14 40000-60000 20 15 35 Above 60000 Total 6 37 3 23 9 60 (Sources of primary data)

CHART 3.1.9 Chart showing the gender and amount of investment per month

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Male Female

Investing per Month

1 2 0

2 9 5

3 20 15

4 6 3

5 37 23

TABLE 3.1.10 Table showing the securities holding days

Securities holding days Days Month Year Total Total Respondents 45 13 2 60 % 75% 21.7% 3.3 100% (Sources of primary data)

INTERPERTATION: The above table shows that 45 of the respondents are 45 days hold in securities, 13 no of respondents month wise hold the securities and 2 no of respondents year wise hold the securities. This shows that majority of the respondent are days wise only hold the securities. CHART 3.1.10 Chart showing the securities holding days

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Day's


13 2

Month Securities


TABLE 3.1.11 Table showing the who is buying or sell in securities

Who is buy or sell My self Brokers Total Total Respondents 39 21 60 %

65% 35% 100% (Sources of primary data)

INTERPERTATION: The above table shows that 39 of the respondents are myself buy or sell securities and 21 no of respondent are brokers buy or sell the securities. This shows that majority of the respondent are like my self trading.

CHART 3.1.11 Chart showing the who is buy or sell in securities


My Self Brokers

TABLE 3.1.12 Table showing the investors investing amount

Investing amount 1000-10000 10000-20000 20000-40000 Above 40000 Total

Total Respondents 3 24 30 3 60

% 5% 40% 50% 5% 100% (Source of primary data)

INTERPERTATION: The above table shows that 3 no of the respondents are invest 1000-10000Rs and 24 no of respondents are invest Rs 10000-20000 and 30 no of the respondents are invest Rs 2000040000 and 3 no of the respondents are invest Rs above 40000. This shows that majority of the respondents are 30 members invest 20000-40000 in derivatives market.

CHART 3.1.11 Chart showing the investors investing amount



30 20 10 0 1000-10000

24 3

Series1 20000-40000 above 40000 Amount


TABLE 3.1.13 Table showing the Angel services provide facility to clients for buy or sell

Angel provide sms alert SMS Email Broachers News letter Web site Total

Total Respondents 22 20 15 1 2 60

% 36.7% 33.3% 25% 1.7% 3.3% 100%

(Source of primary data) INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 22 of the respondents are getting SMS services and 20 respondents are get Email services and the 15 respondents are get Broachers and the 1 no of respondents and 2 no of respondents website. This shows that majority of the respondents 22 members getting SMS services. CHART 3.1.13 Chart showing the Angel services provide facility to clients for buy or sell

25 No of respondents 20 15 10 5 0 Sms E-mail Brouchers Newsletter Website Angel provied serives to clients

TABLE 3.1.14 Table showing the clients feel about trading equities easy

Equities trading Easy? Yes No Total

Total Respondents 39 21 60

% 65% 35% 100%

(Source of primary data) INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 27 no of the respondents are feel about easy and 33 no of respondents are fell about difficulties. This shows that majority of the respondents are feel about trading very difficulties. CHART 3.1.14 Chart showing clients feel about trading equities easy

No of Respondents

40 30 20 10 0 Series1 Yes 27 No 33

TABLE 3.1.15 Table showing the Angel services provide some facility to clients get the correct time

Angel services provide correct time to client Yes No Total

Total Respondents

32 28 60

53.3% 46.7% 100%

(Source of primary data) INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 32 no of the respondents are getting some facility to correct time and 28 respondents are not getting angel provide facility. This shows that majority of the respondents 32 members getting Angel services. CHART 3.1.15 Chart showing the Angel services provide some facility to clients get the correct time
33 No of Respondents 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 Yes Angel Provied Services correct time No



TABLE 3.1.16 Table showing the angel provide intimations, that is help to clients
Angel services provide intimation for help to client Buy back Open offer Annual offer Policy changes by governments Price movement Specify news to the share holders Total Total Respondents %

