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Self Healing


Rev. Claudia McNeely

Copyright 2008

Self Healing Copyright 2008 Rev. Claudia McNeely Published by Rev. Claudia McNeely P.O. Box 1257 Gilmer, Texas 75644 Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

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Introduction Breath Feelings Prayer Spoken Word Healing Prayer In Action MAP - Medical Assistance Programming Fear Matrix Removal After Word About Rev. Claudia McNeely

All illness is caused by an imbalance in body, mind or spirit. When one of our bodies is out of balance, illness will soon manifest. Dis-ease is our bodys way of telling us that something is wrong, that something in our thinking or emotions needs attention. It is how our body tells us that our energy has been blocked or is moving in an unbalanced way. All dis-ease has an emotional beginning, this has been proven by the medical community. They have found that whenever someone is diagnosed with a dis-ease, an emotional trauma has occurred within two years leading up to it. Headaches can be caused by an inability to resolve emotional upsets, hurt feelings which have gone unexpressed, or your inability to face an issue. Arthritic hands can be caused by severe self-criticism, criticism of others or anger to the bones. Being overweight can be your body's response to feeling a need for protection or hidden anger. Low back pain reflects concern with financial support. Healing is the natural process by which the body heals itself. There are many ways we can heal dis-ease. We can see a doctor or a healer to help us become more balanced. We can change our diet and eat healthier foods. We can take vitamins and minerals. The information we will be discussing here will be techniques you can use to heal your own emotions and thoughts. By healing your emotions and thoughts, you will be more able to heal the dis-ease. We are responsible for our own healing, and these techniques will assist you in healing your self.


The most important skill you can learn in self healing is to breathe deeply. When we become stressed, we have a tendency to hold our breath or breathe very shallowly. This causes our body to tense up even more and increases the stress on our body. We get into a negative cycle that increases the stress until our body becomes dis-eased. Simply taking a deep breath can break this cycle and bring our body back into a more balanced state. It allows our body to relax, clears our mind and helps us to think clearly. It is very important to learn how to breathe properly. A baby is born knowing how to breathe correctly. As it takes in a breath, you will see it's stomach rise and then fall as the breath is released. Notice how you breathe. If you are like most people, only your chest will rise and fall. If you are only moving your chest when you take a breath, then you are not breathing correctly. To breathe in a way that relaxes your body, take a deep breath, filling your lungs until your stomach rises. Let the breath out slowly. Practice this breathing until it becomes a habit to breathe properly at all times. Taking a few deep breaths will slow your pulse, your blood pressure will lower and your body will relax. You will feel less stress. Your thoughts will become clearer. You will be able to make better decisions. Breath is life. The deeper you breathe, the more life you will take in. So, breathe and take life in deeply.

Feelings Prayer

This is a very powerful self healing technique that can be used for anything. It can be used for a headache, a false belief, a negative emotion, etc. Of all the techniques that I know, this is the technique that I use the most for my own healing. I have healed agoraphobia using this technique. I have managed chronic pain with this technique. I use this technique whenever I have an issue come up that needs to be healed. To heal any issue, simply repeat the below prayer. You may have to repeat it numerous times daily to heal the issue, but if you persevere, you will be able to heal it. Spirit, go throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul lineage, through my life contracts and locate all causes, signs, symptoms, side effects, predispositions to and damage from ____(negative emotion)____ and any similar feeling, thought or emotion. Take my higher self and every aspect of my being to the very first incident that caused this feeling to start. Analyze every aspect of it and heal it perfectly, permanently and completely. Come throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul lineage, through my life contracts until I am at the present filled with peace, love, truth and Light. I am ____(positive emotion___ . Every negative thought and inappropriate behavior based on these old feelings quickly disappear. Take all the time you need, Spirit, but quicken time and do the job now. Thank you Spirit.

