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One of the aspects that require more and more in the context of curricular reform of the education system in our country is the adequacy of the action teaching to the needs of individual and social development. Achieving this goal requires, inter alia, adoption and dedication to creative teaching strategies, ensuring overcoming traditional educational practices incompatible with current general objectives of instruction and education. For such design approaches of educational advocates and authors of "Teaching Humanities disciplines". The premise is that design has on the educational actions crystallize in the connection between social requirements, space culture and development needs of the individual. This paper proposes an alternative approach to teaching and learning in the social-humanitarian, trying to overcome old paradigm bookish herbartian inspiration that keeps the student in the new state of passive reception. Authors plea for recovery is in education, especially pedagogical and educational Humanities disciplines, with their valences informative. In this respect the authors emphasize the need to adopt a teaching style that removes ex-cathedra lectures dogmatism that prevents them actively involved in participative educational activities. This approach to training is based on scientific research conducted in recent years in the fields of psychology, education, general didactics, didactics Humanities disciplines and other disciplines of study didactics. Authors appreciate the efforts of theoreticians and practitioners to provide a well-documented scientific bibliographic support based on quality sources and recent, domestic and foreign.

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