Data Structures

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Data structures

1. What does data and Information mean to you?

2. How will you access an array element?

3. What do you mean by Record, File?

4. Give some examples for pre-defined data types and user-defined data types.

5. Say True/false for the following questions. i. Size of the array changes automatically when we insert/delete an element in an array. ii. Array can store elements of different data types.

6. Write anyone disadvantage of an array.

7. Write the output of the following code int *p,a=10;

p=&a; printf(%d, p,*p);

8. Give a real time example for the following system

i. Where the Last entered element gets out first (Last In First Out)

ii. Where the first entered element gets out first (First In First Out)

9. Write an algorithm to search any element in an array.

10. Give an example for compile time (static) initialization and run time (dynamic) initialization in C.

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