Zygote Identification - CPMA, Centre de Procréation Médical Assistée

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Zygote identification

Once a sperm has penetrated the oocyte, the genetic material from the father and mother appear in the form of structures called pronuclei. So, 16-20 hours post-fertilization, the zygotes (fertilized eggs) are identified by the presence of two pronuclei (maternal and paternal nuclei) and two polar bodies. In general, two zygotes are cultured for the transfer of fresh embryos. Zy got e at t he t wo pronuclei st age, visible side by side in in accordance with the Swiss law (LPMA) , all supernumerary t he cent re of t he oocy t e. The 2 zygotes are frozen immediately (this must be done before the polar bodies are visible at 12h. 20th hour, corresponding to when the pronuclei disappear and merge their content).

Formation of the zygote

CPMA, Rue de la Vigie 5, 1003 Lausanne, t l: 021 321 15 80

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