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Flexible Manufacturing System

Computer control room Tools Conveyor






Finished goods

Definition of Flexible Manufacturing System Consists of a group of processing stations (usually CNC machines) ; interconnected by means of an automated handling and storage system and controlled by an integrated computer system. Capable of processing a variety of different types of job/part under NC program control at the various workstations so we can refer it as FMS

What is an FMS?
A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing system in which there is some amount of flexibility that allows the system to react in the case of changes, whether predicted or unpredicted. Two categories of flexibility Machine flexibility, covers the system's ability to be changed to produce new product types, and ability to change the order of operations executed on a part. Routing flexibility, which consists of the ability to use multiple machines to perform the same operation on a part, as well as the system's ability to absorb largescale changes, such as in volume, capacity, or capability.

Basic Components of an FMS:

Workstations Material handling and storage system Computer control system People are required to manage and operate the system.

1. Workstations: In present day application these workstations are typically computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools that perform machining operation on families of parts. Flexible manufacturing systems are being designed with other type of processing equipments including inspection stations, assembly works and sheet metal presses. The various workstations are (i) Machining centers (ii) Load and unload stations (iii) Assembly work stations (iv) Inspection stations (v) Forging stations (vi) Sheet metal processing, etc.

Load/Unload Stations - Physical interface: FMS and factory. Machining Stations - Most common is the CNC machining center. Other Processing Stations - sheetmetal fabrication, forging. Assembly machines. Industrial robots, component placement

Other Stations and Equipment -inspection stations, cleaning stations, central coolant delivery and chip removal systems.

Material Handling and Storage System

The various automated material handling systems are used to transport work parts and subassembly parts between the processing stations, sometimes incorporating storage into function.

Functions of the Handling System Random, independent movement of workparts between stations. Handle a variety of workpart configurations. Temporary storage. Convenient access for loading and unloading workparts. Compatible with computer control.

Computer Control System It is used to coordinate the activities of the processing stations and the material handling system in the FMS. The various functions of computer control system are: (i) Control of each work station (ii) Distribution of control instruction to work station (iii) Production control (vi) Traffic control (v) Shuttle control (vi) Work handling system and monitoring (vii) System performance monitoring and reporting

The FMS is most suited for the mid variety, mid value production range.

Additional component Human beings are needed to manage the operations of the FMS. Functions typically performed by people include Loading raw work parts onto the system, Unloading finished parts or assemblies from the system, Changing and setting tools, Equipment maintenance and repair, NC part programming and Operating the computer system.

Types of FMS
Each FMS is designed for a specific application; that is, a specific family of parts and processes. Therefore, each FMS is custom-engineered; each FMS is unique.

Investment, Production rate, Annual volumue

Flexible mfg. System Flexible mfg. cell

Single machine cell

1 2 or 3 4 or more Number of machines

Figure 16.4 Features of the three categories of flexible cells and systems.


Early FMSs were large and very complex, consisting of dozens of CNCs and sophisticated material handling systems. They were very automated, very expensive and controlled by incredibly complex software. There were only a limited number of industries that could afford investing in a traditional FMS as described above. Currently, the trend in FMS is toward small versions of the traditional FMS, called flexible manufacturing cells (FMC). Today two or more CNC machines are considered a flexible cell and two more cells are considered a flexible manufacturing system.

Thus, a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) consists of several machine tools along with part and tool handling devices such as robots, arranged so that it can handle any family of parts for which it has been designed and developed.

FMSs can be distinguished according to the number of machines.

Single machine cell - One CNC machining center combined with a parts storage system for unattended operation.

Flexible manufacturing cell (FMC): Consists of two or three processing stations (CNC machines) plus a parts handling system connected to a load/unload station, a cell computer and a robot. The cell computer (typically a programmable logic controller) is interfaced with the microprocessors of the robot and the CNCs.
Flexible manufacturing system - Four or more processing workstations connected mechanically by a common parts handling system and electronically by a distributed computer system.