24 27 2 2 4 1 60

40% 45% 3.3% 3.3% 6.7 1.7% 100%

(Source of primary data) INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 24 no of the respondents are help from buy back and 27 no of respondents are open offer and the 2 no of respondents are Annual result and policy change by government and 4 no of respondents price movement, 1 no of respondents are specify news to the share holders . This shows that majority of the respondents are open offer. CHART 3.1.16 Chart showing the angel provide intimations, that is help to clients
No of Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0



Buy Back

Open offer

Annual result

Policy Price specify changes by movement news to Govt the Share holders

Angel Provide services to clients

TABLE 3.1.17 Table showing Gender and clients why do trading in angel



Digital contract

Intimation of market to market profit or loss 0 1 1

provide to verify the trade

provide facilities for SLBS

Intimation Direct About FII pay off traders


1 2 Total

Male Female

32 19 51

5 2 7

0 1 1

0 0 0

0 0 0

37 23 60

(Source of primary data) INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 51 no of the respondents are Digital contact and 1 no of respondents are intimation of market profit or loss and the 7 no of respondents are provide and 1 no of respondents provide facilities. This shows that majority of the respondents are Digital contact. CHART 3.1.18 Chart showing Gender and clients why do trading in angel
Male female

32 19

0 1 2

0 4

0 5

0 6

TABLE 3.1.18 Table showing Clients feel about easy for selling derivatives


Respondents Easy Difficult

Total 31 29 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 31 no of the respondents are Easy and 29 no of respondents are Difficult. This shows that majority of the respondents are Easy.

CHART 3.1.19 Chart showing Clients feel about easy for selling derivatives

Clients feel about selling the derivatives

31 30.5 30 29.5 29 28.5 28 Series1

No of Respondents

Easy 31

Difficult 29

TABLE 3.1.19 Table showing clients how long engaged in derivatives

S.No 1 2 3 4 Total INTERPERTATION:

Respondents Less than 1 year 1-2 year 2-3 year Above 3 year

Total 30 24 6 0 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 30 no of the respondents are less than 1year and 24 no of respondents are 1-2 year and the 6 no of respondents are 2-3 year. This shows that majority of the respondents are Less than 1 year.

CHART 3.1.20 Chart showing clients how long engaged in derivatives

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Less than 1 year 1-2 year Year 2-3 year Above 3 year


TABLE 3.1.20 Table showing Education and clients satisfaction to derivatives

S.NO High Satisfied Satisfied Moderately satisfied Dissatisfied High Satisfied Total

SSLC 5 26 1 3 4 39

Diploma 1 7 0 1 0 9

Degree 30 5 0 2 1 11

PG 0 0 1 0 0 1

Illiterate 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 9 38 2

6 5 60 (Source of primary data)

INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that respondents are 9 no of high satisfied and 38 no of the respondents are satisfied and 2 no of the respondents are moderately satisfied and 6 no of respondents are dissatisfied and 5 no of respondents are high dissatisfied. This shows that majority of the respondents are satisfied.

CHART 3.1.21 Chart showing Education and clients satisfaction to derivatives


client satisfaction in derivatives

25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 Education 4 5

TABLE 3.1.21 Table showing clients opinion in opening of an account for derivatives


Respondents Easy Difficult

Total 24 36 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 24 no of the respondents are Easy of account opening for derivatives and 36 no of respondents are difficult to open account for derivatives. This shows that majority of the respondents are difficult to open account for derivatives.

CHART 3.1.22 Chart showing clients opinion in opening of an account for derivatives

24 Easy Difficult


TABLE 3.1.22 Table showing gender and clients what type of trading use in derivatives?

