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Name of Drug Valium

Generic Name Diazepam

Dosage 5 mg/tab

Indication Depress the CNS, probably by potentiating GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. - Produces skeletal muscle relaxation by inhibiting spinal polysynaptic afferent pathways. - Has anticonvulsant properties due to enhanced presynaptic inhibition.Therapeutic effects: (1) Relief of Anxiety (2) Sedation (3) Amnesia (4) Skeletal muscle relaxant (5) Decreased seizure activity

Drug Interaction Some products that may interact with this drug include: certain anti-depressants (e.g., fluoxetine, fl uvoxamine, nefaz odone), cimetidin e, clozapine, digoxin, disulfiram , kava, ketoconazol e, levodopa, omepra zole, phenytoin, sodiu m oxybate.

Adverse Effect CNS: 1) dizziness 2) drowsiness 3) lethargy 4) hangover 5) headache 6) depression - EENT: 1) blurred vision - RESP: 1) respiratory depression - CV: 1) hypotension - GI: 1) constipation 2) diarrhea 3) nausea 4) vomiting - DERM: 1) rashes - LOCAL: 1) pain (IM) 2) phlebitis (IV) 3) venous thrombosis - MISC: 1) physical & psychological depence

Nursing Responsibility -Monitor BP, PR,RR prior to periodically throughout therapy and frequently during IV therapy. - Assess IV site frequently during administration, diazepam may cause phlebitis and venous thrombosis. - Prolonged high-dose therapy may lead to psychological or physical dependence. Restrict amount of drug available to patient. Observe depressed patients closely for suicidal tendencies. - Observe and record intensity, duration and location of seizure activity. The initial dose of diazepam offers seizure control for 15-20 min after administration. - IM injections are painful and erratically absorbed. If IM route is used, inject deeply into deltoid muscle for maximum absorption. - Caution patient to avoid taking alcohol or other CNS depressants concurrently with this medication. - Effectiveness of therapy can be demonstrated by decrease anxiety level; control of seizures; decreased tremulousness.

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