Figure 16.2 Single machine cell consisting of one CNC machining center and parts storage unit.

A 5 machine FMS for machining at Cincinnati Milacron

Elements of the Vought F.M.S.: Eight 4-axes Milacron 20 HC horizontal machining centre with Allen Bradley numerical control and a 90 capacity tool magazine. A washing station. 4 wire-guided vehicles. Two Carousals, each with 10 spaces. Two D.E.A. vertical measuring machines, with transverse movement and heads with two axes of rotation. A rectification centre. Swarf treating system.

Differences between FMC and FMS

Number of machines: a FMC has two or three machines, while a FMS has four or more.

FMS generally includes non-processing workstations that support production but do not directly participate in it (e.g., part/pallet washing stations, coordinate measuring machines)
Computer control system of a FMS is generally larger and more sophisticated, often including functions not always found in a cell, such as diagnostics and tool monitoring.

Flexibility criteria applied to the three types of manufacturing cells and systems.
System type Part variety Schedule change

Error recovery

New part

Single machine cell (SMC)

Yes, but processing sequential, not simultaneous

Limited recovery due to only one machine

Flexible mfg cell (FMC)

Yes, simultaneous production of different parts


Error recovery limited by fewer machines than FMS


Flexible mfg system (FMS)

Yes, simultaneous production of different parts


Machine redundancy minimizes effect of machine breakdowns


Another classification of FMSs is by level of flexibility:

Dedicated FMS Designed to produce a limited variety of part styles, and the complete universe of parts to be made on the system is known in advance. Part family is likely to be based on product commonality rather than geometric similarity.

Dedicated FMS (continued)

Product design is stable, so the system can be designed with a certain amount of process specialization to make the operations more efficient.

The machine sequence may be identical or nearly identical for all parts processed, and so a transfer line may be appropriate, in which the workstations possess the necessary flexibility to process the different parts in the mix (flexible transfer line)

Random-order FMS More appropriate when the part family is large, substantial variations in part configurations, new part designs introduced into the system and engineering changes in parts currently produced, and production schedule is subject to change.

More flexible than the dedicated FMS.

General purpose machines to deal with the variations in product More sophisticated computer control system is required.

Flexibility criteria applied to dedicated FMS and random-order FMS

System type

Part variety

Schedule change

Error recovery

New part

Dedicated FMS

Limited. All parts known in advance.

Limited changes can be tolerated.

Limited by sequential processes.

New part introduction is difficult.

Randomorder FMS

Yes. Substantial part variations possible.

Frequent and significant changes possible.

Machine redundancy minimizes effect of machine breakdowns

Yes. System designed for new part introductions

Flexibility, part variety

Randomorder FMS

Dedicated FMS

Production rate annual volume

Figure 16.5 Comparison of dedicated and random-order FMS types.


The different types of FMS are Sequential FMS Random FMS Dedicated FMS Engineered FMS Modular FMS
Sequential FMS: It manufactures one-piece part batch type and then planning and preparation is carried out for the next piece part batch type to be manufactured. It operates like a small batch flexible transfer line. Random FMS: It manufactures any random mix of piece part types at any one time. Dedicated FMS: It continually manufactures, for extended periods, the same but limited mix of piece part batch types. Engineered FMS: It manufactures the same mix of part types throughout its lifetime. Modular FMS: A modular FMS, with a sophisticated FMS host, enables and FMS user to expand their FMS capabilities in a stepwise fashion into any of the previous four types of FMS

WHERE TO APPLY FMS TECHNOLOGY FMS are considered to fill a gap between high production transfer lines and low production NC machines.