S.No 1 2 Total

Respondents Male Female

Invest 7 6 13

Hedge 21 10 31

Arbitrage Total 9 37 7 23 16 60 (Source of primary data)

INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 13 no of the respondents are invest and 31 no of respondents are Hedge and the 16 no of respondents are Arbitrage. This shows that majority of the respondents are Hedging.

CHART 3.1.23 Chart showing gender and clients what type of trading use in derivatives?

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 Clients used in derivatives

No of Respondents

Male Female

TABLE 3.1.23 Table showing clients opinion about risk management

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Total INTERPERTATION:

Respondents Very good Good Neither good or bad Bad Very Bad

Total 9 35 14 1 1 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 35 no of the respondents are feel about good, risk management and 1 no of respondents feel about very bad, take risk management. This shows that majority of the respondents risk management is good saying.

CHART 3.1.24 Chart showing clients opinion about risk management

Clients opinion for risk management in derivatives

Very good Good 14 Neither good or bad 11 9 Bad Very Bad


TABLE 3.1.24 Table showing clients about SMS services from angel


Respondents Always Some time Never

Total 38 20 2 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 38 no of the respondents are always get sms services and 20 no of respondents are some time only get and the 2 no of respondents are i never get sms services. This shows that majority of the respondents are get sms service

CHART 3.1.25 Chart showing clients about SMS services from angel


Always Some time Never

TABLE 3.1.25 Table showing angel provide sms facility is up to clients expectation

S.No 1 2 3 4 Total INTERPERTATION:

Respondents Much better than Expected About as Expected Worse than expected No sms Service

Total 31 6 0 23 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 31 no of the respondents are much better than and 6 no of respondents are about as expected and 0 no of respondents are worse than expected and 23 no of respondents are no sms service. This shows that majority of the respondents are much better than expected..

CHART 3.1.26 Chart showing angel provide sms facility is up to clients expectation

31 23

6 0

Much better than Expected

About as Expected

Worse than expected

No sms Service

TABLE 3.1.26 Table showing Client how often check Email

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Total INTERPERTATION:

Respondents Daily Every 3 day Every weekend Monthly No e-mail service

Total 16 28 3 2 11 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 28 no of the respondents are Every 3 day opening Emails, 2 no of respondents are month wise opening Emails. This shows that majority of the respondents are 3days only opening Email account.

CHART 3.1.27 Chart showing Client how often check Email


16 11 3 2


Every 3 day

Every weekend


No e-mail service

TABLE 3.1.27 Table showing clients feel about getting market information

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Total INTERPERTATION:

Respondents Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Total 34 17 5 0 4 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 34 no of the respondents are high satisfied and 17 no of respondents are satisfied and the 5 no of respondents are neutral and 0 no of respondents are dissatisfied and 4 no of respondents are highly dissatisfied. This shows that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied.

CHART 3.1.28 Chart showing clients feel about getting market information
Highly Satisfied Satisfied 0 5 4 Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied



TABLE 3.1.28 Table showing internet trading service

S.NO 1 2 Total

Respondents Male Female

Yes 13 8 21

No 24 15 39

Total 37 23 60 (Source of primary data)

INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 21 no of the respondents are internet service easy say yes and 39 no of respondents are saying not easy. This shows that majority of the respondents are internet trading difficult.

CHART 3.1.29 Chart showing internet trading service

No of Respondents
40 30 20 10 0 1 2 Clients Feel about Internet Trading Easy? yes or No

8 24 13
Female Male

TABLE 3.1.29 Table showing internet trading services provide by ANGEL

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Total INTERPERTATION:

Respondents Online Payment Holding statement on regular intervals Transparent billing system Confirmation for off market Intimation of corporate cash action and non

Total 23 5 29 2 1 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 29 no of the high respondents are transparent billing system want in angel and 1 no of low respondents are intimation of corporate cash action and non want to in angel. This shows that majority of the respondents are mostly want transparent billing system.