Spoken Word Healing

This is a technique that I created and use often. It is a very simple, but powerful self healing technique. There are two ways you can use Spoken Word Healing. I prefer using a pendulum when I use this technique. Start the pendulum swinging in a counterclockwise direction as you begin saying the statement. Continue to repeat the statement until the pendulum changes to a clockwise direction to let you know the healing is complete. You can use your pendulum to see how often you need to do the statement. If you are unable to use a pendulum, you can repeat the statement several times or until you feel the energy has shifted. Remove all causes, signs, symptoms, side-effects, predisposition to or damage from ___negative emotion___ from all my bodies on all levels, sending it to the Violet Flame for transmutation, replacing it with ____positive emotion____.

Prayer In Action
Everything we do, every movement we make, everything we say, sends out energy. This energy goes out into the Universe and brings like energy back to us. If this energy is not directed in a specific direction, it brings back to us lost car keys, flat tires, money losses, etc. So to correct this it is necessary to give a specific purpose to the energy. It is important that this be done in writing, because it is important to keep it and make adjustments as necessary. Be very specific what you ask for and make very sure it is REALLY what you want. I suggest starting out with just a few items, and adding to it over time, otherwise you could bring in too many changes at one time. These are some suggestions of things to use: Every time I move my arm brings back to me ______________. Each breath I take brings back to me _________________. Each step I take brings back to me ________________. And, this can go on and on. What do you want to manifest? A new car? Be very specific what kind of car, new or used, what color, etc. Do you want a relationship with Bob or Susy? Or do you really want a relationship with someone who makes you feel certain ways, or someone who treats you a certain way? Be very specific. Do you want money? Don't limit yourself by placing a specific amount. Leave it open so Spirit can send you much more than you need. Ask yourself what you want, then define it to what you REALLY want. And be careful what you ask for because you will get it! Within three months, you will notice a big difference in your life. There won't be as many lost car keys or flat tires. As something is manifested, take it off of your list and replace it with

something else. If within three months, something has not manifested, ask yourself if it is really something you want Do you need to define it better? Is it something you feel you deserve? Is it just something that is going to take a while to manifest?

MAP - Medical Assistance Programming

MAP is a very powerful healing technique which uses the assistance of the White Brotherhood and nature spirits. This technique is from the book "MAP: The Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program" by Machaelle Small Wright. A MAP coning can be used for anything from a headache to severe physical or emotional dis-ease. I first learned about MAP in the early '90's when the book was first published. I truly credit my MAP team with saving my sanity during that time when my daughter Samantha was so critically ill. Your first MAP session will be for a White Brotherhood healing team to be appointed to you and for them to scan your system. There will be no actual healing work done in the first session. Allow yourself at least 45 minutes when you will be undisturbed. You can set an alarm clock if you wish. Lie in a comfortable position, and ask to connect with the energy of the 'Overlighting Deva of Healing', 'Pan' (a nature spirit), 'Your White Brotherhood MAP Team', and 'your Higher Self'. You may feel energy moving through your body as they scan your system or you may feel nothing. When your time is up, ask your MAP team to give you a symbol that you can use to connect with them. In your next session, connect with the energies as above. You can now ask for healing of specific dis-ease. Talk to your MAP team, tell them how you are feeling, what emotions or sensations you feel as they work on you, etc. They gauge how willing or how deeply you wish to work on specific issues by what you tell them. Allow about an hour for each session. If you know how to use a pendulum or self-kinesiology, you can communicate with your MAP team to receive recommendations on vitamins, essences, healing techniques, etc.