For high volumes and output rates, transfer lines represent the most efficient method. The limitation of the transfer line is that variations in product configurations cannot be readily tolerated. A substantial redesign of the product may render this mode of production obsolete.
On the other hand , stand alone NC and CNC machines can accommodate changes in part configuration, the production rates are substantially lower and the parts are usually made in batches. In terms of efficiency and productivity, a gap exists between the high production line and highly flexible NC machines. The solution if midvolume production problem is the FMS

In mid volume production range, the advantages of the FMS over stand alone is that the production of several products are intermixed and production rates are higher. Instead of batching the products one at a time on an NC machine to meet requirements, the various products can made simultaneously on the system. The setup time for changeover is minimized with an FMS, so the economic batch size reduces to one at the same time that the average production rate increases. Intermixing of products on the system permits the output rate of each product to be set at its corresponding demand rate. This reduces the work in process and the final product inventories that are so typical of batch production methods. The advantage of the FMS over a transfer line is flexibility. The FMS can be used to run a variety of product configurations whereas the transfer lines can produce only one or a limited number of product types

FMS technology can be applied in situations similar to those for cellular manufacturing:
Presently, the plant either (1) produces parts in batches, or (2) uses manned GT cells and management wants to automate. It must be possible to group a portion of the parts made in the plant into part families, whose similarities permit them to be processed on the machines in the flexible manufacturing system. The parts or products made by the facility are in the mid-volume, mid-variety production range. The appropriate production volume range is 5000 to 75,000 parts per year.


Stand-alone NC machines


Flexible manufacturing systems


Transfer lines Low Medium Production Volume High

FMS WORKSTATIONS The processing or assembly equipment used in FMS depends on the type of work that is accomplished on the system . In a system designed for machining operations, the principal types of or processing station are CNC machine tools. However FMS concepts is being applied to various other processes as well. Following are the types of machines used in FMS workstations. 1. Machining Centers: CNC machines possess features that make it very compatible with FMS approach to production, including automatic tool changing and tool storage, use of palletized work parts, CNC control and capacity for DNC control.

2. Head Changers: For specialized machining applications involving multiple tool cuts on the workpart, head changers can be used as processing stations in an FMS.
A head changer is a special machine tool with the capability to change tool heads as a machining centre changes single cutters. The tools heads are usually multiple spindle tool modules that can be stored on a rack or drum located on or near the machine. They are used to performed simultaneous multiple drilling and related machining operations on a work part. Higher production rates can be achieved than when the operations are performed one at a time.

Because of the high cost of the tooling involved, head changers are usually only where production volume is sufficient to justify the savings in production time.

Head Indexers: The head indexer is similar to the head changer except that the tool heads are larger, tool large to permit them to be moved between the spindle drive and a tool storage location. Accordingly, instead of exchanging the tool heads to and from the storage, the heads are attached semi-permanently to an indexing mechanism on the machine tool. In that way, it can be rotated into position to perform the simultaneous machining operations on the part.

The applications of head indexers is normally limited to FMS installations involving the processing of specific families of parts.
Milling modules: In some machining systems, the types of operations performed are concentrated in a certain category of machining such as drilling, milling or turning. For drilling a head changer or head indexer is often appropriate for maximizing the production rates.

For milling special milling machine modules can be used to achieve higher production levels than a machining center is capable of. The milling module can be vertical spindle, horizontal spindle or multi spindle.

Turning Modules: Special turning modules are designed for the FMS. In conventional turning, the workpiece is rotated against a tool that is held in the machine and fed in a direction parallel the axis of work rotation. Since many of the parts made on an FMS, the turning module must be designed to rotate the single-point tool around the work.
Assembly work stations: 1. To replace manual labour in assembly typically made in batches. 2. Industrial robots are used as automated work stations. 3. Robots can be programmed to perform tasks with variations in sequence and motion pattern to accommodate the different product styles made on the system.

Inspection modules: 1. By including an inspection operation at a given workstation or by designation a specific station or inspection. 2. co-ordinate measuring machine special inspection probes that can be used in a machine tool spindle and machine vision can be used for performing inspection in FMS. 3. Inspection has been found to particularly important in Flexible assembly systems to ensure that components ha been properly added at the work station as specified. Sheet metal processing machines: The flexible system concept is being adapted to sheet fabrication process. The processing stations consist of press working operations such as punching, shearing and certain bending and forming processes. Forging stations: forging is traditionally a very labour intensive manufacturing activity. The workstations in the system consist of heating furnace, the forging press, and a trimming station.