CHART 3.1.30 Chart showing internet trading services provide by ANGEL

No of Respondents

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Online Payment

5 2 1

Holding Transparent Confirmation Intimation of statement on billing system for off market corporate regular cash action intervals and non Angel provided in intrenet trading services

TABLE 3.1.30 Table showing clients overall satisfaction about internet based demat services

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Total INTERPERTATION:

Respondents Highly satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

Total 22 27 0 1 10 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 22 no of the respondents are high satisfied and 27 no of respondents are satisfied and 1 no of respondents are dissatisfied and 10 no of respondents are highly dissatisfied. This shows that majority of the respondents are satisfies of demat services.

CHART 3.1.31 Chart showing clients overall satisfaction about internet based demat services

30 No of Respondents 25 20 15 10 5 0 Highly satisfied

27 22

0 1
Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied


Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Demat Services

TABLE 3.1.31 Table showing Angel allowed opening more than one account


Respondents Yes No

Total 35 25 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 35 no of the respondents are allowed opening more than account and 25 no of respondents are saying not allowed more than account. This shows that majority of the respondents are allowed more than account.

CHART 3.1.32 Chart showing Angel allowed opening more than one account

Angel Allowed to clients more than one account

No 25

Yes 35

TABLE 3.1.32 Table showing client pay the amount for opening DP account

S.No 1 2 Total

Respondents Nill Male Female 3 2 5

Below Rs 1000 15 11 26

Rs 10002000 9 3 12

Rs 2000Above Total 4000 4000 0 10 37 0 7 23 0 17 60 (Source of primary data)

INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 5 no of the respondents are Nill and 26 no of respondents are Below Rs 1000 and the 12 no of respondents are Rs 1000-2000 and 0 no of respondents are 2000-4000 and 17 no of respondents are above 4000. This shows that majority of the respondents are below Rs 1000 of pay the amount .

CHART 3.1.33 Chart showing client pay the amount for opening DP account
15 11 9 10 7 3 3 0
1 2 3 DP account opening Amount 4 Male Female

16 14 No of respondents 12 10 8 6 4 2 0


TABLE 3.1.33 Table showing Angel group given to client in depository

S.No 1 2 3 4 Total INTERPERTATION:

Respondents Delivery Dematerialization Re materialization Off market Trading

Total 32 23 2 3 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 32 no of the respondents are delivery and 23 no of respondents are dematerialization and the 2 no of respondents are re materialization and 3 no of respondents are off market trading . This shows that majority of the respondents are delivery.

CHART 3.1.34 Chart showing Angel group given to client in depository

Angel group services to clients

Delivery Dematerialization 2 Re materialization 3 Off market Trading



TABLE 3.1.34 Table showing inter depository transfer

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Total INTERPERTATION: From The above table shows that 9 no of the respondents are very good and 46 no of respondents are good and 3 no of respondents are neither good or bad and 0 no of respondents are bad and 2 no of respondents are very bad. This shows that majority of the respondents are good. Respondents Very Good Good Neither Good or Bad Bad Very Bad Total 9 46 3 0 2 60 (Source of primary data)

CHART 3.1.35 Chart showing depository transfer

No of Respondents 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very Good Good Neither Good or Bad Bad Very Bad

Clients opinion in inter depository of securities

TABLE 3.1.35 Table showing the demat account statement

S.No 1 2 3 4 Total INTERPERTATION:

Respondents View Balance Transaction Monthly transaction statement Yearly transaction statement

Total 12 39 3 6 60 (Source of primary data)

From The above table shows that 12 no of the respondents are view balance and 39 no of respondents are transaction and the 3 no of respondents are monthly transaction and 6 no of respondents are yearly transaction. This shows that majority of the respondents are transaction.

