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Practical Action


Take an inventory of the amount of plastic materials you would purchase per week. This includes plastic bags, bottles, containers, etc. Gradually reduce purchasing these items while at the same time recycle and reuse the ones you already have. Note: this was conducted based on your own personal items.

Response received to this proposal/ request.

This proposal was met by 3 agreements as well as 2 skeptical answers by the persons when asked to implement the action plan in an effort to reduce land pollution. The persons who agreed did so base on their belief that: 1. It was cheaper to reuse the plastic materials they had than buy more. 2. It aided in easing pollution in that they did not need to look for a bin to dispose of their waste if they were reusing their items. 3. It was more convenient to reuse items such as plastic bottles for carrying drinking water than to go into a line to buy such items, you could just walk with and have at hand. While persons who disagreed argued that: 1. They found it convenient not having to fetch items such as water. 2. They did not mind having to buy what they needed. 3. Reusing an item such as a bottle was an inconvenience to them as items they wished to stay cold did not when they preferred it cold.

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