Material Handling and Storage System

Second major component of FMS Functions of the Handling System Random, independent movement of workparts between stations: Parts must be capable of moving from any one machine in the system to any other machine. Allows the achieve various processing sequences on different machines in the cell and To make substitutions when certain machines are busy.

Handle a variety of workpart configurations: For prismatic parts: usually accomplished by using pallet fixtures in the handling system. Fixture is located on the top face of the pallet and is designed to accommodate different part configurations by means of common components, quick change features and other devices that permit a rapid buildup of the fixture for a given part. The base of the pallet is designed for material handling system. For rotational parts, industrial robots are used to load, unload the turning type machine tools and transfer parts between workstations

Temporary storage: The number of parts in the FMS typically exceeds the number of parts actually being processed In this way each machine has a queue of parts waiting to be processed. This helps to increase machine utilization. Convenient access for loading and unloading workparts: The handling system must provide a means to load and unload parts from the FMS. This is accomplished by having one or more load/unload stations in the system. Manual operators are used to build up pallet fixtures, load the parts, and unload the finished parts when the processing has been completed. Compatible with computer control : The handling must be capable of being controlled directly by the computer to direct it to the various work stations, load and unload stations and so on.

FMS Layout Configurations

1. In-line layout

2. Loop layout
3. Ladder layout 4. Open field layout 5. Robot-centered cell

1. Progressive or Line type: The machines and handling system are arranged in a line as shown in the Fig.1.4 (a). It is most appropriate for a system in which the part progress from one workstation to the next in a well defined sequence with no back flow. The operation of this type of system is very similar to transfer type. Work always flows in unidirectional path as shown in Fig.1.4 (a).

1. In-line layout

2. Loop Type: The basic loop configuration is as shown in Fig. 1.4 (b). The parts usually move in one direction around the loop, with the capability to stop and be transferred to any station. The loading and unloading station are typically located at one end of the loop Fig.1.4 (b). A secondary handling system is shown at each work station to permit parts to move without obstruction around the loop.

2. Loop layout

3. Ladder Type: The configuration is as shown in Fig. 1.4 (c). The loading and unloading station is typically located at the same end. The sequence to the operation/transfer of parts from one machine tool to another is in the form of ladder steps as shown in Fig.1.4 (c). This is an adaption of the loop. It contains rungs won which workstations are located. The rungs increase the possible ways of getting from one machine to the next. This reduces the average travel distance, there by reducing the transfer time between workstations.

3. Ladder layout

4. Open Field Type: The configuration of the open field is as shown in Fig.1.4 (d). The loading and unloading station is typically located at the same end.

The parts will go through all the substations, such as CNC machines, coordinate measuring machines and wash station by the help of AGVs from one substation to another. Generally appropriate for the processing large family of parts.
The number of different machine types may be limited and parts are routed to different workstations depending which one becomes available first.

4. Open field layout

5. Robot Centered Type:

Robot centered cell is a relatively new form of flexible system in which one or more robots are used as the material handling systems as shown in Fig.1.4 (e). Industrial robots can be equipped with grippers that make them well suited for handling of rotational parts. FMS layouts designed around robots as the material handling system are therefore used to process cylindrical or disk-shaped parts,

5. Robot-centered cell

Factors Influencing the FMS Layouts:

The various factors influencing the layouts of FMS are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Availability of raw material Proximity to market Transport facilities Availability of efficient and cheap labor Availability of power, water and fuel Atmospheric and climatic condition Social and recreation facilities Business and economic conditions

Material Handling Equipment

The material handling function in a FMS is often used to transfer parts between two systems: 1. Primary handling system - Establishes the basic layout of the FMS and is responsible for moving workparts between stations in the system. Roller conveyors, cart-on-track conveyors and other types of conveyor systems, in-floor towline carts, AGV systems and industrial robots form primary handling systems.
2. Secondary handling system - consists of transfer devices, automatic pallet changers, and similar mechanisms located at the workstations in the FMS. The secondary handloing system is located at each workstation and is used to transfer work from the primary system to the machine tool and other processing station. Its function is to position and locate the parts with sufficient accuracy and repeatability at the workstation for processing. Buffer storage of parts may also be provided at each workstation by secondary system.