CHART 3.1.36 Chart showing demat account statement

No of respondents

40 30 20 10 0

12 3 6

View Balance

Transaction Monthly transaction statement Demat account statement Yearly transaction statement

The chi-square test is an important test amongst the several tests of significant'.
2 Chi-Square, symbolically written as (Pronounced as Ki-Square), is a statistical

measure used in the context of sampling analysis for comparing a variance to a theoretical variance. It can also be used to make comparisons between theoretical populations and actual data when categories are used. Thus, the chi-square test is applicable in large number of problems. The tests is, in fact, a technique through the use of which it is possible for all researchers to (i) test the goodness of fit; (ii) test the significant of association between two attributes, and (iii) test the homogeneity or the significance of population variance.

(Oij E ij )2 Eij

where Oij = Observed frequency of the cell in ith row and jth column. Eij = Expected frequency of the cell in ith row and jth column.

TABLE 3.1.3 Table showing relationship between occupation and angel equities services level
Business Occupation and Equities service in angel Online fund transfer Internet trading Online book building Other specify Total Professional Retired Government Employee Private Employee Total

12 2 1 0 15

28 1 0 0 29

1 2 1 0 4

0 0 0 0 0

11 1 0 0 12

52 6 2 0 60

Null Hypothesis (H0) Alternate Hypothesis (H1)

: No Significant relationship between Occupation and Angel provides Equities services. : There is Close Significant relationship Occupation and Angel provides Equities services.


(Oij E ij )2 Eij

Oij = Observed frequency of the cell in ith row and jth column. Eij = Expected frequency of the cell in ith row and jth column.





(Oi-Ei) Ei

12 28 1 0 11 2 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 25.13 3.47 0 10.4 1.5 2.9 0.4 0 1.2 0.5 0.97 0.13 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0

-1 2.87 -2.47 0 0.6 0.5 -1.9 1.6 0 -0.2 0.5 -0.97 0.87 0 -0.4 0 0 0 0 0

1 8.2369 6.1009 0 0.36 0.25 3.61 2.56 0 0.04 0.25 0.9409 0.7569 0 0.16 0 0 0 0 0

0.0769 0.3278 1.7589 0 0.0346 0.1667 1.2448 6.4 0 0.0333 0.5 0.97 5.8223 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 17.7353

Chi x = (r-1) (c-1) = (5-1) (5-1) = (4) (4) = 16

CALCULATED FACTOR CHI-SQUARE VALUE Equities service in angel 17.7353






Not Significant

It is noted from the above table that the calculated Chi-square value is less than the table value. So, there is Close relationship between Occupation and Angel proved services in Equities.

TABLE 3.1.20 Table showing relationship between Education and clients satisfaction to derivatives

Hsc Education and Clients satisfaction with derivatives Highly Satisfaction Satisfaction Moderately satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total






5 26 1 3 4 39

1 7 0 1 0 9

3 5 0 2 1 11

0 0 1 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0

9 38 2 6 5 60

Null Hypothesis (H0) Alternate Hypothesis (H1)

: No Significant relationship between Occupation and Angel provides Equities services. : There is Close Significant relationship Occupation and Angel provides Equities services.


(Oij E ij )2 Eij

Oij = Observed frequency of the cell in ith row and jth column. Eij = Expected frequency of the cell in ith row and jth column. Oi Ei (Oi-Ei) (Oi-Ei) (Oi-Ei) Ei 5 1 3 0 0 26 7 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 5.85 1.35 1.65 0.15 0 24.7 5.7 6.97 0.631 0 1.3 0.3 0.37 0.03 0 3.9 0.9 -0.85 -0.35 1.35 -0.15 0 1.3 1.3 -1.97 -0.631 0 -0.3 -0.3 -0.37 0.97 0 -0.9 0.1 0.7225 0.1225 1.8225 0.0225 0 1.69 1.69 3.8809 0.3969 0 0.09 0.09 0.1369 0.9409 0 0.81 0.1 0.1235 0.0907 1.1045 0.15 0 0.0684 0.2964 0.5568 0.63 0 0.0692 0.3 0.37 31.36 0 0.2077 0.0111