Fear Matrix Removal

This powerful technique is from "Beyond Ascension" by Joshua David Stone. It is called The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program. I used this myself for a long time, but then forgot about it. I am very glad to have rediscovered it. It is a special dispensation received from the Spiritual Hierarchy to remove core fear. There are only two emotions on Earth, love or fear. You have either love based emotions and reactions or fear based emotions and reactions. The Fear Matrix Removal Program is a divine dispensation from the Creator that allows members of the Spiritual Hierarchy to actually pull your core fear patterns right out of your subconscious mind and four body system. Clairvoyantly, these can be seen as black roots with many tentacles throughout the body. As they are removed through your crown chakra, they are completely removed from your soul records. Whenever you feel your buttons are being pushed, or you have a negative reaction or emotion, a fear program has been triggered. Immediately call to the Ascended Masters and have them remove it. It is recommended that every night before going to bed for three to six months that you ask for all of your core fear to be removed. If you request to be officially signed up for the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program, they will also work on you without your having to ask. Anytime you become aware of an area where fear-based programming lives, then immediately call to the Masters to remove that specific program. It is very important to be specific and state which fear-based program you want them to remove. You cannot just ask one time that all fear-based programs be removed and never ask again. You must continually work with the Masters and continually ask them to remove the core fear patterns in different areas. Make a list of all the possible core fears and negative ego programming you can think of. Each night before going to bed, ask that a particular area be removed from this life and all your past lives. After the core fear is removed,

you must ask that it be replaced with core love, so that it doesn't come back. MEDITATION FOR THE FEAR MATRIX REMOVAL PROGRAM Ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based programs that are hindering your spiritual growth. You will feel them moving out the top of your head. Then request that they focus on your physical body and ask them to remove any and all fear based programs lodged there. Then request that they move into your etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are blocking you. Move on to the astral body and request that they remove all fear-based programs and spiritual weeds from your astral, or emotional body. Then request that they move to your mental body and remove all thought forms of an imbalanced and negative nature. Then move to your spiritual bodies and request that they be cleared. Ask that the programs be completely removed from your soul and from the Akashic Records. You must give your permission for them to do this. During another meditation, go through each of your seven major chakras. Begin with the first chakra and request the Fear Matrix Removal Program to remove all imbalanced energies and fear-based programs preventing you from achieving your ascension in the first chakra. Then do the same for each of the other six chakras. Do this for twenty-one days and see what happens! I highly recommend 'Beyond Ascension' or any of Joshua's other books. They are filled with many powerful techniques for spiritual growth.

After Word
You have just learned many techniques that you can use to heal yourself. You can now heal your dis-ease and change your life on all levels. Remember, healing is like peeling an onion. You will work through many levels before you reach the core and heal it completely. Be patient and consistent. Some issues can be very deep and difficult for us to heal without assistance. If you are having problems healing an issue, contact me through and schedule a Healing Session with me. I can help you with these difficult, hard to heal issues. Namaste.

Rev. Claudia McNeely

Ask Claudia Psychic/Healer I am a world renowned Psychic, an Alternative Healer, a Medical Intuitive, Internet Radio Host and Teacher. I have been studying Metaphysics since 1987. I have been very blessed to have some wonderful teachers during that time who have taught me about a lot of different subjects. I am certified in Hypnotherapy, One Brain, Reiki I, II, Master in many Reiki Traditions, and Iridology. I have attended classes in many forms of healing including Healing Touch, BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique, Radionics, Radiathesia, Past Life Therapy, Psychic Development and much more. I have been a serious student of Feng Shui, Meditation, Transpersonal Psychology, Ascension Techniques, Herbs, Crystals, Shamanism, Native American Spirituality, Candle Magick, Wicca, Voodoo, and much more. I have been a professional Psychic/Healer since 1995. In my readings, I am honest and frank, telling what I actually see instead of what you want to hear. According to my clients I am very accurate in my predictions. I assist my clients in creating the life they want and manifesting the things they want into their lives. I have more than ten years of experience assisting others to heal in body, mind and spirit. I assist clients world wide to transform their lives using Transpersonal Counseling, Emotional Healing, Soul Retrieval, Inner Child Healing, Past Life Readings and Therapy, Etheric Surgery, Aura Healing,

Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, Implant Removal, House Clearing and much more. Visit Lightworker Supplies - - quality New Age and Metaphysical Jewelry, Crystal Jewelry, Crystal Wands, Fantasy Shirts and more. Join Claudia and her distinguished guests on A Time To Heal Internet Radio Show as they get to the heart of healing in body, mind and spirit. http:// .

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