In some FMS installations, the secondary handling system is not included. All of the positioning and registration requirements at the individual stations are satisfied by primary work handling system.
The primary handling is sometimes is supported by an automated storage such as an automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS). The FMS is integrated with AS/RS and the S/R machine serves the work handling function or the workstations as well as delivering parts to and from the storage racks.

Equipment used as primary handling system

Layout configuration In-line layout Typical material handling system In-line transfer system Conveyor system Rail guided vehicle system

Loop layout
Ladder layout

Conveyor system In-floor towline carts

Conveyor system Automated guided vehicle system Rail guided vehicle Automated guided vehicle system In-floor towline carts Industrial robot

Open field layout Robot-centered layout

Computer Control System

Function performed by FMS computer control: 1. Workstation control: Individual processing or assemble stations generally operate under some form computer control. CNC is used to control the individual machine tools.
2. Distribution of control instructions to workstations: Some form intelligence is required to coordinate the processing at the individual stations. In a machining FMS, part programs must be downloaded to the machines and DNC is used for this purpose.DNC systems stores the programs, allows entering and editing of programs as needed and performs other DNC functions. 3. Production control: Decisions on part mix and rate of input of the various parts on to the system. The computer performs its production control function by routing an applicable pallet to the load and unload area and providing instructions to the operator to load the desired part.

4. Traffic control: Regulation of Primary handling system. Control is effected by dividing the transport into zones. A zone is a section of the primary transport system (towline chain, conveyor etc,) which is individually controlled by the computer. By allowing only one cart or pallet to be in the zone, the movement of each individual part is controlled. The traffic controller operates the switches at branches and merging points, stops workparts at machine tool loading points and moves parts to operator load/unload stations. 5. Shuttle control: Regulation of secondary handling system at each machine tool. Each shuttle system must be coordinated with primary handling system and must also be synchronized with the operations of the machine tool it serves.


Work handling system monitoring: The computer must monitor the status of each cart and/or pallet in the primary and secondary handling systems as well as the status of each of the various workpart types in the system. Tool control: Monitoring and control of cutting tool status is an important feature of FMS computer system. Concerned with managing two aspects of the cutting tools: (a) tool location: keeping track of the tools at each station on the line. (b) tool life monitoring: A tool life is specified to the computer for each cutting tool in the FMS. A file is kept on the machining time usage of each tool. When the cumulative machining time reaches the life for a given tool, operator is notified that a replacement is in order.



Performance monitoring and reporting :

Type of report

Description Uptime proportion of workstations. Details such as reasons for downtime are included to identify recurring problem areas.



Summarizes the utilization of each workstation in the system as well as the average utilization of the FMS for specified periods (days, weeks, months).
Summarizes daily and weekly quantities of different parts produced. Compares actual quantities against production schedule. Provides information on various aspects of tool control, such as a listing of tools at each workstation and tool life status. Instantaneous snapshot of the present condition of the FMS. Line supervision can request this report at any time to learn the current status of any of the above operating parameters.

Production performance Tooling


FMS Planning and Design Issues

Part family considerations: The part family that will be processed on the FMS must be defined. Part families can be based on product commonality as well as part similarity. The term product commonality refers to different components used on the same product. Processing requirements: In machining applications, non-rotational parts are produced by machining centers, milling machines, and like machine tools; rotational parts are machined by turning centers and similar equipment.

Physical characteristics of the workparts: Part sizes and weights determine the size of the machines and the size of the material handling system.

FMS Planning and Design Issues (continued) Production volume: The production quantities determine how many machines will be required. Production volume is also a factor in selecting the most appropriate type of material handling equipment for the system. Variations in process routings: If variations in process sequence are minimal, then an in-line flow is most appropriate. As product variety increases, a loop is more suitable. If there is significant variation in the processing, a ladder layout or open field layout are most appropriate.