2 0 0 4 0 1 0 0

1.1 0.1 0 3.25 0.75 0.92 0.08 0

0.9 -0.1 0 0.75 -0.75 0.08 -0.08 0 0

0.81 0.01 0 0.5625 0.5625 0.0064 0.0064 0

0.7364 0.1 0 0.1731 0.75 0.0064 0.08 0 37.1847

Chi x = (r-1) (c-1) = (5-1) (5-1) = (4) (4) = 16

CALCULATED FACTOR CHI-SQUARE VALUE Client Satisfied in derivatives 37.1847 26.296 16 Significant




It is noted from the above table that the calculated Chi-square value is greater than the table value. So, there is Close relationship between Education and client satisfaction with derivatives.

Table 3.2.1 Weighted average calculation of ANGEL in all the financial services cost Types of cost/Fees Very High 5 Dematerialization 14 Charge Rematerialization 16 Charge Custody Charge Transfer fees Transfer fee intraday DP Account and closing charge Annual maintenance fees Other specify 14 11 31 3 1 214 3.57 6 10 26 15 6 3 214 3.57 6 17 8 28 7 0 215 3.58 4 12 19 11 19 13 24 25 17 19 0 8 4 4 3 2 215 217 218 3.58 3.61 3.63 4 3 2 22 16 5 1 227 3.78 1 10 4 18 3 12 2 6 High Medium Low Very low 1
Weighted Weighted Rank average total average



INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is inferred that, the respondents are selecting the services based on 1st rank is Re materialization, and 2nd Transfer fee intraday, 3rd Transfer fees, 4th Custody charge and Dp account and closing charge, and 6th Annual maintenance fees and 8th Dematerialization. Majority of the respondents are selected based on Rematerialization only.

TABLE 3.1.22 Table showing relationship between Gender and mostly trading in derivatives Mostly trade in derivatives and Gender Male Female Total 7 6 13 21 10 31 9 7 16 37 23 60 Invest Hedge Arbitrage Total

Null Hypothesis (H0) Alternate Hypothesis (H1)

: No Significant relationship between Occupation and Angel provides Equities services. : There is Close Significant relationship Occupation and Angel provides Equities services.


(Oij E ij )2 Eij

Oij = Observed frequency of the cell in ith row and jth column. Eij = Expected frequency of the cell in ith row and jth column. Oi Ei (Oi-Ei) (Oi-Ei) (Oi-Ei) Ei 7 21 9 6 10 7 8.02 19.12 9.87 4.98 11.88 6.13 -1.02 1.88 -0.87 1.02 -1.88 0.87 0 1.0404 3.5344 0.7569 1.0404 3.5344 0.7569 0.1297 0.1849 0.0767 0.2089 0.29754 0.1235 1.0212

Chi x = (r-1) (c-1) = (3-1) (3-1) = (2) (2) =4

CALCULATED FACTOR CHI-SQUARE VALUE Client Satisfied in derivatives 1.0212 9.488 9




Not Significant

It is noted from the above table that the calculated Chi-square value is less than the table value. So, there is Close relationship between Gender and client mostly trade in derivatives.


4.1 FINDINGS: It has been found that table shows that 0-20 age 0 no of the respondents are under the age group 20-40 32 no of the respondents are under the age group 40-60, 26 no of the

respondents are under the age group above 60, 2 no of the respondents of members. This shows that Majority of the respondents are under the age group 20- 40 no of respondents 32 Members. It has been that table shows that 14 no of the respondents are salary and 38 no of the respondents coming house property and 4 no of the respondents are capital market investment and 3 no of the respondents are coming under commodity market investment and 1 no of the respondents are coming under capital gain. This shows that majority of the respondents are coming under the house property.
It has been that table shows that 20 no of respondents are investing the less than 1 year, and 36 no of the respondents are 1-3 year, and 3 no of the respondents are 3-5 years, and 1 no of the respondents are above 5 years. It was found that majority of the respondents are 1-3 year.

