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Tigers appear on many flags, coats of arms, and as mascots for sporting teams. The Bengal tiger is the national animal of both India and Bangladesh.

The Tiger (Panthera Tigris, Linnaeus) is the national animal of India. Tiger is also called the lord of Jungles. The national animal of India, is a rich-colored wellstriped animal with a short coat. As the national animal of India, tiger symbolizes India's wildlife wealth. The combination of grace, strength, agility and enormous power has earned the tiger great respect and high esteem.

Distribution: Tigers range from India to Siberia and South East Asia.

Habitat: Tigers prefer habitat is forest although they can also be found in grassland and swamp margins. They require sufficient cover, a good population of large prey and a constant water supply.

Diet: Their main prey species are large animals such as deer, buffalo and wild pigs, but they will also hunt fish, monkeys, birds, reptiles and sometimes even baby elephants. Occasionally, tigers kill leopards, bears and other tigers.

Conservation status: Tigers are on CITES: Appendix I and are listed as Endangered by the IUCN. They are illegally poached for their fur and other body parts, and suffer from habitat loss. The Chinese tiger (P.t.amoyensis) and the Siberian tiger (P.t.altaica) are under extreme threat of extinction.

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