Work-in-process and storage capacity: If WIP is too low, then stations may become starved. If WIP is too high, then congestion may result. The WIP level should be planned.

FMS Planning and Design Issues(continued) FMS man power requirements: 1. One part (or assemblies) Loader /unloader for each five machines 2. One Changing and setting tools for every 10 machines. This assumes the FMS does not have automated tool changing system beyond the use of tool drums at each machine tool. Duties may include building up the pallet fixtures for different part design. 3. One utility worker for each 10 machines. 4. Equipment maintenance and repair 5. Part programmer for NC part programming in a machining system 6. Computer operators for programming and operating the computer system 7. One system manager for overall management of the system per FMS.

FMS Planning and Design Issues(continued) Appropriate production volume range: 5000-75,000 parts per year. If annual production lies below this range FMS is likely to be an expensive alternative. If is above this range a more specialized production system (transfer line) should be considered.

Minimum number of machines per FMS :

Four to justify the expense of the computer control system and the automated handling system four machines in the FMS is considered to be a minimum. Below that level, a GT cell or standalone CNC machining center should be considered.

FMS Planning and Design Issues(continued) Minimum normal clearance on work in an FMS: +/- 0.002 mm. the use of pallet fixtures and material handling system introduces additional positioning errors beyond those of stand-alone machine tool. Consequently, an FMS cannot achieve close tolerances as well as a single machine. If part tolerances are closer than +/- 0.002 mm, a stand alone machining center should be easily capable of that level of accuracy. FMS will require special processing considerations (eg: inspection probes, precision boring heads, etc) to achieve such a tolerance.

FMS Planning and Design Issues(continued) Pallet fixtures. The number of pallet fixtures required in the system must be decided. Factors include: levels of WIP allowed in the system, and differences in part style and size. Parts that differ too much require different fixturing. Consider modular fixturing. Tooling. Tooling decisions include types and numbers of tooling at each station. Consideration should also be given to the degree of duplication of tooling at the different stations. Tool duplication tends to increase routing flexibility.

FMS Benefits
Increased machine utilization: FMSs achieve a higher average utilization than stand-alone machines in a conventional machine shop. Reasons include: (1) 24 hour per day operation, (2) automatic tool changing at machine tools, (3) automatic pallet changing at workstations, (4) queues of parts at stations, and (5) dynamic scheduling of production that takes into account irregularities from normal operations. It should be possible to approach 80% to 90% asset utilization. Fewer machines required: utilization. Because of higher machine

Reduction in factory floor space required: Compared to a job shop of equivalent capacity, a FMS generally requires less floor area. Reductions in floor space requirements = 40% to 50%.

Greater flexibility in production scheduling: A FMS improves response capability to part design changes, introduction of new parts, changes in production schedule and product mix, machine breakdowns, and tool failures. Adjustments can be made in the production schedule from one day to the next to respond to rush orders and special customer requests. Reduced WIP: Because different parts are processed together rather than separately in batches, WIP is less than in batch production. Inventories of starting and finished parts reduced also. Reductions = 60% to 80%. Lower manufacturing lead times: Closely correlated with lower WIP is MLT. This means faster customer deliveries.

Reduced direct labor requirements productivity: Savings = 30% to 50%

Opportunity for unattended production




Disadvantages of FMS
Limited ability to adapt to changes in product or product mix (e.g., machines are of limited capacity and the tooling necessary for products, even of the same family, is not always feasible in a given FMS) Substantial pre-planning activity Expensive, costing millions of dollars Technological problems of exact component positioning and precise timing necessary to process a component Sophisticated manufacturing systems

The concept of flexible automation is applicable to a wide variety of manufacturing operations. The full potential of this technology has not yet been realized. Machining is the most common example of current FMS installations. Other applications are growing and include assembly, sheet metal pressing and forging.

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