It has been that shows that 39 of the respondents are myself buy or sell securities and 21 no of respondent are brokers buy or sell the securities. This shows that majority of the respondent are like myself trading.
It has been that table shows that respondents are 9 no of high satisfied and 38 no of the respondents are satisfied and 2 no of the respondents are moderately satisfied and 6 no of respondents are dissatisfied and 5 no of respondents are high dissatisfied. This shows that majority of the respondents are satisfied. It has been that table shows that 20 no of respondents are investing the less than 1 year, and 36 no of the respondents are 1-3 year, and 3 no of the respondents are 3-5 years, and 1 no of the respondents are above 5 years. It was found that majority of the respondents are 1-3 year . It has been that table shows that 35 no of the respondents are allowed opening more than account and 25 no of respondents are saying not allowed more than account. This shows that majority of the respondents are allowed more than account.

Based on this analysis it is noticed that educated people prefer in investment compared to uneducated people. So angel should concentrate more on uneducated people. Based on this analysis angel should give more attention to female investors to improve the target compared to male investors. Angel should be mostly covered the all age group of respondents. So it is better one. Based on this analysis it is noticed that many investors is not seeking the Emails. So angel should concentrate Email services. Based on this analysis it is noticed that many investors is not get sms services. So angel should concentrate in sms services to clients. Angel should be mostly investors doing self trading. So it better one. Based on this analysis it is noticed that many investors like Rematerialization. So angel should concentrate more to Rematerialization.


Investors perceptions in securities vary from one person to another. While some investors are risk averse while some are risk lovers. The study conducted has helped the researcher to understand why investors prefer angel securities compare to other broking house in the country and has helped to identify the satisfaction level of the customers and also to identify the factors influenced customer preference towards angel securities. angel security has a good name and reputation in the market and also regarded as the leading stock broking firm in the country. If the continues to improve itself according to changing market conditions, and then it can certainly make more investors prefer it to the rest of the broking houses in the country.


Client Perception about the value added services provided by ANGEL BROKING SERVICES IN ERODE
PERSONAL DETAILS 1. Name.. 2. Sex : a) Male b) Female 3. Age.. 4. Educational Qualification: a) Primary education b) Secondary education c) Higher secondary education d) Diploma e) Degree f) PG g) Illiterates 5. Occupation: a) Business b) Professional c) Retired d) Government employee e) Private employee 6. You fall in the annual income group: a) Less than Rs 1,00,000 b) Rs 1,00,000-2,00,000 c) Rs 2,00,000-3,00,000 d) Greater than Rs 3, 00,000 7. What are the revenues of income per month? a) Salary b) House property c) Capital market investment d) Commodity market investment e) Capital gain f) Other specify.. 8. Your investment decision is influenced by a) Yourself b) Friends or relatives c) Agent or brokers d) Advertisements 9. No of dependents in your family (specify the numbers) a) Elders . b) Youngers c) Kids. 10. What are the services you are availed from Angel? a) Trading in equities b) Derivatives trading c) Commodities trading d) Depository services e) Internet trading f) Portfolio management g) Mutual fund investment h) Currency derivatives 11. How long you have been investing or trading? a) Less than 1year b) 1-3 year c) 3-5 year d) More than 5year 12. What are the factors influenced you to select ANGEL? a) Very near to your home b) Nearer to office c) Good services d) Reliability e) Brand image f) Friends reference g) Less charges h) Other specify 13. What is the amount of investment per month Rs. 14. How many days do you hold the securities..days/month/years

15. Who will quote the buying and selling price of securities/commodities.. 16. How much you can invest in derivatives market Rs.and specify some of your Desirable securities and commodities you invested already.. TRADING IN EQUITIES: 17. Which way ANGEL informed to you buy or sell products at right time? a) Sms b) E-mail c) Brouchers d) Newsletters e) Website 18. Do you feel about trading in equities are easy? a) Yes b) No 19. ANGEL provide some value added services in equities, do you get the correct time? a) Yes b) No 20. ANGEL provide following intimations, which one is more helpful for you? a) Buy back b) Open offer c) Annual result d) Policy changes by governments e) Price movement f) Specify news to the share holders 21. Which services you most prefer in equities provide by ANGEL? a) Online fund transfer b) Internet trading c) Online book building d) Others specify.. DERICATIVES: 22. Why do you prefer trading in ANGEL? a) Digital contract b) Intimation of market to market profit or loss c) Provide to verify the trade d) Provide facilities for SLBS e) Intimation about FII f) Direct pay off traders 23. Do you feel easy for selling derivatives? a) Easy b) Difficult 24. How long are you engaged in derivatives process? a) Less than 1 year b)1-2 years c) 2-3 years d) Above 3 years 25. Give your satisfaction level with derivatives contract settlement? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Moderately satisfied d) Dissatisfied e) highly dissatisfied 26. How do you feel in opening of an account for derivatives? a) Easy b) Difficult 27. What is the type of trading you mostly prefer to use in derivatives? a) Invest b) Hedge c) Arbitrage 28. Give your opinion about risk management capacity in derivatives? a) Very good b) Good c) Neither good or bad d) Bad e) Very bad

INTERNET TRADING IN EQUITIES, DERIVATIVES AND COMMODITIES 29. Do you receive sms alert periodically about your demat account holding? a) Always b) Some time c) Never 30. Did sms facility provided by ANGEL, is up to your expectation? a) Much better than expected b) About as expected c) Worse than expected d) No sms service 31. How often you are checking e-mail in box? a) Daily b) Every 3 days c) Every weekend d) Monthly e) No e-mail service 32. How do you feel about getting market information through e-mail? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied 33. Are you feel about internet trading service is easy? a) Yes b) No 34. Which one you most prefer in internet trading services provided by ANGEL? a) Online payment b) Holding statement on regular intervals c) Transparent billing system d) Confirmation for off market e) Intimation of corporate cash action and non 35. Please rate your overall satisfaction about internet based internet based demat services a) Highly satisfied b)Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) highly dissatisfied DEPOSITORY SERVICES: 36. Whether ANGEL allowed opening more than one account in the same DP? a) Yes b) No 37. How much amount you pay for opening DP account? a) Nill b) Below Rs 1000 c) Rs 1000-2000 d) Rs 2000-4000 e) Above Rs 3000 38. ANGEL group present multi quality different services in depository, which helping you mostly? a) Delivery b) Dematerialization c) Re materialization d) Off market trading 39. What is your opinion about inter depository transfer of securities? a) Very good b) Good c) Neither good or bad d) Bad e) Very bad 40. What you can know the demat account statement? a) View balance b)Transactions c) Monthly transaction statement d) Yearly transaction statement

41. Give your comment on cost / fees charged by ANGEL in all the financial services ( please tick) Types of costs/ fees Dematerialization charges Rematerialization charges Custody charges Transfer fees Transaction fee intraday DP Account and closing charges Annual maintenance fees Others specify List out some of the services you are receiving from the ANGEL on trading/ derivatives/DP/portfolio/mutual fund/internet trading etc 42. Give your suggestions to improve the services of ANGEL. Very high High Medium Low Very low

BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference book

C.R Kothari, researcher methodology, published by K.K.Gupta for New age International Private Limited. Second edition. Philip Kotler, Marketing management, Pearson Education Private Limited, 12th edition, New Delhi Jit S Chandan, Statistics, Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2nd edition,New Delhi. L.M Prased, Organization Behavior, Sultan Chand & Sons Educational Publishing Private Limited. P.Mohana Rao, Financial services, Deep and Deep publications Private Limited.

Periodicals Business today In house publication of unicon securities limited

Websites Websites of the company

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